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Level 14
What's your Minecraft Username?: mactatti
What's the title of your suggestion?: School UPDATE

What's your suggestion?:
As Karakura is still growing and thriving and all theses new things coming out such as the Business Park along with new hospitals and new Facilities like the newest KPD station all get a full revamp I think the school should too,
“But I like the school we have now!” Don’t you worry your sorry buts it will stay the exact same,,,in different ways! Such as what I said in different ways I mean not changing it drastically . Such as the school as it’s an icon I think some things should be updated as I see the school is little to know stuck in Early 2020 and late 2019 as well other things in the city have been revamped so I think the school deserves a chance to thrive in the newest additions to the city.

Mini Disclaimer here, I know there has been others that nay or may not have said this but I’m introducing my opinions.

SUCH new thing will be added to the school would be an updated exterior, an updated Interior and new systems!

- Updated Exterior
Such as this updating the exterior to have a new fresh look would be nice, this would be updating the old scenery with new elements of nature for the Karakura gardener's (builders) to make the school look nice with a little more. This would be adding some other areas to just hang out and chill to others where students can go outside and eat and play bored games. There would be also be new texturing to the school!

- Updated Interior
This updated interpretation would include a fresh new look without changing the main layout of the entire school! Which I think would be quite beneficial to some of the Teachers/Professors and Employees to get rid of things that don’t Evan make SENSE! Anywho, continuing on it would be replacing old items with new items / furniture such as the newest coaches and furniture items. Further on I think some of the Employees rooms and hallways should be updated as well they can be quite repetitive, Evan though we are a school and we’re supposed to have lockers but what about adding them in irregular places that you would think such as in the middle of the hallway back to back?! **This section is just a general update to the inside to make it look new/old**

- Features
Some new features that you could add is Locker Storage and also you could add School Cell Phone System and maybe some others ones that people suggest via this suggestion
Continuing on I will now go father in depth about some of theses.

Locker Storage

I think you should add some locker storage to add for all the students to use as there are so many of them what will we use them all for?! Not just for decoration I hope. How would tjis work? Glad that you asked. Well there are either three options I’d say.

First: Random Choosing
”No Choice, No Choice, DEAL WITH IT!”

Firstly students would have to check the command /LockerClaim. This command would randomly pick a locker either based on Grade/Age, Older players to newest players and or anything you guys choose to sort them. Secondly after the student dose the /LockerClaim Command then they would get a locker number which it would be tracked by the closet room number, once you find the room number it would show a little notification that you are near your locker and than you just start clicking!

Second: You Can Choose!
“We pick the floor, you pick the Locker!”

Here is where you would use the same Locker command as I said before but this time it would give you a floor number on where you could claim your locker and you could pick on where it would be and that would be your locker.

Third: Money..Money..Money What’s so funny!
“You buy it, you claim it!”

Finally for this one you would be able to pick anywhere in the building on where your locker would be but you would have to pay for your locker unfortunately to pay for your schools dances and stuff. Lockers could be higher or lower depending on either Location on what floor and or where it’s located in the building. *You devs can choose if this would be rented or permanent lockers* My advice permeated since you have a surplus amount of lockers.

- School Cell Phones

This one I think would be cool but useless bc of the radios. But how it would work is that there would be a wall cell phone and or a desk cell phone and staff could call anyone in the building without letting entity of staff know that your specifically needed.

**Please give me your thoughts about this idea as I think some are good, what I ideally wanna see is just a 50/50 on theses ideas.** But it’s up to you all,!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It will benefit the community because for the old players it will stick to the exact school they all know and love but adding some spice into it To make it more fresh and new to explore or “pretty.” That the new players would like. So in general it would help the whole player base become auctosmed to the old and new Looks and features added.
Last edited:


Level 164
Community Team
Lore Team
Right, so this is my opinion AS a teacher of the server. Take what I say with a grain of salt as others may have different opinions than my own.

AS it would be nice for the school to get an update along with the rest of the server, there is still a lot of the school that is UNTOUCHED or hidden away that could be redone. I do NOT think we need to revamp the ENTIRE school ITSELF but parts of it would be nice for the unused space. Now, let me comment on your suggestion.
Updated Exterior
Updated Interior
Refer above to what I have to say about this.

Locker Storage
Lockers, currently, are rentable and you can rent any of the ones that are around the school. I personally do not think that there should be a command to open your locker, as that would defeat the purpose on buying a locker and roleplaying out going to a locker to get your items(There are also limitations on what you CAN and CANNOT put in your locker). Now, a command to LOCATE your locker is a good idea as there are many lockers or maybe there can be a NPC to click on to see IF you have a locker and WHERE.

School Cell Phones
Adding a phone number for school faculty like how KPD/EMS/Reporter/Government have their own hotlines, I don't see why we wont have one for OVERALL faculty and not JUST for SLT. I can see on how it might be frustrating for Faculty, but it would be handy if they need to reach a faculty member that is ACROSS campus from the situation. IF this were to be added, we should have a school rule ICly that if caught misusing the hotline could get their number temporarily banned/given detention for misusing the hotlike(much like how KPD have for 110).

