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April K. Roselie | UPDATED


Level 15

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♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫

General Information

Full Name
April Kate Roselie

January, February, March, April. . May. .June. . . .
Coconut Apricot. .
Seeing Dog
Horse Girl
Moma Ril
Mrs. Rogers
Mistress of Beauty
Marcus Girl
Aperael (Poor bb Jeong can't process)

Female ♀

20 years old

January 23, 2000

Zodiac Sign
Aquarius ♒


Japanese American

Place of Birth
New York City




Mortal Sins
Lust. .

Chaotic Good

Sakura Han`ei
The Luxe

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Physical Description
An American female standing at 5’5 in height weighing 129lbs. Her hair would be chocolate brown that would complement her fair skin tone. Her eyes would be almond in shape and an aqua blue-ish green in color. Her build would be hourglass in shape, a busty chest and a small waist. She would keep herself to be fairly fit. The scent of strawberries would surround her body, making the scent stronger for others when she walked past them.

Her build would be hourglass in shape, a busty chest and a small waist. She would both look and seem athletic.

5’5 ft - 165.5 cm

120 lbs

Skin Tone
Pale ivory

Her hair would be a pure chocolate brown in color, flowing down to her waist. Her hair is very healthy and well taken care of.

Her eyes are almond in shape, she would have naturally long lashes though she wears mascara from time to time depending on the occasion. The iris of her eyes are dark seafoam greenish blue, the outer part of her iris would be darker as a lighter blue surrounded her pupil.


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Real Life Reference

Art Of April

Art By: Mellophobia

Art By: Mika

Art By: Millefobi

Art By: BlueberryBear45

Art By: Mellophobia

Art By: Suneaterchan

Art By: Gri

Art By: Baapy

Art by: Yphine

Art by: BlueberryBear45

Art by: BlueberryBear45

Art By: LordEdgey

Art By: Rini

Art By: Rini

Drawn By: KitKat

Drawn By: Bivomes

Drawn By: Rini

Drawn By: Rini

Drawn By: Rini

Drawn By: Rini (But Eco added Marcus)
'Family Photo' -Eco

Voice Claim
Touka Kirishima - Tokyo Ghoul
( WARNING: These videos contain heavy spoilers for the anime. )

Japanese - [ Click Me ]
English - [ Click Me ]

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General Health
April is actually very healthy when it comes to her physical health. She didn't exercise much in middle school but when she got to highschool she started to watch her diet closely. In highschool she got into modelling and paid even more attention to her diet until it became an obsessive thing she always did. This caused her to have an eating disorder called Anorexia. Over the years she has learned to grow away from it but sometimes she cant help to revert back to unhealthy eating habits or actions that can cause damage to her body.

Mental Health
April’s mental health is very up and down when it comes to being good or bad. April grew up with a very damaged way of thinking due to her childhood experiences. She puts herself out there seeming to be a completely healthy college student, but sometimes her mind can't help but get the best of her when it comes to self doubt or unhealthy actions.

Mental Disorders
ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Anorexia - An eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat.

Pistanthrophobia - The fear of trust. A phobia of getting hurt by someone in a romantic relationship. This is also known as a phobia of trusting others and is often the result of experiencing a serious disappointment or painful ending to a prior relationship.

Seperation Anxiety - Separation anxiety is when someone is afraid of being separated from a particular person, persons, or even a pet.


O V E R A L L: 80 / 130
Credit: @Totoro_Sam


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Favorite Song
Kickstart my Heart - Mötley Crüe

Favorite Food
Red velvet cake

Favorite Drink
Chai boba tea

Favorite Color
Seafoam Green / Cyan
(It's a tie between the two)

Favorite Movie
IT - Stephen King

Favorite Animal

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April's attitude towards strangers is very cold and unwelcoming. She is usually very relaxed when she's alone, but when she is with her friends she's a very upbeat person. To her friends, she's very caring and respectful of their feelings, but won't be afraid to call someone out on their shit. She has ADHD, so things tend to distract her pretty easily. There are some instances where she acts fake to protect herself, like if she's talking to someone that can be very disrespectful towards her.

Music - April took up music when she was a kid, She knows how to play the drums, guitar and piano along with singing of course.

Skateboarding - April decided to teach herself how to skateboard in middle school.

Being a dumb bitch - April isn't always the brightest crayon on the box!!

