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Mabelle Family Bio


Level 70
In 1977, Willis Mabelle and his New Wife Paula Morrison had gotten married after their son, Jonathan Mabelle had been born. At this time, he was not expected to live due to Paula’s addiction to alcohol and drugs. This addiction had caused her to act in vulgar ways and distance herself from others. Jonathan had a twin, but the effects of the addiction caused her to have cancer and die at the age of 4.

Later on in 1981, they had another son named Zeon. Paula and Willis were never able to hold a job, so they had been living with the Yung Family. The Yung family owned a popular Clothing company. The company would be known for its unique clothing line and its unique models.
While the company was still growing, Willis had been offered a job as Chairman of the company. He’d accepted the offer and started working alongside the man who owned the company, Harold Yung.

By 1990, Paula had started being hospitalized frequently from accidental overdoses. This had caused Willis to be stressed and usually blame his sons. They were often not home because they had to go to training and school for around 15 hours every day. Willis had gained a very bad temper, so if they had done something he did not like he’d lash out at them immediately.

In 1999, both of the boys had moved out and started their own lives. Jonathan had been with a girl named Emma Abigale and lived with her in a small truck that had not even been able to run. When he had been kicked out of the house, he was given no money and all of his belongings stayed there. During this time, they were married and she was pregnant with her daughter Remi Baebe Mabelle. They had named her after Jonathan’s twin sister that had died, Using the first 2 letters of her first name “Rebecca” and her middle name “Mia”.

In 2000, they had another girl named “Katherine Rose Mabelle” after Emma’s friend that had died. Jonathan has unfortunately been seeing other people at this time, so he had 2 sons named “Oliver Mabelle” and “Izuku Mabelle” the same year without Emma knowing. They had also adopted 2 sons, “Jordan Mabelle” and ”Leo Mabelle”.

In 2003, Harold had suddenly passed due to age. This had left Willis in charge of the company. There had been multiple cases of him scamming others and all of the companies sales had been lowering rapidly.

By 2005, it was announced Willis had been murdered. Who had done it was still unknown. The company was handed down to Jonathan. Once this had happened, they had immediately moved into an actual house and the kids were out into an actual school.

By 2010, the children were all taught what they had missed and they had ended up moving to the main place of the company, Ansan South Korea. During this time, the Yung family had tried taking the Mabelles to court many times in order to try and gain ownership of the company. This had kept failing, and they kept trying harder.

In 2013, all children were a part of the company and had helped in some way. Remi was in charge of large charity events they had hosted, and Kat was in charge of setting up modeling times. The family was often called “Plastics” due to their behaviors. They all walked a certain fashion, behaved oddly, and usually didn’t show many characteristics during interviews. However, at any parties they had hosted, they’d all act normal. The children were taught to behave this way so they would not get any backlash with what they say or let out any information. They’d also be trained around 15 hours a day when they did not have school. They often were pushed too hard to work which caused them to not get much sleep and often fall sick. If they ever made a mistake, their parents would often lash out on them. They usually just yelled, but sometimes they’d hit them if they had gotten mad about it.

At one of their first Charity Parties, two boys named “Kyler” and “Tyler”, and their sister “Hannah” had donated a lot of money and were one of the first people to arrive. At most of the parties, they’d have some type of costume or formal wear theme. The guests were unknown at this point in time because at their first party there wasn’t a guest list and its theme was masquerade.

They continued to go to the parties for a while before the children had gotten to know them well. They had introduced them to the Mabelle family, but Jonathan and Emma thought they were hiding something, so they quickly forbad them to have any interaction with the Mabelles.
Kyler has been caught in multiple situations where he had caught for attempting to murder someone or injuring someone. They eventually banned them from going anywhere outside of their home and had restraining orders against them. Later on, they had figured out the children were apart of the Yung Family and were attempting to either kill the family or get blackmail.

