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A Car Ride

There you are. Sitting in the car, staring out the window while you parents shove the bags into the back of the car. Once done, they hop into the car and start driving to the destination. You start falling asleep and drift off to the dream world. You dream about happy shit. After 30 minutes you wake up, wondering if you slept the whole ride but you didn’t. You start thinking about things you can do while in the car, driving 5 more hours to get to Pennsylvania.

What do you do during a long car ride?

I usually draw or writing songs. Sometimes I color index cards with Minecraft characters.


Level 142
How to get ready for that car ride:
Simply put there's not much you can do on a car ride, I guess if you're smart about it or have the resources I can suggest a few things. For the first things, I will suggest you bring a pillow, and blanket depending on how high the AC is turnt, usually, it's better to keep it high so you can get under a blanket and get comfortable it's wonderful for car rides. Secondly, you will need a smartphone, download some games that look fun, even if they don't look fun it's gonna be nice to have a bunch of them downloaded so you can have variety and not get bored, maybe some movie or show app, download a music app and pile on tons of music, bring headphones as well. If you have one go onto your laptop download a few movies or television shows, games that run offline, remember you won't be able to charge it on the car ride so you'll want to bring it out only every few hours. Never have your phone on and your laptop at the same time because it saves juice alternating between the two you will go five hours without being able to charge, Next bring some snacks, it's not a car ride without some chippy boys, get a backpack, and ziploc bag, raid the fridge absolutely loot that shit- last falls chex mix, trail mix, chips, whatever take that shit and bag it up, just throw it in the bag. Now you're almost ready, after packing your suit case full of hygiene items and clothing, towels, whatever you need, you're set to go, don't forget to place a charger for laptop and phone in bag. You're all set for your road trip



Level 18
Thread starter
How to get ready for that car ride:
Simply put there's not much you can do on a car ride, I guess if you're smart about it or have the resources I can suggest a few things. For the first things, I will suggest you bring a pillow, and blanket depending on how high the AC is turnt, usually, it's better to keep it high so you can get under a blanket and get comfortable it's wonderful for car rides. Secondly, you will need a smartphone, download some games that look fun, even if they don't look fun it's gonna be nice to have a bunch of them downloaded so you can have variety and not get bored, maybe some movie or show app, download a music app and pile on tons of music, bring headphones as well. If you have one go onto your laptop download a few movies or television shows, games that run offline, remember you won't be able to charge it on the car ride so you'll want to bring it out only every few hours. Never have your phone on and your laptop at the same time because it saves juice alternating between the two you will go five hours without being able to charge, Next bring some snacks, it's not a car ride without some chippy boys, get a backpack, and ziploc bag, raid the fridge absolutely loot that shit- last falls chex mix, trail mix, chips, whatever take that shit and bag it up, just throw it in the bag. Now you're almost ready, after packing your suit case full of hygiene items and clothing, towels, whatever you need, you're set to go, don't forget to place a charger for laptop and phone in bag. You're all set for your road trip

Thank you for that. Now I know what to do on my way to PA. ❤️

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