The IDEAS of this are good but some aren't needed per-say. But overall, with some concerns, I would +1 this as a OVERALL. but -1 to the updating of the school DRASTICLY like KPD/EMS/Etc


Level 14
Thread starter
AS it would be nice for the school to get an update along with the rest of the server, there is still a lot of the school that is UNTOUCHED or hidden away that could be redone. I do NOT think we need to revamp the ENTIRE school ITSELF but parts of it would be nice for the unused space. Now, let me comment on your suggestion.
Refer above to what I have to say about this.
As to this like what I said before we arn’t changing things at thoses drastic measure! Do you think I’m a maniac?! I still wanna keep the focus on the preserving the school just slight updating to it not changing the entire environment of it. ( I also work at the school now! )
Lockers, currently, are rentable and you can rent any of the ones that are around the school. I personally do not think that there should be a command to open your locker, as that would defeat the purpose on buying a locker and roleplaying out going to a locker to get your items(There are also limitations on what you CAN and CANNOT put in your locker). Now, a command to LOCATE your locker is a good idea as there are many lockers or maybe there can be a NPC to click on to see IF you have a locker and WHERE.
For this as I did not know of it thank you for bringing to my attention anyway!
Adding a phone number for school faculty like how KPD/EMS/Reporter/Government have their own hotlines, I don't see why we wont have one for OVERALL faculty and not JUST for SLT. I can see on how it might be frustrating for Faculty, but it would be handy if they need to reach a faculty member that is ACROSS campus from the situation. IF this were to be added, we should have a school rule ICly that if caught misusing the hotline could get their number temporarily banned/given detention for misusing the hotlike(much like how KPD have for 110).
for this I do agree on but my idea was a bit different as you see in some American schools there is a phone thats somewhere either on a desk or in a wall that is what I was referring too. As how it would of worked is that you double clicked and you would call a rooms number like say 209 and call it from wherever you are without saying it via the radio where the entire staff knows your business or your student’s business ( Talk about evasion of privacy. )


Level 135
A school update has already been reviewed in the last wave of suggestions. It can be found here:

There’s already a locker system as DarkEclipic stated, and -1 on the cell phones for the reason that it’s really not necessary for anyone to have a hotline besides SLT. There’s not much you really need to call the school about unless you’re a parent calling on behalf of their child (which is strictly an SLT handled thing.)


Level 14
Thread starter
A school update has already been reviewed in the last wave of suggestions. It can be found here:
I do know if you look at the disclaimer it’s That I knew that this was here just placing my input!

Level 34
a similar idea has already been suggested in the past, though it was much much less detailed. anyway they reviewed and said updating the school is already in the works and stuff like that so yuh also +1 EXCEPT THE FURNITURE!!! The furniture lags the server and the more we have of it, the more the area lags. The school would need a lot of it and it will lag like a shit ton especially since theres already going to be a lot of players there so -1-1-1-1-1 to the furniture no furniture pls


Level 7
In my opinion, a school update might be nice, it could excite more people and get them to use more things but I really don't think it's all that necessary atm. We have more important things to worry about like settling into a new faction lead, the large amount of new employees that need training, the school being updated would only cause more confusion and things to do upon all these new changes that we're already going through. If it ain't broke don't fix it pretty much.


Level 89
Just like people have stated above, Some of these things already exist and or wont be added. For the updated school building however, It will most likely be updated and changed overtime just like how every other building is.


Level 46
the building itself is perfect, maybe just add some new things inside the school, to make it more lively
like papers scattered around the floor, books around the locker rooms, etc.


Level 23
I read locker system and intercom that we already have.
I'm sure we have the high school and college intercom, but what about the whole school intercom, where instead of just intercom one faction you can intercom college and high school simultaneously, do we have that one? If so nobody uses it

I think it's useful for the whole school faculty to have since it might be easier to call lunch over, might be easier to call over certain students


Level 14
Thread starter

As I started from the Suggustion above I feel like there is a bit of confusion within this thread meaning that some things aren’t being understood properly and I’ll tell you what I mean about some concerns you all have.

Such as what I said in different ways I mean not changing it drastically
As I said here my idea is not changing to drastic measures as the school is an icon for some things, like I mean by moving stuff around like say for an example a living room with furniture and you wanna have the couch somewhere else like simple details like that. Maybe relocate an area such as the Tutors and or anything else.
Mini Disclaimer here, I know there has been others that nay or may not have said this but I’m introducing my opinions
Also to add on I added a disclaimer stated I know there this was a Suggustion like this, I’m just saying some of my input and on what I suggest adding onto the last one, as I do want this to be seen.
WHAT INTERCOM!?! I have nothing thats called an intercom in this suggution only a cell phone system For school faculty to contact someone specific.


Level 35
WHAT INTERCOM!?! I have nothing thats called an intercom in this suggution only a cell phone system For school faculty to contact someone specific.
They can, with intercom, or use the normal phone numbers


Level 134
I agree with DarkEclipic, I like the ideas so thats a +1 for me but -1 for drastically changing the school like they did for EMS/KPD aka what Dark said.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We already have a School Hotline (phone number), however only Receptionists and SLT have access to reply to incoming calls for obvious reasons. Alongside this, there are School Radios which are given to all faculty to use.​
- Lockers have been implemented for over a year now, you can open any of the ones found around school.​
- We're planning to do minor exterior changes, as well as an overhaul of the school's interior during a summer build update. We have a couple of other map updates planned before this one.​

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