At one of their last parties, there was expected to be around 10k people showing up. Usually, there would be around 1-3 thousand only. When this was happening, there had been reports of people suddenly going missing without a trace of where they had gone. Almost all of the guards were taken out by now, so there wasn’t much protection. They had ended up deciding to get police and lock the building down until the police had gotten there. They let the police into the building and let them search. They had ended up finding around 300 bodies with no trace of weapons and there was no footage of anyone doing anything. They ended up also finding 5 bombs placed around the place, expected to go off within the hour. They evacuated everyone and went over the footage in the entire building. They had noticed that there were hooded people looking similar to the Mabelles and to the Yungs. They had ended up interviewing them, and somehow, they Yungs had proof that it was the Mabelles plan. They had knives with their fingerprints, camera footage with their face, and text messages saying what they were going to do. They then were told that they were going to be sent to court later on, and were escorted out. Multiple reporters were already surrounding the building and saw what Remi did, so they had also put the blame on the Mabelles. The news spread quickly and the family had tried paying most of the news companies to not release the stories.

A few days before court, their parents had announced they’d be moving all of their kids to try and get them out of it and not ruin their reputation. Their mother had ended up taking the blame for it and was sent to prison. They currently are trying to find proof that the Yungs had done it, but so far there still isn’t enough. The blame wasn’t put on the children, but they still had a bad reputation. They currently don’t talk about the company, and the media still has no idea where they had went. Their father is currently working on giving the company a good reputation again, but the sales are going down dramatically. Some of the kids had developed mental disorders due to how their parents treated them, and from the Yung incident.


First Name: Remi

Middle Name: 'Baebe'

Preferred Name: “Rem”

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Description: She is 5’2 ½ weighing 125 lbs. She has slightly pale skin and glowing hazel/green eyes. She has dark brown-purple hair that is randomly long then short with small bangs that reach right below her eyebrow. She has almond-shaped eyes with a button nose, her face a v-shape and an hourglass body shape. She has some small birthmarks and freckles scattered across her face, mostly on her cheeks that are barely visible. She has Kat’s birthdate in roman numerals tattooed onto her right wrist. On her chest, she has an infinity sign with rose vines going around her shoulders and across her back. She also has a scar on the side of her arm that's close to a square shape.

Date of Birth: October 31st

Personality: She is usually very protective of others and kind to most people. She can be very serious around her family or in certain situations, but it happens rarely. Remi gets worried easily and panics a lot over small things that have happened. She cares a lot for others but often acts harshly towards them due to her past. She usually can come off as rude when she is stressed or when she is mad, but she usually doesn’t mean it.

Mental Disorders/Illness: Anxiety, Paranoia, slightly psychotic

Character Voice: Medium-pitched with a slight Australian Accent



First Name: Oliver

Middle Name: Fluxiancatia

Preferred Name: Oli

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Description: He is 6"4 tall and weighs 160 lbs. He has a light skin tone with no tattoos, dark brown eyes, and his hair is dyed blonde.

Date of Birth: June 6th

Personality: Chill in certain situations, doesn't actually care often.

Mental Disorders/Illness: NONE

Character Voice: A slight Australian accent



First Name: Izuku

(Offical Skin not made yet)
Middle Name: N/A

Preferred Name: Izuku

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Description: He is 5'11 and weighs a total 130lbs. He has blue eyes and white hair.

Date of Birth: December 9th

Personality: Shy and Kind

Mental Disorders/Illness: N/A

Character Voice: High pitched, sounds like dying pig



First Name: Katherine

Middle Name: Marie

Preferred Name: "Kat" or "Kathy"

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Description: Katherine is a standing at 5'1, weighing 100lbs. She'd have a fair, pale skin tone. She'd have ash brown hair that would compliment her hazel eyes. She has rounded eyes, a button nose, with a triangle shaped face. She'd have an hourglass body type, smelling of coffee beans. She has a tattoo that says "family " in cursive on the back of her neck. On her left wrist, she has a small tattoo of Remi's birthdate in Roman Numerals. She'd have a small tattoo of a palm tree on the lower, back of her leg.

Date of Birth: December 25th

Personality: Katherine is kind to most people and she easily trusts people. She is trusting and loyal. At times, she can be "gullible" and "extra" but denies it. She can be "flirty" with certain people. If she doesn’t want to talk about something she usually just avoids it or stays quiet.

Mental Disorders/Illness: She has anxiety when worried.

Character Voice: She'd have a soft voice with a slight Australian accent.


