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Accepted 応用 | Nurse Application


Level 41


What is your Minecraft Username?:
I have three active accounts as of the making of this application;


I'm applying with ugoodshawty
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do, (jimmyyy#5830)
Have you ever been banned (If yes when and why?):
As of the time this application is being made, I have two bans;

The first ban was for bypassing (Banned by slatt) on the jeemay2 account. I was not bypassing. My account was hacked and used to bypass. I later explained the situation to slatt and he accepted an appeal of mine.

The second ban was for OOC Toxicity (Banned by Alcidies) on the jeemay2 account too. I admit to being toxic and disrespectful towards some people on SRP. I take full responsibility for my actions and I apologize to anyone who I disrespected or hurt generally. Appeal for in Alcidies’ DMs and Accepted.

My other two accounts are 100% clean.
What is your timezone?:
GMT (+2)
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm fairly active on the server every day from 6-7 hours.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge this fully and will aim to remain as active as possible.
School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I'm applying for the vacant role of Nurse
In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The School Nurse role carries the responsibility of treating any injured students on school grounds. The School Nurse sits at their front desk awaiting any injured students who may come to their office. They are to take the student in, set them down onto one of the school medical beds, and begin to check for their injuries. Once located, they are to treat those injuries if they are minor. Any major injuries, they are to contact the Emergency Medical Services who will take care of the situation.

In General, the Nurse role is given to individuals with enough medical information to carry out simple medical procedures like treating wounds, bruises, cuts, and such. It's also given to those who are able to carry great responsibility as the safety and health of students is something the school really cares about and they wouldn't want that in the hands of someone who'd not be suitable for the job.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Personally, I'd say I'm a very experienced player when it comes to roleplay. I've been playing on SRP for almost 9 months now and I've experienced almost every faction and have excelled at almost every single one. I'm generally very good when it comes to detailing my RP actions as I've been part of the EMS formerly so I'm already pretty informed about MedicalRP in general. I'm also very good at SeriousRP and understand the difference between roleplaying as an Adult and roleplaying as a Student. To sum up, I believe my roleplaying abilities and my general experiences in the School Faction are sufficient enough for me to hold this role. I fully understand if you think otherwise.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Disclaimer: All the applications posted below are all my applications on all my three accounts (jeemay, jeemay2 & jeemay3)

[ Character Authorisation Applications ]

- Age 18 request [ACCEPTED]
- Age 18 request #2 [ACCEPTED]
- Russian Language [ACCEPTED]
- Russian Language #2 [ACCEPTED]
- Russian Language #3 [ACCEPTED]
- German Language [ACCEPTED]
- German Language #2 [ACCEPTED]
- Korean Language #1 [DENIED]
- Korean Language #2 [ACCEPTED]
- Albanian Language [ACCEPTED]
- Car Request [ACCEPTED]
- Item Request [ACCEPTED]

[ City-Related Applications ]

- Police Application #1 [ACCEPTED]
- Police Application #2 [DENIED]
- Police Application #3 [DENIED]
- Police Application #4 [DENIED]
- EMS Application #1 [ACCEPTED]
- EMS Application #2 [DENIED]
- EMS Application #3 [DENIED]
- BMD Application [DENIED]


- College Professor Application [ACCEPTED]
- D.T Teacher Application [ACCEPTED]
- School-Librarian Application [ACCEPTED]
- Journalist Application #1 [ACCEPTED]
- Journalist Application #2 [ACCEPTED] via DMs
- Club Application [ACCEPTED]

[ Community Team Applications]

- Lore-Team Application #1 [DENIED]
- Lore-Team Application #2 [DENIED]
- Lore-Team Application #3 [DENIED]
- Event-Team Application #1 [DENIED]

[ Miscellaneous Applications ]

- Ban Appeal #1 [DENIED]
- Ban Appeal #2 [DENIED]
- Ban Appeal #3 [ACCEPTED]
- Ban Appeal #4 [ACCEPTED] via DMs
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
jeemay - Highschool Football Team Member - Not a college student.
jeemay2 - Adult - Bachelor's Degree in Criminology and Law.
jeemay3 - Adult - Bachelor's Degree in Medical Studies and Pharmacy.


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Firstly, I'd make sure to remain responsible and appropriate in my speech (No cursing or doing anything inappropriate). I'd then begin by warning the student multiple time of their unsuitable behavior and reminding them of the consequences of their actions. I'd then continue to warn them three times if the actions reoccur. If they refuse to comply, I'd give them detention (During Lunchtime or Hometime). If they continue to misbehave during detention, I'd simply report to one of the SLT members or bring one of them to the detention room if one is available.
You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
I'd go up to the two students fighting and I'd begin by breaking up the fight and keep the both of them away from each other. I'd then begin to warn them not to fight on school grounds and again, remind them of the consequences. If I happen to spot them repeating this action, I'd simply give them both detention right away. Moreover, I'd quickly treat any of the injured parties, if injured, from any injuries they might have as a result of the fight.
Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Firstly, I'd keep in mind that I'm talking to an Adult here and I'd speak with a tone of respect attempting to understand the reasoning behind their inappropriate behavior. I'd then begin to ask this employee to start acting appropriately and responsibly as they should on the job. If they do not comply and continue to behave in this manner, I'd simply report them to a member of the SLT, preferably the one in charge of the employee faction of the School.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When in the employee break room, Kazuma acts appropriately and responsibly, making sure not to disturb any of his fellow co-workers who may be present inside the room. He'd sit quietly at a desk with a cup of coffee reading a book about Medical Studies and Pharmacy. He aims to improve himself always and will make use of any free time at his hands to continuously inform himself about the field he loves. He'd also start small chatter with all his co-workers, getting to know each one of them and building chemistry between one another to better his relationships with all his co-workers and working more efficiently with each one.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me He'd begin to examine the student's leg looking for any cuts or bruises that may have formed on the leg as a result of the sudden, strong fall and friction with the floor. Once he found one, he'd begin to open up his medical kit, grabbing some bandages, antibacterial spray, and some soft cotton. He'd spray the cut with some antibacterial before placing a piece of cotton onto it, topping it off with a bandage and securing it well.

