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★ Hobbits Staff Introduction ★


Level 10

Hello everyone,

I am a little bit of an unknown individual in the community. I did make an introduction in the past, however I think it is time to give be though I think it is best to give a proper introduction to the position so everyone can get to know me a little bit better. So I, as the title suggests, am Hobbits and I was the Head School Inspector (PCI) on the second map, Taketatsu. I first joined around a year and a half ago, on the first map, Furness Academy when there were only two applications (and boy has time moved by since then!)

A little bit about me outside of SchoolRP is that I am currently in college and trying to get a degree in computer science. I am from the US, and also a Floridian (the weather is very bipolar here.) I have been Roleplaying for around 4 years, and have some good knowledge that I hope to provide for everyone on the server or some fun stories in general about my experiences roleplaying.

Staff Position

Though I cannot go into much detail about my position, I would just like to say that I will be trying to make SchoolRP an enjoyable experience for all. After the whole situation with the Staff, I do hope that I can help in any way I can to both you, the player and Staff. A little about my time as Staff Member - I do have a few project I will be working on, and hoping to add a new coat of paint to the forums. This includes minor things like:
  • Fixing grammar mistakes.
  • Moving threads to the correct nodes.
  • Possibly in the future reviewing application
On the server, however, I will be putting in all my time to moderating the server since most of the Staff do hold high positions ICLY. So to make things easier on Staff, for the time being, I will not be playing any character.


I would like to thank you all for reading my introduction as well as giving me the opportunity to make SchoolRP a wonderful experience for you, the player and also for Staff. I cannot wait to work with you all, and good luck to everyone applying for Staff. I hope to see you on the team!



Level 152
Great to know more about you, congratulations on getting accepted, and we can't wait for what in stored you have for us.


Level 17
Welcome to the Staff Team, Comrade @Hobbits
We will appreciate your cooperation in the future, and I can assure you that you will do a good job, for I am confident of my opinion on people by the likes of you.

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