players online

“Beginning of the End” | Sock’s Black Market Application #5


Level 6

I currently have two accounts. These accounts would be ySock and llSockll.

Previous Ban(s):
(All bans were on my llSockll account)
Ban #1: Banned for max warnings.
Ban #2: Perm banned for bypassing.
Ban #3: Hate speech.
I deeply regret my actions in the past or any wrongdoing I have caused in the past but I am learning from the experiences and working on improvement of my behavior every day and promise these sort of things will never happen again.

List of applications made on the forms:

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm on every day of the week after school for around four hours or more, and on the weekends I am on for around ten or more hours per day. During these hours, I usually run around with friends throwing crimerp in the mix of it. Ended with me building in my home working on designs to see what looks best or just enjoying classes in school and overall just having a good time. While also throwing in time to whoop Zinth in rock paper scissors. Some other activities I am involved in are Bonten gang activity and management as well as working at fight club. I worked as a judge so I have some activity in the government faction while also providing help where is needed in the black market by being a black market associate. As of recently, I have been very active within the community involving myself within the school faculty, working as a teacher. I’m apart of a gang that goes by Hammer Heads and finally, I am on the football team as well which keeps me active and motivated to play SRP.

Specify your Discord username and if you have a microphone:
My discord username is lsockl
I do have a working microphone and I am open and comfortable to communication at any time if it is needed.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
My country of origin: United States
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
Some of the many motivations of mine for applying for the black market dealer role are, wanting to be more involved with not only GangRP and CrimeRP but just be more involved with the community in general. I have always been fascinated with not only the black market but also the crime faction and would love to learn about not only its history and importance to SRP but would enjoy being involved with the future of crime and CrimeRP in SRP.

Continuing from that, I would love and enjoy the opportunity and chance to learn from an amazing community and team. I would love to be around the fantastic support that I have heard was offered in the crime faction and black market and would enjoy being a part of it. Not only to better me as a player and person but hopefully help improve everyone around me as well. Not so that it will better my experience as a player on the server but others' experience on the server as well.

I have applied many times before and sadly was denied each time. Even after this, I never gave up my motivation to involve myself further in the crime faction. I still have this commitment that I want to further involve myself within the community and make myself known out there. Besides just working with great people on the crime faction like I have said before and the amazing staff team that is involved with it, I would love to build myself around the crime faction and figure out ways we can all improve crimerp, the crime faction as a whole and do all of that while working as a team.