Fun Facts
Likes enclosed spaces.
Wears a lot of rings to fidget with, usually when she's nervous.
She likes to sit and lay on the floor.
She always has a mini fridge in her house when she moves.
She’s an only child.
She really likes racoons and cows.
She goes on runs when she's upset or stressed.
She doesn't like wearing makeup.
She rolls her eyes a lot.
She doesn't know how to drive.
She is afraid to have children.
She has a stuffed bunny named Jay Jay, very important to her. .


[ To be added ]

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[Mother] Evalyn Roselie [ DECEASED ]
[Father] ??? [ UNKNOWN ]

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Mavis Saiky - Best Friend
Mavis and April met through being pen pals during elementary school. April had other friends growing up but Mavis was her best friend, the person she told anything and everything to. April was an only child, she always wanted a sibling or a family member she could be close to. Mavis really filled that void in her heart, being a sister figure to April. During the summer breaks in Japan, Mavis’ family would come to America for vacation. During one of those times, Mavis and April had the chance to actually meet. This vacation that Mavis took became something they did each and every year. When April had gotten older she decided to go to a college near Mavis, going to Japan. Mavis’ family was kind enough to let April live in their family estate seeing as April was practically family. April and Mavis lived together for a long time, going to school with each other and just making memories that neither of them will forget.
"Mavis Saiky is my best friend, if not my sister. She’s always been there for me when I needed her most. She's the reason I joined the Track Team, not only to better my social skills but to get me somewhere other than books. She makes me feel like I have importance in being here and I could never thank her enough."

Marcus Rogers - Boyfriend
Marcus and April had always known each other existed but both decided to not pay any attention to it. The two of them technically never had an official meeting until April was actually dragged into a situation she didn't really have a part in to begin with. One night in a treehouse followed by them learning each other's names officially. Later that same night Marcus continued to mess with April about her being on track, then leading to the rest of the college football team to tease her about it. That's when the fat jokes began, April and Marcus would run up to each other almost everyday and call the other one fat. If one of them could not find the other, it was said via text message or phone call. April of course didn't think he meant anything by the name calling, but as others began to insert themselves in this joke they had going, it really began to take a toll on April. The closer April and Marcus had gotten the more the two opened up to each other, and became great friends. ‘Great friends’ is all April had labeled their relationship, but she was falling in love with the last person on earth she would think of in that way. April found herself thinking about him a lot, she found herself getting butterflies in her stomach when she spoke to the one guy she thought she would never be into. She hated this feeling, she hated everything about it because it terrified her greatly. Time passed with this feeling resting in the pit of her stomach before she told him she loved him, surprisingly he said the same thing back to her. That was the night that April had gotten something that she will never let go of.
"Marcus and I have been dating for a while now, and I swear the times I'm with him are some of the best I've ever had- either it be us fucking around with our friends or just us having those deep 3am convos. He makes my life so much better without even realizing it, I'm a better me when I'm with him- he makes me want to be a better person not only for those around me but for myself. I remember one day I was really upset because I felt the choices I made for myself were selfish, me wanting to be happy was selfish but thanks to him I don't feel like that anymore. .Falling in love with him was the best thing I've ever done."

Hanamaru Saiky - Close friend

Hana Yagi - Friend
April and Hana met through April just coming over to the frat every day. Hana lived in the sorority at the time and was usually hanging out with the college football team, who April was also hanging out with. Over time Hana kind of just got dragged into April’s group of friends, that group being Marcus, Maxim, Mavis and herself. The two aren't personally close but April has witnessed Hana go through a good bit of stuff, being there for Hana the best that she could even.
“Hana is the biggest SWEETHEART I've ever met, honestly a wave of relief just washes over me when she shows up at the frat when everyone is just- doing what they normally do. .Thank you for being NORMAL! I’m super glad she started to hang out with people I’m close to, otherwise I don't think we would be as close as we are now.”

