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Accepted ✦ _Washu_ | History Teacher Application ✦


Level 5

Note: May not look as great on phone as it was initially formatted for pc

✦ ════ஓ๑ Out-Of-Character Information ๑ஓ════

What is your Minecraft username?


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?
Yup, able to VC whenever necessary

How old are you? (Optional):
18 – Dec 23, 2003

What is your time zone?
(Please note, I’ll be moving to Melbourne, Australia, on Feb 2023. So, it would change relatively dramatically then. – GMT+11)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?
Yup, noted

Describe your activity on the server:
On a scale of 1-10, I’d describe my activity level a solid 9.5/10. I simply have an increasing amount of time to spend as I’m currently approaching the end of my first year. I’m going to be especially active over the next couple months and would aim for beating some ‘highest number of classes hosted’ record – inspired by some other teachers I hang out with mentioning it.
I’m also normally active around 7PM – 4AM (GMT+3), however, this is highly likely to change as I move to my dad’s place. If anything, once I move I’d be even more active than usual as I’ll be having my summer vacation from early Nov – Feb 28 (Australian semesters work a little differently).
Sidenote: the timezone doesn’t add up because I’m studying in Australia remotely, so I’m not actually located in Australia for now.

Do you have any previous bans?

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
1st Russian App: [Denied]
2nd Russian App: [Accepted]
1st Gaelic App: [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Currently a Grade 12 student at the time of writing.
Washu Topjee Drakos [Student]

════ஓ๑ Trivia ๑ஓ════ ✦

What subject are you applying to teach?

History Teacher Application specializing in pre-modern world (or human) history.
I’m hoping to introduce a more general approach to real-world history without including any bias. I want to introduce a topic from the perspective of a neutral view and allow students to debate amongst themselves whenever appropriate. I will not be including anything even remotely potentially sensitive to anyone for obvious reasons to avoid conflict and all debates would have to stay professional. Furthermore, staying true to the RP, any history relevant to Japan would be server history and only events that occurred IC.
I’d also like to introduce a potential textbook I would create, that would include all the previous topics I’ve taught. This could be used as some form of revision guide or reference. This is just an idea and may not be implemented as people may try utilizing it to cheat on history sections during exams. However, if implementation is seen through, a record of people who have borrowed said textbook could be created and an expectation could be set to have them be returned before any examinations.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?
Well IRL I’ve been mentoring peers for a sometime. I’m not exceptionally smart, but I like offering a helping hand whenever I can. I’ve got a somewhat decent deal of experience ooc when it comes to teaching, meaning I’d have that ability to be patient with users and think rationally when presented with problems that others might find infuriating. Furthermore, I’d like to get more involved in the SchoolRP server as so far, I’ve really enjoyed my time playing. I’ve been actively playing for around a month and a half to 2 months now, however, have known about the server’s existence for almost 2 years now. I’m currently discovering the level of depth the server has to offer and would love to get more involved in one of the primary, if anything arguably the main, factors of SchoolRP.
Furthermore, teaching has always been a career choice of mine in-person, it’s quite enjoyable and although I would never teach middle- or primary-school children… because hell no. I’d happily offer classes to students during their high-school years when most people begin taking classes seriously. Moreover, teachers are inherently patient as their position demands it. I can see myself utilizing my patience to think rationally when having to deal with irrational players and I think it only adds value to my character.
Seeing as the roster could use another history teacher, and I have heard about the inactivity of teachers in the previous month, I would like to offer my time in supporting the server function. As teachers play a crucial role on the server, I’d emphasize the importance of having teacher activity. To be quite honest, I haven’t had a single history class in my entire time on the server and not only am I relatively active compared to others, I also find that I’m only ever seeing the same teachers online.
For a more IC motive, being a teacher would allow me to facilitate good roleplay on the grounds that I would more likely than not understand RP rules and functions more than your average new players, or “greenie”. Engaging in teaching and presenting myself as an approachable and friendly teacher would assist in making newer players feel more comfortable with their abilities to RP and give them the opportunity to ask me questions should they have any whether IC related or not. I want to present myself as an approachable teacher as I’d like to offer that role of support, mostly because I was given that support from Mr. Black, the English teacher, and it has helped me a great deal when it comes to settling confusions or discovering more about RP. Furthermore, having a more experienced player’s helping hand around helped me understand server functionality more. As a result, I find myself very involved in RP in a matter of an OOC month.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?
Yes, I would like to receive training anyways to help solidify my understanding of my IC role and abilities.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?
Teacher class logs, from what I’ve understood based on my own research, seems to be a system that allows for the school administration to keep tabs on the functions of each individual teacher’s classroom. This would be utilized to help determine whether a teacher is actively taking their role seriously and assist in proving an employee is meeting their monthly quota – logs would also help in providing information to teachers with regards to the number of classes they have to complete, additional classes hosted, times and room numbers, total classes hosted, and an inactivity log.
In other words, it’s a system utilized by both teachers and administration to assist in the functions of the schooling environment and ensure all requirements are met by said teachers.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?
As much as I’d like to be a friendly, laid-back, and approachable teacher, certain rules must be adhered to on a strict basis to ensure the classroom can still function as it’s supposed to. The primary rules I shall be enforcing by order of importance are as follows:

(Top rule being the most strictly enforced)
Rule Zero: Follow the rules
This should go without saying but, all students are expected to abide by all Karakura laws at all times and follow all school rules when on school grounds.