This is NOT FINISHED. The backstory will probably be edited and there are more family members to add.

Also, sorry for the brain cells lost when reading the backstory. If you did.

Also, we currently need more family members just ask to join-

but i doubt anyone will

k thanks

Last edited:


Level 231
In 1977, Willis Mabelle and his New Wife Paula Morrison had gotten married after their son, Jonathan Mabelle had been born. At this time, he was not expected to live due to Paula’s addiction to alcohol and drugs. This addiction had caused her to act in vulgar ways and distance herself from others. Jonathan had a twin, but the effects of the addiction caused her to have cancer and die at the age of 4.

Later on in 1981, they had another son named Zeon. Paula and Willis were never able to hold a job, so they had been living with the Yung Family. The Yung family owned a popular Clothing company. The company would be known for its unique clothing line and its unique models.
While the company was still growing, Willis had been offered a job as Chairman of the company. He’d accepted the offer and started working alongside the man who owned the company, Harold Yung.

By 1990, Paula had started being hospitalized frequently from accidental overdoses. This had caused Willis to be stressed and usually blame his sons. They were often not home because they had to go to training and school for around 15 hours every day. Willis had gained a very bad temper, so if they had done something he did not like he’d lash out at them immediately.

In 1999, both of the boys had moved out and started their own lives. Jonathan had been with a girl named Emma Abigale and lived with her in a small truck that had not even been able to run. When he had been kicked out of the house, he was given no money and all of his belongings stayed there. During this time, they were married and she was pregnant with her daughter Remi Baebe Mabelle. They had named her after Jonathan’s twin sister that had died, Using the first 2 letters of her first name “Rebecca” and her middle name “Mia”.

In 2000, they had another girl named “Katherine Rose Mabelle” after Emma’s friend that had died. Jonathan has unfortunately been seeing other people at this time, so he had 2 sons named “Oliver Mabelle” and “Izuku Mabelle” the same year without Emma knowing. They had also adopted 2 sons, “Jordan Mabelle” and ”Leo Mabelle”.

In 2003, Harold had suddenly passed due to age. This had left Willis in charge of the company. There had been multiple cases of him scamming others and all of the companies sales had been lowering rapidly.

By 2005, it was announced Willis had been murdered. Who had done it was still unknown. The company was handed down to Jonathan. Once this had happened, they had immediately moved into an actual house and the kids were out into an actual school.

By 2010, the children were all taught what they had missed and they had ended up moving to the main place of the company, Ansan South Korea. During this time, the Yung family had tried taking the Mabelles to court many times in order to try and gain ownership of the company. This had kept failing, and they kept trying harder.

In 2013, all children were a part of the company and had helped in some way. Remi was in charge of large charity events they had hosted, and Kat was in charge of setting up modeling times. The family was often called “Plastics” due to their behaviors. They all walked a certain fashion, behaved oddly, and usually didn’t show many characteristics during interviews. However, at any parties they had hosted, they’d all act normal. The children were taught to behave this way so they would not get any backlash with what they say or let out any information. They’d also be trained around 15 hours a day when they did not have school. They often were pushed too hard to work which caused them to not get much sleep and often fall sick. If they ever made a mistake, their parents would often lash out on them. They usually just yelled, but sometimes they’d hit them if they had gotten mad about it.

At one of their first Charity Parties, two boys named “Kyler” and “Tyler”, and their sister “Hannah” had donated a lot of money and were one of the first people to arrive. At most of the parties, they’d have some type of costume or formal wear theme. The guests were unknown at this point in time because at their first party there wasn’t a guest list and its theme was masquerade.

They continued to go to the parties for a while before the children had gotten to know them well. They had introduced them to the Mabelle family, but Jonathan and Emma thought they were hiding something, so they quickly forbad them to have any interaction with the Mabelles.
Kyler has been caught in multiple situations where he had caught for attempting to murder someone or injuring someone. They eventually banned them from going anywhere outside of their home and had restraining orders against them. Later on, they had figured out the children were apart of the Yung Family and were attempting to either kill the family or get blackmail.

