players online


  1. MyEverythinq


    is there any way you can view your own description?
  2. ZorgLP

    The school "Doctor"

    I really would like to become a doctor. Hello, my name is Marius. In the game my name is ZorgLP (sry for LP I know its stupid), I really want to become a school doctor, or an assistent for a school nurse. I would like to upgrade the RP a bit. And I like to "help" people. Please think about it...
  3. ZorgLP


    Hello, my name is Marius. In the game my name is ZorgLP (sry for LP I know its stupid), I really want to become a school doctor, or an assistent for a school nurse. I would like to upgrade the RP a bit. And I like to "help" people. Please think about it, it would make me very happy. Thanks allot...
  4. corrugated roof

    Disregard this post

    please delete this post, if possible.
  5. AlphessSavage

    Savage Panda Crew [Introduction, Joining, Information]

    THE SAVAGE - PANDA - CREW I'm sure by now you've seen a smaller group of people in similar 'Panda' sweaters & beanies. This group can normally be found around the Corner Store. We've claimed that little area as our main nest, or bamboo grove. Roleplay. Participating in Events. PvP Fun...
  6. AlphessSavage

    Accepted Historical Department Teacher

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In Game Name) AlphessSavage Previous bans? None Describe your activity on the server. Daily, 5+ Hours of Activity Do you have TeamSpeak3? Yes Do you have a microphone? Yes List your current and past applications No past applications. Only this current application...