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Denied AnonymousDemonX | Highschool Council APP #3


Level 4

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?: N/A

What is your timezone?: PST

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001): cardinalgodx

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the server is dense. I was playing SRP all last night and i've been on today for 5 hours. I like playing and this is my main game/server.

List your accounts and roles on this server: Taro 'Taeko' Yakazuki | Grade 12 Fugo Yakazuki | Fox

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?: Yes i am


What is the student council and what do they do?:

A student council, also referred to as a student government or student association, represents the interests and concerns of the student body in a school or university. Student councils provide a platform for members to develop leadership skills, teamwork, and effective communication, skills that can benefit students in their academic and personal lives. The student council plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between students and school administration to enhance the overall educational experience. Many student councils are actively involved in community service projects, which nurture a sense of social responsibility and allow students to give back to their communities. Student councils often organize and execute various school events and activities such as dances, fundraisers, spirit weeks, and community service projects. These events aim to boost school spirit and foster a sense of community among students.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.): I applied as student council because of my passion towards it. I really enjoy how they can help people grow and become better human beings as well as assisting students with their needs. With my leadership skills, I am motivated to use my knowledge and experiences to help shape policies, make informed decisions, and address the challenges facing Karakura Highschool. I have witnessed certain situations where improvements are needed, and I believe that serving on the council is a way to help bring about the positive changes I envision. By being a part of the council, I hope to foster unity, understanding, and cooperation among the students.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): Absolutely!

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

  1. President: The President is the leader of the Student Council. They are responsible for setting the agenda for council meetings, representing the council to the school administration, and facilitating the meetings themselves. The President plays a pivotal role in guiding the council's direction and ensuring that its goals and initiatives are carried out effectively.
  2. Vice President: The Vice President supports the President and takes over their responsibilities in their absence. They often oversee specific projects or committees within the council. The Vice President plays a crucial role in maintaining continuity and ensuring that the council functions smoothly, even when the President is unavailable.
  3. Council Member: Council Members make up the bulk of the Student Council. They are responsible for upholding the council's rules and participating as active and responsible members of the group. While they have less overall responsibility than the President and Vice President, they are expected to be proactive and show initiative. Council Members are essential in helping the President achieve the council's goals and objectives. They act as the eyes and ears of the President and vice versa, working collectively to make decisions and implement initiatives.
  4. School Faculty: School Faculty refers to the adult staff members who work at the school, such as teachers, professors, chefs, nurses, and other employees. The Student Council is meant to support and collaborate with the school faculty in times of need or chaos. They may work together on various projects, address student concerns, and enhance the overall school experience. The school faculty is an important part of the school community, and the Student Council can serve as a bridge between students and the faculty to address various issues and improve the school environment.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this? -
In a situation like this, I believe it's important to ensure a safe and respectful environment within our school. If I come across two students verbally harassing each other and they don't respond to my presence, I would approach them calmly and respectfully, asking them to stop their behavior. It's important to attempt to de-escalate the situation without exacerbating it.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do? - In this situation, I would report the incident to the school administration and follow the established school policies and procedures regarding mask-wearing. I would work with the school authorities to locate the student and ensure they understand the importance of following the safety guidelines. It's crucial to prioritize the well-being of the entire school community. After locating the male i would ask him questions such as why he ran away and why he was wearing a mask. Nontheless i would still give out detention.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in? - As a fellow student council member, I take concerns like this very seriously. First, I would approach the student who is feeling scared or defensive and offer them my support, ensuring they feel safe and heard. Simultaneously, I would gather evidence of the councillor's behavior, which may involve speaking to witnesses or collecting relevant information. With this evidence in hand, I would then hold a private meeting with the councillor to discuss their actions and remind them of the student council's commitment to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all students. If necessary, I would escalate the matter to higher authorities in the student council to ensure the situation is appropriately addressed.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information? - I would start by contacting the one who held the meeting, asking them for any information i may have missed. As i get told what i missed i would simultaneously write it down on a notepad or a piece of paper. I would then apologize to the person i contacted for taking time out of their day for this and continue on with my day.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this? - If a teacher or receptionist informs me that my actions appear to contradict the guidelines set by our higher-ups, my first step would be to listen attentively to their concerns. It's essential to maintain open lines of communication and consider all perspectives. If I find that I am indeed deviating from these guidelines, I would take immediate steps to rectify the situation and align my actions with the established protocols. Maintaining a strong and collaborative relationship with the school's staff members is a top priority, so I would strive to address any concerns and rectify any discrepancies promptly. This situation would be an opportunity for us to improve and work cohesively toward our common goals.