At one of their last parties, there was expected to be around 10k people showing up. Usually, there would be around 1-3 thousand only. When this was happening, there had been reports of people suddenly going missing without a trace of where they had gone. Almost all of the guards were taken out by now, so there wasn’t much protection. They had ended up deciding to get police and lock the building down until the police had gotten there. They let the police into the building and let them search. They had ended up finding around 300 bodies with no trace of weapons and there was no footage of anyone doing anything. They ended up also finding 5 bombs placed around the place, expected to go off within the hour. They evacuated everyone and went over the footage in the entire building. They had noticed that there were hooded people looking similar to the Mabelles and to the Yungs. They had ended up interviewing them, and somehow, they Yungs had proof that it was the Mabelles plan. They had knives with their fingerprints, camera footage with their face, and text messages saying what they were going to do. They then were told that they were going to be sent to court later on, and were escorted out. Multiple reporters were already surrounding the building and saw what Remi did, so they had also put the blame on the Mabelles. The news spread quickly and the family had tried paying most of the news companies to not release the stories.

A few days before court, their parents had announced they’d be moving all of their kids to try and get them out of it and not ruin their reputation. Their mother had ended up taking the blame for it and was sent to prison. They currently are trying to find proof that the Yungs had done it, but so far there still isn’t enough. The blame wasn’t put on the children, but they still had a bad reputation. They currently don’t talk about the company, and the media still has no idea where they had went. Their father is currently working on giving the company a good reputation again, but the sales are going down dramatically. Some of the kids had developed mental disorders due to how their parents treated them, and from the Yung incident.


First Name: Remi

Middle Name: 'Baebe'

Preferred Name: “Rem”

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Description: She is 5’2 ½ weighing 125 lbs. She has slightly pale skin and glowing hazel/green eyes. She has dark brown hair cut just a few inches longer than her shoulders with small bangs. She has almond-shaped eyes with a button nose, her face a v-shape and an hourglass body shape. She has some small birthmarks and freckles scattered across her face, mostly on her cheeks. She has Kat’s birthdate in roman numerals tattooed onto her right wrist. On her chest, she has an infinity sign with rose vines going around her shoulders and across her back. She also has a scar on the side of her arm.

Date of Birth: October 31st

Personality: She is usually very protective of others and kind to most people. She can be very serious around her family or in certain situations, but it happens rarely. Remi gets worried easily and panics a lot over small things that have happened. She cares a lot for others but often acts harshly towards them due to her past. She usually can come off as rude when she is stressed or when she is mad, but she usually doesn’t mean it.

Mental Disorders/Illness: Anxiety, Paranoia, slightly psychotic

Character Voice: Medium-pitched with a slight Australian Accent



First Name: Oliver

Middle Name: Fluxiancatia

Preferred Name: Oli

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Description: He is 6"4 tall and weighs 160 lbs. He has a light skin tone with no tattoos, dark brown eyes, and his hair is dyed blonde.

Date of Birth: June 6th

Personality: Chill in certain situations, doesn't actually care often.

Mental Disorders/Illness: NONE

Character Voice: A slight Australian accent



First Name: Izuku

(Offical Skin not made yet)
Middle Name: N/A

Preferred Name: Izuku

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Description: He is 5'11 and weighs a total 130lbs. He has blue eyes and white hair.

Date of Birth: December 9th

Personality: Shy and Kind

Mental Disorders/Illness: N/A

Character Voice: High pitched, sounds like dying pig



First Name: Katherine

Middle Name: Marie

Preferred Name: "Kat" or "Kathy"

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Description: Katherine is a standing at 5'1, weighing 100lbs. She'd have a fair, pale skin tone. She'd have ash brown hair that would compliment her hazel eyes. She has rounded eyes, a button nose, with a triangle shaped face. She'd have an hourglass body type, smelling of coffee beans. She has a tattoo that says "family " in cursive on the back of her neck. On her left wrist, she has a small tattoo of Remi's birthdate in Roman Numerals. She'd have a small tattoo of a palm tree on the lower, back of her leg.

Date of Birth: December 25th

Personality: Katherine is kind to most people and she easily trusts people. She is trusting and loyal. At times, she can be "gullible" and "extra" but denies it. She can be "flirty" with certain people. If she doesn’t want to talk about something she usually just avoids it or stays quiet.

