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A Service Dog Suggestion :3


Level 118

DATE: 28/10/2023.. Or 10/28/2023 for you.. scoffs.. Americans.

That Service Dogs have the right to be in classes.

I WILL SLIGHTLY REFER TO THE USE OF THE ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act - USA) AND THE EA2010 (Equalities Act 2010 - UK) FOR THIS, DESPITE BEING IN JAPAN. AS LAWS IN JAPAN ARE "Service dogs must be sight or hearing purposes only."


This will benefit the community quite a bit, no, not every character has a Service Dog, but it benefits the small minority that do. It was a while ago that Service Dogs were in fact allowed in ongoing classes, and even staff members like Yonio and Oli (when he was around) stated that they were allowed in classes.

Well, Vin, how will this benefit the community? You may ask.
The answer is, that most, if not all, service animals alert their handlers to something, whether that be Cardiac Alert, Medical Alert, Anxiety Alert, Behaviour Interruption etc. They all have a job that requires them to be with their handlers 24/7 to keep their handlers safe.

If someone were to have a Seizure Alert and/or Response Dog, they wouldn't be able to respond accordingly if they're sat outside, at the door, all they could do is alert to their handler with a bark. In many cases, it will cause a Service Dog to be more disrupted, if they roleplay correctly, that is, from their work if they're separated. Also, people, like greenies or just irresponsible grade-12s and EVEN COLLEGE STUDENTS?! will go to pet the service dog if it's sat outside, alone. Obviously, the dog is trained to ignore this but if you had like 2+ people walk up to you and be like "Hiii!" and start petting you, you'd start to get distracted from what you were doing beforehand, right? Which could put the handler in a lot of danger.

Let me list some Pro/Cons


Handlers Are Safe
Like stated above, if a Service Dog is an Alert Or Response Dog, they need to be close enough to the handler to properly assess the situation.

Stops the Service Dog From Getting Distracted So Much By Greenies Or Irresponsible People
Greenies are known for walking up to things they think will be a good roleplay experience, sadly, people, including Service Dog Roleplayers, cannot just ignore them without doing any actions like "/me ignores them" as it would just leave them feeling left out. Keeping them in the classroom, where most people are experienced roleplayers (Either HS or College), keeps them away from being distracted from their job.

Service Dogs Are, By Law, Not Allowed To Be Denied Access With No Purpose (Purpose Being, Barking/Being Disruptive, Aka, Not A Service Animal)
If they aren't allowed to be kicked out, by law, then whats the point of them not being in there? As it's just refusal of Medical Aid/Equipment.


People Have Dog Allergies
If people have dog allergies, they are both (allergic person and Handler) able to be accommodated, using their brains, they have the ability to ask to swap seats with someone or just ask the teacher if they're free to move. They are able to both sit at opposite sides of the classroom to keep the dog away.

People Have A Fear Of Dogs
Like said above, just ask to move. It's not the right reason to kick out someone's medical equipment.

Food Falling In A Cooking Class Or Paint Splattered Over The Dog In Art Class
Service Dogs, of all types: Mobility, Psychiatric, Diabetic Alert, Cardiac Alert etc. Are all trained to ignore any distractions to the best of their limits. If food were to fall, the dog may have a slight reaction to it (literally just moving their head to look at the food), as they aren't robots!! Also, there's no chance paint would be able to splatter over the dog as if it were a cooking/art class, the dog would be sat at the wall, meaning the handler would have to have a desk near the wall where the dog is sat.

People Just Hate Dogs
Exact same situation as the allergy or fears.

Failure To Roleplay Correctly (FailRP)
If they were to FailRP, e.g. Barking at people, Biting People, Jumping on desks/counters/tables etc. Report them. This would be the only time a teacher could kick a Service Dog out, and get their role revoked off of them.

I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on this, as well as additions to this possible new rule or rules!!


Level 134
I see where you’re coming from and I understand why you would want them to be in classes. I agree with you they should be allowed in class because they are a service animal for their owner.
Now I know a lot of people tend to not roleplay properly as an animal which is why if this were to be added. I’d suggest talk to your service animal oocly to make sure they understand what the purpose of their role is so they can hopefully rp properly.
I know greenies/irresponsible students may get on your nerves with this if this. I believe people who own service animals should be fearrped in some way since they are the handler of their animal. Plus you shouldn’t disturb or get all up in the service animals face it can distract the animal or prevent it from doing its duties like you said.
I believe if service animals are allowed in classes oocly, which they can be because I witnessed it at my University, then they should be allowed or at least given a chance on srp classes.


Level 118
Thread starter

If they aren't in an art/cooking class, there would be no reason for the service dog not to be right next to the handler as nothing would really get on the dog.


Level 4
I see where you’re coming from and I understand why you would want them to be in classes. I agree with you they should be allowed in class because they are a service animal for their owner.
Now I know a lot of people tend to not roleplay properly as an animal which is why if this were to be added. I’d suggest talk to your service animal oocly to make sure they understand what the purpose of their role is so they can hopefully rp properly.
I know greenies/irresponsible students may get on your nerves with this if this. I believe people who own service animals should be fearrped in some way since they are the handler of their animal. Plus you shouldn’t disturb or get all up in the service animals face it can distract the animal or prevent it from doing its duties like you said.
I believe if service animals are allowed in classes oocly, which they can be because I witnessed it at my University, then they should be allowed or at least given a chance on srp classes.
But I do agree with them, yet it may interrupt the class a bit, with FRPs and such.


Level 107

Literally nobody roleplays an animal correctly anyways, and letting them in a classroom just causes chaos for the other students and the teacher if the dog interuppts something because the person roleplaying the dog decided to be funny


Level 135
Not doubting either of you whatsoever, just wondering on your reasoning behind the thoughts of not having them be in classes.
Players simply cannot be trusted to roleplay as service dogs inside school grounds, and non-animal whitelist users cannot be trusted to not make a huge deal out of a dog being in class. In the end it's extremely disruptive no matter how many precautions you take. New players will always make a big deal out of it


Level 142
The only context where it would be acceptable for an animal to be in class is one where its involvement is built in to the teacher's plan, which would additionally have to be approved by the faction lead. I understand wanting to roleplay with something you've paid and applied for, but if it detracts from the main focus of the class activity, I would rather not let you.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- This isn't allowed as they have no reason to be in classes, and when this was allowed it was disruptive and frustrating for teaching faction members. If your character does require a service animal present, you can always see a Tutor privately, or with a group of friends for a private class.​


Level 142
I think this might be the only opportunity I get to post on a suggestion after it's already been denied, so I'm taking it.

Anyway since I'm here, I'll take the time to complain about the anime I just watched. Do not waste your time with "The Dreaming Boy is a Realist," about midway through the show the plot derails and strays away from the relationship between the main couple, and establishes two meaningless relationships that influence nothing by the end of the show, and serve to add nothing to the character development of the main protagonist. It's not even worth a hate watch because it isn't even inherently bad throughout its run time, the issue is that it sets things up, then does nothing with anything. My guess is that the story was cut short by the company that bought it, which forced the mangaka to wrap things up in a way that is unsatisfying.

4/10, would not recommend.

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