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About the Emergency Faction (DO NOT READ IF YOU CAN'T TAKE CRITICISM)


Level 41


Before I begin talking, I'd like to say that this suggestion may be a very controversial one. I have no intention of starting drama with anyone or hating on anyone by making this suggestion. I purely intend to help the server improve, hence providing feedback.

Now, let me begin,

Firstly, a rule should be implemented disallowing KPD Members from applying for the EMS and vice versa. Why do I suggest this? If you think about it, the KPD/EMS members are already part of the Emergency faction. I don't really see the point of them being on both sides of the faction. If they can handle both, hats off to you. Good job. I'm all for it. What I'm saying here is, this prevents a lot of new players who want to experience the Emergency faction from doing so. How? There is a system that is ONLY in the Emergency faction where a vote is taken between all the faction members on who to accept and who to deny. This system is sadly completely biased. I know a lot of people will get pissed off at me for saying this. I can already see the toxic and salty ratings raining down on me but hear me out, please. Every "wave" the people chosen to be the new trainees/cadets always includes either a resigned member or a resigned/current SRP staff member. I'm pretty sure no-wave does not have at least 1 of these two categories.

Now, I'm not hating on any of these people again but sometimes these people resign shortly after receiving their new position which in my opinion is just really frustrating because there was someone who was REALLY HOPING to get that spot and was REALLY COMMITTED to this role but it was taken away from them by someone who was completely unready to retake the responsibility again. If this happens, I want to see the faction leader go back to the older applications (denied ones) and re-review them (put them on pending) to accept some of the people who were there. This might sound stupid but it's just so sad to see someone who really really wanted this position just get turned down for someone who does not care about the position as much. I want to see the voting system COMPLETELY REMOVED from the Emergency faction as this system has turned the faction into a literal group of friends. I want to see ONLY the faction leader pick who gets accepted and who doesn't (i.e Loooper). This is the case in every other faction, whether official or not. I am very very aware that not everyone picked is picked in a biased manner and there are always new faces who show up in every wave but I've literally reached a point where I can correctly guess who will get accepted by just seeing WHO applied, not even their application and I magically guess it correctly every time.

In short and in conclusion, I feel like the voting system does not look at the effort being put into the application, but WHO is applying.

PLEASE DO NOT HATE ME FOR MAKING THIS SUGGESTION. IT'S JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION AND YOU ARE MORE THAN FREE TO COMPLETELY DISAGREE WITH ME. I'm literally too scared to post this cause I know how much controversy and hate I'll get and it will most likely end up being deleted but oh well.

That's all for this suggestion. Thank you and have a good day/night.



Level 60
as one of the directors of the emergency faction, I can tell you confidentially KPD and EMS do not do any sorta voting system as that was removed a LONG time ago. Higher-ups within EMS and KPD are allowed to give their opinions on certain applications but in the end, it is looper who chooses who gets in or not, The KPD doesn't just accept anybody it only accepts trusted or players with a good background if you don't have that then your chance at getting in is extremely low.


Level 60
I'm literally too scared to post this cause I know how much controversy and hate I'll get and it will most likely end up being deleted but oh well
don't be scared to speak out about it, but also don't be scared to ask any director or higher up within KPD and EMS what it takes to get accepted


Level 68
I can understand why they did the voting system, though I won't add much. There could be a chance they've changed a lot, not only during the merge but beforehand, regarding your statement.


Level 154
An interesting concept. I felt the opposite in a few of my cases. I felt as though I wished we all could vote within our respective groups instead of just one person. It's the unfortunate truth that there will always be favoritism or unfairness, but we can still try to decrease it somehow. I once said hard work won't be all it takes to get to where you want to be, you'll need connections too. It's so complicated because I have been on both sides of this argument. One side saying how it's favoritism and us, the people within our group, should have the right to vote or suggest when it comes to new applicants instead of just the faction leads. But at the same time, you also get the other side where well- let's say it's council or anything else, even if it's a group vote it could be biased as well. It's a complicated topic.


Level 41
Thread starter
as one of the directors of the emergency faction, I can tell you confidentially KPD and EMS do not do any sorta voting system as that was removed a LONG time ago. Higher-ups within EMS and KPD are allowed to give their opinions on certain applications but in the end, it is looper who chooses who gets in or not, The KPD doesn't just accept anybody it only accepts trusted or players with a good background if you don't have that then your chance at getting in is extremely low.

The term "trusted" is extremely vague and is never properly addressed. How would you say a player is trusted? To me, a trusted player is a player who just was part of the KPD previously/known server-wide/ is part of the SRP staff so is automatically trusted. You guys can't just keep trusting the same people over and over. How did you build trust with those people at first? By accepting them randomly, right? Why don't you go back to that? As Luca said above, the faction is turning in a group of friends and I hope it's fixed at some point. I hope I see the day where all the accepted members are completely random people and no one that I can clearly recognize


Level 41
Thread starter
It's the unfortunate truth that there will always be favoritism or unfairness

Exactly my point. Constant favoritism and unfairness in choosing have completely taken over the faction. It has become looking at who applied not how much effort and detail is put into the application.