Mental Disorders/Illness: She has anxiety when worried.

Character Voice: She'd have a soft voice with a slight Australian accent.


This is NOT FINISHED. The backstory will probably be edited and there are more family members to add.

Also, sorry for the brain cells lost when reading the backstory. If you did.

Also, we currently need more family members just ask to join-

but i doubt anyone will

k thanks

i hunt lolis, edgylolis better hide :reloads shotgun:


Level 231
:shoots at the ground as a warning sign, his eyes glaring at you, giving you the inability to speak as he climbs over your very soul and heart, causing you to tremble in fear, the utter chaos sending shivers down your spine:


Level 23
:shoots at the ground as a warning sign, his eyes glaring at you, giving you the inability to speak as he climbs over your very soul and heart, causing you to tremble in fear, the utter chaos sending shivers down your spine:
what kinda gangrp-


Level 110
. . Uh, okay?

Don’t double post. Simply edit the first comment

In 1977, Willis Mabelle and his New Wife Paula Morrison had gotten married after their son, Jonathan Mabelle had been born. At this time, he was not expected to live due to Paula’s addiction to alcohol and drugs. This addiction had caused her to act in vulgar ways and distance herself from others. Jonathan had a twin, but the effects of the addiction caused her to have cancer and die at the age of 4.

Later on in 1981, they had another son named Zeon. Paula and Willis were never able to hold a job, so they had been living with the Yung Family. The Yung family owned a popular Clothing company. The company would be known for its unique clothing line and its unique models.
While the company was still growing, Willis had been offered a job as Chairman of the company. He’d accepted the offer and started working alongside the man who owned the company, Harold Yung.

By 1990, Paula had started being hospitalized frequently from accidental overdoses. This had caused Willis to be stressed and usually blame his sons. They were often not home because they had to go to training and school for around 15 hours every day. Willis had gained a very bad temper, so if they had done something he did not like he’d lash out at them immediately.

In 1999, both of the boys had moved out and started their own lives. Jonathan had been with a girl named Emma Abigale and lived with her in a small truck that had not even been able to run. When he had been kicked out of the house, he was given no money and all of his belongings stayed there. During this time, they were married and she was pregnant with her daughter Remi Baebe Mabelle. They had named her after Jonathan’s twin sister that had died, Using the first 2 letters of her first name “Rebecca” and her middle name “Mia”.

In 2000, they had another girl named “Katherine Rose Mabelle” after Emma’s friend that had died. Jonathan has unfortunately been seeing other people at this time, so he had 2 sons named “Oliver Mabelle” and “Izuku Mabelle” the same year without Emma knowing. They had also adopted 2 sons, “Jordan Mabelle” and ”Leo Mabelle”.

In 2003, Harold had suddenly passed due to age. This had left Willis in charge of the company. There had been multiple cases of him scamming others and all of the companies sales had been lowering rapidly.

By 2005, it was announced Willis had been murdered. Who had done it was still unknown. The company was handed down to Jonathan. Once this had happened, they had immediately moved into an actual house and the kids were out into an actual school.

By 2010, the children were all taught what they had missed and they had ended up moving to the main place of the company, Ansan South Korea. During this time, the Yung family had tried taking the Mabelles to court many times in order to try and gain ownership of the company. This had kept failing, and they kept trying harder.

In 2013, all children were a part of the company and had helped in some way. Remi was in charge of large charity events they had hosted, and Kat was in charge of setting up modeling times. The family was often called “Plastics” due to their behaviors. They all walked a certain fashion, behaved oddly, and usually didn’t show many characteristics during interviews. However, at any parties they had hosted, they’d all act normal. The children were taught to behave this way so they would not get any backlash with what they say or let out any information. They’d also be trained around 15 hours a day when they did not have school. They often were pushed too hard to work which caused them to not get much sleep and often fall sick. If they ever made a mistake, their parents would often lash out on them. They usually just yelled, but sometimes they’d hit them if they had gotten mad about it.

