players online


Kalyn Caldwell

Level 21
IGN: Fox_Deer_Thing

Discord: Scarlet#8354

Describe your activity on the server: every day

Previous applications: None

Previous warns/kicks/bans: None

Shop wanted: 11/7

Why do you want to own a shop?: I have been able to watch other players exceed, while I have remained in Grade 12 as an active player for the past 1 year. I believe being able to own a shop would give myself, others, typically my co-workers, a chance to exceed as well. For the past couple of weeks, I have been reviewing the application, multiple forums, any other rules and/or requirements needed to perform and succeed in this occupation. If given the chance to own a shop, I will be able to learn and grow throughout the experience. I have been very motivated to apply for this certain occupation, even after reviewing others being a “shop owner” tends to stand out. Though my decision to not apply for any other application/occupation could be my downfall. If rejected or denied, I will be able to make that change so I can better understand and get the experience I need to hopefully become the owner of a shop. Overtime If given the opportunity, I believe the shop will grow bigger and more popular.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: I have no intentions of changing anything about the shop. I typically like how it is and will be keeping everything the same for the time being. At some point, I might end up deciding to change the name or changing certain details to the appearance of the store, but for now, nothing will be moved nor changed and will be left the same.

How will your shop be unique?:
  1. The shop will have lower and more affordable prices that anyone will be able to purchase.
  2. The shop will be open after schools, and the discord will let people know when it is open

How many employees are you planning to have?: 5

Shop Owner [1/1]

Fox_Deer_Thing - Lyndsey Lyn Reid

Manager [0/1]


Cashiers [0/3]




Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it: N/A


Level 192
Thank you for applying!

  • After reviewing your application, I have decided to deny this.
  • 11/7 is not up for grab.
  • Your application lacks effort and details.

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