Please provide atleast one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

"The Enchanted Garden Gala"

The Enchanted Garden Gala is an event that will transport attendees into a magical world of natural beauty and artistry. Held in the heart of our city's most picturesque park, this event will bring together art, nature, and community in a way that has never been seen before. The centerpiece of the gala will be an expansive garden transformed into a fairy tale wonderland.

A team of local artists and garden enthusiasts will work together to create a captivating landscape filled with illuminated flowers, towering topiaries, and whimsical sculptures. The night will begin with a procession of costumed characters and live musicians, leading guests into the garden, where they will be treated to a visual feast. The garden will be a canvas for both local and visiting artists to display their talents through live painting, interactive installations, and light projections, creating a truly immersive experience.

Local culinary talents will take part by serving a unique menu inspired by the garden's flora and fauna, ensuring a sensory experience that matches the visual one. In addition, there will be art auctions featuring pieces created specifically for the event, with proceeds benefiting local art and conservation programs.

The Enchanted Garden Gala will not only be a feast for the senses but also a showcase of our community's creativity and commitment to the arts. It will promote local artists and engage the public in a unique and memorable way. This event will encourage a deeper appreciation of nature, art, and the importance of supporting our local artistic community.

Personal Information
(in character)

Taro 'Taeko Yakazuki

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Phone number: 030-142-2402

How would you describe your personality?:
Taro Yakazuki is a remarkable individual with a personality that radiates kindness and warmth. His character can be described in detail as follows:

  1. Kindness: Taro is known for his genuine and unwavering kindness. He consistently demonstrates compassion and consideration towards others. Whether it's a classmate in need or a stranger on the street, he is always willing to lend a helping hand. He goes out of his way to make people feel valued and supported.
  2. Empathy: One of Taro's defining traits is his strong sense of empathy. He has an innate ability to understand and share in the feelings of those around him. He listens attentively to people's concerns and is quick to offer comfort and support. This deep empathy allows him to connect with people on a profound level.
  3. Patience: Taro possesses exceptional patience. He never rushes or pressures anyone and is always willing to take the time to explain things or provide assistance. This patience is not only evident in his interactions with others but also in his approach to problem-solving and learning.
  4. Optimism: Taro's positivity is infectious. He approaches life with an optimistic outlook, even in challenging situations. His hopeful perspective on life uplifts those who are fortunate enough to be in his presence. Joshua believes in the power of positivity and strives to share this belief with those around him.
  5. Generosity: Generosity is at the core of Taro's personality. He readily shares his time, resources, and knowledge with others. Whether it's volunteering at a local charity, offering a friend a shoulder to lean on, or contributing to his community, he consistently gives without expecting anything in return.
  6. Humility: Despite his many virtues, Taro remains remarkably humble. He doesn't seek recognition or praise for his kind deeds. Instead, he quietly and humbly goes about making the world a better place. This humility endears him to others, as he doesn't use his acts of kindness for personal gain.
  7. Integrity: Taro is known for his unwavering commitment to doing what is right. He maintains a strong moral compass and consistently acts with integrity. His honesty and reliability make him a trusted confidant and friend.
  8. Adaptability: Taro is adaptable and open to new experiences. He doesn't shy away from change but instead embraces it with an open heart and mind. This willingness to adapt helps him connect with a diverse range of people and situations.
  9. Respect: Respect for others and their opinions is a fundamental aspect of Taro's personality. He treats everyone with respect and values the differences and uniqueness of individuals. This respect creates a harmonious and inclusive environment around him.
In summary, Taro Yakazuki's personality is characterized by an extraordinary level of kindness, empathy, patience, optimism, generosity, humility, integrity, adaptability, and respect. These qualities make him a truly exceptional and beloved individual who positively impacts the lives of those he encounters.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
What separates me from other applicants seeking the position of Student Council is a combination of my unique experiences, unwavering dedication, and my deep commitment to making a positive impact on our school community. I bring a diverse set of experiences that I believe will greatly benefit our student body. My involvement in various clubs and organizations has allowed me to interact with a wide range of students from different backgrounds, fostering a deep understanding of our school's diversity. I am willing to invest the time and effort required to make meaningful changes that will enhance the overall school experience. I believe in the power of teamwork and am confident in my ability to work harmoniously with my fellow Student Council members to implement initiatives that will benefit our school community as a whole.