At one of their first Charity Parties, two boys named “Kyler” and “Tyler”, and their sister “Hannah” had donated a lot of money and were one of the first people to arrive. At most of the parties, they’d have some type of costume or formal wear theme. The guests were unknown at this point in time because at their first party there wasn’t a guest list and its theme was masquerade.

They continued to go to the parties for a while before the children had gotten to know them well. They had introduced them to the Mabelle family, but Jonathan and Emma thought they were hiding something, so they quickly forbad them to have any interaction with the Mabelles.
Kyler has been caught in multiple situations where he had caught for attempting to murder someone or injuring someone. They eventually banned them from going anywhere outside of their home and had restraining orders against them. Later on, they had figured out the children were apart of the Yung Family and were attempting to either kill the family or get blackmail.

At one of their last parties, there was expected to be around 10k people showing up. Usually, there would be around 1-3 thousand only. When this was happening, there had been reports of people suddenly going missing without a trace of where they had gone. Almost all of the guards were taken out by now, so there wasn’t much protection. They had ended up deciding to get police and lock the building down until the police had gotten there. They let the police into the building and let them search. They had ended up finding around 300 bodies with no trace of weapons and there was no footage of anyone doing anything. They ended up also finding 5 bombs placed around the place, expected to go off within the hour. They evacuated everyone and went over the footage in the entire building. They had noticed that there were hooded people looking similar to the Mabelles and to the Yungs. They had ended up interviewing them, and somehow, they Yungs had proof that it was the Mabelles plan. They had knives with their fingerprints, camera footage with their face, and text messages saying what they were going to do. They then were told that they were going to be sent to court later on, and were escorted out. Multiple reporters were already surrounding the building and saw what Remi did, so they had also put the blame on the Mabelles. The news spread quickly and the family had tried paying most of the news companies to not release the stories.

A few days before court, their parents had announced they’d be moving all of their kids to try and get them out of it and not ruin their reputation. Their mother had ended up taking the blame for it and was sent to prison. They currently are trying to find proof that the Yungs had done it, but so far there still isn’t enough. The blame wasn’t put on the children, but they still had a bad reputation. They currently don’t talk about the company, and the media still has no idea where they had went. Their father is currently working on giving the company a good reputation again, but the sales are going down dramatically. Some of the kids had developed mental disorders due to how their parents treated them, and from the Yung incident.


First Name: Remi

Middle Name: 'Baebe'

Preferred Name: “Rem”

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Description: She is 5’2 ½ weighing 125 lbs. She has slightly pale skin and glowing hazel/green eyes. She has dark brown hair cut just a few inches longer than her shoulders with small bangs. She has almond-shaped eyes with a button nose, her face a v-shape and an hourglass body shape. She has some small birthmarks and freckles scattered across her face, mostly on her cheeks. She has Kat’s birthdate in roman numerals tattooed onto her right wrist. On her chest, she has an infinity sign with rose vines going around her shoulders and across her back. She also has a scar on the side of her arm.

Date of Birth: October 31st

Personality: She is usually very protective of others and kind to most people. She can be very serious around her family or in certain situations, but it happens rarely. Remi gets worried easily and panics a lot over small things that have happened. She cares a lot for others but often acts harshly towards them due to her past. She usually can come off as rude when she is stressed or when she is mad, but she usually doesn’t mean it.

Mental Disorders/Illness: Anxiety, Paranoia, slightly psychotic

Character Voice: Medium-pitched with a slight Australian Accent



First Name: Oliver

Middle Name: Fluxiancatia

Preferred Name: Oli

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Description: He is 6"4 tall and weighs 160 lbs. He has a light skin tone with no tattoos, dark brown eyes, and his hair is dyed blonde.

Date of Birth: June 6th

Personality: Chill in certain situations, doesn't actually care often.

Mental Disorders/Illness: NONE

Character Voice: A slight Australian accent



First Name: Izuku

(Offical Skin not made yet)
Middle Name: N/A

Preferred Name: Izuku

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Description: He is 5'11 and weighs a total 130lbs. He has blue eyes and white hair.

