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Denied Koki_1 Art Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes I do, 花の木#2039

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your timezone?:
CST [Central Standard Time ]

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do understand that if I'm inactive I can be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm very active on SRP. I usually try to get on when I am home but if not I usually play it during the nighttime.

Do you have any previous bans?:
No, I do not have any bans.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED] [ACCEPTED]

What is your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
I am a college student on SRP, The degree that Nori has gotten would be a bachelor’s degree.


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

What truly motivates me to apply for such a position is the incredibly organized community on this server. Everything from the lovely staff to the roleplayers themselves., in my opinion, is among one of the best servers on Minecraft. Disorganization scares me. When I joined the Schoolrp server, I didn't have to deal with disorganization at all. I also want to branch out and try new roles to help with diverse roleplaying. I'm always open to trying new things and positions on SRP.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

The classroom logs are essential, where you log your activity of what you are doing with your class. Every time you teach, you must write in it so the principal or vice-principal knows that you are teaching, active, and not inactive. It is necessary, because like I said, it shows if you are idle or engaged. If you do not write in the log are active, the principal will think you are inactive and will dismiss you from the team.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:

if I want to start a school field trip, I would go through different requirements than the last time I applied, firstly starting by filling out an OOC application and an IC application, listing the date of the trip, destination, date of request, my (teacher, hopefully) name, the maximum number of students attending, leaving time, returning time, student fee, the equipment needed and the purpose of the trip. This can either be sent through DMs or on the thread appointed for “School Field Trips”.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

As a teacher, my strict rules when being in a class located below:

1) Get to school on time. If you arrive late, there may be punishments.

2) Be sure to listen to teachers and other employees inside my classroom.

3) Take notes. Much of the information said may be used on separate assignments/quizzes and tests.

4) Be sure to participate in class and the discussions/lessons.

5) Refrain from talking to friends/classmates during lectures and discussions.

6) Always bring the required materials to my class, unless said otherwise.

7) Do not verbally abuse, harass, or annoy teachers and school employees in my classroom. Always respect them.

8) Ask for help if needed. I will always assist you.

9) No food or drinks allowed in the room unless concealed in your lunchbox or book bag.

10) No use of electronics during lectures.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have a considerably sufficient amount of experience with roleplay. I have been a professor and even a doctor before, so I know how to do medical roleplay and teaching roleplay. Most of the years I have been a college student, I've only been a college professor for about three/two months but have been that over three times for medical assistance. I was only a doctor for approximately a quarter of the year.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD:
HD is in charge of the newer teachers, also called QTLs, preparing all of the lessons for the subject they are assigned to be in charge of. Training the new teachers and showing them how to do things is an essential component of this job. They need to help them get used to the way the high school works. “HD” means Head of Department. It means it is the highest rank in a system.

- QT:
QTLs are the second-highest teaching rank and are practically in the middle of the ranking system, deciding on what they're able to do without permission. They can do classes whenever they want during their assigned period times (chosen in the teacher lounge) without approval as they are qualified. However, discussing with other teachers is still required, as to what period you are taking, etc. QTLs stands for Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills.

- NQT:
The lowest rank out there in the ranking system for teachers in Karakura stands for Newly Qualified Teacher. A must is for NQTs to get lesson plans from the Head of Department and need permission to teach a class. Commonly, they watch over lessons and take notes of how a higher teacher teaches. They also have to discuss what they plan on doing in the teacher's lounge with the other teachers to get permission and plans lined up with their lessons.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers in-game are very similar if not identical to teachers out-of-game. They plan their lessons ahead of time and prepare their workspace. They wait for the students to enter their class to start the exercise. When school finishes, the students leave for hometime. During hometime, the teachers grade their students' work. Once on break, they're either planning their next exercise in the employee lounge or grading papers. Possibly even talking to other teachers about their day or how the class went. They teach needed subjects such as English, Maths, Science, History, and elective subjects (what they call them in my country) such as Art, Technology, or Theatre. A teacher may teach only one topic. However, where I come from, teachers would teach a needed subject such as English and teach an elective subject such as Art in different periods. Educators are usually underpaid and gradually get more pay depending on how much they work. In-game teachers are given, depending on how many classes they teach and log, two hundred and fifty thousand being our base pay for fifteen lessons. Fifty thousand extra for five added classes we teach.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