Finally, I know as of recently the crime faction has had many changes and I have embraced these changes and would love to not only create these new changes and be a part of something bigger but I would love to have a role and say in the changes coming into the crime faction and involve them with such amazing lore and story that I have enjoyed hearing about ever since my first few days of SRP. Personally, a faction and lore that I care deeply for and would love to see prosper and succeed. The whole reason I ever continued playing SRP was because of crime and gangrp and it would be such an accomplishment to me, to involve myself with what has helped me play for so long on the server and that has kept me interested all this time.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
  • Communication: What helps me stand out from other applicants is my understanding of the crime side of SRP. Going off of that, I have worked in a business before with things such as fight club and have an understanding of being involved with an organized criminal business. I can uniquely provide my insight into SRP and CrimeRP and my ideas. I’m also very open-minded and very open to listening and learning new things that could be taught to me to become not only a better person but a better player. I'm very good with communication and overall a cooperative person who prefers to talk situations out and figure out a direct approach to the issues at hand.
  • Self-discipline: I also have a sense of self-discipline. This self-discipline is good for keeping you on track for any ideas or goals you might have. With these ideas and goals, you can use them to improve the crime faction and community. I feel whenever I have a goal I put my all into it so that I can complete the goal and if I don't complete the goal and fail I use it as a learning opportunity to improve on what went wrong. An example of this is when I applied for the black market originally and was denied. Rather than give up and never attempt to apply and get into the faction I put even more effort and dedication to my application and getting my reputation out there. My second example is when I was denied for Lawyer. I always wanted to get into the government faction but didn’t put as much effort into my application as others. Instead of giving up on joining the government faction, I would apply once again but this time as a judge and would put significantly more effort into my application and was accepted after a long wait. I learned on the way that your effort is everything and that effort will pay off in the end. And the entire point of a goal is not completing it but, learning from the experience and not caring about the outcome of it.
  • Willing: I’m a very prepared individual and I have been taught planning can be very important and helpful. For example, talking about a court case before the actual trial and pre-writing everything that must be said. This makes things quicker and easier. This sense of planning ahead can ensure that ideas are perfected before released to the public. Of course, nothing is perfect but it’s always good to be as close as you can to perfect. This willingness will not only be shown by my interest in seeking out information to learn and improve my abilities and the community's happiness.
  • Organization: I consider myself an overall organized individual. I prefer things to be done nicely and quickly. And this is how that organization can be integrated into the crime faction. Not only will organizing help with the planning of events and actions and the assurance that the events or actions go through neatly and smoothly. With that in mind, it will help avoid issues icly and oocly. I enjoyed planning and being organized in situations of distress. An example of this can be, planning an event for a gang or just a crime event in general. You’re not gonna just randomly start an event without planning and organizing the event with the ones involved but you’re gonna make sure everything is perfect to the very last detail. This makes the events enjoyable for all sides and gets the most involvement within the community.
  • Flexible with time: As of recently many individuals have complained about times when the black market dealers open, and how they can't make openings because of time zone issues. This is where I can prove to be beneficial. I can stay up at later times for these different time zones while also being available for the Western time zones. I am usually very free as I don't have many things taking up my schedule so I would be available plenty of the time.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
  • Fight Club employee: I am currently working for Fight Club as a security member, which involves teamwork and communication within the security team. We have to have an understanding of what is going on around us, such as people going in and out, the items we confiscated and the behavior of individuals within the club making sure everyone is as safe as possible while planning things out with everyone and higher ups so nothing goes wrong during a average opening.

  • Gang higher-up/Management: Another experience I have been working as a Bonten higher-up on my llSockll account. With me being a higher I must work not only with my higher-ups but also provide help to newer members. Also, work with said higher-ups to plan events that members can partake in so everyone can feel involved. After Bonten I led a gang known as Brahman, involving myself with its creation and event plans. Suddenly after Brahman decided to merge with another gang without my knowing I decided to join a gang that goes by Hammer Heads and work with my fellow members to plan events just as I did with my previous gangs, so we can see the gang flourish as a whole.

  • Government Faction: I was involved in the government faction as well. I was a judge for some time and being in the government faction has taught me not only how to work with others but how to plan ahead of time. When in a case you always want to be one step ahead of the person you are going against or listening to you want to plan so you can counter anything brought against you. Not only does it take great amounts of skill not only from planning but also great skill of teamwork between Judges lawyers and governors.

  • Otakaya Shop: I’m a senior cashier at this shop. I have been working at said shop for a month or so now and help a good bit around the shop. I help train the new employees who have been added to the roster and help them feel welcomed. I work with the rest of the team (Managers and owner) to improve the shop and overall improve the quality of everything for everyone. This is to ensure everyone has the most enjoyment with the shop as possible. While working you must have great teamwork and communication skills with your team when the shop is open. This is to assure that no customers are left unhappy and have a great experience at the shop icly and oocly.

  • BMDA: Currently I am working with not only the black market dealers but fellow black market associates as well, which has helped me with planning things as an organized group/team and working things out so every single opening or event can go well. I have enjoyed working with such a group greatly and would recommend it to many others within the SRP community.

  • Football Team: I have earned the opportunity to be a part of the football team and sport faction. I have met so many amazing people and learned so many new skills I would have never thought of. Building bonds by being on the same team means more than just Minecraft. Football has taught me to coordinate and communicate with your team so that everyone involved has a great time and is on the same page.

