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A New Gang Roleplay!


Level 21
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/11/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd Like to suggest that crimminal roleplay majorly changes into something new and moreinteresting.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: To begin with it isn’t debatable that gang roleplay is slowly dying in a way. fewer gangs operate around the city, fewer arrests are made, and many gangs have little to no activity for long periods of time even though they all try to have more. Many people struggle to gain permissions because even more people are scared of giving permissions. You may ask why? The answer is that by any conflict with other players such as threats with a weapon or a simple fight, the player risk their developed character to have a limb amputated and having to roleplay as people with disabilities. I believe that current major assault is a display of raw violence with little to no lore behind it making it just a sick way of playing. So I believe the current way of major perms should be fully changed.. I will explain more about it later but the second main issue for now is That people who gang roleplay on the server many times find themselves bored and not having anything to do just afking around the place. In my opinion gangrp should be formed in a way that players may log on and have fun every time they play cuz that’s the purpose of a game after all .So the basics idea of it is that kps will come really easily and it will allow people to stab others non fatally(unless consented otherwise) And the injured person would have to stay in recovery for at least 7 ooc days. Also with this rule if the stabbed individual doesn’t get help within 10 minutes (ooc) they won’t remember anything about the attack due to blood loss shock. This will be like an NLR death but it will also make sense icly and a player will be able to gangrp more consistently. Also about Major permissions I’d suggest that removal of limbs gets removed and that majors allow people to brutally torture other players and will be Gained easier in a sense but it would need the situation to escalate. I suggest that because having people chopping off legs just for a knockout doesn’t make sense and it is an act of raw violence with no lore behind it. So major should happen between Gang members or rivals/enemies and it shouldn't include removal of limbs except from few cases and depending on the way perms was gained and how it got escalated(ic mottive). Lastly I believe that minor assault should maybe be a bit easier or stay same. Lastly, about non consented actual kps, I'd suggest you add that upon a player being in a rival gang and torturing a member to the point of removing limbs, non consented kps should be granted. The reason to all this is that gangrp needs to be refreshed. It is getting old and by lowering the risk aspect players may do more stuff freely therefore more cop interactions would occur so criminal roleplayers and police roleplayers will be benefited. Lastly civilian roleplaying will be also benefited as criminal roleplayers will stop trying to gain perms on easy prey and they can also have cooler interactions with criminals and bring back the whole dark atmosphere of gangrp. (My apologies for any grammatical mistakes.. I am bad at writing)
Last edited:


Level 0
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 11/11/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I'd Like to suggest that crimminal roleplay majorly changes into something new and moreinteresting.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: To begin with it isn’t debatable that gang roleplay is slowly dying in a way. fewer gangs operate around the city, fewer arrests are made, and many gangs have little to no activity for long periods of time even though they all try to have more. Many people struggle to gain permissions because even more people are scared of giving permissions. You may ask why? The answer is that by any conflict with other players such as threats with a weapon or a simple fight, the player risk their developed character to have a limb amputated and having to roleplay as people with disabilities. I believe that current major assault is a display of raw violence with little to no lore behind it making it just a sick way of playing. So I believe the current way of major perms should be fully changed.. I will explain more about it later but the second main issue for now is That people who gang roleplay on the server many times find themselves bored and not having anything to do just afking around the place. In my opinion gangrp should be formed in a way that players may log on and have fun every time they play cuz that’s the purpose of a game after all .So the basics idea of it is that kps will come really easily and it will allow people to stab others non fatally(unless consented otherwise) And the injured person would have to stay in recovery for at least 7 ooc days. Also with this rule if the stabbed individual doesn’t get help within 10 minutes (ooc) they won’t remember anything about the attack due to blood loss shock. This will be like an NLR death but it will also make sense icly and allow gangrpers to have guns dn gangrp more consistently. Also about Major permissions I’d suggest that removal of limbs gets removed and that majors allow people to brutally torture other players and will be Gained easier in a sense but it would need the situation to escalate. I suggest that because having people chopping off legs just for a knockout doesn’t make sense and it is an act of raw violence with no lore behind it. So major should happen between Gang members or rivals etc. Lastly I believe that minor assault should maybe be a bit easier or stay same. The reason to all this is that gangrp needs to be refreshed. It is getting old and by lowering the risk aspect players may do more stuff freely therefore more cop interactions would occur so criminal roleplayers and police roleplayers will be benefited. Lastly civilian roleplaying will be also benefited as criminal roleplayers will stop trying to gain perms on easy prey and they can also have cooler interactions with criminals and bring back the whole dark atmosphere of gangrp.
+1 Its a cool idea and it would make the majors have more sense and be more realistical


Level 14
Community Team
Event Team
+1 Stabs and torture would be much more realistic than basic HA YOUR EYE IS GONE!