Jeong Hui Ong - Close Friend

Kaiser Beckermann - Close Friend


Ryo Fujiya - Friend
Ryo and April met through Carson. Ryo happened to be at the frat when Marcus and April were ‘fighting’ and he was there to witness it all, meanwhile Carson was having a midlife crisis about who knows what. Ryo then offered April a therapy appointment, stating he was a professional. .April decided to play along. After that, April and Ryo became great friends. Ryo now lives in the frat with the rest of her friends, offering April sweets whenever he gets the chance.
“Ryo is the definition of a sugar rush. I love the guy but he never stops eating SUGAR! There was one time I accidentally introduced him to energy drinks. .and he may have gotten a slight addiction-. .IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR!! He also tends to sneak me cake under the table. .but no one has to know that. .Right?”

College Track Team
April joined the track team for a small time before she became the captain herself only to quit a long time down the road. She sees the Track Team as a big family, her team does call her ‘Mom’ or ‘Mother’ all the time in which she responds. She tries to look out for her team like a mother would with her children, she cares for them all deeply even though she isn't their captain anymore.
“I love my old team! Though sometimes they drive me absolutely insane because I swear they are on another level of hyper. .Except for Kai- He’s just calm but chaotic in his own way. .I couldn't have one practice without Nari crying followed by Eva crying with her or Ferri screaming like the P.E teacher. Cece used to bother Ferri a lot which I found funny. .Kaz and Kai are the polar opposites which makes sense seeing as their best friends, I mean look at Mavis and I. .It sounds like hell but I swear it was all worth it, being their captain.”

College Football Team

April got close with the College football team due to Mavis dating their captain at the time, who later on left. April was okay with the guy before he did what he did, after that April lost all respect for the guy. Though her love for the rest of the team stayed, She sees them as another family even though she isn't entirely close to all of them. They still welcome her into their home with open arms, though she isn't entirely sure if they actually like or if they just tolerate her because she dates their captain. Either way she cares for them all and will always be there for any one of them if they need her, even if they don't talk as much as they could.
“The football team is literally on drugs- for legal reasons that's a joke. .! No but in all seriousness they are pretty chill, even if I'm not close with all of them. I kind of just monitor on the sidelines because I'm still too nervous to actually place myself into an actual conversation unless it's with Marcus. .Either way- I enjoy being around them even if they are being actual butt wads!”

Past Friendships

Jayu Saiky - Close Friend
April and Jayu met in highschool, but that was before he had came out as transgender. April and Jayu were very close friends, trusting each other with everything. The two of them have gone through a lot together, unfortunately some of those things have torn them apart. April had moved back home and so did Jayu, but when the two came back they decided to rekindle their relationship. The two of them quickly became close again, April gaining her trust back with him. Over time April and Jayu decided to date, April was very happy with him though she was still on the road a lot due to her job. April had come back to Karakura only to find out that he had been cheating on her, followed by her getting dumped on the school roof. April’s trust with Jayu after that had broken completely, leaving their relationship unstable for many more years after. Both April and Jayu have moved past their differences, along with their past over time. Jayu and April wish each other the best, but April keeps her distance when it comes to him.
"Jayu and I have been friends before he came out as transgender, and of course I support him unconditionally. He was one of the first people I met when I moved here to Karakura. Of course he and I have had our moments and arguments just like everyone else but I still care for him deeply after all of them are over and done with."

Ryker Blackwood - Close Friend
Ryker and April met in the Saiky estate, it was the moment after sunset where the sky is a cold blue color making it dim outside. She had seen him around the estate but never really spoke to him, she was afraid he was going to be scary like his sister Akané. April didn't notice it before when she saw him around but was actually blind, she walked up to him finally one day and the two of them clicked almost instantly. It was as if the two had known each other their entire lives. The more the two hung out the more Ryker got out of the estate, he didn't like to leave because he was afraid of getting lost around the city. That's when April became a guide for him in a way, this led to Ryker calling her ‘his seeing dog’. The two of them are the most stupid when put together.
"Ryker is one of my best friends other than Mavis of course. We are really mean to each other but it's all jokes obviously. I wish I could have known him way back when I moved here, he would have made my time here so much better. Ryker is like the older brother I never had, I care for him very much and hope to make memories with him. His sister Akané is really scary so I tend to be more 'ladylike' around her just in case she beats my ass for being a bad influence on him. . which I'm obviously not!! Oh Ryker is also blind, so of course I play as many pranks as I can on him."