Rule One: No Bullying
As Washu has experienced this himself, he has a zero-tolerance bullying policy. This means under no circumstance is bullying ever acceptable from his perspective. Bullying, by definition, does not allow for a means of justification and would result in immediate consequences had he witnessed it take place. This means no bullying by any means whether verbally or physically.

Rule Two: No distracting audio or noises
Not specific to mobile devices, loud audio can come in the form of yelling, whining, music, ringtones, etc. I believe a classroom environment should aim to be tame for the most part. Discussions and engagement should be allowed and very much encouraged, however, as soon as it becomes a nuisance it should be controlled, and consequences should be placed accordingly.

Rule Three: No talking back or interrupting
Especially when formal requests are made by Washu, he’d like to see people listening to him as students continually refusing to listen to him only creates a disrespectful and toxic environment. Washu understands he may not always be right but when a formal request is made, he would like to see students take a professional approach by accepting and discussing with him their thoughts and feelings with regards to their concerns after class as to not disrupt anyone else’s learning.

Rule Four: You are responsible for yourself
As Washu aims to provide quality lectures and classes, when classes are aimed at simply providing a quantity of information students are expected to take whatever notes they feel necessary. He’d aim to make note taking as convenient as possible by providing an introductory and summary of each lesson, however, if a student refuses to listen or take notes then that is on them, and their capabilities would be reflected on assignments. He will not be spoon-feeding students information if they refuse to put in the effort themselves.

Rule Five: Free time
Free time in his classroom can be viewed as the time spent outside of actively listening to information being presented or after having submitted an assignment or task early. Washu aims to keep classes to the point to allow hard workers who go that extra mile to submit work as soon as they’re finished and be rewarded at the end of class. People who have the chance to enjoy their earned free time are expected to follow previous rules and not distract others. Washu wouldn’t care what they’re doing so long as they’re following school rules and not distracting others around them who are still trying to work on tasks.

Rule Six: Making a mistake is ok
Making a mistake is completely fine in Washu’s classroom. Whether it be arriving late to class, simply breaking a minor rule, answering incorrectly on a question, or even just asking an irrelevant question. Things happen, we’re all human. He’d simply issue warnings if necessary and try to be as reasonable as possible considering the context. If someone refuses to learn from their mistakes then due action is required, however, Washu doesn’t enjoy dishing out punishments and would much rather his students enjoy a healthy classroom environment that facilitates education and academic debate whilst allowing for appropriate social interactions when applicable.

Rule Seven: Be respectful to others
This goes without saying but if someone is working next to you or presenting a piece of work to others, please respect them and their boundaries. If they ask you to leave them alone, then respect that and avoid unnecessary conflict. When students are working they are trying to better themselves so any interruptions can be viewed as an obstruction of their education.

Rule Eight: Be proud of your work
Washu understands that everyone has differing abilities when it comes to the standard of work they can submit. Not everyone is avid about learning History and that’s completely fine! Washu would still appreciate any efforts made in his class and is always willing to provide feedback on work submitted relevant to his subject.

Rule Nine: Ask questions and don’t ask to ask!
History can be confusing at times, sometimes the presented timelines aren’t adding up or there’s some form of conflicting factor that’s preventing your understanding of said topic! Washu always encourages students to ask relevant questions to better their understanding and will always attempt to clear up any confusions. With the exception of questions that aren’t relevant to the current lecture topic. Washu will gladly answer any irrelevant questions after the end of class, he will always aim to stay behind for a bit to support students! This includes questions that discuss previous exams and any feedback requests on assignments that haven’t been given out during said lesson. Furthermore, Washu would like to make the most of the short class time available to him, so please don’t ask to ask! This phrase refers to not asking whether you can ask a question but rather, just asking said question right away.

Rule Ten: Contacting and disagreeing with me is ok
If you disagree with me on any subject, that’s completely fine and Washu encourages independent thought. He believes it builds character in people and helps them develop their personalities. If you disagree with a point made in class or would like to debate whether a punishment was justified, please contact Washu after class and have a civil discussion with him discussing what you believe the problem was. Disagreeing and having an opinion is never punishable, rather, its encouraged. Again, I’m always happy to answer questions, any irrelevant discussions or questions should be dealt with outside of class time.
(Bottom rule allowing for the most leeway and requires further context to determine an appropriate response)

