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✿ ZENNY THE POOH ✿ V2?!?!?


Level 18
Community Team
~ Basic Information ~
" クィアを応援する "


☼ [Zen N. Keita] - [ 啓太 - 善 ] ☼



" In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel. That's why sins chose me over the danger. "


Name's / Nicknames


° “ Smart people call me that, are you smart? “ °

° “ That reminds me of Winnie the pooh, do i look like a cartoon character?? “ °
° “ Cough maybe sometimes-.. “ °

° “ UhHHMMm I will accept that, weird you are.. “ °

° " even better.... mmhm" °

Ice Cream
° " I dont understand you people, i know its sweet like ice cream but too bad- tsk tsk.." °


- R U Mine? -


° GENDER | Male ♂ °

° Pronouns | He/Him °

° Weight | 103 lbs °

° Height | 5'3'' °

° Birthdate | February 29th °

° Age | 19 °

° Place of birth | Yanagawa, Japan °

° Zodiac Sign | Pisces °

° Marital Status | Married °

° Sexuality | Homosexual °



° Physical Health °


High Pain Tolerance
° . . . °


Missing His Right Eye
° Rarely wearing prosthetic eye. Mostly with his missing eye open, not that noticeable because of his hair covering half of his face. °


Stab Wounds Around His Waist
° Distinctive cut marks scattered around his waist. It is more concentrated towards the back and Looks like a phrase or a sign..[?] °


Burnt Tongue
° Quite visible when you look closer, half of it seems burnt, nothing more at all.. °


Mental ° Health

° Irrational, extreme fear of being alone, Feeling left out. °

° Hight fear, disgust of insects. °

° Abnormal feeling of thunder, lightning °


"When did i become like this.."

- Where'd All the Time Go? -

☼ Character Descriptions ☼

° ₊ Positive Traits ₊ °
- Brave -
- Lover -

- Generous -
- Determined-
- Loyal -
- Confident -
- Enthustiastic -
zen htt.png
° ₋ ɴᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛꜱ ₋°
- Impatient -
- Gossipy -
- Dishonest -
- Jealous -
- Naive -

- Hotheaded -

° Other Traits °
- Clingy -
- Arrogant -
- Too serious, Too childish depends on the time -


- Statistics -
OVERALL | 79/120

° S T R E N G T H – 6 °
° P E R C E P T I O N – 8 °
° L U C K - 9 °
° C H A R I S M A - 9 °

° I N T E L L I G E N C E - 8 °
° A G I L I T Y - 8 °
° E N D U R A N C E- 5 °
° H E A L T H - 9 °
° M O R A L I T Y - 5 °
° O B J E C T I V I T Y - 1 °
° S A N I T Y - 6 °
° S O C I A L - 5 °


"Quite Lovely isnt it..?"

° Physical Appearance °

° Eye Color | Light Blue °
° Hair Color | Peach Pink - Blond °
° Face Features | Quite amount of freckles - Moles °
° Body Type | Slim °
° Skin Colour | Pale - White °
° Height | 5'3'' °
° Scent | Honey °
° [?] | Cut scars around his waist - Missing right eye °

° Tattoo | " 悪魔 " Inside of his right thigh - Looks like handwriting.. °


song 2.jpg
- Money -

"Telling them that you love them, but ghosting no matter what until they rotten.."

[His Looks..]


° Relationships °

Kaito Hiragi | [Ex-Father] [ALIVE]
"You're always going to be the best for me old man.."
"Sometimes you make me want to punch you- dummy."
"I cant believe how i love you.."

Nikon H. Sakuraki| [Ex-Uncle] [ . . . ]
"I dont know what to say about you..... i just cant believe it."

Willow R. Hiragi | [Ex-Sister] [ALIVE]
"Maybe we're not that close, but you're my dear sister Smurfi."

Morimoto Takahara | [Ex-Brother] [. . .]
"You're the worst brother and a horrible person."
"I hate the fact that i cannot hate you.."
"Just be normal for ONE TIME.. I HATE YOU!"

Maddie T. Misono | [Ex-Sister] [ALIVE]
"You left me with him as well.. Am i not good enough..?"

Tomasso Vinogradov | [. . .] [ALIVE]
"Better take care of him, Naughty man."


Alejandro Enrique | [Friend] [ALIVE]
"You're the most boomer person i've ever seen. HAH"
"You need to grow up old man, you're too young for these..."

Kiyoshi A. Miston | [Aquantance] [ALIVE]
"You're kinda maniac, but meh."

Eliot J. Warren | [Friend] [ALIVE]

"You, i will remember that - and i will get my revenge."
"Why the hell are your dimples... are so cute.. jealous."

Mika Nishikawa | [Aquantance] [ALIVE]

"You're weird, i dont like you Woman"

Hinata S. Ivanovski | [Friend] [ALIVE]
"We had the weirdest drama for sure, right? Always gonna' be my snowman"


Tam Komero | [EX-LOVER] [DEAD]
"Thinking about you makes me feel the same way when i see that disgusting insects."

"See you in hell, asshole"

Amari Keita | [HUSBAND] [ALIVE]
"Is there anything to explain? Your life is mine. My life is yours."
"Oh my god, how fair to see you being this hot.."

"Be my sugar da-.."

"You're making me so fucking addicted.."

- Apocalypse -


"I'm sick of seeing bloody letters in my mind.."


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