Why do you want this position?: I have a deep-seated passion for leadership and community involvement. I recognize that there are areas for improvement, such as enhancing student life, improving communication, and fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment. By holding this position, I can actively contribute to these changes. I want to represent the diverse student body and ensure that every student's voice is heard and considered when making decisions that affect the school. I understand that the Student Council is a platform to advocate for the needs and concerns of my peers. By taking on the position, I hope to inspire my fellow students to become more involved in school activities and community service. In essence, I want the position of Student Council because I am genuinely dedicated to fostering a better school environment, representing the student body, and helping each student thrive during their time at the school. I view this role as an avenue for both personal and collective growth, with the potential to leave a lasting positive impact on the school community.

What interests you the most about student council?: What interests me the most about Student Council is the opportunity to be a proactive force for change and improvement within our school community. Student Council is a platform where I can actively contribute to making our school a better place. I relish the chance to lead by example, inspire others to get involved, and work collectively to create a more inclusive, vibrant, and closely-knit school community. Whether it's organizing events, advocating for important issues, or simply being a voice for my fellow students, I'm drawn to the idea of having a direct and positive impact on our school's culture and environment.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
I believe there are several ways I can contribute to making our school a safe and fun environment. First and foremost, safety is paramount, and I would actively promote and support measures that ensure the well-being of all students. This includes being vigilant about bullying and harassment, creating awareness campaigns, and advocating for policies that foster a secure atmosphere. To make our school a more enjoyable place, I would work to organize and participate in events and activities that cater to various interests and backgrounds. This includes cultural celebrations, sports competitions, and creative arts initiatives. By fostering inclusivity and encouraging a diverse range of activities, we can ensure that every student finds something they enjoy, making our school a more engaging and vibrant place. Furthermore, effective communication is key to maintaining a positive school environment. I would advocate for open lines of communication between students, faculty, and administration, ensuring that students' concerns are addressed promptly. Lastly, I believe that creating a fun and safe environment also involves providing resources and support for mental and emotional well-being. I would work to implement programs that focus on stress relief, mental health awareness, and emotional support, helping students cope with the challenges they may face during their academic journey. In summary, my contributions to our school's safety and fun environment would involve promoting safety measures, organizing diverse activities, improving communication, and addressing the mental and emotional well-being of students. These efforts would work together to create a more inclusive, enjoyable, and secure school atmosphere for all.


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Level 204
Council Lead

Thank you for applying to the Council Faction. Unfortunately, after the higher-ups have reviewed your application; We've decided to deny your application. Your application was denied due to the following reason(s) below:

Recent Player History:
Although infractions and server reputation are not detrimental factors to the initial application, we prefer players who have had a recent clean history and were more active within the integration of the server.

You have not been active for a significant amount of time. Please raise your current activity and feel free to reapply again to the faction.

Please make sure to follow the provided format for the application process. Also please do not use the assistance AI for your applications.

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