Level 6
+1 pretty good idea. It could be discussed and possibly improved but overall gangrp needs a boost. It has potential!


Level 130
-1 you can already stab people with major perms non fatally, NLR is a horrible system that doesn’t belong on this server. There is nothing that staff have to do to fix gangrp, the players just need to quit following the same script of what “gangrp” is as how they were introduced to it, try to branch out. There are so many other types of gangrp out there that don’t even involve combat and are still majorly fun, and if you do want combat, there are much more interesting ways to do so.

Only YOU as the player can make a change, in this case, staff would be adding back unrealistic murderous characters under a system that makes zero sense in rp. Rather than relying on staff to make a change, garner influence and do it yourself.


Level 21
Thread starter
-1 you can already stab people with major perms non fatally, NLR is a horrible system that doesn’t belong on this server. There is nothing that staff have to do to fix gangrp, the players just need to quit following the same script of what “gangrp” is as how they were introduced to it, try to branch out. There are so many other types of gangrp out there that don’t even involve combat and are still majorly fun, and if you do want combat, there are much more interesting ways to do so.

Only YOU as the player can make a change, in this case, staff would be adding back unrealistic murderous characters under a system that makes zero sense in rp. Rather than relying on staff to make a change, garner influence and do it yourself.
You did not read the entire thing? It is mentioned that it won’t be NLR but it will work similarly. For instance let’s say a player A has perms on a player B which will be easy to gain they will be able to non fatally stab them and cause them an injury that will keep them in recovery for at least an ooc week. And if the victim does bleed a lot they will forget about the incident due to shock caused due to blood loss


Level 21
Thread starter
-1 you can already stab people with major perms non fatally, NLR is a horrible system that doesn’t belong on this server. There is nothing that staff have to do to fix gangrp, the players just need to quit following the same script of what “gangrp” is as how they were introduced to it, try to branch out. There are so many other types of gangrp out there that don’t even involve combat and are still majorly fun, and if you do want combat, there are much more interesting ways to do so.

Only YOU as the player can make a change, in this case, staff would be adding back unrealistic murderous characters under a system that makes zero sense in rp. Rather than relying on staff to make a change, garner influence and do it yourself.
Also, The current gangrp has many issues. For example majoring is just raw violence for not good enough reasons. My suggestion will also be fixing that. Lastly you should always think that there are people who struggle with gangrp so a system of non fatal stabs that won’t permanently damage their character can make gangrp enjoyable for newer players or for people who are scared of having their character injured but want to take part in gangrp. I’d suggest you read and understand suggestions before being quick to disagree


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
-1 on the memory thing. also, there's a rule no one follows that states that if you're majored, you must be found by another player if you want to use that character again. you cant wake up.

now, to answer the "gangrp is dying" thing. i find this HEAVILY false. Many players have this concept of "well....... I'm not getting into any rp so that means that the RP is dead!" or "i don't see this gang posting their activity. WHY ARENT THEY POSTING EVERYTHING THEY DO!?"

#1, despite what you've said, i see that gangrp is STILL active even as a player who doesn't gangrp often (because i involve myself with other factions).

#2, gangs aren't obligated to post everything they do. for example (i hope you're hearing this for the 10000th time because i say this too often and people fly by and ignore it), Otake-Tatsu, my crew, have had major and KPS permissions carried out this week. a lot. however, we didn't post ANY of it because we felt there was no need to post them. why tell everyone what we're doing? we'd rather keep everyone wondering what it is that we're doing. so, we only post important events or significant fights/majors/kps.

to your point abt majors, you can brutally torture someone with majors as long as it isn't gorerp. the extent of majors = removal of a limb. in other words, you can cut, carve, and stab and you wont lose majors as long as you keep it realistic. example, i can stab someone's hand for not cooperating while I'm interrogating, but i cant just keep stabbing them or they'd realistically die

So major should happen between Gang members or rivals/enemies and it shouldn't include removal of limbs

this doesn't make that much sense because why call it majors if you plan to say that they cant remove limbs. then it's just minors again

to the "removal of limbs and torture" thing, that has always been a thing with kps. (kps is also coming back in a more fashionable way but i wont say how here, ill dm you)

There are so many other types of gangrp out there that don’t even involve combat and are still majorly fun, and if you do want combat, there are much more interesting ways to do so.

Calling out a few: OTAKE-TATSU, CYBER, and KISUMETTO. ofc you guys have heard abt the first, but i bet you haven't ever heard of the last two. why? because they don't follow the same "let's get activity so we stand out" formula (even though cyber, at this point, HAS to disband due to uno quitting and lewk not being available).

