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Denied ArknightsFrost | Nurse Application


Level 107

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:

I have been on for a pretty active time making around 4-7 hours per day on SRP, if I am not online I am probably with family, or at work. But mostly I have been online on SRP, but I can make sure I am online extra if I do get accepted.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I've been banned once due to a server error, but it was later taken away shortly after a month.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do, and I acknowledge it. As well I am pretty sure it won't be a problem since I am online mostly.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
School Nurse.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Nurses, at Schools. They are primary medical resource for teenagers, and teachers/professors, during the school day. The main focus for a school nurse, is making sure that all students, are well psychically, they mostly help with health concerns. Nurses are the main help for all students, in the building. Some skills for them include.
A School Nurse, is the role of a healthcare worker. Providing services to students, within an school. This may include keeping medical records, providing health information. As well being able to aid students who are hurt, or ill.

School Nurse's can also treat Teachers/Staff in general, providing assistance if a student falls unconscious. It doesn't just come for students, if a Teacher/Professor is feeling ill. A nurse shall help them, that's what a nurse is.

Effective Communication

Nurses must communicate with students, they must be able to see and listen to understand the concerns of the students, it is essential for evaluating conditions and creating treatment plans. For the students, and teachers at times.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking inside a school for all students, is another important nursing skill. Nurses are encountering new conditions, new patients, and new symptoms of things. As well those who are hurt badly, nurses would have to have very critical thinking. Being able to an-alyze things that happen around them, as well problem solving.


Nurses, must be professional at all times. To make sure the students/patients feel safe, if one isn't professional how do we know if they will be able to do a good job at all? How do you portray yourself as a nurse if you don't have any professionalism, so at all times have it.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've been roleplaying for over 7 years, starting my career in roleplaying in Roblox, a good fashioned game..! The Walking Dead, then moving onto CSOM (Clear Skies in Milwaukee), then after a few years I moved onto Neon District. After doing all that I started playing Roleplay Hub in 2023, it was a fun experience. A Japanese feel, something different to me. So I would say I have good skill in roleplaying but I do have to admit, I am not perfect.

I have the experience of working as a Doctor/Medical Practicer in multiple Roleplay servers. But I do have room to improve, so this would be a great experience for my roleplay experience.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I wish to join it due to me wishing to have more opportunities, I've been here for a pretty good year, I've seen my friends advance into newer jobs like BMD, School Employee, even shop owner! So that is why I've taken upon myself to apply for School nurse, as well being faculty staff has always been something I've been interested in.

As well, I have been pretty focused in (MedicalRP, DetailRP.) Mostly in old Roleplay-Games I used to play in, as well SRP, it's been a very fun and wild time on SRP. As well I am glad to have joined the community.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Main Account | ( lyneymagician ) | Grade-12.
ALT-Account | ( ArknightsFrost ) | Grade 12.(Applying)

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/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
I'd calmly interact with the student bringing them inside the room. Then I would calm down the student, and then ask why did they say such things to me. After finding out why, I would warn them once, and let them go on their way. The student's interaction(Name.) Will be noted and logged.
If they kept on cursing at me, I would have to remind them politely that it is considered as Harassment, even if they still did it, I would have to hand them a detention note, logging in a report.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
During this type of situation, I would have to call in another faculty staff to handle the situation, then going in to check for injuries from the both of them. Their names will be logged.

(ACTION.) "Hands away, stop fighting." She'd stomp on the ground to get their attention. "Fighting is not tolerated in this school, and I will not tolerate this." She'd place her hand into her coat pocket as another Faculty-Staff would arrive to separate them. She'd take out two detention-notes giving it to the both of them. "I will be seeing you both after school."

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
I would remind them that they are doing very dangerous work, as well they are inside the school building which has multiple security cameras. Also warning them that students are inside the building, the students could get seriously hurt.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:
My character places both of her arms near the window looking outside, as any day would go. On some days grabbing a cop of coffee, with a sandwich tomato, ham, as well cheese. If not doing either of those things she's getting ready for the day, making sure she has her radio, and a water on her incase something happens later on. Helping the other faculty staff if needed, from notes, or.. helping with a microwave..

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me She'd check on the source of the wound, she'd clean up the wound with some warm water and a cloth, making sure she cleans up all the debris around the wound. She'd apply the gauze pad over the wound, then wrapping a gauze roll around the gauze pad to the injured part of the body. She'd make sure she didn't wrap it too tightly then securing the pad with some adhesive wrap.

/me &7Bianca would take off her white medical gloves, placing her hand onto the students forehead, checking their temperature, &7Bianca would get worried, &f&O"Oh, my.. dear," &7She'd look over to the beds, &F&O"Would you please take a seat, while I grab some items for you dear?.." &7&oShe'd walk off to the medical station.
&7&OShe'd return with a water bottle, as well a thermometer. &F&O"Dear, would you mind if I checked your temperature?.." &7&OShe'd nod. She'd place the digital thermometer tip under the patients tongue, &f&O"Dear, just close your mouth for me."

