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[ACCEPTED] Iwashmysoap Shop 4 application

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Level 7
Iwashmysoap’s Shop 4 Application

Previous Applications: Language (Italian and Spanish) applications, Teacher application, College Professor application, S.A.T recruit application (all accepted on F1re_) BMD application (accepted on Iwashmysoap) For the Denied applications: Shop 4 (for having too many ranks at once) and Shop 8 (for another preferred app.)

Previous warns/kicks/bans: Got falsely banned by duckings for ERP, I have appealed for it and provided evidence with my innocence, It got accepted.
Shop wanted: Shop 4, which is known as Chex, or by old players known as The Yakuza Bar.

Why do you want to own a shop?: Basically, I have various of reasons to own a shop, but I'll only write 3 reasons which I hope you find very efficient.
Firstly, I want to own it because I've legit worked as in all roles that's possibly available in the server, except for the Delivery Man job. I would love to own this shop as It's the only shop that focuses on opening shops at night, including the nightclub for youngsters and college students and wants an active, mature player who has been on the server for quite a very long while now. Not only that, but also It would also improve my experience in shop owning, as I'm not new into shop owning as I am currently the Co-owner of Shop-6 and formerly of shop 7, Blockymart and Sooubway. This shop needs an owner that has a background on how shop owning works in the server, and I believe me owning the restaurant would make it very alive and become one of the best shops around the server. I already know how stuff works like for example, restocking the shop. It needs much money to pay for them, including the taxes which Delivery men get paid for, making me aware where to spend the money and when to restock when items get low. Plus I have the skill of hiring trusted people as Managers to overseer the shop when I am away or busy and that can look over other workers and get paid for them, because of when next time I'm available I can save the money for the next restock. Although, I seem as a nice person, but I'm very strict on workers to make sure they do their job done and pay a portion of what they make, I have studied Business, Economics and Accounting in GCSE meaning I know what I'm really gonna do in owning a store successfully, along with that I plan to own the shop not for myself, but for also others where they can meet new friends and workers, stay around this shop when they have nothing to do instead of sitting at 11-7 doing nothing like a hobo, also many people are unemployed and hardly get any money except for the allowance, so I really wanna stop this tiny issue by employing trustworthy people who can actually follow guild-lines, along with that ever since I lost my BMD rank, I hardly get money so I believe this shop will be very helpful.
Second of all, I want to own it as it would really blend with my character's lifestyle and backstory. For example, my character has a rich CEO of a bar/restaurant company, and can really improve the development of the character and the city, It sells every exotic food and drink, and I believe one of my friends has the model for all the types of drinks you need, the atmosphere will just be a traditional italian style , adding it to the environment in japan. Adding to the fact, this shop would be a sign of an Italian lifestyle, many Italians care about entertainment enterprises like hotels, nightclubs, restaurants and pubs however this shop would be affected into the Japanese lifestyle more than the Italian, like this shop will focus on Japanese food like Sushi, Bento boxes, Noodles and Origini, however they'll also sell Italian Beverages like Coffee for example, Espresso and Cappuccino, and also International drinks like Beer, Vodka, and Exotic luxury drinks like, Alcoholic Coconut drinks. However a bonus is that I might make a special day (ICLY weekend) to sell like Italian food like Pizza, and other International foods along with entertaining customers at all times so they can leave with the best service provided possible.
Third reason is, I would love to co-operate with other shop owners, who are my close friends, which really would promote the business for each one of us, like if one of us are away, the online shop owner would advertise the other shop he's co-operating with and also would help us in finding more workers who are trusted and connect stuff. They would also help us making special events that are sponsored by the shop owners, like for example, a party night at the bar that has the food from the restaurant that also sells toys and other accessories from convenience store, this would get a huge profit on each of us, and the profit will be divided into 3, more information about the Shop Union Party. The shop is 100 percent legal and highly secure and safe for customers, as police officers will be patrolling the shop during its open times to search people down, bar fights and bad manners are extremely
prohibited. I also want to own this shop to improve the SRP community into a better place, I promise to become a dedicated hard working shop owner that’s gonna make it open very much often and the activity level very high, atleast opening it twice a day, and make players appreciate the effort and hard work I give as a shop owner to make this community wonderful. I know in my previous applications and experience in ranks makes you feel that I’m not fit for it, but I promise I’ll make you change your mind in the way I’ll operate this shop successfully.

