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Allow Secondary Characters With Roles


Level 39
What's your Minecraft Username?: Miamorchito
What's the title of your suggestion?: Allow Secondary Characters With Roles

What's your suggestion?:
Having only the option to have one role per account does not only limit the roleplay experience, especially for someone who has dedicated time to progressing his "alternative" characters. I wanted to have a character in high school and expand my roleplay experience. For some of you, this could mean trying for a faction, so add a primary character with tags of the faction to your account. Doing this will drastically reduce your high school/college experience since you are not allowed to participate as a counselor, play sports, or even try to graduate from one of the alternative accounts to make them professionals, as they require you to use the primary character, too.

Usually, the solution here has been the following:
"Since you can only have one role per account, buy another account. . ."
For starters, this is a terrible solution. If you have invested in buying an Omega+ account (Like I did), you at least expect that you can have a full experience on every character you bought; this means not being limited to really being able to progress the primary character and also the secondary ones, not leaving them as an accessory.
Minecraft costs $29.99. If I want to add F+ to at least have /feed, something that I have in my "Primary account", I will also pay $10.00 more bucks. . . That's $39.99 for just having another account, not to mention the amount of time I need for the alternative account to reach the same attributes as my "Primary one". . .

I paid $90.00 to have 3 additional roleplay profiles. I did this to avoid having to buy another Minecraft account and go through this process. . . Ultimately, I ended up doing either way because my alternative characters are useless if I can't have more roleplay experiences.

This is a frustrating issue for me, considering I stupidly used my money for something I thought was worth it and spent a good chunk of it on a game that I really enjoy playing. I don't have that much money; I don't print it, and I don't use it as toilet paper. It's hard to type this without sounding like a goddam broke ass person, but I barely have money for Minecraft. . . Especially now that College has sucked every penny on my account (Literally), and I'm sure there are more people who are even in worse positions than me.
So please, at least consider letting secondary characters have roles. I know this could be hard to implement, but it at least makes Omega and Omega+ more justifiable buys, considering their selling points are the Roleplay profiles. The solution shouldn't involve spending more money at this point. . .

How will this benefit the server and community?:
- More (and better) roleplay experiences and opportunities for your characters
- Justifies the price of Omega and Omega+
- Potentially reduce the amount of multiple accounts on the server


Level 29
I don't remember the exact reason for disallowing roles on alt character slots but I do agree that you should be allowed roles on them. Imagine making the conscious choice to support the server by purchasing omega+ instead of a new Minecraft account and you get fucked over by having less benefits


Level 200

As the creator of the suggestion for character profiles. . Please hear me out. I've been one to suggest for the little things like minor roles on alternates, but the more I go about it, the more I start to realize a few things. First, stating that not being able to have more roles (job-dependent) "limits" your roleplay is really kind of an insult to the system. I'm so thankful that the devs were able to create such a cool way for character development, even with 2 default profile slots. Even if it just comes to a hs/hs, it makes it so much easier to separate and sort characters, being able to quickly switch from one to the next AND saving all of your details + location. Second, I've heard once before the argument of not wanting to take up too many spots, and I do have to agree. Imagine those with 3-4ish accounts, now imagine if each primary and alternative profile had a role slot? Sure, no one would do this, but you never truly know. Overcrowding in factions is a harsh reality. Third, bouncing off my previous point, it might fall into the category of P2W (pay-2-win). Now, I know that statement in itself might be TERRIBLY backward to most, but its true. I'm pretty sure there's a feature in which if you have a higher ranking, you gain an additional alternative slot. I'm not entirely sure if this is true or how it works. . My highest rank is notable, but you can see where I'm alluding to. If each rank had 1 role slot, 2 alternative accounts with omega would equal six roles. Six faction slots other newer players trying to immerse in the community would love.

Now, I do truly understand where you are coming from with the pure struggle, but ultimately, it would just count as an overall disadvantage in the end.
Unfortunately, I do agree with the financial aspects of the issue. . But I do not not feel as though this should be blamed on the server. Though, I truly wish (if any dev/staff is reading this) they would consider an easier advancement system for attributes (that being the main swim, acro, speed — or even just speed)!


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I understand if you want more than 1 role on the server you have to have multiple Minecraft accounts, but we are lucky to even have primary and secondary profiles at all on SRP.

More factions meaning less time focused on each particular faction. Having omega/omega+ have these perks is just P2W with having them have access to more 'primary' accounts.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
It’s like this to limit faction crowding, I personally have no problem with it but I do think if we allow roles on multiple slots, factions should be allowed to reject based off how many roles you have if they see it fit and you will be required to provide a list of every faction you’re in on applications.