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?
Roleplaying has been a consistent pastime in my life. I believe most people will have roleplayed using conventional toys, it’s simply enjoyable to experience things from a different person’s perspective and challenge your imagination to think outside the box. Furthermore, roleplaying with friends has always been enjoyable as it creates closer bonds and has helped me create some close in-person friends.
The first instance I have with roleplay is probably going to have to be with, and yes this may be sad, familyRP and schoolRP on Hypixel housing servers. It would be incredibly fun meeting new people and taking on the role of different people. It helped develop my personality and allowed me to build confidence in myself. Furthermore, schoolRP would then become a trend I’d continually come back to on and off to this day.
Then I’d go through an edgy teenage phase at like 13 or 14 L. I was fascinated by that SCP story thing and would read up on lots of its lore. My favorite SCP being SCP-999 because of their cute personality, I found myself roleplaying on one of them SCP games. I believe it was called SCP containment breach and can be found on Steam but don’t quote me!
After a while I’d come across SRP for the first time, about 1-2 years ago, on an alternate account named “SchnellBomber” or “_Washu” – I can’t really remember as it’s been quite a while since I’ve used it. Point is, I found SRP to be very nostalgic as it resonated in me my younger self. My only reason for leaving was not understanding the level of depth that SRP had to offer and simply gave up on my attempts. This was my first formal attempt at joining SRP, however, due to not getting the hang of it at first, I found myself excluded and gave up on trying – this is something I’d aim to prevent happening to newer players as I know how hard it can be to integrate yourself into completely new RP!
After losing my previous account due to some issues with my registered email and being unable to migrate the Mojang account, I made my new account (yes the one I’m currently using) and joined SRP! So far, I’ve been enjoying it a bunch and have a community of my own. I have no intentions of leaving any time soon and am already trying to integrate myself deeper into RP – for example, via this application or via entering the family Drakos.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: HDs oversee the actions of teachers and content delivered by teachers within their department. HDs usually ensure rules are being followed by both students and teachers during class time, assisting in guaranteeing a healthy classroom dynamic. They are the highest-ranking teachers and have lots of experience in said role, great people for UTs and NQTs to refer to when requiring assistance.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: QTs are people who’ve accomplished any hurdle requirements of being a teacher whether academic or training. Additionally, they’ve got some experience under their belt and have proven they are able to perform their job to a high standard. They generally have a lot more control over the way rules are enforced within their classroom than NQTs and UTs would.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: NQTs are teachers that have passed the initial hurdle requirements of becoming a teacher and have proven their abilities in training. They can host their own classes without the supervision of a QT or HD present. NQTs don’t have a set time before being considered a QT and are expected to prove themselves able to handle the classroom environment independently.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: UTs are newly accepted staff members. They are still either about to or are actively performing training to better understand their roles. Furthermore, UTs are expected to prove they’re able to handle the role of a teacher via training.

════ஓ๑ Teacher Knowledge ๑ஓ════ ✦

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

[OOC & IC-perspective]

First off, I’m going to discuss what I believe teachers are with regards to their role. This would apply to both OOC and IC.

Resource Specialist
Firstly, teachers are expected to be resource specialists within the scope of their subject. Students will frequently come to teachers seeking advice on what reliable sources they can quote when making claims, especially within History – as History essays tend to be persuasive or provide the opportunities for students to make claims, any claims would be expected to be backed-up by sufficient evidence gathered from reliable sources. Moreover, sometimes giving resources isn’t enough, teachers may also be required to inform the student how to utilize the resource effectively. This helps prevent students potentially working incorrectly with sources and that could be counter-productive to the original motive.

Role of Support
Yes, students would occasionally need support when learning a new skill or piece of information and there is the clear expectation of teachers to act in the role of support when students need it. Additionally, however, teachers also take on the support role in the forms of a coach, leader, and potentially a counselor too at times – as teachers may be the only approachable adult-figure for some students. In professional circles, teachers may also support other teachers.

Teachers may act ask mentors to students in unconventional ways. Students may look up to their teachers – whether they would assume their lifestyle or approach to academics, or even both, would very much vary amongst different students. Furthermore, a teacher could influence the behavioral patterns of a student. Additionally, an senior teacher may even mentor younger / newer teachers who are just starting out in their profession – as possible in the case in any other profession.

Helping hand
Outside of assisting and dealing with students, teachers also occupy the role of lending a helping hand to the school and assisting in its functions outside their physical classroom. This may come in the form of leading PTA meetings, invigilating exams, or overseeing a detention. Often, teachers who are active in school will have more jobs than the one they were originally hired for, therefore, its common for the goals of teachers to match the direction that the school is taking.

Finally, teachers should allow themselves to be learners. This means putting their ego aside and accepting they may not know the answer to every question. Honesty, not only to others, but to yourself as well can be difficult at times, however, it is the best approach. It helps build character in people and assists in developing skillsets over time. Furthermore, its especially important for teachers to be ‘Learners’ as they will have to fill many roles during their employment.