Maxim Svyazano - Friend

April met Maxim through both Hana and Marcus, they were all at the frat and then everyone decided to get drunk. Maxim got close with Mavis, April’s best friend. April and Maxim aren't personally close or anything, but its not like April hates him or anything seeing as she enjoys the fact that he makes Mavis happy. They have hung out once alone, and it was at Ryo’s birthday party. They actually got along quite well.
“Maxim is a quiet guy, though I don't mind it seeing as I tend to talk a lot. I'm glad he makes Mavis happy, I hope he starts to warm up to me in the future along with the rest of the group. I'm basically going to be his sister in law one day, after all!”

Carson Popovich - Friend
Carson and April met the same way April and Hana did, just going to the frat everyday. The two got along almost instantly, seeing as the two of them radiate ADHD energy. Carson began to call April ‘Mom’ once her and Marcus began to date, seeing as Carson calls Marcus ‘Dad’. During school or whenever the two run into each other, Carson usually calls April ‘Horse Girl’ and in return April calls Carson ‘Dog’. The reason behind that is, one time April told Carson to speak and he actually barked at her. The ongoing joke is April screaming ‘SPEAK’ only to have Carson bark in return.
“Carson is- a special boy. My own son that barks at me everyday, ALONG WITH CALLING ME A HORSE GIRL- WHICH I'M NOT!!- Ahem anyway. .I'm going to get him a dog bed for his birthday, I feel it will suit him well!”

Salem Saiky - Friend

April met Salem only recently, seeing as they had just moved to Karakura. Salem moved into Mavis’ house in the Saiky estate once April had gotten a house of her own. The two live together in the estate so they tend to run into each other a lot. Salem is on the student council along with Mavis, so April and Salem tend to hang out a lot at school as well. Although the two of them aren't close personally, They get along quite nicely.
“Salem is pretty cool! Though I'm still confused on why they line their doors with salt. .Anyway! Salem started hanging out with Mavis, Marcus, Maxim and I which is a great thing! I like making new friends so when Salem stuck around I got really excited. I hope we can become greater friends!”

Nikolai Kuznetsov - Friend

Nikolai and April met through Mavis actually. Mavis and Nikolai used to date a really long time ago when April had just moved to Karakura, as time passed they eventually split up but that didn't stop them from being friends. This caused April to be friends with him as well. She sees Nikolai as another one of her ‘children’ seeing as Nikolai also calls Marcus dad. April and Nikolai aren't personally close nor do they really hang out with each other outside of the frat, but the two get along when they do see each other.
“Niko is. .interesting- not bad, just interesting; interesting! You know? I've been through my fair share of things with him when we first met but now we don't really talk as much, I still see him as a friend though! I hope we can become closer friends! He still concerns me though. .”

Nikko A. Watson - Friend
Nikko and April met in the courtyard of the school, when April was with Mavis, Marcus and Maxim. This was around the time when Mavis had just joined the Student Council. Nikko being the Highschool Student Council President and Maxim being the College Student Council President, Nikko began to stick around. He was a very odd guy, claiming he was on his journey to kill God with the whole group being interested and entertained and began to play along, joining him on his journey to do so. They named themselves ‘The God Slayers’
"Nikko. .also known as the leader of the god slayers! A wonderful guy to hang out with, there isn't a moment that's boring when hanging out with him. Though I still wonder how on earth he got president. .But you should never question the king's authority!"

Augustine Van Dalen ‘Fig’ - Close Friend
April and Fig once he joined the football team, the two clicked almost instantly. They are great friends, if anything April sees him as a brother. The one instance where Fig and April got closer than they already were was when there was that fight at the bobcat tower, April was really upset when she found out what happened. She wants to be there for Fig to support him as much as possible, she cares for him deeply.
“Fig is literally a god among men- A brother that I never had more or less. I'm really glad he and I get along, we try to stay out of trouble but sometimes we can't help it. .What's fun without a little bit of mischief! If we ever get caught and sent to detention I will leave many things in will!”

- T.B.A -

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" This is a photo from when Mavis, Marcus and I went to see Jack at his concert! "

" The Victorian Ball, we all looked so pretty! Thank you Hana for lowkey being my date or whateva "

" This is a photo Mavis took for a class that her father taught and helped with! (Aka the Dean. .) "

" Marcus said :eyes: "

" Santa looks a little different here. . "

" Marcus and I matched dino onesies! :D "

" We called each other gay after this photo “

“ Throwback to Halloween! Marcus and I won something I don't remember “

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Thank you for reading~!
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