I encourage gangrpers to branch out; try different kinds of gangrp!

Otake-Tatsu has already gotten 3 people arrested within the past week and I bet that NONE of them realize it was us that got them in trouble. we minimized our targets without violence, getting rid of rival gang members so we don't have to deal with them. try things without violence! it's fun to have to investigate and gather information/proof

cyber, for example, was intel based. they had and sold information on other gangs and profited from it!

i wont mention kisumetto since it's private but you get the gist of what I'm saying

overall, my opinion is:


(to the recovery thing, i see what you mean. i also think that gangrpers should have to wait a week before getting a prosthetic)


Level 43
+1 and a kinda -1, You see i like the torturing bit on a whole adding a different way of Roleplaying the Gang or Crimial roleplay situation out into different parts but would it not be better with what he have always known as a fellow GangRPer myself I would just like to stick with the rules of 'majors' and keep them that way just with a little twist as you said "Stand out in the crowd and explore different types of gangRP" I like that, But i think it would just maybe tip other GangRPers or poeple that want to join off or like they would have no reason to do majors having others liking to do the 'removing of limbs, eyes or carving' including me sometimes getting that so called 'Revenge' on someone because they hurt you by ko'ing your character is cool and- yeahh! I do agree with your terms of 'branching out' finding other thingst to do then you are "afking" or "bored" seeing if you are, do what you said- "branching out" would help cure that "afking" or "boredem" state ofgangRP.

Server roles:


Yuri D. Truman
Rengo D. Zennix

Aria Jishima

"You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."



Level 21
Thread starter
-1 on the memory thing. also, there's a rule no one follows that states that if you're majored, you must be found by another player if you want to use that character again. you cant wake up.

now, to answer the "gangrp is dying" thing. i find this HEAVILY false. Many players have this concept of "well....... I'm not getting into any rp so that means that the RP is dead!" or "i don't see this gang posting their activity. WHY ARENT THEY POSTING EVERYTHING THEY DO!?"

#1, despite what you've said, i see that gangrp is STILL active even as a player who doesn't gangrp often (because i involve myself with other factions).

#2, gangs aren't obligated to post everything they do. for example (i hope you're hearing this for the 10000th time because i say this too often and people fly by and ignore it), Otake-Tatsu, my crew, have had major and KPS permissions carried out this week. a lot. however, we didn't post ANY of it because we felt there was no need to post them. why tell everyone what we're doing? we'd rather keep everyone wondering what it is that we're doing. so, we only post important events or significant fights/majors/kps.

to your point abt majors, you can brutally torture someone with majors as long as it isn't gorerp. the extent of majors = removal of a limb. in other words, you can cut, carve, and stab and you wont lose majors as long as you keep it realistic. example, i can stab someone's hand for not cooperating while I'm interrogating, but i cant just keep stabbing them or they'd realistically die

this doesn't make that much sense because why call it majors if you plan to say that they cant remove limbs. then it's just minors again

to the "removal of limbs and torture" thing, that has always been a thing with kps. (kps is also coming back in a more fashionable way but i wont say how here, ill dm you)


Calling out a few: OTAKE-TATSU, CYBER, and KISUMETTO. ofc you guys have heard abt the first, but i bet you haven't ever heard of the last two. why? because they don't follow the same "let's get activity so we stand out" formula (even though cyber, at this point, HAS to disband due to uno quitting and lewk not being available).

I encourage gangrpers to branch out; try different kinds of gangrp!

Otake-Tatsu has already gotten 3 people arrested within the past week and I bet that NONE of them realize it was us that got them in trouble. we minimized our targets without violence, getting rid of rival gang members so we don't have to deal with them. try things without violence! it's fun to have to investigate and gather information/proof

cyber, for example, was intel based. they had and sold information on other gangs and profited from it!

i wont mention kisumetto since it's private but you get the gist of what I'm saying

overall, my opinion is:


