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Level 94
✩°。⋆⸜ Jericho ‘Karl’ Mikhailovich Altaha-Stark~

Fuck around and find out!


୨୧ Main information ୨୧

⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
ꔫ first name~ ♡ Jericho

ꔫ ~ name origin ♡ Jericho is a name of Arabic origins meaning the city of the moon.

ꔫ ~ how does this person feel about their name? ♡ Jericho picked out his own name due to the changes he wished to make in his life, changes he hoped would be recognized. His name symbolizes the change given the falling of the old city of Jericho’s walls.

ꔫ ~ nicknames? ♡ There’s way too many to count, but one of the most notable is Karlos, which was given to him by Apollo Solas! His old name was Karl, this could technically qualify as a nickname.

୨୧ Personal information ୨୧

ꔫ ~ gender n pronouns ♡ Trans male, he/him

ꔫ ~ how does this person feel about their gender? ♡ He personally has a complicated relationship with his gender and sexuality as a whole, raised in a household where there wasn’t much parental support he has never really been confident in either. This is shown by the fact that he hasn’t really told many people about the former, it’s quite hard to hide the latter due to him quite literally being engaged to a man.

ꔫ ~ age ♡ 18

ꔫ ~ height ♡ 5 foot and 4 inches, or 162 centimeters.

ꔫ ~ is this person insecure about their height? ♡ He isn’t too insecure about his height, one of the few things that he isn’t despite the fact that most people mess around with him for it.

ꔫ ~ weight ♡ 117 LBS ,, 53 kg

ꔫ ~ build ♡ He’s a pretty lanky person, not much chubbiness if any. Despite this he is a VERY strong person physically!


ꔫ ~ skin tone ♡ Slightly tanned.

ꔫ ~ eye color ♡ Heterochromia, one eye is a light blue and the other grey.

ꔫ ~ hair style ♡ It’s a messy wolf-cut type hair style, not really taken care of. Also very curly!
ꔫ ~ hair color ♡ It’s fully blond.

ꔫ ~ fashion/style ♡ He has more so of a dark academia type style, his most common outfit being a black trench-coat looking jacket, a dark grey/almost black poet shirt, light brown khakis, and a black pair of loafers.

୨୧ extras ୨୧

ꔫ ~ place of birth? ♡ Suzdal, Russia

ꔫ ~ sexual orientation ♡ Gay, polyamorous

ꔫ ~ does this person have any want to be in a relationship , why/why not? ♡ Jericho’s in a very happy relationship with his fiancé, Allen Kuznetsov, as well as his new boyfriend, Chris Yamashita! He’s not interested in much anybody else as of right now.

୨୧ general appearance ୨୧

ꔫ ~ appearance ♡
Standing at roughly 5’4, Jericho seems rather rugged. He has multiple scars all over his body, along with a huge third degree burn scar on the left side of his face and another third degree burn scar on his hand. He had a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, right beside the burn scar. He has what seems to be a healed over stab wound on his throat. Then the other stab wounds in his hand, those are pretty prominent too. There are many more on his right arm and his torso area, mostly around his gut and liver. Jericho happens to have stitches on his right hand, going around the entire hand. This may suggest at a replantation, but it is a very touchy subject for him. He has top-surgery scars, which are probably the only scars he has that weren’t from a fight or worse. He has multiple prosthetics, the most notable being his left arm and leg.
Karl has fluffy blond hair that’s in a wolf-cut, along with almond shaped blue eyes. He has a Roman shaped nose that apparently has been broken multiple times. He has facial hair, all of it stubble, which is a pain to maintain given the amount of scars on his face.
As of late, Jericho seems even more tired than before with the bags under his eyes.

ꔫ ~ personality ♡
Pre amnesia Jericho!
He is often seen as an outcast due to his peculiar behavior and personality. He has a tendency to be very moody and aggressive, and his interactions with others tend to be strained. He is often seen as abrasive and difficult to get along with, but he can also be quite kind and caring when given the chance. He is not one to open up to many people, but when he does, he can be a very loyal and devoted friend. He loves exploring and discovering new things, and loves to hang out and explore the world of knowledge. Despite his rough exterior, Jericho is an intelligent and passionate individual who loves to learn and grow. (Credits to KarmyTeddy for writing this bit )

Post amnesia Jericho!
He isn’t the same as before, that’s for sure. The amount of damage to his head has altered his personality by a lot and he seems to be trying his best to fix any relationships he learns that he has screwed up, but he still isn’t a weak person in any means. He is willing to do what he can to prove himself and his abilities even with his present reputation. Jericho finds this as a ‘trial run’ and whatever impact he makes now will remain with him for the rest of his time in this town, and he wants to make it count. He is a very determined, however misunderstood, person with dreams for success even if his past stands in the way.
Jericho’s name also plays a part of the changes he wishes to make in his life.