/me He'd push back his chair, standing up. He'd make his way to the office's door opening it and allowing the student in. He'd then help them make their way to the Medical Bed, sitting them down and making his way back to the reception to gather some items to carry out the procedure.

/me He'd check the student's temperature by holding up a digital thermometer to their forehead and holding down the measurement button. A loud beep would play as the temperature of 37 degrees Celsius appeared on the digital screen. He'd smile at the student, nodding before speaking; "Your temperature is alright. Feel free to go now."


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name:
Kazuma Matsuzaki

Age (Minimum age is 25):

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree in Medical Studies and Pharmacy

CYear of Graduation:

Medical Studies and Pharmacy

Art and Music

CHAPTER I: Welcome to the World - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kazuma Matsuzaki, the first & oldest of his four siblings, was born in 1977 in Osaka, Japan. Kazuma was born into a very rich family that was able to provide him with the best education, clothing, food, and general luxury. Kazuma received his basic education in a private primary school in Osaka where he excelled and was top of his class almost every year. His family, being a traditional Japanese family, really cared about Kazuma's form in school work. When he was 15, Kazuma received his own private library which he spent most of his time in, studying and reading about different historical events in Japanese History. However, History wasn't Kazuma's passion. Medical Studies and Pharmacy was what really caught Kazuma's attention and what he enjoyed the most in his time at school.

Kazuma's parents noticed his obvious love and affection towards this field and got him private lessons with a private tutor in Osaka who visited Kazuma twice a week and taught him further about this field, more than his school curriculum. 3 years later, Kazuma and his private tutor part ways as Kazuma finally graduates from High-School to enter the Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences. With the knowledge gained from his private tutor and that from his school years, Kazuma begins to study and improve himself in Medical Studies in hopes of becoming a medical scientist. Alongside this, Kazuma was also enrolling in multiple Pharmacy Classes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -CHAPTER II: The Next Step

After excelling in Medical Studies at College, and graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Medical Studies and Pharmacy, Kazuma begins his quest to find the perfect job. Luckily, not long after he graduated, he got called up to Specialized Medical Laboratories owned by the Japanese Government where he began his work. Kazuma quickly got used to his new surroundings and worked hard to reach higher positions. A couple of years later, Kazuma meets a woman after work one day who he fell in love with. They dated for over a year and ended up getting married. They lived happily for a couple of years until Kazuma discovered that his wife had cheated on him with one of his co-workers. Broken by the news, Kazuma decided to leave town and quit his job. He later travelled to Kyoto, Japan, where he lived in a small apartment downtown and worked as a Pharmacist in a small pharmacy near his home.


Although this was nowhere near his family's standards, it was enough to make ends meet. After being informed of his situation, Kazuma's father gives him a call where he tells him about his plans for the future and how he was planning to travel to a small city named Karakura. He invited Kazuma to join him, to reunite with his family and get to meet new people who may change his future.
CHAPTER III: What the future holds for you- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After some good thought about his father's offer, Kazuma accepts and travels to Karakura. After finally settling in Karakura, he begins to look for different job options around the city. He wasn't keen on working in a Pharmacy again but he still had a deep love for Medical Studies. The Karakura Hospital just did not feel right for him so he settled on applying for the position of Nurse at the Karakura High-School. He submitted his resume to the School Vice-Principal, Kurokawa Akihito, the one in charge of the employment of employees within the Karakura High-School.

- - -
Your Motivation for Joining KHS:
I believe getting a job like this is what will help me recollect myself after past events that have occurred in the city of Osaka. After a couple of interactions with some of the current teachers and employees, I feel excited to work here and get to know more about each one and meet those who I am yet to meet. My general love and affection towards Medical Studies and helping others out are the main reason why I believe I'd make a good Nurse at the school and I hope you agree with me on that.
Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
IC: None at all. I've recently arrived in the city and am looking to make new friends and relations through this job. I'm sure that I'll be able to handle working here easily since I've worked under much more stressful jobs like being a medical scientist and a pharmacist.

OOC: I've already applied for a lot of school-related positions. I've applied for Employee once, Teacher once, and Professor once, accepted in all. I believe that I have enough knowledge of the School Faction to retake the responsibility of the School Employee once more. I've already been a Librarian once but I think a job like the School Nurse would be interesting to try out.
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that my experiences in the Medical Field and my commitment to the School Faction are what will make me make a difference at the KHS. My responsible, hard-working, and mature character is all that you need in someone holding the Nurse position and is definitely more than enough reason for me to be more acceptable than other applicants, with all due respect. I hope you find me suitable for this position as much as I find myself. I hope I'm given the chance to make a difference at the KHS.


Additional notes about your application:
I apologize if the images in the backstory seemed a bit unnecessary but I just wanted the application to look nice and aesthetically pleasing. :)

Do you have any questions?:
None! Thank you for reading my application and considering me for this position. :D
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of School Nurse at Karakura High School.

After carefully reading through your application, I have concluded that your application is up to par with the standards expected when reviewing School Employee applications. There are just a few steps left to obtain your role(s):

- Ensure that you’re in the Karakura Academics Discord.
- DM me via Discord to get your roles and permissions setup: @KimiNoUso#9999.

-I appreciate the effort shown in this application as well as your knowledge and clear understanding of the limitations placed on this role.​

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