  • School Faculty (Teacher): A month or so ago I was accepted into the teacher faction. I have learned that working with co-workers to plan lessons for students can be very important. This can be brought over into the black market, by working with other BMDs to plan out events or ideas that will get the community involved and have a good time while doing it.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
  • Expansion onto the sewers/Hot spots and quick events: Right now the sewers feel dull, it was talked about in the past, moving crimerp and gangrp down into the sewers and reducing the amount on the street. The best way to do such a thing is to make the sewers a nicer environment to involve yourself in. I know, I know it's a sewer but some of the sewers still look like they were built back in 2020, and it's time for an update to them. You could build off of such an expansion with BMD crate locations. Giving a more unique and wider range of locations for crates to spawn and new places for the BMDs and the rest of the player base to explore and expand their range of RP scenario opportunities. You could continue with this sewer theme and create these hot spots either at the entrances to the sewers in certain areas or the sewers themselves that combat rp is permitted just as if you were in powerplant. Such a larger space would open the door to more utilization of the sewers whether it be for events or just an increase in activity in the sewer. Keep in mind such increased activity in the sewers would give BMDs reason to be more cautious and more precise with the routes they use.
  • Block system: Another suggestion I would like to make is a block system. This would work the same as how the /grab command would work. If someone throws a punch instead of rolling for the punch to land you could use /block or /deflect, in reward for the block working it could stun the attacker in a sense skipping their turn. Giving it a high risk but high reward in the end. I feel it could make fighting more interesting and entertaining for all parties involved. Could be used if the fight club ever wants to use a rolling type system in the future.
  • Anonymous Call Command: This is a suggestion that I talked about with F1F4 a while back and I would love to bring it back up here. With this command, you would be able to call someone with an anonymous number or something that would read "No Caller ID" This number would be able to be tracked only by the previous location it was used at that time. So police would need to question people who were potentially in the surrounding areas or use CCTV cameras to hopefully identify the caller using the phone. This can work with a well-organized plugin to it. However, this also can come with many issues. One disadvantage to the police, but also an advantage to the caller is that the caller's location is pinged once and only the location where they called from. However, cameras can come into play, patrols, etc. Identifying the caller becomes a labor-intensive process that may or may not yield results. A variation of this sort of command is pay phones. These pay phones would be scattered around the map to be used by the player base. To avoid spamming KPD with the pay phones, CCTV could be placed on every payphone. It would hopefully limit players wanting to prank call the police and overall ruin the experience.

  • Bounty Hunting: As of recently the bounty hunter section in the black market has gone unused for a long time now. I think a great way to bring them back into the light and give them something to do is the killing of a major official or popular name. As of now, the old commissioner is no longer a part of the KPD. Why not make use of this, the public is already outraged by corruption within the police, so why not make it worse than it is? The plan would be short but simple, the bounty hunters would be sent on a mission to find and kill the ex-commissioner. After doing so we can set things up to look as if the KPD is indeed the enemy in this situation, and the killing of the commissioner was some sort of tactic by the police force and the new commissioner to cover up their corrupt ways. Making it seem as if the police do not want people to have the chance of people speaking out against them. Keeping the general public against the police is perfect for causing more riots and mass panic that the KPD can not be trusted. And what happens when the police can't be trusted to defend the people? The people defend themselves, hopefully meaning an increase in weapon output and orders.

  • The Ikigai Raid: We all already know that Fight Club received a major overhaul and remodel of the entire arena. I believe it’s time Ikigai received the same touch ups. This event would involve the KPD raiding the Ikigai club in an attempt to shut it down completely. In a panic of chain of events and desperation to get away the club would be absolutely destroyed with the stage in shambles and tables flipped over for cover. In such panic and need to get away people within the club would blow a hole in the wall leading into the sewers giving higher ups and employees an escape route. The club would be shut down for weeks planning the rebuild and improvements that will be made/added to the club.