ꔫ ~ mental/physical disorders ♡ Diagnosed with ASD, PTSD, GAD, schizophrenia, and BPD. Also possibly has some sort of dissociative identity disorder that he’s still trying to get worked out (hasn’t been diagnosed yet but he highly suspects it after a lot of research). He is half deaf as well and can’t hear at all in his left ear.

ꔫ ~ how does your character speak? ♡ Stu Macher/Matthew Lillard but with a silly Russian accent

ꔫ ~ supplies ♡ His trench-coat/jacket looking thing has a lot of pockets to store things in! Some of the items included are;

♡⸝⸝ Of course, his cell phone
♡⸝⸝ A Polaroid camera
♡⸝⸝ Several trinkets, most notably a necklace of him and his fiancé
♡⸝⸝ A packet of Hello Kitty stickers
♡⸝⸝ A pen with a cat top!

ꔫ ~ relationships ♡

~ pre-karakura ~

N/A ♡ Liam Ivanov | Biological father
*One of the few who ruined it all for Jericho, he absolutely despises Liam with his entire being even after death. He was the man that had favored two specific members of the Ivanov children, whilst the others received the blunt end of his very pointy stick. This is one of the few people that Jericho is glad has passed away, whether it's from natural causes or not.

Ri-Ri ♡ Chatrin A. Ivanov | Biological mother
*Jericho absolutely adored this woman growing up despite her distance, he would often tail her around whenever he had the chance to. This is one of the very few adults in his life that he has trusted, but he hates himself for not being able to prevent her eventual murder. He never speaks of Chatrin, but he remembers her well enough.

N/A ♡ Pierre T. S Ivanov | Biological brother
*Another one of the people who ruined it for Jericho, he was the man to murder their mother. Jericho and Pierre have never liked each other even before their mother's death, but the former now absolutely despises and fears his brother. Despite this, he has some feelings of what seem to be empathy despite the fact that Jericho believes his brother should still be back in prison after his eventual escape.

Bee ♡ Chibi Stark-Ivanov | Biological brother
*He was what Liam should have been for the younger members of the family, as he was one of the people to raise them. He has always been very close to the twins and often visits them when he can, despite his very tight financial situation. Jericho adores this man and looks up to him, especially after he had saved his life from the hands of Chiyoko Hashimoto-Sumisu at a later date.

N/A ♡ Takashi K. Stark | Adoptive brother
*He had been one of the people to be adopted into the Ivanov family at a later date, but Jericho and he stuck together like two peas in a pod. Often they would get into many situations together, along with Jericho’s twin and Chiyoko at a young age, but they bonded closely because of this. The two boys are often seen together outside of Karakura, as they often visit each other.

Kazzy ♡ Kazuko V. Stark | Biological sister
*While the two hardly ever talked in person prior to Jericho turning 18, due to him being disowned from the family, he still visits her every so often now that they are both adults and have reconnected. Kazuko is the man's twin sibling and they have gotten quite close, she is the one to take care of Jericho’s children whenever he is unable to do so or is out of town.

N/A ♡ Anh X. Ivanov | Adoptive brother
*The two do not know each other all too well, but when Jericho was first assumed dead he had been the one to try and find the man, as he believed his brother wouldn't die too easily. Despite this search they have still not grown closer together and Jericho has not much of an opinion on the younger boy.

Wil ♡ Wilbur Ivanov | Adoptive brother, played by LavaNoodle9747
*Wilbur, his little brother, is someone that Jericho has mixed emotions for. While he does love him, he’s also somewhat scared of the other boy. Scared and jealous of the attention he received from their father, he often picked fights with Wilbur. Whenever the boy would react to what he had done, Jericho tried his hardest to get away from whatever consequences that the other deemed fit.

~ karakura ~

Tío ♡ Santino Park-Fernandez | AnyaLobo
*At this point, Jericho doesn’t remember how they met but he’s glad they did. Santino reminds him all too much of his older brother, Chibi, but he doesn’t necessarily see him as his brother per se? Hence the nickname, he sees him as an uncle. These two are relatively close and Jericho would willingly die for Santino, much like he would most of his friends.
After Santino’s demise, Jericho has never been the same since. He claims that the man is still alive somewhere but has no evidence to back it up. It’s fairly easy to assume this is a delusion of some sort.

N/A ♡ Allen V. Kuznetsov | SKShadowFlux
*These two are engaged, so Jericho has a very high opinion of Allen and will stand by him regardless of any decisions he makes. He is seen as Jericho’s stability, in more ways than just emotionally. They’re both highly attached to each other, so it’s hard to find one without the other! They have both saved each other on more than just one occasion, whether that's from getting in trouble to even life threatening situations.

N/A (somehow) ♡ Chris A. Yamashita | played by OtobUser
*These two have been friends pretty much since day one, often got into shit together and they might have protected Jericho at one point when he was on the run. Eventually they actually grew into something more than that and have calmed down (relatively) when it comes to chaotic bullshit!

