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Ash | Command Suggestion!!


Level 194


20th of April​

A very cool and very snazzy new command, Character Conditions?!
I don't know if this is possible, BUT it's a pretty cool idea I thought about, so now I'm suggesting it here. What if, like how description and bio work, you have a new option where you get to describe the current state of your character? Let's say your character has a broken leg, torn clothes, covered in water, or bloody clothes; well with this, you get to write what they currently look like (the state of the character)! This would be changeable at any time and you have the option to change the day/time that it ends so you don't forget! (if it's a perm thing jot-write it down somewhere, or you know, put it in your description)

This could help with SO MUCH. Instead of having to send a /it every time something happens and having it spam chat, you can have this and people can simply right-click to see it making things oh so much easier. Other things this could help with is saying if they have any sort of object on them currently like wheelchairs, bandages, etc. Idk I just thought this would be pretty fking cool and something that could help out alot, like you could just say in LOOC "Oh hey I set my thingy so you can just right click to see" or "Check my chars condition, I set the Character Condition you can just right click" SO EASY.

To prevent making the [SchoolRP] IGN's Character preview too long, perhaps there could be a simple rule set in place stating "Do not use your Character Condition option for extra space as a biography or you will be warned." along with other little things! I'll even list the commands below to make it even easier. Appending will be allowed but only once like the description for all ranks to make things cleaner and rules that apply with Desc apply here.


/set condition - Simple enough, you type this and then put the condition of the character/what they currently look like/what current objects they have
/remove condition - instead of waiting for the 4h timer, just run this command to remove the condition!
(And of course any other needed commands)

I have no clue if this is a thing already being worked on and don't feel like checking, please inform me if it is! Anyways, I just came up with this in my head and had to get it out there before I forgot. I will be reading the comments and adding/removing things as need be but aside from that, yeah woo epic command! I also don't think anyone has suggested this but please let me know @~@ That's all (:<​
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Level 278
it doesnt seem super necessary but i seriously think it would help..

i hate having to re-type my really extensive /it everytime i log on


Level 130


20th of April​

A very cool and very snazzy new command, Character Conditions?!
I don't know if this is possible, BUT it's a pretty cool idea I thought about, so now I'm suggesting it here. What if, like how description and bio work, you have a new option where you get to describe the current state of your character? Let's say your character has a broken leg, torn clothes, covered in water, or bloody clothes; well with this, you get to write what they currently look like (the state of the character)! This would be changeable at any time but would automatically be removed every 4 hours in case you forget (if it's a perm thing jot-write it down somewhere, or you know, put it in your description)

This could help with SO MUCH. Instead of having to send a /it every time something happens and having it spam chat, you can have this and people can simply right-click to see it making things oh so much easier. Other things this could help with is saying if they have any sort of object on them currently like wheelchairs, bandages, etc. Idk I just thought this would be pretty fking cool and something that could help out alot, like you could just say in LOOC "Oh hey I set my thingy so you can just right click to see" or "Check my chars condition, I set the Character Condition you can just right click" SO EASY.

To prevent making the [SchoolRP] IGN's Character preview too long, perhaps there could be a simple rule set in place stating "Do not use your Character Condition option for extra space as a biography or you will be warned." along with other little things! I'll even list the commands below to make it even easier. Appending will be allowed but only once like description for all ranks to make things cleaner and rules that apply with Desc apply here.


/set condition - Simple enough, you type this and then put the condition of the character/what they currently look like/what current objects they have
/remove condition - instead of waiting for the 4h timer, just run this command to remove the condition!
(And of course any other needed commands)

I have no clue if this is a thing already being worked on and don't feel like checking, please inform me if it is! Anyways, I just came up with this in my head and had to get it out there before I forgot. I will be reading the comments and adding/removing things as need be but aside that, yeah woo epic command! I also don't think anyone has suggested this but please let me know @~@ That's all (:<​
+1, neat idea, but I'd like to suggest an edit

Instead of a 4 hour limit, why not let people choose how long? Like

/set condition 7d broken leg


Level 278
+1, neat idea, but I'd like to suggest an edit

Instead of a 4 hour limit, why not let people choose how long? Like

/set condition 7d broken leg
I like that a lot actually! You could set the /it for a broken leg or a cast for a week which is how long they take to heal :o


Level 9

don't get me wrong, i think this is a fun suggestion! just unnecessary.

it'd just be tedious to moderate, since there's so many people that could misuse it as an extended description. i can imagine how annoying it'd be for staff to have to warn each person who's decided to abuse it, but that itself is too harmless to really deserve a warning. it would devolve into a feature that nobody uses for its intended purpose.


Level 194
Thread starter

don't get me wrong, i think this is a fun suggestion! just unnecessary.

it'd just be tedious to moderate, since there's so many people that could misuse it as an extended description. i can imagine how annoying it'd be for staff to have to warn each person who's decided to abuse it, but that itself is too harmless to really deserve a warning. it would devolve into a feature that nobody uses for its intended purpose.
That is fair! I honestly don't see a reason for people to do this and it's just stupid but in the scenario where it does happen, people could just report them. Maybe after two warnings they are no longer allowed to use it as it'd be a privilege. Back to the fact of abusing it, with a lot of other things on the server such as cosmetics, sound-related objects, etc; you could just report them! It wouldn't be a major warning for a reason so it shouldn't be the worst.... and if someone manages to use the command for another two appending messages, I honestly will be flabbergasted and give them props.