    A second version of this event is the club is raided by the police and instead of the employees blowing a hole in the wall leading the club to be destroyed the KPD could either blow the hole in the wall as a surprise attack or they destroy the club with explosives after clearing all individuals inside. Or it doesn’t need to be the KPD at all. It could be a verified or unverified gang on a mission to prove their dominance or some sort of revenge against the club or its higher ups. In the end the idea of this event is bring an updated Ikigai location to the player base the same way a new Fight Club was brought to everyone.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I understand and am familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I am familiar with that if I leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on my character.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I am familiar that if my character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, I will be removed from the black market.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes, I understand and am familiar that I cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to others.


Full Legal Name:

He would take a seat in front of the camera before reading off his name. My name is Bai Yun

Criminal Alias:

Age & Occupation:
I currently have no Occupation

Gender & Marital Status:

Ethnicity & Race:
Chinese and Korean

Known Languages:

Former Associations/Occupations:
I am a former senior manager for the Otakaya shop. I worked there for some time and became very familiar and close with my coworkers.

Highest Level of Education:
My highest level of education is a bachelor’s degree

Physical/Mental Ailments:
PTSD: The death of my mother at a young age has left an image in the back of my mind, it constantly pops into my head and plays like a record, when I am committing any type of crime. Constantly reminding me of the death of my parents. This has led me to have a sense of empathy for my victims which can lead to me second-guessing myself and getting into situations.

Long-term insomnia: All the flashbacks I experience caused by the death of my parents have led to me staying up late at night, not being able to get any sort of sleep. When I went to the doctor to express the issue I was having, the doctor told me that I had short-term insomnia and they would prescribe me medication in hopes of helping treat the insomnia that curses me.

Schizophrenia: Voices the shadows of the things from my mind. It almost feels like a dream from what I hear. They tell me to do things and almost lead me down a certain path anytime I follow their shadows. I constantly hear my father's voice telling me over and over again to kill or harm them and to seek his revenge. Not knowing who the voices are speaking about and who they wish me to harm. I don’t know if I’m going insane or what is true, but they’re real. I tell you the voices are real, the shadows are real, I KNOW IT!

Anxiety: These voices constantly speak, never giving me a moment to think. I don’t even know what is going on. I constantly live in fear of the unknown, scared of what could come next for me. I’m worried for my safety, I’m worried for the safety of others. I’m scared of what I have done to people. I’m scared that I don’t know myself anymore. Is this a curse or a blessing? Will this hurt my relationships or save them will this kill me in the process or save me? I guess I will never know the answer and that scares me.

Separation disorder: I don’t want to lose anyone else I just can’t allow it. After losing my father and mother I can let no loved one leave my side or leave my life. I’m scared that they could be harmed or even die. I’m scared they will leave me and just forget about me. I just can’t allow it, even if I have to stalk them and constantly keep them by my side 24/7, I can’t allow them to ever leave me. I’m too scared to allow that to happen.


Ming Yun
Jia Yun
Ri Yun
Li Yun

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Bai Yun is a young Chinese male who stands at a modest 5'0. He would have pale skin, messy dirty blonde hair, and beautiful brown eyes. The male would seem to be very light, only weighing around 90 lbs or so. A scent of cinnamon would linger around him. It would appear a bullet hole scar would sit on his chest as well.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Bai is a jumpy person. He always looks agitated or worried about something. He walks around attempting to seem confident to people, but he isn’t. He constantly second-guesses what he does and gets very emotional very quickly. And he has the thought in the back of his mind he isn’t doing enough or not doing good at all. Bai overall tends to be a very nervous individual who tries his best to not show much emotion but can be pushed over very easily which leads him to involve himself with very difficult scenarios that cause him to struggle in life. He's very mature for his age and tends to not mess around often.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:
Bai never had an easy life. He was born into a world full of violence with his two sisters Ri and Li. He was a very quiet boy. Even with issues of not being able to always make his parents proud they always tried to keep Bai, Li, and Ri away from the violence. Their dad was a drunk and overall a terrible person and left when he was only seven. This would leave a chip on Bai, Li, and Ri's shoulders, leaving them with this sense of hateful rage for their now missing father. Months later after Bai's 10th birthday, their mother was suddenly killed by a random unknown gang. Bai would blame not only himself but their father for the death of their mother. With no home or nowhere to run, they didn’t know what to do.