SRP teachers are very important, They help highschool kids and down learn about what they need to learn so they can be ready for college, high school teachers think very enthusiastically of their students’ education, High school teachers are also known as someone students can come to and trust about anything, the students should feel safe around their teacher at all times, which most high school teachers do a fantastic job of. But overall, teachers in SRP give a realistic look to SRP, high school students make it a fun experience all-around for teachers themselves and even students.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

The lesson planning system the school works on is “MoSCo”. (Must have, Should have, Could have).

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does he look like? What makes him unique and different? What is his outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his personality like? What is his plan for the future?

Nori is a five-foot-six Japanese male. His hair would be short crimped and brown, complemented by his cerulean ocean blue eyes. Nori would casually be wearing an overcoat that would appear to be a stygian color over a Navajor colored t-shirt. The T-shirt would have a stygian tie following along with his charcoal pants and shoes.

Nori is someone who could be moderately surprising. He's a very timid and bashful male. However, Nori can also be outspoken and delightful to be around! He usually has no problems befriending others and helping them when it's needed. Giving others the chance to express themselves more openly is something he wants to encourage with the students.

Nori's perspective on the student is that he thinks all of his students can achieve their dreams and beliefs, making it past high-school and onto College or wherever they would like to go. Nori wants to help students succeed and become the most "them" they could be, being educated and helping them on the path to figuring out who they are when they graduate from High-school. He wants his students to smile and enjoy his class whilst watching them blossom into new people.

Nori honors teachers and educators and what they do. It was one of the fundamental motivations as to why he desired to become a teacher! He aspires to help students like his old teachers had done to him, seeking to help him succeed and mature for the future. He's also interested in learning "why" other teachers wanted to be educators and "how" they became teachers!

Looking five years into the future, Nori expects to be teaching. Maybe not at Karakura but somewhere, helping students grow into mature adults. Sometime soon, he wants to go back to university and get a Ph.D. in education and becoming a college professor, maybe learning a new subject to teach others!


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
He would go up to the student, who was using expletive language in a serious tone towards the student, providing them with a warning. If they continue with the poor etiquette, giving the student a detention referral while knowing he would notify the principal about the referral if the poor behavior continued. He would send the misbehaving student to the principal's office, informing the principal of a further suspension.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
He would raise his voice just a tad to attempt to catch the student's attention if they continue. Nori would elevate his speech a touch and once again to get his student's attention. If he does succeed in capturing the student's attention, he will have them sit for at least one ICLY minute of silence. If they continue being loud, his voice would be raised once again. A little more sturdy than the other times so the disciples could apprehend him. He would then make the class sit in stillness for the remaining class period.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
He would be very exploratory in the lounge, questioning how the other teachers' classes would have gone and made small conversations. Overall, if he wasn't doing so, he would be most likely eating or organizing his lessons for his scheduled classes and marking projects up and assorting them.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He would hold his hand up calmly, waving indistinctly and smiling. Giving every student entering the classroom a sweet mindset.

/me He would turn his head in a 90 degree angle to look back at his class, as doing so he would have squinted his eyes in disbelief expression .

/me He would put down his laptop bag on the far right of the chair, and would start to get ready for the class, as doing so he would grab white vanilla paper and put it on each desk ready for the students to come in.

/me swiftly grasped the newly bought chalk, faintly pressing it against the board as he scribbled out the broad topic for the week.