[OOC-specific perspective]
Teachers in the real world are the bread and butter of society, I would argue they’re one of the more underappreciated members of todays world, as they directly influence the types of students a school produces. Teachers play a huge role in whether students leave high-school ambitious and ready to begin contributing to society or leave feeling lost. I believe a positive teacher can influence students both positively and negatively. For example, I found that during my middle school years, my computer science teacher was incredibly rude and strict. This caused me to associate the subject they would teach with the negative interactions I would experience alongside it. That’s why I believe teachers directly influence a student’s outlook on a certain subject. The reason I brought up the subject computer science is since I’m currently majoring in an information technology field. During my high school years, I realized my passion for topics that fall under the scope of computer science which completely contradicts my previous perspective on said subject. I deduced that the only factor that wasn’t present when exploring said field had quite literally been the influence of a teacher. I don’t believe I’m the only person that has experienced this. Broadly speaking, the function of teachers is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. In terms of salaries, I’ll be focusing on Japanese related statistics as SRP is based in Japan. In Japan, a teacher’s salary directly depends on their position and their “Grade”, grade refers to the years of teaching experience and individual holds. In 2003, teachers would earn at minimum 156,500JPY / month, holding a grade 2, and earn as much as 455,900JPY / month when holding a grade 36. However, in 2022 the average Japanese teacher’s salary can be described as low as 214,000JPY / month to as high as 629,000JPY / month. This is a dramatic increase having a median salary increase of 29% from 2003 to 2022. Overall, the average teacher’s salary has increased, however, this has to be taken with a grain of salt as other factors such as the value of currency in 2003 and 2022, and inflation, have not been taken into account.
[Website Reference One:]
[Website Reference Two:]

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?
Teachers in-game essentially facilitate RP. They are generally some of the first people newer players would meet when first joining SRP. They’re a great means of information for newer players looking to learn more. They will set that RP standard for newer players and help welcome them into SRP – having been a newer player, I understand its always intimidating trying to fit in to a community, especially when your new to roleplay. Moreover, I found that on other school roleplay servers teachers are an uncommon feature. The fact that this server not only boasts a polished version of teachers, but has it be considered a formal role anyone can apply for and earn benefits for their hard work is beyond me. It’s incredibly impressive. On top of that, it also amazes me how the server has established a functioning education system where content delivered by teachers can actually be found on tested exams that occur on a quarterly basis. Furthermore, teachers are one of the figures greenies can approach when attempting to fit into RP. This is exactly what I did when I was first starting out, it can be quite intimidating at first considering the sheer scale of RP and level of detail. Having that approachable teacher can help greenies be introduced to the core mechanics as soon as they start.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?
Based on the research I’ve conducted I’ve found that there is a formal system implemented, however, it is a loose system. The “MoSCoW” system refers to ‘Must have, Should have, Could have, Would/Wouldn’t have’. On the other hand, I found details which describe the system being loosely followed. Based on my experience of having attended a number of classes hosted by differing teachers and subjects, I found it to depend on said teacher and how they decide to implement said “MoSCoW” system. Some teachers prefer delivering solid lectures all class whilst others take a more practical approach assigning assignments or performing demonstrations and experiments.

════ஓ๑ Character Knowledge ๑ஓ════ ✦

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Washu stands at a comfortable 6’0”. For the most part, he’s nothing out of the ordinary in terms of looks. Just a regular, simple, male would meet the eyes. He is of decent build, having some muscle but nothing noticeable. He has no distinctive accent, although it almost sounds as if there is one. He would tend to be mistaken for being American when communicating in English had people judged only through voice as putting a label on his accent is very difficult, additionally, his Japanese is not on point, and you can tell her is not from Japan; he finds a way to get by with regards to daily communication. With regards to speech, for the most part he has no impediments other than a slight, hardly noticeable, slurring of words when he’s nervous. He’d have well washed and taken care of, yet scruffy as he’d never brush or comb, hair. He was an avid believer of keeping hair looking healthy as he used to be obsessed with longer hair for some reason which caused him to investigate the topic. Furthermore, with regards to hair, he has a well taken care of and noticeable beard. Many refer to it as one of the most spectacular and majestic beards they’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing. He would have a trimmed and full beard with emphasis on his chin and mustache. He’d allow for the beard on his chin to get slightly fuller than the rest, meanwhile, allowing for a large moustache as well, thus, creating his most iconic visual feature. Although unnoticeable at first glance, he has a glass right eye due to an altercation he had where he had his eye scooped out by someone with a katana. Furthermore, Washu has a hardly functional right leg as the same person that scooped up his eye had cut his leg off as well, although, they were kind enough to give it back – Yes, he may have some bad blood with a few people. He’s got weirdly grey colored eyes, however, they’re fully functional and the odd color doesn’t seem to come with any defects. He’s got tanned skin, on the lighter end of that spectrum, and always a very tired look on his face causing him to give off “stoner” vibes as described by a friend of his.