What do you plan to do with the shop?: I have myriads of plans to do with the shop, which mostly was mentioned above.
Firstly this shop will make lots of special events inside on weekends ICLY, on nighttime, these events would be either selling special food for the weekend only with special prices like discounts. Prices regularly will be made depending on how much food or drink is left on stock, like for example the beer is about to run out, so the price will be increased by 10 percent, and if like for example no one is buying a food like cooked crab, the price will be discounted like 25 percent off. I'm looking forward to hire people who aren't actually close to me OOCLY first, due to giving them a fair chance to actually apply and to work at the shop. However, they'll be under monitored by either managers or co-owner of even myself during the first 2 weeks of being accepted as a worker. I'm also planning to make a few changes of the interior and exterior of the shop, for example, I'll have the rooftops instead of being a random roof that's used for suicide or whatever, I'll make it a site of where parties or romantic nights are held with special chefs that cook with special ovens, showing their skills of cooking to the customers and showing them what spices they add to make customers look hungrier to the delicious food that they're making, this roof will have a gate with a bodyguard watching over it, making customers pay 2000 yen for the entrance due to it being a VIP area, if they wish so. I'll make the 2nd floor however filled with more decorations like tables, chairs, jukeboxes and paintings that reflect the Italian lifestyle, like Italian music and paintings of beautiful natural and architectural sites. However the 2nd floor will have a stage with an expensive piano, with stools for violin players to play in all the time when it's open, plus I might add a stylish couch for the view and coziness for V.I.P members. The first floor will mostly be as it is, but the backdoor will be more like a staff area for workers with an office and etc from the door that leads below the shop, I would add an owner office, that has the desk, private chest, and few sofa's for a relaxing mood, and there will be storage space for the stock to be stored in along a hangout area for the staff members to sit and drink in. The outdoor wall however will be extended a bit for the casino slot room, this room will contain slots and games like Black Jack, card games and also betting games like guessing, and etc, however cash slots will be 4 at least, and this room will contain a gift shack to sell toys and accessories to buyers and winners of betting games as a gift, this will be held by a trusted worker with special prices put there. This Casino would also be a place where betting games and gambling, as this shop would be very unique due to this idea. This room will also contain a V.I.P lounge for people who wish to stay alone and relax with friends and such. This shop will be one of the first shops that will co-operate with other shop owners to help in supplies, increase customers rate with advertisements and promotions, and also handling events inside the shop. The prices will be handled with me as I know how to calculate profits and losses, and total expenses with delivery and workers, so I gurantee that I can handle a shop successfully. This shop will also focus on selling cheap drinks and counter food, I’ll also request my close friends who are modellers to put some unique dishes and drinks into the bar. I plan on making it the biggest Traditional bar in Karakura having its 60’s New Orleans Bar, the menu would be made soon in a stylish background with suitable prices by me and my IL PIACERE BAR staff members.