(to the recovery thing, i see what you mean. i also think that gangrpers should have to wait a week before getting a prosthetic)
Hello, I understand that you made a counter argument though I found that it was useful if I told you my side of the coin to maybe get you to understand why it is a good suggestion. So at this point if you aren’t interested in hearing my opinion it’s ok to ignore this… So the thing is that at least the way majors work at the moment is dumb. Like a player A kos a player B and then the friend of a player C who’s is friends with B passes perms to a player D that comes and fr takes you limb. Makes no sense and it’s just violent act for no reason. So through my suggestion, major permissions will be more a small event that will need perms to be gained and escalation and with ooc consent or certain way of gaining the perms the party will be allowed to maybe remove limbs and that will grant non consented kps as it will be rare occasion between gangs that have planned conflict. Secondly you might say that this will bring even less activity and also as you said it’s about choosing who to rp with. That might work for you but for me and many others, I’ve noticed that when we join we don’t do anything and just wander around. So to fill that gap I suggested that perms that will be gained fairly easily should exist that will be kps but with non fatal stabs. These stabs will just have the person be in recovery for 5-7 days depends on staff and then be ok. Therefore these perms won’t be a risk to give nor to act on and it will be something enjoyable for people who really want to do stuff on daily basis or new players who find it hard to be involved in more serious gangrp such as the new majoring system or lore etc. so everyone is happy. You and the people you roleplay with can roleplay however you like and people who prefer a style of gangrp can do the other thing. Also about consented kps they are t going away. Let’s say someone non fatally stabs someone, if consent is given then they may have their character die. So people who want to have a kill streak can also do so. How will this benefit? People will have more interactions so more fun for them, cops will also have more work and rp to do, different gangs may start appearing, Gangs like akihito that will maybe do more event like stuff and gangs that chose a different approach that is to attack many and be in many situations like old times and everyone will be satisfied.


Level 21
Thread starter
-1 on the memory thing. also, there's a rule no one follows that states that if you're majored, you must be found by another player if you want to use that character again. you cant wake up.

now, to answer the "gangrp is dying" thing. i find this HEAVILY false. Many players have this concept of "well....... I'm not getting into any rp so that means that the RP is dead!" or "i don't see this gang posting their activity. WHY ARENT THEY POSTING EVERYTHING THEY DO!?"

#1, despite what you've said, i see that gangrp is STILL active even as a player who doesn't gangrp often (because i involve myself with other factions).

#2, gangs aren't obligated to post everything they do. for example (i hope you're hearing this for the 10000th time because i say this too often and people fly by and ignore it), Otake-Tatsu, my crew, have had major and KPS permissions carried out this week. a lot. however, we didn't post ANY of it because we felt there was no need to post them. why tell everyone what we're doing? we'd rather keep everyone wondering what it is that we're doing. so, we only post important events or significant fights/majors/kps.

to your point abt majors, you can brutally torture someone with majors as long as it isn't gorerp. the extent of majors = removal of a limb. in other words, you can cut, carve, and stab and you wont lose majors as long as you keep it realistic. example, i can stab someone's hand for not cooperating while I'm interrogating, but i cant just keep stabbing them or they'd realistically die

this doesn't make that much sense because why call it majors if you plan to say that they cant remove limbs. then it's just minors again

to the "removal of limbs and torture" thing, that has always been a thing with kps. (kps is also coming back in a more fashionable way but i wont say how here, ill dm you)


Calling out a few: OTAKE-TATSU, CYBER, and KISUMETTO. ofc you guys have heard abt the first, but i bet you haven't ever heard of the last two. why? because they don't follow the same "let's get activity so we stand out" formula (even though cyber, at this point, HAS to disband due to uno quitting and lewk not being available).

I encourage gangrpers to branch out; try different kinds of gangrp!

Otake-Tatsu has already gotten 3 people arrested within the past week and I bet that NONE of them realize it was us that got them in trouble. we minimized our targets without violence, getting rid of rival gang members so we don't have to deal with them. try things without violence! it's fun to have to investigate and gather information/proof

cyber, for example, was intel based. they had and sold information on other gangs and profited from it!

i wont mention kisumetto since it's private but you get the gist of what I'm saying

overall, my opinion is:


(to the recovery thing, i see what you mean. i also think that gangrpers should have to wait a week before getting a prosthetic)
Now what i wanted to also include was that the recovery thing will mean that a player that got stabbed will have to wait for the wound to heal before rejoining combat. The whole point of the easy perms of non fatal stabs etc i mentioned was to serve a simple cause that many gangrpers are bored nowdays+ they might not be so good at writing or doing lore and even scared to risk their characters, so i think it is a good idea to have a system like that for them to have fun too


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
These stabs will just have the person be in recovery for 5-7 days depends on staff and then be ok.
This would complicate things too far because it's highly possible that someone gains perms on someone and then that someone gets majored, disallowing the other people a chance to carry out their permissions

(A better solution would be, again, the rule of if you get majored, you cannot get a prosthetic for a week. By default, your character isn't allowed to get a prosthetic the same day ICly but gangrpers aren't here for roleplay. They'd rather skiprp the recovery)

I sort of see your other argument but instead of doing that, it'd be best to let the community itself do this without the implementation of a rule because many other people would disagree with this.