View attachment 36807
Washu at aged 25 in his Yeobo Uniform. Art by: Ko#2476

In terms of clothing, Washu’s personality can be viewed by the absolute state of his clothing style. Outside of settings where he’s forced to be appropriately dressed, he loves wearing comfortable oversized clothing. Furthermore, he loves the contrast of light grey, white, and black which he frequently implements on clothing. However, his favorite color by far is cyan and the only other color he’d accept on clothing would be said color. Moreover, when necessary, he typically wears appropriate clothing, for instance, in a school setting you will typically see him wearing some formal attire. Dress shoes, a cyan buttoned up top, and some black or white pants to match. He’s a huge sweater nerd and loves collecting funky sweater designs, regardless of how horrible the fashion atrocity that meets the eyes.
With regards to Washu’s unique factor, he has the tendency to let his “intrusive thoughts” win at times. There’s always that voice in the back of his head convincing him to do things which he clearly should not do. For instance, when around cops, Washu is the kind of guy to pull out a toy gun and point it at them to see find out how they’d react for whatever reason. Moreover, he has this habit of gaining lots of satisfaction after purchasing things for others. Especially people in need and close friends, whether they need it or not. He was recently in crippling debt and still found ways to pay for dinner at restaurants for him and a group of others – he may not be the most reliable when it comes to making financial decisions.
Washu’s outlook on students is a simple one. He reciprocates the attitude students give him. Meaning if a student is friendly with Washu, he’ll reciprocate said behavior and be just as, if not more, friendly! He aims to be approachable as he knows school and teachers can be intimidating, however, he wants students to have that notion that it’s ok to be confused and request support for any reason whatsoever. Furthermore, Washu has a 0 tolerance to bullying. It hits home hard for him and he doesn’t want to witness it happening in any shape, way, or form. Furthermore, his only expectation of students is that they simply follow the rules set by him, the school rules, and Karakura law.
With regards to other teachers, Washu’s personality would naturally have him struggle to fit in with more mature people seeing as he tends to act incredibly childish regardless of his age. He has already gotten to know some teachers, namely Mr. Black and Mr. Toru, and has enjoyed spending his time around them from time to time. He does idolize Mr. black as they represent the ideal academic from his perspective. Moreover, he’s set the expectation that other teachers be approachable and willing to volunteer. He believes teachers should aim to better the establishment they work at as it’s the right thing to do.
His personality is that of a caring, and protective individual – though he may not always portray the former trait. He can’t standby and watch a friend of his get beat up by anyone – he’s been knocked out countless times as a result of doing so. He doesn’t necessarily expect or receive the same response from his friends, not that they’d do that anyways (*ahem Kota*). Another distinct trait of his is his failing ability to be compassionate and friendly; Especially being unwelcoming to new people. This is due to his lack of ability to trust people, let alone people he’s only just met, causing him to be on guard a lot of the time. He can also be seen being quite unfriendly to newer people when outside of professional settings for the same exact reason. On the contrary, he tends to have a very laid-back demeanor who tends to avoid confrontation when not necessary – that is unless he feels the need to protect someone around him. Furthermore, he has a bad smoking problem.
With regards to the future, Washu had recently just bought an apartment, moving out of the previous home he was bunking in, in hopes to better himself and his quality of life. He aims to settle with Bel, his partner, and would have to take into account their opinion when regarding the future. As for his career, however, he aims to make a meaningful name for himself. Being an avid academic, Washu would like to make a difference and contribute back to the Karakura community by providing quality education for a subject he’s passionate about, that being History. Moreover, in the long run, he’d like to make a name for himself by working up the ranks of the school system.

════ஓ๑ Scenarios ๑ஓ════ ✦

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?