/me &7&oShe'd pick up a ORONAMIN C DRINK, &7&OShe sat down, after drinking it. Bianca would inspect the documents of multiple different students. &F&o"Ah.. right.." &7&oShe'd look up seeing a student, with a mask on. &f&o"Ah, dear.. Do you need anything?.." &7&oShe'd observe the student, smiling.

&7&oShe'd lead the student in the Medical room, &f&O"Just take a seat for me, dear." &7&oShe'd place a document down, walking towards the student, with a gentle smile on her face. &F&o"Well, what's wrong dear?..

Screenshot 2024-02-02 111012.png

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
"My name is Bianca Aber.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"I go by Ms., and Ms. only."
Preferred Name:
"Preferred name is Aber."

Age (Minimum is 25):
"I am 27, years old, my birthday is in August 24th."
"My gender is Female."

Academic Degree:
"I have a Major Degree in Nursing from Harvard."



"I come from America."
Known Languages:
"I know Japanese, as well Italian."


Bianca was born in the year of 1997, born into a shady town in America. She doesn't know who her mother is, nor father. Bianca was a single child according to her peers, and teachers. Bianca was a good academic student, Bianca is considered to be a nice person by those who hang out with her in spite of her bitter attitude. Bianca always did have bandages all over her body, but it's unknown why. She took an interest into nursing in her junior year and has always been in the top of her class, through hard work. She always worked hard for her education, trying to be not like her parents. Bianca studied multiple languages as a kid, including Japanese, and Italian. Bianca has studied the two languages fervently and made a point to be fluent. By the time she graduated High-School, she was accepted into Harvard. She of course chose her major to be nursing, to help others she always had the thought in, other than nursing she was always interested in Business. Business is a pretty helpful skill. Bianca took part-time jobs to help her with her life, including working at a Day-care, as well as a receptionist at a children's school. After graduating quickly from Harvard, she found herself lost for a moment in time. Finding a flyer in a trash-bin, it was a Hiring flyer.. Bianca found the location to be in Japan?.. Of all places, but what else can a poor freshly graduated person do? She packed up her stuff, bought a plane ticket with the rest of her remaining money. Then flew to Karakura, when she was on the plane she kept on looking at her Nursing notes. When Bianca got to Japan, she was pretty amazed by the place, Bianca found a small gig to help herself out. After a few days she found a suitable Apartment, it was cheaper outside than in Tokyo. She settled herself in then picked up the flyer once again.

"Bianca's Birth"

Bianca was born into a shady rural town in America, in the year of 1997, she didn't know who her mother or father was. She was a single child, the mother that she didn't know of. Left her to survive alone in a small apartment, with only education as he only tool to have a conversation.

"Bianca's Child-Hood"

Bianca when she was a child, found herself doing odd jobs, to be able to buy clothes and shoes as a kid. Even though she had a rough start in life, she was a great academic learner. She was known as a single child from her peers, and teachers. She was considered nice, by her friends even though she had a bitter attitude. Bianca always had bandages all over her body, but it was quite unknown why.


In her junior year of school, she took interest in nursing. As well had been in the top of her classes, due to hard work and determination. Even though it was hard for her back when she was in school year, she went through and succeeded. She always worked hard trying to be not like her parents, Bianca studied multiple languages as a kid, including Japanese, and Italian, Bianca studied the two languages fervently, and made a point to be fluent.


By the time she graduated High-School, she was admitted to Harvard. She chose her major to be nursing, to help other people in need, as well she chose her minor to be Business. Business was a pretty helpful skill in nursing. When she was in Harvard, she took it to herself to get some part time jobs to earn money, including working at a daycare, and as a receptionist at a local school.


After graduating Harvard she found herself lost in the moment, as she wandered the streets helplessly. She eventually found this flyer in a trash-can, it was a hiring flyer. The school's name that was hiring was 'Karakura'. So what else can a freshly graduated student do? She packed her bags, and flew to Karakura. With the remaining money she had, she got a small apartment and got a job in a nearby cafe.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
"I had studied nursing for multiple years in my time. Graduated from Harvard, as well worked as a Receptionist in a Day-Care, being someone who can treat, as well talk to other people was always been my goal. If I am able to become a nurse, maybe my goal can be reached. People praised me for being a patient woman, in my work environment. I had always been the type of person to get my things done quickly, and efficiently. I do not wish to become a teacher, but yet a Nurse instead."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
"Being someone who's from a rough home, I had always been self-taught to value hard work, and the importance to listening to your higher-ups. I do not slack off, and if I were to join KHS, I feel I can very much and strongly fulfil my duties and do nothing but 125% of the things I am given. I have a strong understanding on how school's work, as well how students can be who attend this school, I would be more then happy to join this school."


I thank you for taking your time for reading my application.

Additional notes about your application: N/A.
Do you have any questions?: N/A.​
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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