♡ Karma KV. S. Tanaka | KarmyTeddy
*Karma has always been there for Jericho since the start, ever since Jericho joined Otake-Tatsu with him. He also had ended up leaving and joining several gangs just for Jericho, most of which almost cost both their lives. However recently their relationship as of late seems to be . . . strained? Especially after those incidents. At least when Jericho was 18, now they have grown estranged. He refuses to get involved in any of Karma's plans, which causes there to be even more tension between the two. But they are still willing to die for each other despite this. The two of them are brothers, not by blood but by adoption simply enough.
Karma was one of the closest people to Jericho, he has never been the same since this one also passed. The male claims that it was his fault he was unable to treat his little brother’s injuries and seems to not have done well with himself since Karma’s death.

Luci ♡ Luciana Omori | runningfromkan
*Jericho doesn’t remember much about her before he turned 18, but he was already really attached to her due to some sort of emotional connection that he can’t explain. He has decided to stick with this woman and defend her with his life, even if it costs that much. Jericho absolutely loves this woman with his entire being and sees her as a very dear sister.

Nozo ♡ Nozomi Stark | JediWolphy
*After regaining some memories of Nozomi, Jericho’s actually rather proud of her. He may never say this out loud but she’s definitely made it up there in his list of respected people, even for family. He will have her back throughout the things that they may have thrown at them.

N/A ♡ Apollo B. Solas | realsheepy
*Apollo! Probably Jericho’s closest friend as of when he was 18, the two were both amnesiacs and had been very close friends before the day that they both lost their memories. Apollo and Jericho were also smoking buddies and hung out often when Allen wasn't around, or even when he was!
On a more serious note, Apollo had saved Jericho’s life several times, but he was unable to save theirs in the end. This haunts him to this day despite him being unable to do anything about their death but he will absolutely refuse to not speak about the person he revered as a sibling, given the amount of things the two had gotten into and how much he genuinely misses them.

Candycane ♡ Romeo H. Miyahara | RomeosDisaster
*Jericho had, post amnesia era, an obsession with Romeo. This was obviously unhealthy due to both the age gap and the fact that Jericho often would follow Romeo around, even finding out where he lived at a point. The boy had pretty much convinced himself that Romeo was in reach somehow and he wouldn’t stop doing what he was doing til he managed to get closer to the man. This lead to Romeo’s eventual kidnapping and Jericho’s arrest. However, post amnesia Jericho had a genuine interest in Romeo because he recognized the man somehow. He knew that he did do something messed up, and was looking forwards to apologizing to him.
Now Jericho barely ever speaks about Romeo, pretending as if he never existed.

Donovan ♡ My-Duyen Mai | bheom
*Oh, now this is an interesting one. Jericho and Donovan only really met due to the rumors the latter had been hearing about him, but that wasn’t the greatest interaction between them. Donovan ended up kidnapping and attacking Jericho, leaving him with the stab wound in his stomach, the carvings, and the burn scars on both the left side of his face and his entire right hand. As of present day, Jericho has mostly forgotten his existence. He gets reminded every so often about him however and that's one of the things that set him emotionally on fire.

N/A ♡ Sayu Suzuki | SayuIzumi
*He barely even knows Sayu, but he already sees her as yet another child. He met the girl via Nozomi and they messed around a bit, the three of them plus James R. Harlow. Thanks to that, Jericho has found yet another person to be attached to and he already would be willing to die for Sayu. In other words, he sees her as a friend! As of recently, he has been unable to see the girl but still holds her in high regards.

Chi ♡ Chiyoko Hashimoto-Sumisu | CuddlyPandaLove
*This is one of the very few people Jericho himself fears, as she was the reason why he had been given some of the scars he has today and is the cause of several peoples' deaths, most of which were close to him. His father, for example, had been murdered by this woman and, while he did not have a good relationship with Jericho, this is one of the many reasons why he fears her. He refuses to speak about her to anybody and will often freeze up at any mention or sight of her, given the fact that she has done far worse things than just the murder of his father.

N/A ♡ James R. Harlow | realsheepy
*Before James had passed, Jericho and him had a decent relationship. The two were found family pretty much and had each other’s backs throughout the shit that was to happen in their day to day lives. Eventually they had gotten close enough to have Jericho and Allen both consider adopting the man. That is until [REDACTED] had brutally murdered the man while Jericho was out of town on a trip, so he didn’t find out until almost two weeks later.


**CREDITS TO ✩ robin#9506 ON DISCORD OR "remsterrrr" <33** FOR THE TEMPLATE
don’t delete ^
(Art credits #1 go to realsheepy, while Art credits #2 go to 0ver.dressed on Instagram!)
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Level 8
YAYYYY !! i love how u used my temp <33 ur char looks like such a silly little fun dude !! /positive


Level 94
Thread starter
YAYYYY !! i love how u used my temp <33 ur char looks like such a silly little fun dude !! /positive
and the template was too pretty not to!


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