Level 154
Exactly my point. Constant favoritism and unfairness in choosing have completely taken over the faction. It has become looking at who applied not how much effort and detail is put into the application.
Maybe we could do a like term limit suggestion? Not just for faction leads but for members? Not sure like, for example on my professor account, Dom, I want to see new people in power, who doesn't every now and then, however I'm an H.D which is like yk the top in professor. So within the next 2 months or so I plan on possibly retiring so others can have that opportunity. I don't want to sound like some angel, but I'm sick of hearing that "if you're not happy, then do something yourself about it" so this is what I'll do. I want there to be a constant flow of power, like you said too, it builds trust with new people.


Level 41
Thread starter
Maybe we could do a like term limit suggestion? Not just for faction leads but for members? Not sure like, for example on my professor account, Dom, I want to see new people in power, who doesn't every now and then, however I'm an H.D which is like yk the top in professor. So within the next 2 months or so I plan on possibly retiring so others can have that opportunity. I don't want to sound like some angel, but I'm sick of hearing that "if you're not happy, then do something yourself about it" so this is what I'll do. I want there to be a constant flow of power, like you said too, it builds trust with new people.

Couldn't agree more honestly. I'm tired of seeing people who have potential get turned down just cause the people in the faction do not know them well and can not "trust" them enough, like come on. This has never been a part of something like the Teacher, Employee or Professor factions. It purely relies on your application and your application clearly reflects how trustable you are. I'm just hoping to see new players get the chance to play these roles. Nowadays, I feel like you have a bigger chance of winning the lottery than making the cut for the KPD/EMS.


Level 60
The term "trusted" is extremely vague and is never properly addressed. How would you say a player is trusted? To me, a trusted player is a player who just was part of the KPD previously/known server-wide/ is part of the SRP staff so is automatically trusted. You guys can't just keep trusting the same people over and over. How did you build trust with those people at first? By accepting them randomly, right? Why don't you go back to that? As Luca said above, the faction is turning in a group of friends and I hope it's fixed at some point. I hope I see the day where all the accepted members are completely random people and no one that I can clearly recognize

The term "Trusted" for the KPD is someone on the server with a good background, no warns, no bans- basically someone who could be the example of how you should act on SRP, This and yes obviously if you are staff you'll have a better chance then anyone to get on but we shouldn't forget staff are players too and deserve to be able to try out certain factions if they please.
one thing that can automatically lower your chances of getting into the KPD is stuff like you gangrping recently (as a lot of gangrps are not trusted players sorry gangrps)

Uh the best example I can give to show everyone how looper accepts applications is
- First looking through applications
- check warn/ban history on player applying
- asking for opinions on that player applying (opinions can come from higher ups, or staff members)
- take his own knowledge of the person into account
- person is accepted or denied

I've been in the KPD for a little over a year and that is ALWAYS how he has checked applications


Level 41
Thread starter
The term "Trusted" for the KPD is someone on the server with a good background, no warns, no bans- basically someone who could be the example of how you should act on SRP, This and yes obviously if you are staff you'll have a better chance then anyone to get on but we shouldn't forget staff are players too and deserve to be able to try out certain factions if they please.
one thing that can automatically lower your chances of getting into the KPD is stuff like you gangrping recently (as a lot of gangrps are not trusted players sorry gangrps)

Uh the best example I can give to show everyone how looper accepts applications is
- First looking through applications
- check warn/ban history on player applying
- asking for opinions on that player applying (opinions can come from higher ups, or staff members)
- take his own knowledge of the person into account
- person is accepted or denied

I've been in the KPD for a little over a year and that is ALWAYS how he has checked applications

This is all pretty cool and this system is very good but to sum up my feedback, Remove "Asking for opinions on that player applying (opinions can come from higher ups, or staff members)." Loooper is a Senior Admin and is a pretty responsible person. I'm sure he can make a decision on his own.


Level 60
Loooper is a Senior Admin and is a pretty responsible person. I'm sure he can make a decision on his own.

OF COURSE, HE IS! but looper is just one person who can't know every single thing about every single player on SRP, I can assure you half the things higher-ups say doesn't even change his choice (literally all the time), Looper is a very headstrong person if he thinks someone is a good player despite what everyone else says he will trust his own opinion and go with it if you are a bad player the same rules apply


Level 41
Thread starter
OF COURSE, HE IS! but looper is just one person who can't know every single thing about every single player on SRP, I can assure you half the things higher-ups say doesn't even change his choice (literally all the time), Looper is a very headstrong person if he thinks someone is a good player despite what everyone else says he will trust his own opinion and go with it if you are a bad player the same rules apply

I get that Loooper by himself can't do the whole reviewing system but the feedback about the player Loooper gets probably has nothing to do with their history or how good of a player they are. In my head, they're something like: "Oh no this person disagreed with me on something I like! I'll definitely say no to them because I don't want to be with them and work with them! >:D". You'll never really understand if they're a good player or not unless you give them a shot. You can always demote them if they turn out to be bad. But constantly accepting the same people just cause they're "trustable" is just an excuse to get your friends on the faction. Sorry if I sound aggressive when saying this but I'm trying my best to say what needs to be said in a passive manner so apologies if I fail to do so, I seriously have no intention of starting beef or drama.


