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Time Flies


Level 92
Honestly just was feeling nostalgic when I was writing this. I have not really thought about this much but oh man I have been on this server for 1/4 of my life which is just insane to me. I remember back when I was like 13 first beginning to get into gaming and found this server. Back when everyone used Skype to talk . It was so different back then, not in a bad or good way just different. I made an insane amount of friends, played minecraft for hours, and just had the overall best time of my life. Sure there were downs as well like when I first experienced myself getting I guess you would call it bullied by people, but those times made me grow and mature as a person I think. Honestly I don't think I would be anywhere as good as I am now as a person if it wasn't for this server. Just wanted to say thanks to @Ducks and all the other staff team for working so hard and constantly getting the server better. I remember back when you guys did the Maze Runner RP (it was amazing btw) was honestly a totally different style of RP but man!! It was really fun! Anyway just wanted to let everyone know this community is great, besides all the jokes everyone I know is an amazing person and I just wanted to say, no matter what you are going through, or where you are at in life I love you, I hope this server continues growing so everyone can have a taste of it in their childhood.


Level 142
Time is a concept.
No, but apart from that I totally agree time really time goes by so fast, especially when you get older it just all goes by so fast and it bleeds into the next day. Your sense of time gets faster and faster, ultimately leading up to your final symphony. This is totally relatable, the time has been going by so fast for me lately, or maybe it just has been going by faster and faster by everyone. For me too it feels just like almost yesterday when I had first joined and took my first ever screenshots, had my first memories, and interactions with everyone although I don't have the best memory so when thinking about things they feel farther away. But it's really been so fun, even if time is going by fast. Just gotta sit on that roller coaster and enjoy it until it's over.



Level 137
I've been here for all of SchoolRP's life, roughly 4 years. I started when I was 9 or 10 and it was literally the best thing. I met my first online friends there and I made some pretty damn good friends later on. I've been banned, hated, and loved on the server and it is always the best thing to know you are able to make yourself apart of the server's history.

I really do miss the Gen1 school. Although all us kids had were french fries to eat there. And if we didn't have the money to buy food, we killed ourselves. No one really had the money to buy anything special so it wasn't a big deal to drown or fall off a cliff.


Level 90
I've been here for all of SchoolRP's life, roughly 4 years. I started when I was 9 or 10 and it was literally the best thing. I met my first online friends there and I made some pretty damn good friends later on. I've been banned, hated, and loved on the server and it is always the best thing to know you are able to make yourself apart of the server's history.

I really do miss the Gen1 school. Although all us kids had were french fries to eat there. And if we didn't have the money to buy food, we killed ourselves. No one really had the money to buy anything special so it wasn't a big deal to drown or fall off a cliff.
best times 2016 was when the server was on peaceful and you didnt have to kill yourself


Level 15
i remember 2016 very vividly (being an old player and all), when teamspeak was prime on the server and the transition from the first map to the second. there’s been A LOT of memories to say the least since i joined.


Level 231
I mean, i honestly get you, i've been playing SRP for nearly a half a decade!

I used to be a lot different then I am, during my first year on SRP I completely did a 180, I used to not be very confident, if you knew me when I was really new I just wasn't that confident, I had those like, you know the kind of loli like characters who were super innocent and or just shy, Yeah well I had a male one of those and I strictly had those type of characters until probably near the end of 2016.

I've honestly grew so much as not just a person but also other stuff like my height, i've always been that kid in the class who was the 3rd-6th tallest one in the class, i've never really been regarded as short but, just within the years of 2018 and 2019, I grew from 5'9 to 5'11 which is cRaZY. Also a lot of people know this because i've had it for the majority of my time on SRP but, I used to have a really squeaky voice, similar to Johnnys old voice, I used to be a fucken SQEUAKER..... I still remember the first time I joined the SRP Teamspeak, I had joined and within about 5 minutes, Ryanark joined the call and made fun of my voice. Now if you hear my voice, its pretty deep, im no samra but its alright for someone who is 15.

Basically, I owe so much to SRP, I've grown so much from a kid who was really shy to someone who is outgoing and forward. SRP is my home, its been with me for so long that its just become a main part of my life.

Overall, if I hadn't found SRP I wouldn't want to know that version of me.

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