Bai would eventually decide to move out of China and head to Karakura with his two sisters in hopes of finding a better life and hunting down their scum of a father, changing their last names to Yun and never turning back to the past. Bai, Li, and Ri would go around scamming individuals for money, in hopes of eventually saving up to buy a home for themselves. It has been eight years and the three siblings are now eighteen. They have finally gotten a better life and thought they have escaped the harsh world and found a nice point in life to finally come to peace with, until one terrible night. A group of thugs attacked Ri, stabbing her and leaving her stranded. This would fulfill this sense of emotion inside Bai and Li that they have never felt before, since their mother’s death.

Bai would take this emotion out on individuals who upset him, in and outside of school. He would begin drinking alcohol to see if it would help, but it only made things worse. In the end, all the fights and drinking on school grounds have resulted in suspensions from school for Bai and even expulsion. He knows it’s wrong but no matter what he tries he can’t fix this anger that’s in his heart until he knows that the individual who stabbed Ri is put to death. These issues have resulted in legal trouble with Bai as well. But no matter what happens Bai will not give up on the crimes committed until he finds and punishes everyone who involved themselves with the murder of his mother and the stabbing of Ri. Bai is not worried about his safety, rather is more worried about the safety and protection of others from harm. And will stop at nothing to keep them safe even if that costs his life.

Jumping to the present, Bai, Li, and Ri seem to be doing well. They finally saved up enough money to buy a place to call home, everything looks like it will be okay. But is that truly all? Bai is now nineteen and still expelled from Karakura High School. He has fallen out of contact with everyone in his life, not speaking too much of his family or friends besides his two sisters. He met a girl through his friend Kojima and the two have been talking for quite some time now. They have been talking for a little before eventually splitting ways. Bai is thinking about going back to her and completing their relationship and hopefully starting dating, but will he really do it or will he second guess himself once again and listen to those voices that haunt him and try to lead him down that dark path that they seek?

It seems his past could have caught up to him. After all these years Bai found himself back to where he was when he was eighteen. After his friend killed a black market dealer when he was eighteen he had to remain low to avoid being detected and avoid any link that he was involved. He still sees the shadows of the events and can accurately show the events that unfolded that day especially after a detailed description of what went down was given to him by Bai. Almost as a daily reminder of the crime they committed. But now this has become an issue. The black market is seeking revenge for the death of their fellow dealer and Bai doesn’t have a clue what to do. The ones he has once known have turned against each other trying to save their ass from being killed. The voices in his head tell him to give out who was involved to save himself and his sister Ri but he can’t bring himself to do it. Bai has continued to hide and will try to do so shortly.

He has cut all ties to his former gang in hopes of leaving such a situation and seeking peace in his mind. But the voices, the shadows, they won't allow it, they just won’t. Bai has tried everything and won’t give up until those voices are satisfied. Bai decided his only choice was not to give up those who killed him but rather kill them himself, at his own hands. He found how to seek a position in the black market and attempted to join the ranks. The voices tell him this is the correct path but is it? Or will this path lead him to an early death and being caught for his crime against the black market or will he be able to hide all the planning he has done and finally relieve that fear and anxiety that has strung his life for so long?

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
[Selling Weapons]
The phone would ring. Bai pulled the phone out of his pocket before answering the phone and moving the caller into a private call before saying "Hello?" The person on the call would be whispering into the phone telling Bai "Hey man I would like to purchase some items from you if you're available." Bai would let off a slight grin behind the phone before responding to the person "Items you say? What type of items would you like exactly?" The person on the other side would quickly respond to Bai’s comment by saying "I wish to buy a spiked bat, Katana, and a ballistic face mask." Bai would proceed to lose the grin before asking who the person is affiliated with and what their name is. The person behind the phone, still whispering, would tell Bai his alias and the people he is affiliated with. “Bonten, alias Yaku.”

