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Accepted — flizzier's 'Library Manager' Application


Level 15

[OOC Section]

In Game Name:

School Employee Role you are Applying For:
Library Manager, if possible.

How often do you log onto the server?
Currently, I log onto the server a few times a week, varying with hours. My activity has been fluctuant since I first joined the server (that being in May 2016), with me taking a huge break from near late of 2017 to a few months back; coming on from time-to-time in 2018, but not being active enough. I am looking forward to growing more and more as time progresses, furthermore trying to become more active and involved.

Do you have discord?
I use discord on a regular basis, actually. My discord is: team evil#3089

Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do have a microphone. I use it often and come to little-to-no issues with using it.

Have you ever been banned, if yes when and why?
Over the duration of my playtime, I have not been banned nor do I want to. I have a clean slate on the server and wouldn’t want to tarnish it.

Can you ensure that you will often come on?
I dabbled on this subject a few questions above when asked about how often I log in. I ensure that I will come online often to for fill my duties as a Library Manager. However, if I face issues with inactivity, I am sure to inform staff immediately of my reasons as to why. I’d most likely predict the time period when I would surely be back.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?
Recognition that I could lose my job and by ICly fired was one of the first things I had to go through in preparation for this. It is like if I had a real position in a real job. If I am not up to par the standards and let them slide, I am most likely going to be released from my position. As Library Manager, I wish to ensure that will not happen.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
Library Manager. To put it simply, the title gives the main role of the job away perfectly. One element is being an overseer. Other librarians need to know which roles they are supporting that day, any tasks with additional monitoring to see if they’re doing the right thing. Also, as this certain type of employee, their job is to be a guide to students – someone who can direct where to find what certain topic range of books and recommendations. May I say that the Library Manager should have full responsibility on all library materials, upholding and ensuring the environment is in orderly condition. This position should schedule activities and events.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?
On my time on the server, I have been both a Drama Teacher and Private Tutor (My past usernames such as PrincessOwlton and FallenDemocracy). I was able to take the time to have a hands-on experience of educating students and having the feeling of affectionate pride whenever I saw someone succeed.
Although this is not related to something in-game, out of the Minecraft scene, I enjoy reading a lot. This will incredibly enhance my role as Library Manager since what is passionate for me in real life is now reflected in the roleplay. It’s interesting as a role-player to really take part in multiple different viewpoints of ‘school life’.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?
Roughly, I have been roleplaying for nearly five years now. I had, as a child, always enjoyed aspects of fiction and pretending to be a character – my own character – made it worthwhile. In that time span, I have been able to build my skills up in this general department. For example, I try to make each character I own diverse within their aesthetics, outlooks & perceptions, personality traits etcetera. With this, I am able to adapt to a situation that is thrown at me ICly and deal with it according to what they (being my character) would do. Roleplay plays a vital role in my love for reading and writing literature.


During a work shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?
Calmly, in an approachable manner, I would ask the certain student to refrain from using such terminology in an environment that is supposed to be inviting and secure. If the student does not oblige to my request and continues, I will ask them to leave the library (they will not be allowed to enter the library for a week afterwards). At this point I feel frustrated with the limited power I have on these students. I am not the shouting type; a flaw in this situation. I realise that shouting however would only lead to more aggravation of myself, the student and others around me. Refusal to move would result in myself contacting a higher up member of staff in the school (either Vice-Principal or the Principal) to explain what had happened and issue a punishment.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?
Initially, the Principal’s request would not process in my mind. I question, not out loud, if he is being serious or not. A hazardous job for someone in the likes of me? I am utterly baffled and verbally comment that it’s a privilege for him choosing me beyond any other employee. The look on his face hasn’t faltered and I clear my throat. I speak up, uttering that I shall take on the job. Although it comes with numerous risks, I am willing to try, learn and grow from this experience. Hopefully, the School Principal will take account my loyalty as a member of the YHS community.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?
A key precept to school life is the safeguarding of the students. If another school employee is acting rash or doing something dangerous, then instinctively my main concern is the students’ well-being. However, it depends if they are in my faculty or not. If they are apart of the Library Department, I issue them a warning of their behaviour saying that next time will result in much harsher consequences. This won’t go on their permanent record if they choose to stop. If they don’t, well, it’s easy to say that I go to the Principal.
If it is a school employee from another line of work, I will find the ‘Head’ of that certain area and ask that they sanction their worker. If not, then a senior member of staff. It is unacceptable that they, on the job, are acting more like children than adults.

[IC section]

Applicant Name:
Umeda Momose

Chosen Job:
Library Manager

Motivation for Joining YHS:
Karakura was my birth town, the place in which I was able to develop and flourish from a young age. I had grown up with a family who had been supportive of any career path I would have chosen. As a student of YHS years prior to this (And by years, I mean years!) I had my own taste of my future career when I spent most lunches and after school sat in the school’s library. You see, I was more academic than creative; though I did not enjoy it. Books were my outlet for a side I could not express. This ignited a flame burnt out in me to pick up a pen and write till my hands grew weak. I strived to gain knowledge. I sought comfort in paper bind with leather. A safe haven. From starting as a freshman, stepping forth into that exact space of the library, I knew in my heart that it was books I wanted to surround myself with until my last breath. YHS opened my eyes to a passion that sprouted at my core. I was motivated to work at the place where my journey started. It had to be in Karakura.
I know that in this day and age, young adults are ashamed of expressing a love for something dear. They are influenced because society pushes a pointed finger telling them that certain things are a no-go and other, more controversial activities, are deemed as “cool”. I want to help the adolescence of the town realise that reading is okay. After all, what’s the point in applying when you don’t empathise with the students?


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?
I believe that I should be accepted over the other applicants. Why, you ask? This is because I bring to the table numerous skills and can use them to my advantage during my time at the school. I may not be the brightest, but I am surely charismatic, approachable and ready to adapt into any scenario this job throws me into.
For example, I have many ideas I want to implant to improve student’s learning and get the best out of their experiences here through the work of the YHS’ Library Department. If I get the job, I will try to follow through with my word.
I can also relate with the students. As an employee of the school, I feel as though they should understand the students’ mindset. If a student is anxious or overwhelmed and do not feel comfortable going up to a teacher, then a school employee is next in line. People say I am a friendly character and I shall always make myself available to talk; even outside of school hours if you have any queries.


I am going away from the 25th of July till the 3rd of August. If this application is marked by then, I’d like to make it known that I am inactive for that time period (on Minecraft) however reachable on Discord depending if I have data.




Level 83
Accepted, an extraordinary application with great efforts. But, for future reference, I'd advise against four line spacing. DM me via discord whenever you're online to redeem your role. (marc#1747)

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