Of course there’s also the territory of this potentially being seen as pay to win which is against Minecraft Eula.


Level 108
It’s like this to limit faction crowding, I personally have no problem with it but I do think if we allow roles on multiple slots, factions should be allowed to reject based off how many roles you have if they see it fit and you will be required to provide a list of every faction you’re in on applications.

Of course there’s also the territory of this potentially being seen as pay to win which is against Minecraft Eula.
yes. i agree fully.if you do apply on the same account then you should have a large chance of being denied over other applicants.


Level 39
Thread starter

As the creator of the suggestion for character profiles. . Please hear me out. I've been one to suggest for the little things like minor roles on alternates, but the more I go about it, the more I start to realize a few things. First, stating that not being able to have more roles (job-dependent) "limits" your roleplay is really kind of an insult to the system. I'm so thankful that the devs were able to create such a cool way for character development, even with 2 default profile slots. Even if it just comes to a hs/hs, it makes it so much easier to separate and sort characters, being able to quickly switch from one to the next AND saving all of your details + location. Second, I've heard once before the argument of not wanting to take up too many spots, and I do have to agree. Imagine those with 3-4ish accounts, now imagine if each primary and alternative profile had a role slot? Sure, no one would do this, but you never truly know. Overcrowding in factions is a harsh reality. Third, bouncing off my previous point, it might fall into the category of P2W (pay-2-win). Now, I know that statement in itself might be TERRIBLY backward to most, but its true. I'm pretty sure there's a feature in which if you have a higher ranking, you gain an additional alternative slot. I'm not entirely sure if this is true or how it works. . My highest rank is notable, but you can see where I'm alluding to. If each rank had 1 role slot, 2 alternative accounts with omega would equal six roles. Six faction slots other newer players trying to immerse in the community would love.

Now, I do truly understand where you are coming from with the pure struggle, but ultimately, it would just count as an overall disadvantage in the end.
Unfortunately, I do agree with the financial aspects of the issue. . But I do not not feel as though this should be blamed on the server. Though, I truly wish (if any dev/staff is reading this) they would consider an easier advancement system for attributes (that being the main swim, acro, speed — or even just speed)!
Yeah. I completely understand all your points, and I believe I have expressed myself wrong. I am grateful for what the devs have done since they constantly work for the benefit of the server, and for this reason, it's hard for me to say something that will go against them. Unfortunately, even though I understand it, I don't agree with it. I don't want to sound insulting when I say that this current system does limit the roleplay experience since it does, but this is not the blame of the devs; it is a problem that could be addressed as a community without the need of pointing fingers. I agree that having the characters itself does expand the roleplay experience, but the problem relies on what to be expected to do with such characters; if there is a so-called "roof" for a character, where they cannot interact for the reason of being a "Secondary character", that is limiting the overall experience for said character.
Now, I completely agree with your second point. I don't want this to be a "Faction Spammer" situation, where someone solely adds characters for the sake of filling spots in the faction. I will say that, however, if factions properly check the applications, this issue can be easily reduced (Which they do almost every time).
Unfortunately, I completely disagree with your third point. Pay-2-Win is not buying more characters. Why? Because you can buy a Minecraft account, which people already do, and the best part of this is that it's actually cheaper to buy another account than to buy Omega or Omega+. Now, if the disproportional advantage is having more characters in SRP that can also be in factions, what's stopping someone from buying 3 Minecraft accounts and doing this same thing? Minecraft cost $29.00, Omega+ cost $90.00. Based on this, someone will go buy 3 more accounts and do the thing you mentioned in point. Isn't that Pay2Win?

I do appreciate this reply a lot. I can see you dedicated your time in giving feedback an your point of view with this. I'm never gonna blame this on the server itself, as I love to play in it, and it has brought much joy to me. The least that could be done here is to clarify this scenario when people want to buy Omega and Omega+ with the wish of participating more in the server.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
Yeah. I completely understand all your points, and I believe I have expressed myself wrong. I am grateful for what the devs have done since they constantly work for the benefit of the server, and for this reason, it's hard for me to say something that will go against them. Unfortunately, even though I understand it, I don't agree with it. I don't want to sound insulting when I say that this current system does limit the roleplay experience since it does, but this is not the blame of the devs; it is a problem that could be addressed as a community without the need of pointing fingers. I agree that having the characters itself does expand the roleplay experience, but the problem relies on what to be expected to do with such characters; if there is a so-called "roof" for a character, where they cannot interact for the reason of being a "Secondary character", that is limiting the overall experience for said character.
Now, I completely agree with your second point. I don't want this to be a "Faction Spammer" situation, where someone solely adds characters for the sake of filling spots in the faction. I will say that, however, if factions properly check the applications, this issue can be easily reduced (Which they do almost every time).
Unfortunately, I completely disagree with your third point. Pay-2-Win is not buying more characters. Why? Because you can buy a Minecraft account, which people already do, and the best part of this is that it's actually cheaper to buy another account than to buy Omega or Omega+. Now, if the disproportional advantage is having more characters in SRP that can also be in factions, what's stopping someone from buying 3 Minecraft accounts and doing this same thing? Minecraft cost $29.00, Omega+ cost $90.00. Based on this, someone will go buy 3 more accounts and do the thing you mentioned in point. Isn't that Pay2Win?