How will your shop be unique?: This shop will be one of the only shops that will open at night, due to its background as a Pub. It will be the only shop that will advertise events and hire famous musicians to perform at the stage. This shop will also be the only shop around town that has a Casino slots and also allows activities like gambling, betting and card games for like a lottery, making this shop a place to hang out, eat and also entertain yourself if you're bored or depressed due to work, life and family. This shop would be also unique making it more like the only Bar with a casino building/room for itself (I might ask staff members if they allow to build that area with more casino slots, and hopefully ones that you can win money from.). This shop will promote other shops if they do the same back, giving supplies, money and workers to share with and help up the business. This shop will be like one of the few shops that allows young people to enter, but recommended adult supervision from a parent or guardian if they want to spend time inside the shop. Plus this shop will be running by an Italian businessman, which actually have ownership of other shops like Blockymart, who was developed to actually have an idea on how workings as a shop owner is like, he has a good background on setting prices. This shop will be also a place where preform-ants like Piano players, Violin players, and Dancers to entertain people who eat and watch and listen to a beauty running inside their ears and viewed by their two eyes. This shop will also be unique that it will have some workers known to be harsh to customers, if the customer is being annoying or a troll, making this shop having a rule called, Worker's rights. This shop will be also unique having a room where you can see it full of amazing decorations and unique items that represents Italy, restaurant history, prizes and etc, along with that it will have some area where arcades and games like pool and pingpong will be provided, the area will need only some bit of expansion, and the matter of fact we will also hold some area where students want to study silently where the walls are sound proof and the workers can also provide help with educational reasons. (The renovations and decoration of the shop will be posted on discord.) The shop will be mainly for food and entertainment at the same time, and it will mainly be opened at night time to enjoy the nightlife of town, it's also gonna be opened at almost all timezones as I'll hire managers at the U.S timezone too.). The shop would be medium-high priced due to the service and such, however the cheap items would be sold over the counter for example beer and sushi, I plan on maybe making this bar a care-service-free as they don’t care much about customers or treat them unwell, like a traditional PUB but I still am gonna discuss this with my fellow workers and employees.
The Black Jack game would be played like this. You /roll 10 twice, if you get 21 exactly you win the bet, the only hope for the opposing party to win is to also get 21. If you get higher than 21 you’re busted, meaning you lost. If you roll 10 you can have the choice to make the card one or ten. You hit the cards twice then you decide to either hit or stand. Whoever gets 21 exactly or the highest number that isn’t higher than 21 wins. Bets would be from around 5-15k and 20+ only would be allowed to gamble and bet over money. Other competitions would be like Drinking competitions where you drink as much as beer as you can, if you fail (throwing up) while in a middle of a drink, you pay all the beers that you have drank, and if you win, the beer would be paid on the shop, and receive a free gift. This shop will also provide a service that if you pay over 8-10k yen you receive a free toy and Lottery tickets would be available for sale too. This shop will be the only shop in town focusing on the 60’s 70’ and 80’s theme style of a High Class International Italian Bar, mainly using the Decorations, style and theme that’s in that time, mainly playing 60’s and 70’s music in the jukebox and special service. (For more info DM me). The Bar would mainly focus on Italian and Japanese dishes dispite it being an international business. This shop will be the first shop ever where costumers pay 3000 yen for the service and tax payments for a faster payment and better for the workers and the income, and also cooking shows and competitions will be also made, where ingredients will be guessed and made.

How many employees are you going to have?: at around 7/9 employees, depending on time-zones and such, and here is the roster of the workers in the future hopefully.
Co-Owner: one spot only. Their job is to actually run the shop when I am away, basically watch-over the managers and workers along with the owner. They go with the owner into meetings with managers and discuss about what should be added or changed into the shop, they help handling the restocks and are allowed to hire workers without the Owner's permission. The way to get this rank is basically which manager is the best working at their job.
Managers: 2/3 spots. They're divided into 3, Workers Manager, Restock Manager and the Finance and Events Manager. Their job is quite different depending on the rank, for example the Worker Manager will focus on workers only and collect the money from them, they're also allowed to do interviews for applicants to work in the shop, however which applicant they believe fits to work here, they have to go to either owners to submit their app to see if they fit or not. They will assist the shop with restocks.
Workers: Around 4/6 spots depending on the income of the store if money income is high or not. Their job is to serve the customers in the shop, the Workers' roles are the following: Bartender/ Cooker, Waiter, and Janitors/ Bodyguards. The bartender stays in the cash register talking to customers and serve them when waiters aren't around, if waiters are around however, their job is to give the food to the waiter to be served on their tables. The Waiter's job is to lead customers into their tables, serving them on the tables, after they collect the order into the book, they go to the bartender or the Cooker to collect the food, and serve them to their customers, the only difference is that they need to pay 2000 yen extra for the service with the total price in the receipt book, tips are allowed. Janitor's job are to clear up the mess that is done by the customers, cookers or bodyguards when fighting people that are causing a mess inside the restaurant. They get paid by Managers 2000 yen each shift, if logged.
EXTRA: I might add Instrument players, depending if the decorations are made, plus a rank called a Co-operative Shop owner, for other shop owners who are willing to help and promote business, Workers outfits will be made soon.

Notes: I am only a Police officer on my Main and I can handle the time management perfectly, when cops arent needed that much I'll shop own, or when cops are highly on the server I'll get the shop opened, along with that the Character information will be sent VIA dms if it gets accepted (this app was mostly copy pasted from my old one but ive done massive edits). The prices will vary on the income of the shop and workers. I’d might recommend to expand the shop for a casino area. The music in the bar would all be 60s-80s so I’ll give you my custom playlist. A discord server has been ADDED and ready to be used with more information and items mentioned there like the menu, prices, attire, and information and probably decoration plans!
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Level 118
I believe you are the one that can own a business like this, you are an old player and the shop itself is a landmark for shady business and Italian mafiosos in the past. I like your idea of dynamic events such as changing discounts and increasing prices based on demand.
PM me when you are online and ready to receive your rank and include the name of your shop.
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