Nori, also known as Nori ‘Rii’ Gilverto was formerly born in Moscow, Russia. His mother, Алла Кузнецов (Alla Kuznetsov) who lived in Russia her whole life, and his father, Junto Gilverto who was born in Japan but moved to Spain soon after he was born. His parents met during a Film Festival held in Moscow. They had similar movie interests when they met. This led up to falling in love with each other and getting married. In summing-up, Nori was born. Nori is a unisex name meaning law, rule, and ceremony. But, it could also mean belief. Nori had grown up in Russia with his father teaching him Japanese. His native language is Russian due to going to school in Russia. In his early childhood, Nori would travel to Japan and Spain as his father did in his early childhood. Nori's father, Junto had his mother's side in Japan while his father's side was in Spain. He'd go on occasional journeys to Japan for holidays to see his mom's side of the family. The same thing happened to Nori but he rarely went to Spain. On Juntos father's side, they disliked that Junto had married and had a child with Russian women. They abhorred the idea of him marrying Alla but still were polite when Junto and Nori made some of their trips to Spain. Specifically, Madrid. That's where Nori had learned some Spanish along with his father teaching him as well. Nori remembers when he was younger, his father would always say, "It is better to understand and know two or more languages so you can explore the world and have a deeper understanding of that country." The phrase always stayed with Nori until now. He lived a neutral middle-class life, his parents dearly loved him and helped him with his studies and fascination with art and science. When Nori was nine, his mother, Alla had fallen ill from pneumonia and had gotten worse throughout the weeks. The doctors told Junto she wasn't able to survive and had passed a few days after they had talked with the doctors. This traumatized Nori at that young age he never expected something so devastating could happen so early in his time of age. For days, the male would lock himself in his room, sitting at his desk, thinking. Nori's behavior had gone on for months before his father had told him they were moving to Japan to stay with his family. The news saddened Nori as he will miss his birthplace and his mother. But no family was waiting for them here, Alla had no sisters or brothers and her parents had died before he was born. She was alone and he felt the same now. At sixteen, seven years after his mother's death, he lived in Japan with his father, living with his grandparents. He looked up to his teachers, who taught him many new things in his classes. He spent most of his time in a park reading books and drawing into the artbook he had proudly bought with his money. Throughout high school, he finished with good grades, finishing excellently in Visual Arts and Theatre. He loved being in the plays and parades held at the school and city. He graduated, getting accepted into Tokyo University of Arts with his major(s) signifying Art and Dramatic literature. His minors were Calculus (Math) and Biology (Science). He finished his (4 years) with a Bachelor's degree. For three more years, he helped with community theatre in a local area and taking classes on visual art. He loved doing this as he also interviewed other teachers and what they do at their schools. For two more years, Nori had gone to Primary and secondary school as a teacher assistant, helping teachers get documents, helping prepare for classes, getting supplies and passing them out to the students, and participating in helping with props and clothing in class. After these two years of studying and improving, he decided to travel to a small town called Karakura, spending around five months getting used to society and making friends. After those five relaxing months, Nori had to find a job, looking around the academic openings, finding a few spots available as a teacher. Nora is here now filling his application, hoping for acceptance.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name:
Nori ‘Rii’ Gilverto.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 27):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Russian and Japanese.

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:

Bachelor's degree

Year of Graduation:


Dramatic Literature


Math - Calculus

Science - Biology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Yes I have

Preferred Teaching Subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply and reading my application. I hope you have a nice/lovely day

Do you have any questions?:

No questions for now!​


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your Teacher application won't be accepted today.