Level 271
I agree with doves, Instead of coding a whole new thing while u can to do just ./it feels slightly unnecessary; as with ./it staff also can to see it & warn the right people.

people could just report them
People can't to look at 300 players' descs just to search something unusual


Level 130
I agree with doves, Instead of coding a whole new thing while u can to do just ./it feels slightly unnecessary; as with ./it staff also can to see it & warn the right people.

People can't to look at 300 players' descs just to search something unusual
Same thing applies with descs honestly. It shouldn't be too much of an issue. Just report misuse if you see it (like you do with the descriptions we have now)


Level 194
Thread starter
I agree with doves, Instead of coding a whole new thing while u can to do just ./it feels slightly unnecessary; as with ./it staff also can to see it & warn the right people.

People can't to look at 300 players' descs just to search something unusual
It also isn't a requirement to click on every single person to view age/desc/this - what Liz said


Level 271
Same thing applies with descs honestly. It shouldn't be too much of an issue. Just report misuse if you see it (like you do with the descriptions we have now)
With the option of removing it, it will make it be harder even more- while you will report someone for that, they can to change it and no one will actually know. ../it is working at the same way for a temporary injury or anything

It also isn't a requirement to click on every single person to view age/desc/this - what Liz said
and then it will be hard to moderate it as we're coming back to the reason dove mentioned


Level 194
Thread starter
With the option of removing it, it will make it be harder even more- while you will report someone for that, they can to change it and no one will actually know. ../it is working at the same way for a temporary injury or anything

and then it will be hard to moderate it as we're coming back to the reason dove mentioned
Take an ss of it, simple enough! Then you can report it to staff in direct messages, same w people spamming nd stuff - it still happened and was there at one point in time, why wouldn't it still count now?


Level 130
With the option of removing it, it will make it be harder even more- while you will report someone for that, they can to change it and no one will actually know. ../it is working at the same way for a temporary injury or anything

and then it will be hard to moderate it as we're coming back to the reason dove mentioned
If they change it then its fine? Same thing applies with /setdesc... This isn't something that's a big issue with the current one


Level 29
+1, I like this idea coupled with Liz's amendment.
Good stuff!


don't get me wrong, i think this is a fun suggestion! just unnecessary.

it'd just be tedious to moderate, since there's so many people that could misuse it as an extended description. i can imagine how annoying it'd be for staff to have to warn each person who's decided to abuse it, but that itself is too harmless to really deserve a warning. it would devolve into a feature that nobody uses for its intended purpose.

I feel like a lot of people get hung up on the logistics of being necessary or unnecessary. Personally, I'd argue that an IC Social Media like Onrain isn't really something that's needed (read: necessary), but it's still a very neat thing to have!


Level 271
I feel like a lot of people get hung up on the logistics of being necessary or unnecessary.
I feels like there're a lot of more important stuff to work on/ fix than making a new command while u still have another way to do the same thing (as for example the attributes)

If they change it then its fine? Same thing applies with /setdesc... This isn't something that's a big issue with the current one
In addition to this as she made the 4h timer, there's a little chance it will get remove without changing which will make a huge problem with modrating it more. Not all the people are agrees to report other players, which will make other players uncomfortable and maybe a staff member won't catch it in the right time.

dão aula e olham tudo

Level 13
What robinzee said.

The development team isn't limiting themselves to code only necessary things. Necessity is a very relative concept. Access the server's trello and count how many "unnecessary" features are under development or in the Backlog list. There's no such thing as "the feature this feedback thread suggests is unnecessary, therefore, shouldn't be added". The server isn't dying, nor it is in a desperate state for the development team to only code necessary stuff. It's 101 for every development team to work on both bug fixes and new features. Expecting SRP's development team to focus only on bug patches is pointless, because they too know that worrying about bugs and bugs only would leave the community thirsty for new features. The team is small, yes, but again, they aren't and have never been limited only to bug fixing, balancing or polishing the code overall - and they've proved to be more than capable to do both at the same time. Whether this suggestion will be accepted or not, the community should stop deeming feature suggestions as "unnecessary" only because they don't attend to what the user personally wants or don't fit their necessity-meter. Who will decide the necessity of a suggestion is the development team.

This suggestion is good, and whether it could be easily moderated or not also shouldn't take the center of the stage. Every new feature can be abused by every single player. Misusing features is not new and will continue to happen for as long as this server has people who actively play. It's natural in every other place, and yet, people continue to limit suggestions to: "can it be easily moderated?" and "is it necessary?" I simply don't see how this could be used in any other way other than describing a temporal state. The only way this could be abused is by griefers, and those already abuse the description section enough. They'll be banned either way, so why does it matter?

The development team doesn't work on one thing at once. The Backlog list on trello exists, simple as that. Stop deeming new feature suggestions as necessary or unnecessary. It's an old argument that shouldn't be brought to a feedback thread.


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team
Neutral (Leaning towards; -1)

Let me say this after reading the responses, these are also my own thoughts about it.

As Ash said, it can be a bit overbearing to read a long appended /it and sending it to everyone who you may come across(Friends, Family, hospital, police, etc). But it is also on the person who is sending the /it to keep it short and to the point than detailing every, little, single thing with the tiniest of cuts.

I still think players should still do /it, and what if this does get accepted and they change characters? Even if we limit the command to only be used by Hospital/Police members(to stop people from abusing it), Their second character would still have the condition and won't make any sense on why they have it.

TLDR; it would be hard to moderate and people have several characters on one account

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