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Adanna Kodama Abe | アダンナ児玉阿部


Level 17

Adanna Kodama Abe | アダンナ児玉阿部
“Forever is a long time”

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫ ♪

‘Ada’ and ‘Anna’

G E N D E R | ♀ Female ♀
A G E | Nineteen
H E I G H T | 5’3”
W E I G H T | 97lbs
B I R T H D A T E | July 12th, 2000
Z O D I A C • S I G N | Gemini
P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Gwangju, South Korea
R A C E | Black/Asian
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Taken
L A N G U A G E S | Japanese and French
A L L I G N M E N T | True Neutral
S E X U A L I T Y | Bisexual

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H
★ Sleepwalking - The act of getting up and walking around while asleep.

★ Pain Disorder - Pain disorder is chronic pain experienced by a patient in one or more areas and is thought to be caused by psychological stress.

M E N T A L • H E A L T H / P H O B I A S
★ Anorexia - An eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat.

★ Thalassophobia - The fear of the ocean, as the fear, can negatively affect the quality of life

★ Trypanophobia - an extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles.

Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []
★ Honest
★ Optimistic
★ Protective

[] - Negative Traits - []
★ Touchy
★ Foolish
★ Weak

[] • Other Traits • []
★ Lazy
★ Sarcastic
★ Silly

Physical Description
A female standing at the height of 5’3” with dyed color hair that went down to her waist, seeming very thin and silky that was very straight with a slight curl at the very end, seeming that it could be blown in the wind pretty easily. Her hair would have complimented her eye color, being a coffee grown that speaks to the soul of nature, of fresh wands of dirt. The female seemed to have a round face structure with dumpling-like cheeks with a small chin as you could see some of her baby hairs on the sides of her face.

[Face Claim]​

O V E R A L L: –– 100
★ S T R E N G T H – 6
★ P E R C E P T I O N – 5
★ E N D U R A N C E- 6
★ C H A R I S M A - 7
★ I N T E L L I G E N C E - 9
★ A G I L I T Y - 7
★ L U C K - 9
★ H E A L T H - 9
★ M O R A L I T Y - 10
★ P R I V I L E D G E - 7
★ O B J E C T I V I T Y - 7
★ S A N I T Y - 9
★ S O C I A L - 9

Adanna would have a surprising taste in fashion as she sometimes prefers weird styles or just normal everyday clothing. She seemed mostly to wear comfy clothes that she could always move around in such as her volleyball uniform that was flexible. Adanna would maybe pick a weird sense of fashion such as many different colors in one or different types of shapes or styles in an outfit but it would need to look appealing to the eye for her, otherwise, she wouldn’t wear it. She did seem to care about what she would wear as if she would get bullied for it.

Character Voice
Her voice would sound very similar to Layla's voice from All American
[Voice Claim]

Non-Combat Skills
★ Musician - Ever since she picked up that guitar and started to play, she has been good at it or that is what she heard from other family members but she can also play other things than just a guitar.

★ Cooking - Due to her living alone for a while, she recently has learned how to cook by herself and even made a few good dishes for some people or just herself.

★ Dancing - Adanna has been dancing since she was possibly three years old but really never shows it anymore, though she may dance sometimes when she thinks she’s alone or near someone she really trusts or is close to her.

Combat Skills
★ Archery - Adanna has been training in archery and practicing in South Korea since she was around the age of five as her parents wanted her to be good at something. She could get a bullseye with the bow and only one arrow.

★ Leadership - Adanna always seems to be just a helper and fools around most of the time but she does know when to get serious and when to act like a leader as she could take over a group of people and make them like the army or such.

★ Athletics - Adanna would be somewhat strong for a girl of her height as she could possibly lift around 110 pounds. She seemed to be very fast on land but also in the water. She could possibly go all over the sewers in less than an hour or two but also run around the town in an hour as well.


[Father][27] Takumishi Abe [A L I V E]
[Mother][32] Poala Kodama [A L I V E]


[Boyfriend][20] Hakimaru Garoujima [A L I V E]
[Close-Friend][20] Ken Baez [A L I V E]
[Close-Friend][19] Lena Baez [A L I V E]
[Close-Friend][20] Leah Chizuru [A L I V E]
[Close-Friend][20] Aeika Shinakawa [A L I V E]
[Close-Friend][20] Tsubame Fujisawa [A L I V E]
[Close-Friend][17] Tamako Sorutai [A L I V E]
[Friend][18] Ishida Xiao [A L I V E]
[Friend][18] Nakama Hideaki [A L I V E]
[Friend][20] Damien Hashirama [A L I V E]
[Friend][20] Hanamaru Fujiya [A L I V E]
[Friend][18] ‘Mint’ D. Koji [A L I V E]
[Friend][18] Kame Xiao [A L I V E]
[Friend][18] Karina A. Koji [A L I V E]
[Friend][18] Ryo Fujiya [A L I V E]

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