I do appreciate this reply a lot. I can see you dedicated your time in giving feedback a your point of view with this. I'm never gonna blame this on the server itself, as I love to play in it, and it has brought much joy to me. The least that could be done here is to clarify this scenario when people want to buy Omega and Omega+ with the wish of participating more in the server.
It’s not pay to win because it’s external to SchoolRP’s own endorsement and technically outside of our reach of conduct


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
While I wish I could have my factions on my same account of my main (it would make my life so much easier) I think faction crowding would be sort of an issue unless it's moderated.
It’s like this to limit faction crowding, I personally have no problem with it but I do think if we allow roles on multiple slots, factions should be allowed to reject based off how many roles you have if they see it fit and you will be required to provide a list of every faction you’re in on applications.

Of course there’s also the territory of this potentially being seen as pay to win which is against Minecraft Eula.
if we did this, then I think it'd be okay!


Level 89
I understand if you want more than 1 role on the server you have to have multiple Minecraft accounts, but we are lucky to even have primary and secondary profiles at all on SRP.

More factions meaning less time focused on each particular faction. Having omega/omega+ have these perks is just P2W with having them have access to more 'primary' accounts.
I agree with the first part but like. How is omega + having more primary profiled P2W. Like what are you winning?


Level 89
It’s not pay to win because it’s external to SchoolRP’s own endorsement and technically outside of our reach of conduct
One thing is not being within SRP moderation reach, however it would not necesarily mean that it is not P2W since you are giving money to a moderating entity (mojang) in order to obtain more access to more primary profiles. Therefore you are still paying to win more accounts. However since omega + is more expensive than a mojang account, it will always be more economic for players to create an alt account. This means that if the player is paying omega+, they are choosing to pay more for the same benefits which in result means the player is acting more on a patreonaging way rather than for actual benefits.

Also I do not consider that having more possibilities to roleplay is a W. I believe it is the complete oposite, it means you have to put more effort in your hobby. It means you have to spend more time playing to fill quotas.

Also i do consider that /feed is more p2w than having more primary profiles, since you are saving actual in game money by paying irl money.
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! salty

Level 51
Also i do consider that /feed is more p2w than having more primary profiles, since you are saving actual in game money by paying irl money.
/feed is the most p2w thing ever, my friend struggled to get equipment for years without a rank. they moment he bought one, he was able to make money faster because he didnt have to burn it on food


Level 89
You know what let’s remove /feed
Lets remove hunger. It is not necesarry for cooking, no one actually cooks to fill their hunger bar, it is just easier to buy loads of apples.

I will make a suggestion but it probs wont get accepted because it is the main reason people get the fundraiser rank.
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Level 199
While faction crowding is possible, it can be prevented hopefully by reviewing how many characters someone has and how often they use that character to determine whether the one who holds the account will use both of the factions often.


Level 163
For those who don’t have multiple accounts nor don’t have the money to get any then of course this brings limitations to those who want to be in more than one faction. Thing is they can’t because the secondary profiles only allow Grade 8-PhD roles but no additional faction tags can be put on it. I will remain neutral on this but I think if we did allow to have secondary profiles to have faction roles it’d prevent limitations to those who can’t afford additional Minecraft accounts for any reason. Personally I don’t see it as faction crowding if the player is actually active and dedicated on both factions. And personally I don’t believe factions should deny you because you already have too many roles. If they see you as a good fit and have the experience and outweigh all the other applicants then you should be accepted no matter how many factions you’re in. The person who is applying for a faction should already know themselves that they have the time and dedication to every faction they’re in. And if they become too inactive then they can get kicked out. People shouldn’t be limited to these things if they meet the requirements and outweigh other applicants when it comes to situations like this. Overall, I’ll remain neutral on this suggestion but I personally think secondary profiles should be allowed to obtain faction tags.


Level 57
If we open all, it will be considered p2w, so can we only open two? Everyone has two slots.
I have always wondered why a single account cannot join multiple factions. One person can join multiple factions as long as they have different minecraft accounts.
Anyone can join multiple factions as long as they meet the requirements for each faction (such as monthly quests).

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