Washu is one to talk when it comes to cursing and swearing, he does it all the time outside of professional settings. However, he understands that rules are rules, and they should be enforced. He’d approach the gang of delinquents and do your stereotypical “uhm?” whilst staring them down with a playful look and a single raised eyebrow that implies “we both know you shouldn’t be cursing and swearing, so let’s not”. He’d try not to escalate the situation unnecessarily as although teenagers obnoxiously walking down a school corridor swearing with zero regard for their surroundings, he understands that sometimes it helps when spicing up conversations and it’s just another means of expressing yourself – he is also a firm believer in normalizing the ability to express yourself using any language so long as it is not used with the intent to offend anyone. Thus, he’d finally say “Alright, I saw nothing, for now, but I don’t wanna see you lot cursing out in the open…and getting caught!” attempting to keep the students out of trouble whilst maintaining a calm and clear confrontation that implies his acknowledgement of the mistake, however, provides an alternative in the form of a comedic warning.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?
Getting a class of hyperactive students to listen is incredibly difficult. Normally, there is a root cause for said interruptions; taking out the root cause of an issue tends to help get rid of the overarching problem. He generally isn’t a fan of incredibly loud crowds and finds them to be a nuisance, so he would initially attempt to prevent students from getting to the point of being too loud to acknowledge him in the first place. However, sometimes the best way to solve an issue is to understand it’s root cause and tackle it, not literally. He’d find the people causing the major distractions and attempt to talk to them friendlily whilst subtly urging them to listen to his class. After having located the problem child, he’d approach them stating “hey bud, how’s class been so far? Just thought I’d let you know that we’ve got one of our upcoming weekly quizzes soon. You feeling ready?”. If that were to fail he’d then firmly approach and serve a clear, concise and to-the-point formal verbal warning “Alright, I’ve already spoken to you, let’s settle down and listen to what I’ve got to say, I don’t want you missing out on any content. I hate to say it but anymore distractions and I’ll have to ask you to leave.”. If his second attempt were to fail then he'd consider the severity of the issue. Had the student made an attempt to listen then he’d attempt to sit the problem child as far away from the others to make a statement whilst issuing another, firm and final, verbal warning “Alright, I’m trying to be nice here but I don’t appreciate your refusal to listen and your continual distracting of your peers, I’ll be moving you and any more distractions and I’ll be forced to ask you to leave.”. Otherwise, had they made no attempts to improve he’d simply kick them out issuing no reason as the student would already know, clear as day, what the reason would have been seeing as they will have been sufficiently warn.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?
Being quite untrusting with new people and his inability to make new friends, as most his friends were made through mutual friends he’d been introduced to, he would struggle finding ways to fit in. Slowly, however, he would find opportunities to discuss with teachers and get to know them all a little more. The first thing Washu would do is grab himself a double shot latte, the only thing he enjoys, and would contemplate going outside for a quick cigarette. He’d then, if he decided to pass on the smoke, would find a chair to sit at whilst enjoying his latte. The hot sensation against his tongue and the strong aftertaste provided by the combination of coffee and milk always helps him open up to others by comforting him and allowing him to let his guard down. He’d make attempts to initialize conversations with other teachers present and be social, however, he wouldn’t go that extra mile if he figured others weren’t putting in that effort. If he were to find any senior teachers present, he’d make attempts to get to know them specifically as he values advice from others, especially if they’re decorated with experience. If he finds social interactions aren’t working, he may just use the time wisely and work on some material whether to prepare some lesson material in advance, grade assignments, or even look at news relevant to his subject that his students may find interesting!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

&3&oHe would scratch his beard in such a way that would make it look as if he was in deep thinking. He would carefully ****yze the students presented before him before slowly getting up and allowing the silence to sit for a moment. He’d then fold his arms behind his back and wait another moment. Abruptly breaking the tension and silence, &b “Welcome! I’ll be your new History Teacher. Please refer to me with any name you like! I really don’t mind, but if you’d like to be boring… Feel free to use Mr. Washu. I prefer you use my first name!”. &3&oHe’d want to give off a friendly first impression emphasizing the use of his first name to make the interaction between him and his students more personal. His demeanor would switch up to something more welcoming with the little introduction of his presenting himself as friendly and approachable.

/me &3&oFiddling with the pen in his right hand and shuffling through the stack of papers on his desk with the other, he’d look up and say &b “Alright class! Today we’ve got a little quiz, fear not though, this is just to test your abilities and will not account to any grades! It’s just a great way for me to understand your academic abilities!”. &3&oHe would then stand up and pick 2 students randomly, having one male and one female. Gesturing at the 2 he’d like with his pen; he’d then request they come over to his desk saying &b“Hey! Could you two please do me a solid and hand these out? I’d appreciate it a bunch, thanks!”. &3&oAfter ensuring all tests had been handed out accordingly and not additional copies were required, he’d then sit back on his desk and present the class with an old-fashioned timer. &b“This here’s a little friend I like to call your worst nightmare! Time. You’ll have 1-hour to complete the task on the worksheet, please focus on providing quality work rather than quantity! I’m here to assess quality.” &3&oBefore then pressing on the timer and watching as it quite loudly provided a loud &3&l&o“tick, tock” &3&oevery second adding suspense to the already silent classroom.

/me &3&oHe’d get up abruptly &b&l“YAY FRIDAY! &bI’d like to see everyone in here perform to the absolute &b&nmid &bof their abilities! I’m sure you’re all burnt out after a week of rigorous learning from myself and all other teachers. That’s why today I thought I’d spice things up and give you all a chance to earn &b&lReward Tokens!” &3&oHe’d emphasize the ‘Reward Tokens’ part attempting to bring to attention the additional incentives of putting in that extra effort during his class time by waving a token around. &b“Remember, because it’s a Friday I’m on the lookout for semi-exceptional work to reward tokens to!”. &3&oHe’d then place a speaker on his desk and put on some relaxing music. He would turn the volume down to have it play in the background as to not distract students from their work but allow for a more relaxed vibe seeing as it was a Friday.

/me &3&oAwaiting students to accumulate and enter class, Washu would have a large grin on his face. He'd confront a student directly pointing at them &b&l“YOU. &b<student name>, welcome to class! I got a massive surprise for you lot! A test for this week’s content! Woo!” &3&oHaving the ending celebration be incredibly sarcastic as he’d wave his arms around whilst exclaiming it. His grind would then turn to a less emphasized, yet visibly cheeky, grin on his face letting students know he finds their sighs entertaining.

