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Level 2
One of the brightest philosophers of her time, or, at least, that's what she'll tell you with a wry smile. Kotoba has an unmatched hatred for herself, which she thinly veils with her self-aggrandizing attitude and caustic "wit."

First Name: Kotoba (詩)
Surname: Ai (阿井)

Gender: Cis female, she/her pronouns.

Height + Weight: 158cm, 45kg (BMI: baaad, underweight)

Build: Slim and short, from her father and mother respectively.

Eye + Hair Color: Black!

Nationality: Proud Japanese in body and mind.

Date + Place of Birth: November 4th, 2XXX in Tokyo, Japan. 18 years old.

Abnormalities: Self-proclaimed sophist and romantic, horrible eyesight, terminally cynical, serial bluffer, shameless in her tastes, ashamed of her ridiculous name and her growing resemblance to her father.

Equipment: Diary (x1), raunchy novel drafts (x30 and counting), ballpoint pens (x2), flip phone (x1)

Character Voice: Amamiya Sora as Yoshizawa Kasumi (P5R)
Kotoba speaks in a higher pitch at a reasonable pace, but is known to speed up when she has a lot to say. It can be described as clear and expressive.

Kotoba has been journaling since she learnt how to write, it's become a habit of hers to transfer her thoughts onto her diary in order to process them. So far, she has burned through seven diaries, discarding of each of them in their own comically dramatic way once she ran out of pages.

"Dear diary, today I was reminiscing."
(tw: bullying, suicide)

"... Stylized cherry blossoms flowered even on the badge of the regulation school cap and on the buttons of our uniforms."
- No Longer Human, Dazai, 1948

From a young age, Kotoba has been inclined to isolate herself from others, preferring
to read in her room. Having been in love with classic literature for the longest time, she naturally excelled in her Japanese classes, but was an unremarkable student otherwise. Despite her efforts to remain unremarkable, she was nonetheless bullied by her peers, because of course she was, the intensity of which could vary from poking fun at her to her face to stealing and vandalizing her belongings behind her back. Kotoba presently acknowledges this as a "typical middle school experience," and has no idea what you mean by "lasting effects on her self-esteem."

Kotoba's time in high school, on the other hand, was nothing short of a nightmare. Not only did her grades begin to drop, but she was regarded as even weirder by her peers. She more or less endured a year and some of this next-level bullying before she caved and threw herself into a river on a warm spring day during her second year. She was rescued by an onlooker when she realized her will to live and began to struggle to the surface, her black hair contrasting against the blanket of pink petals.

"... I am, after all, an aristocrat."
- The Setting Sun, Dazai, 1947

With the help of strangers on an online forum, Kotoba came to the conclusion that it was better to embrace her interests instead of concealing to please others who never would have liked her either way. She adopted a sort of Stoic approach to life, concluding after each minor or major inconvenience that it didn't matter in the grand scale of things, and that she was above it all anyways.

Sometimes, she finds residues of this way of thinking in her present train of thought, and it never fails to send shivers down her spine. The diaries from this period were all destroyed completely so as to not leave a trace.

This was only one of many peculiar coping mechanisms she developed, and one of two that she still practices to this day, the other one being her obsession with wanting to live in early nineteenth century Japan.

. While she originally planned on spending her third year in that same, second choice high school in Tokyo, her parents, out of a combination of guilt, worry, and love, offered to financially support her leaving Tokyo to attend Karakura High School, where she quickly learnt the value of money.

"Good night. I'm Cinderella without her prince. Do you know where to find me in Tokyo? You won't see me again."
- Schoolgirl, Dazai, 1939 (Kotoba's favorite!)
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Level 137
I can see that you have a keen eye for storytelling and character design.
Your style is reminiscent of drawings of people from East Asia that I've known.


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