example, my kidnapping with cloud_divider's Itaru Saiky. No, Sefu was never ko'd by Itaru. However, through weeks (and maybe even more than a month), tension built between Sefu, the Saiky family, Akihito, and the football team that led to Itaru's kidnapping. We, as a community, can organize these ourselves.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
player that got stabbed will have to wait for the wound to heal before rejoining combat.
This falls under the skiprp thing. It's really stupid to skiprp injuries but people do it anyways lol


Level 21
Thread starter
thats a good poin
This would complicate things too far because it's highly possible that someone gains perms on someone and then that someone gets majored, disallowing the other people a chance to carry out their permissions

(A better solution would be, again, the rule of if you get majored, you cannot get a prosthetic for a week. By default, your character isn't allowed to get a prosthetic the same day ICly but gangrpers aren't here for roleplay. They'd rather skiprp the recovery)

I sort of see your other argument but instead of doing that, it'd be best to let the community itself do this without the implementation of a rule because many other people would disagree with this.

example, my kidnapping with cloud_divider's Itaru Saiky. No, Sefu was never ko'd by Itaru. However, through weeks (and maybe even more than a month), tension built between Sefu, the Saiky family, Akihito, and the football team that led to Itaru's kidnapping. We, as a community, can organize these ourselves.
thats a good point but players who have been stabbed just have to roleplay their injury so people may carry out permissions, also i disagree with removal of limbs, i think it should be really rare as its extreme violence and also doesnt make sense that much


Level 21
Thread starter
This would complicate things too far because it's highly possible that someone gains perms on someone and then that someone gets majored, disallowing the other people a chance to carry out their permissions

(A better solution would be, again, the rule of if you get majored, you cannot get a prosthetic for a week. By default, your character isn't allowed to get a prosthetic the same day ICly but gangrpers aren't here for roleplay. They'd rather skiprp the recovery)

I sort of see your other argument but instead of doing that, it'd be best to let the community itself do this without the implementation of a rule because many other people would disagree with this.

example, my kidnapping with cloud_divider's Itaru Saiky. No, Sefu was never ko'd by Itaru. However, through weeks (and maybe even more than a month), tension built between Sefu, the Saiky family, Akihito, and the football team that led to Itaru's kidnapping. We, as a community, can organize these ourselves.
about your example i also mentioned that you are a gang lead and you might not care all that much about doing stuff really frequently so you roleplay more, but some people might want to play for like 2 hours a day and have something to do these two hours even if its less serious with little to no risk of losing a character just to have fun playing


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
you are a gang lead and you might not care all that much about doing stuff really frequently so you roleplay more,
Gangrp isn't the only faction I want to be part of

also.. i want to normalize gangrp BEING roleplay. the fact that people have to say that when they aren't gangrping, they're out rping really saddens me

gangrp can be roleplay if people learn to actually roleplay


Level 21
Thread starter
Gangrp isn't the only faction I want to be part of

also.. i want to normalize gangrp BEING roleplay. the fact that people have to say that when they aren't gangrping, they're out rping really saddens me

gangrp can be roleplay if people learn to actually roleplay
i agree though maybe there should be ways for people who struggle with that to also have fun in a less serious way so that everyone is happy. As you understand already you arent the typical gangrper so you may not unrestand this but many people dont have much lore/event stuff to do and end up not roleplaying at all and wasting their time wandering around waiting to get any perms. thats not good and should be fixed. Also gangrp generally needs a refresh and my suggestion will also make major more meaningfull so people can roleplay better but also do less important stuff that wills till fill their time with joy


Level 105
i agree though maybe there should be ways for people who struggle with that to also have fun in a less serious way so that everyone is happy. As you understand already you arent the typical gangrper so you may not unrestand this but many people dont have much lore/event stuff to do and end up not roleplaying at all and wasting their time wandering around waiting to get any perms. thats not good and should be fixed. Also gangrp generally needs a refresh and my suggestion will also make major more meaningfull so people can roleplay better but also do less important stuff that wills till fill their time with joy
I think that making a suggestion or talking to staff about something will make gangs have more lore or events or stop them from looking for activity. A lot of the things in GANGRP can't just be "fixed" with a suggestion or somebody saying something needs to be fixed. If there is something the GANGRP community thinks should be changed, then there needs to be more action taken.


Level 21
Thread starter
I think that making a suggestion or talking to staff about something will make gangs have more lore or events or stop them from looking for activity. A lot of the things in GANGRP can't just be "fixed" with a suggestion or somebody saying something needs to be fixed. If there is something the GANGRP community thinks should be changed, then there needs to be more action taken.
A suggestion is the most i can do in my power!

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