════ஓ๑ Backstory ๑ஓ════ ✦

[Aged: 0-11]
Washu was born and raised in Russia, Moscow, for the first 11 years of his life. He grew up around 2 close friends which lived in the same area as him in a small village named Pereslavl-Zalessky. This was located just beyond Moscow and St. Petersburg. The village had a very tight-knit community and is unique for its disproportion, in randomly combining stately buildings with fisherman’s quarters that still go out to fish in their boats on lake Pleshcheyevo. It boasts numerous attractions such as the Cathedral, the Goritski, or the Troitse-Danilov Monastery. Washu would often meet tourists visiting said attractions and get to know them. Primarily coming from western countries, Washu would grow fascinated by the world around him and come home with stories to his parents letting them know there’s a lot more out there. His father was a burly, 6’2” male with a prominent hazelnut beard and a bald head. His father had a very loud personality and would very bluntly state his opinion on matters – regardless of whether it was wanted. His mother, on the other hand, was a 5’4” female that had a seemingly petite figure. Contrastingly, his mother was soft-spoken and very reserved – frequently avoiding confrontation and keeping to herself. For the first 11 years of Washu’s life, he found himself to be more attached to his Father’s personality type. He was outspoken and incredibly curious, always poking his nose in places it didn’t belong. The concept of stranger-danger hadn’t really set in for Washu or his family at the time as crime in the area was close to zero. It was even very common for people to leave their house unlocked all day to invite friends and family to come over for visits.

[Aged: 11-18]
After Washu had turned 11, his father had surprised the family by mentioning he’d gotten a job opportunity abroad, in the UK, after a tourist had spent time and appreciated his outgoing personality and broad skillset. Washu had eagerly moved with his dad wanting to make a reality of the stories told to him by tourists back at home. They would move and settle in Bristol, where Washu would then grow accustomed to his local surroundings. The first downfall of Washu’s life would come in the form of abuse from his father after he’d discovered a local pub and hung out there a lot. His father, who never really grew comfortable with new surroundings, would turn into an abusive alcoholic and emotional wreck after letting the alcohol get the best of his mental state. After taking the abuse at home, Washu found himself getting involved in violence as the pent-up anger would be carried from his household to his local school. He would watch his father strike his mom every other day and realize he could do little-to-nothing about it as his dad would not only simply overpower him, but absolutely terrify him after unveiling this new untamed version of himself. At this point in his life, Washu’s academics were completely irrelevant, he spent much of his time involved in gang violence and at parties – attempting to escape the abusive reality of his household. He made a close friend who was closely related to his gang and would often confide in him. He found venting to his friend to be the****utic and help him get a lot off his chest. Additionally, it helped that his friend was understanding too. At 16, Washu had a minor wake-up call in the form of his GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education, a British education system thing) grades being released. As he had to make decisions on what to take during his A-Levels, he realized that he simply may not have the grades to do so. He scored a measly D in most subjects, on the brink of failing, other than a B in Mathematics, an A in English literature and language, and an A* in History. He found that his close friend’s love for history had rubbed off on him and caused him to take the subject relatively seriously in comparison to the others. During the summer of 2014, after he passed his GCSEs, Washu received news of his close friend being stabbed numerous times by an unnamed rival gang as they were trying to make a statement. His friend had always been iffy on gang activity; however, he was dragged into it by Washu. This instilled a deep and resolute guilt in Washu that would last a lifetime. Constantly blaming himself, over the summer break he decided to change his ways for the better and support his local community for a change. This was less to make a difference in the community, but more a method to try and come to terms with the life-changing news he’d just discovered. During his A-Levels, Washu found that he was not accepted to take his original choices of Chemistry, Maths, and History. As his school couldn’t accept a D for Chemistry, he was forced to switch it out with the only other applicable subject, English Literature. Although he despised his options at first, he made it his goal to achieve success using History as a way of honoring his lost friend. He found that English literature was a synergetic course with regards to History as they both involved lots of essay writing. The incessant practice allowed him to develop a unique skillset that would help him in performing the rest of his A-Levels whilst enjoying his work. Math was no longer of great interest to Washu, however, he had no other choice and had to pull through. Determined to honor his friend, and well more so a coping mechanism, he would slowly turn into a workaholic. Refusing to take breaks, he would work exceptionally hard and found himself accepting nothing short of a solid A. He would then slowly attract the attention of bullies who began calling him a nerd. Although a harmless insult, it drove him crazy over the course of 2 years – the duration of his A-Levels. He would then graduate, being the class of 2016, with flying colors achieving an A* in History, A in math, and an A in English literature.

[Aged: 18-21]
Graduating at the age of 18, Washu then moves into government provided accommodation at the University of Bristol after being accepted to perform his chosen bachelor’s degree. There Washu developed his personality and became more reserved, like his mother, as he was still dealing with the toll that the constant bullying had taken on his mental state. He developed the habit of calling people nerds for no good reason because of his bullies. It turned into a slight coping mechanism as he never came to terms with it. Washu majored in History and Russian Language whilst minoring in English Literaturez graduating at the age of 21 with an impressive overall GPA of 3.5.