Date of Birth: December 9th

Personality: Shy and Kind

Mental Disorders/Illness: N/A

Character Voice: High pitched, sounds like dying pig



First Name: Katherine

Middle Name: Marie

Preferred Name: "Kat" or "Kathy"

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Description: Katherine is a standing at 5'1, weighing 100lbs. She'd have a fair, pale skin tone. She'd have ash brown hair that would compliment her hazel eyes. She has rounded eyes, a button nose, with a triangle shaped face. She'd have an hourglass body type, smelling of coffee beans. She has a tattoo that says "family " in cursive on the back of her neck. On her left wrist, she has a small tattoo of Remi's birthdate in Roman Numerals. She'd have a small tattoo of a palm tree on the lower, back of her leg.

Date of Birth: December 25th

Personality: Katherine is kind to most people and she easily trusts people. She is trusting and loyal. At times, she can be "gullible" and "extra" but denies it. She can be "flirty" with certain people. If she doesn’t want to talk about something she usually just avoids it or stays quiet.

Mental Disorders/Illness: She has anxiety when worried.

Character Voice: She'd have a soft voice with a slight Australian accent.


This is NOT FINISHED. The backstory will probably be edited and there are more family members to add.

Also, sorry for the brain cells lost when reading the backstory. If you did.

Also, we currently need more family members just ask to join-

but i doubt anyone will

Let’s bet for 5weeks this will last.



Level 110

Let’s bet for 5weeks this will last.

stop being toxic. I have seen their family alive for already more than 5 weeks. much longer than you can keep a character alive. you're just commenting for the sake of it. you're not funny when you do this shit, you're just being plain rude. same with the others who post the "this family will be dead in blank amount of days."


Level 23
stop being toxic. I have seen their family alive for already more than 5 weeks. much longer than you can keep a character alive. you're just commenting for the sake of it. you're not funny when you do this shit, you're just being plain rude. same with the others who post the "this family will be dead in blank amount of days."


Level 13
For all those who say that this family wont survive a minute or whatever, i believe they will doa good job, this family doesnt sound like the moons or amoris, just support them and don't put them down, you just look like a clown if you make fun of them, and not funny.


Level 231
stop being toxic. I have seen their family alive for already more than 5 weeks. much longer than you can keep a character alive. you're just commenting for the sake of it. you're not funny when you do this shit, you're just being plain rude. same with the others who post the "this family will be dead in blank amount of days."
what a trend setter


Level 9
lol I remember Kat, meh grandma LMAOOOO.
anyways, I love your backstory.
(Also you said you need more family members? After my character dies or something I'll probably ask to join you, I'd love to be part of something like this.


Level 42
Don’t double post. Simply edit the first comment

Let’s bet for 5weeks this will last.

Oh please- stop telling someone that their family will die in a limit of time- you aren't a fortune-teller. Also I am pretty sure that several of your characters were in a family that died as well, so stop complaining for god's sake. What you were saying was just straight up rude and what you are doing is like the highest level of being rude.


Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
I like the creativity put into the backstory, well done!


Level 110
Oh please- stop telling someone that their family will die in a limit of time- you aren't a fortune-teller. Also I am pretty sure that several of your characters were in a family that died as well, so stop complaining for god's sake. What you were saying was just straight up rude and what you are doing is like the highest level of being rude.
Ok, I’ve seen that you got straight up offended by what I said, and you thought I was “rude” even though I didn’t intend to be.
Ok, I don’t want to argue about it but I’m pretty sure only like 2of my characters were in families that died.
Ok, I see that you think it’s the “highest level of rude” but honestly it’s your opinion and I respect that.

Oh and hihihi


Level 110
Ok, I’ve seen that you got straight up offended by what I said, and you thought I was “rude” even though I didn’t intend to be.
Ok, I don’t want to argue about it but I’m pretty sure only like 2of my characters were in families that died.
Ok, I see that you think it’s the “highest level of rude” but honestly it’s your opinion and I respect that.

Oh and hihihi
you can't say that was his opinion as it really was rude. if it was not intended as that, what did you intend it to be?
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Level 110
you can't say that was his opinion as it really was rude. if it was not intended as that, what did you intend it to be?
Well I didn’t intend for it to be rude that’s for sure. I actually didn’t realize that my comment would actually offend people, look I didn’t know what it I wanted to achieve in it. But I’m sorry if I was rude in my post.

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