- Possibly one of the most elaborate attempts at plagiarism I've seen so far; almost all of your responses were just re-worded or completely taken from other applicant's accepted applications. As stated in your School Employee application, plagiarism is not accepted what-so-ever when marking faction applications.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:
if I want to start a school field trip, I would go through different requirements than the last time I applied, firstly starting by filling out an OOC application and an IC application, listing the date of the trip, destination, date of request, my (teacher, hopefully) name, the maximum number of students attending, leaving time, returning time, student fee, the equipment needed and the purpose of the trip. This can either be sent through DMs or on the thread appointed for “School Field Trips”.
You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:
if I want to start a school field trip, I would go through different requirements than the last time I applied, firstly starting out by filling out an OOC application and an IC application, listing the date of the trip, destination, date of request, my (teacher, hopefully) name, the maximum number of students attending, leaving time, returning time, student fee, the equipment needed and the purpose of the trip. This can either be sent through DMs or on the thread appointed for “School Field Trips”.
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

As a teacher, my strict rules when being in a class located below:

1) Get to school on time. If you arrive late, there may be punishments.

2) Be sure to listen to teachers and other employees inside my classroom.

3) Take notes. Much of the information said may be used on separate assignments/quizzes and tests.

4) Be sure to participate in class and the discussions/lessons.

5) Refrain from talking to friends/classmates during lectures and discussions.

6) Always bring the required materials to my class, unless said otherwise.

7) Do not verbally abuse, harass, or annoy teachers and school employees in my classroom. Always respect them.

8) Ask for help if needed. I will always assist you.

9) No food or drinks allowed in the room unless concealed in your lunchbox or book bag.

10) No use of electronics during lectures.
As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
As a teacher, my strict rules when being in a class are listed below:
1) Get to class on time, if you arrive late there may be punishments.
2) Be sure to listen to teachers and other employees inside my classroom.
3) Take notes, some of the information said may be used on other assignments/quizzes and/or tests.
4) Be sure to participate in class, and the discussions/lessons.
5) Refrain from talking to friends/classmates during lectures and discussions.
6) Always bring the required materials to my class, unless said otherwise.
7) Do not verbally abuse, harass, or annoy teachers and school employees in my classroom. Always respect them.
8) Ask for help if needed, I will always assist you.
9) No food and/or drinks.
10) No use of electronics during lectures
Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers in-game are very similar if not identical to teachers out-of-game. They plan their lessons ahead of time and prepare their workspace. They wait for the students to enter their class to start the exercise. When school finishes, the students leave for hometime. During hometime, the teachers grade their students' work. Once on break, they're either planning their next exercise in the employee lounge or grading papers. Possibly even talking to other teachers about their day or how the class went. They teach needed subjects such as English, Maths, Science, History, and elective subjects (what they call them in my country) such as Art, Technology, or Theatre. A teacher may teach only one topic. However, where I come from, teachers would teach a needed subject such as English and teach an elective subject such as Art in different periods. Educators are usually underpaid and gradually get more pay depending on how much they work. In-game teachers are given, depending on how many classes they teach and log, two hundred and fifty thousand being our base pay for fifteen lessons. Fifty thousand extra for five added classes we teach.
Teachers in-game are very similar if not identical to teachers out-of-game. They plan their lessons ahead of time, prepare their workspace, wait for the students to enter their class, start their lesson, and by the end of the day grade their student’s work. Once on break, they are either planning their next lesson in the teachers’ lounge or grading papers. Possibly even talking to other teachers about their day or how the class went. They teach needed subjects such as English, Maths, Science, History, and elective subjects (what they call them in my country) such as Art, Technology, or Theatre. A teacher may teach only one subject, however, where I’m from some teachers would teach a needed subject such as English and teach an elective subject such as Art in different periods. In the United States, teachers are paid an annual salary of about $60,000. By my research, in Japan, teachers are paid about $62k annually. In-game, teachers are paid a monthly salary of 250,000 yen meaning they earn 3 million yen yearly.

- Most if not all are direct copies, some are slightly edited/elaborated on, however that of course does not excuse your behaviour; new applications require new responses unless the faction lead has specifically given you permission to do otherwise

You are now blacklisted from re-applying for School Employee & Highschool Teacher as this/a new Employee would be considered your second chance.
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