[Aged: 21-25]
At the age of 21, Washu moved to Karakura, Japan, where he would go to live with his uncle. He did this to initially escape the abusive household he lived in as his dad would focus his beatings on Washu and his mother, his previously closest friend, turning against him enabling his father. Washu had to contribute to the household and began by providing private tutoring to middle- and high-school students in his local area. He grew fond of the city and began to become more ambitious about a career within education – primarily educating the field of History. His patience would continue to grow as he would continually deal with all sorts of children and teenagers that would present attitude. It helped him build character and he appreciated their support. Fond of education, Washu would continue tutoring for the next 4 years of his life from 21 – 25 years of age. Adamant on pursuing his dream of becoming a teacher, he would then attempt to decorate his CV with relevant and required documents by performing a part-time CELTA course that was provided online at the age of 24 from 18th October 2019 – 24th December 2019 scoring an incredibly impressive Pass A. This was a convenient means of qualifying himself and really focusing on his ambitions. At the age of 25, Washu’s uncle had to leave Karakura, Japan, as he would go to return to his local village in Russia. However, Washu loved Karakura and made it his objective to make ends meet whilst there. He did become homeless for a period. During said homeless period, he found work at a local sweets shop named Yeobo as a cashier. He found the owner to be incredibly generous with workers, however, he never seemed to fit in with the workplace community – maybe it was the different backgrounds and cultures that caused the lack of compatibility. He would start building savings and found himself off the streets in a small 1-bedroom apartment in one of the many Apartment Complexes. During which, Washu had met a really short 5’1” female named Lily. For whatever reason, he would throw playful insults at them without the intent to hurt anyone’s feelings, however, through a series of unusual events he found himself being introduced to the rest of their friends. Entering their household, which happened to be in the same apartment complex as his at the time, he would then go and meet Leon, August, Cyrus, Ichelle, Xera, and Neo. Ichelle was on smoke and hated him for some reason, but the others would become more comfortable around him and he would end up on good terms with all eventually. Washu grew especially close with Neo and Lily moving into their shared household at a different complex after some time. Lily’s friend Lilith had once arrived at said household with a few of her other friends. Washu would get to know them as Kuri, Gavin, Kota, Bel, and Albert. Without any drama, he would get to know them and build a community around him as he would settle into his new environment. He continually contributed to rent and would take them out to dinners on him to show his newfound community his appreciation, even though he was almost always broke. Furthermore, Washu would grow closer to Bel, Kuri, and Albert overtime, forming his lasting inner circle of Lily, Kota, Kayla, Neo, Bel, Albert, and Kuri. After some time, Washu had developed feelings for Bel and took his chances asking to go out with them. Bel, to his surprise, accepted the offer. This only lasted about a week before Bel had dumped him after a minor scandal took place which caused him to get lectured and apologize to Bel. After some time he’d eventually get over it and come to terms with the reality of the situation as he figured there wasn’t a real point in putting in any more effort. To his surprise, they eventually asked him out and he’d accept.

[Aged: 26]
At 26, Washu had left Yeobo as it just didn’t feel right for him. He was adamant on pursuing education as he missed the joy he got when a kid would scream in realization “oh yeaa!” after he’d dumb down a seemingly obvious word problem. Spending another year from 26 to 27 running off his savings, he found himself applying to the local Karakura High School utilizing his newfound qualifications and experience to his advantage.

[Aged: 27]
Finally, at the age of 27, his current age, Washu finds himself actively apartment hunting as he’d like to move out his friend’s apartment and actively seeking for a new job. Specifically, a job within education at the local Karakura High School and preferably within the field of History studies. What happens next depends on whether he gets his application accepted or not.

════ஓ๑ In-Character Information ๑ஓ════ ✦

ஓ๑ SECTION #1 - Personal Details ๑ஓ

Full Name (First & Last only):

Washu Drakos

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Washu / Mr. Washu / Topjee (Nickname given by friends)

Age (Minimum is 27):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Not married yet


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

ஓ๑ SECTION #2 - Academic Details ๑ஓ

Working Experience (# of years):

4 years private tutoring for students in Middle- and High-school on a range of subjects but primarily Maths, English, and History. (21-25)
1 year cashier at local sweets shop in Karakura, Japan, named Yeobo. (26)

Academic Degree:
Bachelor’s Degree

Year of Graduation:

History and Russian Language at the University of Bristol [reference]

English literature

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
English (fluent), Japanese (semi-fluent), Gaelic (semi-fluent)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?
Yes, taking CELTA part-time and fully online from 18th October 2019 – 24th December 2019 scoring a Pass A.

════ஓ๑ Extra ๑ஓ════ ✦

Additional notes about your application:
All borders and dividers were placed on PC and look fine there, so please consider that if your viewing the application on a phone
Thank you for reading the application and your consideration as it was definitely overdetailed.
Please note though, the backstory details Washu’s early life and how exactly his interest in History was sparked. Then ends off with his current intentions. It might have some waffle, but it’s mostly related to the application whether directly or indirectly.

Do you have any questions?

Last edited:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
As two others applied before you, you'll likely need to choose a different subject. However, your teacher application has been accepted

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