Bai would stand there for a bit before finally confirming the information he was given and eventually responding to the consumer "Meet me sewer entrance at the back of the school." The person on the phone would respond briefly "OK I’ll see you in a little bye." before hanging up.

While waiting Bai would check the storage making sure the items that were requested were available. Bai would eventually find the items asked for, grabbing what was needed for the deal. He would then put on a mask before the buyer would show up. As the customer began to climb down the ladder, Bai would look him up and down. The person would finally reach the bottom of the ladder before turning to face Bai and asking "You the one selling the items?" Bai would nod his head before saying "Yeah that would be me." He would begin pulling out the items showing them to the customer and giving him details on how to use them properly. Bai would then tell the customer "If you want all the items you asked for it's gonna cost you." The customer would nod in agreement asking "How much is it all gonna cost?" Bai would tell him the price "It's going to cost you a total of 850,000 Yen for everything."

The customer would sigh "Damn man that's a lot of money, good thing I have enough" before reaching for his pocket and pulling out his wallet, and pulling the 850,000 yen out before handing it to Bai. Before parting ways, Bai would say "Pleasure doing business with you" watching the customer climb back out of the sewer before turning and walking back down the sewer tunnel with a grin on his face and money in hand.

Bai would stand there for a while not knowing what he should do. He was surrounded by police with nowhere to run, guns drowned to him and fear would be seen in his eyes. Let’s see how it got to this point. It would begin on a Tuesday late afternoon, Bai was doing just another daily routine of openings. Selling weapons left and right making the streets a “safer” place. But something felt off. Someone was watching and has been lurking in the shadows for many days. The anxiety would begin to set in and he would check around himself looking for anyone. Then he saw it, a black masked figure lacking in the shadows, Bai would approach the shadow asking them to “quit following” before it randomly disappeared. His mind was playing tricks again. Bai would turn and just walk away but still had the thought someone was watching. Bai would take a corner in the sewers before stopping for a while. He would wait to see if anyone was actually following or if he was just overreacting.

Then it happened a masked individual walked around the corner, it was true Bai was being followed. The masked individual would seem to be a short female. They would attempt to grab Bai but he would escape out of the sewers near the bowling alley, but he was still being chased. In fear for his life he would pull out a Katana and face the individual. He would have panic in his eyes and his heart would be racing. Citizens would see the fight happening in the middle of the open and would report it to the police, stating that a deadly weapon was being used in a fight. By this time the masked female would pull out a spiked bat and tell Bai that everyone has their time and his was now and he is gonna give up his weapons, and info on the black market, and that he will leave the black market and how he has no choice. They would swing the bat towards his skull but failed to connect, Bai dashing backwards would watch as the bat slammed to the ground. He would realize what he must do to save his own life. Bai would then begin to grip his hold on the Katana looking at the individual. They were tired not only from the chase but also from such a heavy swing that must have made them tired. Bai would take his chance aiming the blade towards the individual liver, hearing the voices demanding him to do it, before going for it… Connection, he hit the masked female and dropped to the floor unconscious. The spiked bat would roll out of their hands and onto the floor, blood beginning to spill from the cut. Wanting to know who would want to cause such harm to him. Unmasking the female… It hit, his heart would begin to beat faster and the tears would begin to tremble.

It was Ri, his sister. Bai would drop to his knees with the katana by his side. Eventually, the KPD showed up. Guns were drawn and ready to fire, demanding him to get on the ground and not move. Bai would look up to the officers with tears in his eyes and blood on his clothes. He would attempt to speak but no words would come out. Looking past the police he would see that same masked shadow he saw earlier standing behind them. Eventually, he would speak and ask for help. Before looking down at his sister. Bai was now putting pressure on the wound, begging the KPD to just help and begging Li to stay with him. As the tears dropped, the cops would approach. The voices would once again speak telling Bai he cops next. Paint the blade red with their blood. The cops would put down their guns and would begin bringing out tasers. Realizing that Bai is no longer a threat. Knowing what was going to happen, Bai would swiftly get up and run, leaving the Katana stained with sister's blood by her side. The cops would mainly focus on giving medical attention while some cops took chase. Bai would get away, making it to his home. He doesn’t know what to do anymore. He has stabbed his sister. He began to worry, praying she was not dead. Hoping Ri forgot the events from the trauma he would attempt to contact her. Hearing her voice again brought relief to his heart. She forgot about it and told Bai, she had no idea what he was talking about. Bai is glad she has forgotten but now must live with his actions. But does Li forget or is she covering it up to plan future actions?