Level 60
I get that Loooper by himself can't do the whole reviewing system but the feedback about the player Loooper gets probably has nothing to do with their history or how good of a player they are. In my head, they're something like: "Oh no this person disagreed with me on something I like! I'll definitely say no to them because I don't want to be with them and work with them! >:D". You'll never really understand if they're a good player or not unless you give them a shot. You can always demote them if they turn out to be bad. But constantly accepting the same people just cause they're "trustable" is just an excuse to get your friends on the faction. Sorry if I sound aggressive when saying this but I'm trying my best to say what needs to be said in a passive manner so apologies if I fail to do so, I seriously have no intention of starting beef or drama.

lol don't apologize, I will use my own application "feedback" as an example here to try my best to show what the feedback looks like most of the time but I told luke I wanted newer players and people close to EST since the KPD didn't have a lot of it, please remember that looper is headstrong he will use his own opinion before anyone else's.


Level 13
I get that Loooper by himself can't do the whole reviewing system but the feedback about the player Loooper gets probably has nothing to do with their history or how good of a player they are. In my head, they're something like: "Oh no this person disagreed with me on something I like! I'll definitely say no to them because I don't want to be with them and work with them! >:D". You'll never really understand if they're a good player or not unless you give them a shot. You can always demote them if they turn out to be bad. But constantly accepting the same people just cause they're "trustable" is just an excuse to get your friends on the faction. Sorry if I sound aggressive when saying this but I'm trying my best to say what needs to be said in a passive manner so apologies if I fail to do so, I seriously have no intention of starting beef or drama.

In the end, what you must remember is that Loooper has the final say in all the decisions and the higher ups simply give opinions. Of course some choices will be seen as favouritism.

There’s a chance that there were some people who simply had better applications. With all due respect, the application process look into player history in the entire server so for example, if you’ve ever been demoted for any reason, banned, warned, kicked, demoted at any place in time of the recent, there’s a high chance you won’t be let into another faction for a bit of time to let everything cool down, this of course would be dependant on the reasoning you had been said demoted, or if you resigned rather fast that would also affect the end results of the application.


Level 41
Thread starter
There’s a chance that there were some people who simply had better applications. With all due respect, the application process look into player history in the entire server so for example, if you’ve ever been demoted for any reason, banned, warned, kicked, demoted at any place in time of the recent, there’s a high chance you won’t be let into another faction for a bit of time to let everything cool down, this of course would be dependant on the reasoning you had been said demoted, or if you resigned rather fast that would also affect the end results of the application.

Having a better application than someone else simply just does not apply to the KPD/EMS. Please don't deny it cause it's simply the truth. I hardly see the higher-ups cover up what you did in the past to get demoted by how good and detailed your application is. You could write a 9 page essay on why you'd get accepted but you'd still get denied cause your history has something like "abused cosmetics for 2 seconds" in your ban history. You guys never really look into how the player has improved since demotion but you still look at WHY they were demoted. Getting demoted from a faction simply means just move on cause you're never getting back in.


Level 68
You guys are going head to head, this is a punch for punch, hit for hit, a once in a lifetime showdown. Who will win? Come back tomorrow, to see who came out victorious


Level 77
Firstly, a rule should be implemented disallowing KPD Members from applying for the EMS and vice versa. Why do I suggest this? If you think about it, the KPD/EMS members are already part of the Emergency faction. I don't really see the point of them being on both sides of the faction. If they can handle both, hats off to you. Good job. I'm all for it.
hi i’m replying to this as it applies to me but i applied for ems as i felt as if it would be something i was good at, plus a lot of the ems staff are currently in a completely different timezone. so, i wanted to be able to let my friends on kpd actually depend on someone and roleplay the medical scenario out. i don’t really see how it makes a difference but i obviously can be wrong.


Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
Hey, so I used to do apps and imma just pop in for a hot second.

This faction in gernal is very very trust based, when people apply its always better to be a bit known by Loooper himself or the higher-ups. Often times when people who have had a troublesome people joined factions, they ruined some of the reputation, if it was from constant toxicity to failrp.
The faction itself is fairly huge and differs in many ways to things like the shop or school faction. Again, as pointed out before, the key part of the emergency faction, is that you can trust your members to not do whatever their little hearts desires and to follow this servers rather strict rules.
Kinda like the sports teams, you want someone you can rely on who'll keep the teams going, not someone who has a bad reputation with other players and will drive it to the ground.

Always a good way of knowing to apply or not is get to know some officers! Ask about their tasks and so on.


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