[Stealing Crates]
Bai would be standing there. In the dark and cold sewers waiting for a phone call for an order, waiting for anything to happen. Eventually, he got the call. Bai would accept their call, lifting the phone to his ear “Hello?” A voice would be heard from the other side of the phone “Hello, I need a spray can and gas mask please” Bai would sigh before responding to the individual “Alright I’ll call you back.” Bai would hang up the phone before placing it in his pocket. He would begin walking around the sewers to find his hidden weapon shipments. Bai would run for around 30 minutes before eventually making it to the crate. But he wasn’t the first one there.

As Bai took the corner he saw a masked individual trying to break the lock on his chest. They would have a katana in their right hand. Bai would begin to panic and would yell to the individual “Leave the crate now!!” after getting no response Bai would once again yell “Leave the shipment now, last warning!!” Bai would approach the individual beginning to pull out his tactical knife. The masked individual would turn to face him. He would demand Bai to leave. “You better leave if you know what’s best for you.” Bai would not take too kindly to this threat, responding to him “Watch your tongue kid or you might lose it.” The masked individual would respond “Oh really let’s find out then”. Suddenly the masked individual would dash to Bai attempting to stab him in the chest. Bai would dash to the side before attempting to quickly stab the individual in the side of the stomach. He would miss now both standing there they would face each other once again. Bai would let off some words “Even if you do kill me it will not end well for you, you can win a battle but not a war.” The masked person once again tried to stab Bai, but he missed again. Bai dashed to his side before using his knife quickly, slicing off the hand with the katana. As the katana dropped to the floor with the now lost hand.

The individual would drop to the floor now bleeding from the wound. Bai would look down to the individual debating on ending his life right then and there. But he decided not to, kicking the individual's hand over to him and passing the katana over to him. “Let this be a lesson about who you mess with the kid, next time you won’t be so lucky with your life.” As the victim began to slowly get up still bleeding, they would pick up their hand from the ground and would grab their katana, before turning and running quickly off. Bai watched as he ran off before turning and unlocking the shipment, grabbing the gas mask and spray can from the crate. He pulled out his phone before calling the individual who called the hotline earlier telling them where to meet “Meet me at Fight Club entrance.” They would respond “Alright.”

Bai eventually made it to the Fight Club entrance and began waiting for the buyer to arrive. Finally, an individual would walk around the corner. “How much?” Bai would tell the buyer the price “It’s going to be 70,000¥” Bai would watch as the buyer would pull out his wallet handing Bai the 70,000¥. Bai would in return hand the buyer the requested items before parting ways.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Bai has worked for the black market for some time now and has become motivated by many of the dealers to pursue his role in the black market by going a step forward. Rather than just be an associate he wants to move past that and become a dealer himself and become more dependent on the market as a whole. He has worked within the black market ranging from helping with openings to helping with fight club and has been involved or tries to be involved in every way with the market itself. Another note is, that Bai has become very familiar with the sewer's sense of working with the black market and can find his way around with rarely any issues. My final note is, I have a clear and pretty well understanding of how the black market faction operates and wouldn’t have trouble performing as a black market dealer.

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Level 267
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

Thank you for applying, but I've decided to deny your application for the following reason(s)

Due to the amount of applications we often have to deny good applications due to the lack of spots, whether it's due to differences in applications or server reputation. However, we encourage you to reapply in the future.

We generally look for players who have a fairly clean server history and those who have been playing for some time. To improve your chances later on, you can try joining other factions and community teams first.​

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