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AUFFALLEN Shop Application | GhostlyRebel


Level 53



Describe your activity on the server:
I am a fairly active individual on the server, and I am usually on every day of the week for a few hours, though sometimes life gets in the way and I am not online for a bit. Usually, I am either busy or just doing something else, but I am usually online every day for at least 2 to 5 or more hours per day. I do play other games throughout the day when I am bored and don’t feel like hopping on the server. When I am active, I am on my alt account, but if I am accepted, I will start being on my main account much more often (which is GhostlyRebel) to use the shop more and other things as I start to gain more motivation to continue playing on said account.

Previous applications:
I will be listing my applications from accepted, pending to denied and they will be spaced apart from Accepted, pending and denied;




Alt - Spanish Application

Korean Application

Ban Appeal

Assistant Nurse Application

KPD Application

Police Application

Student Council Application

PE Teacher Application

Ban Appeal

Korean Application

Italian Application


Builder Application


KPD Application

Teacher Application

Ban Appeal

Ban Appeal

Ban Appeal

I probably have many more applications but I can’t remember all of them and if I am missing any important ones I do apologise for that, I also tried to clean up the application by linking but the links weren't working and only one decided to work apologize for that also.

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
(I will list the rule breaking things below with a brief explanation)

Asking for Money (Perm Ban)
A quick explanation for this: at the time this happened, it was the beginning of 2020, and it is soon going to be 2 years since this happened. I had a fever of 102 degrees and was extremely sick. I also had "brain fog". Some may say that is not a thing, but I am afraid it is a thing and it made me forget a lot of things.

Mini-Moding (Warning)
I was warned for asking someone for proof of perms of a fight my character was involved in.

I can assure you that no other rule-breaking will take place in my remaining time on the server, for how much longer that may be. I am known not to break many rules with anything, and if I do, I normally admit my wrongdoing, but that is on rare occasions that I break the rules, and my friends know very well that is rare. There is a ban I will not list that occurred almost a year ago but due to my own reasons I will not add it to this, I am aware this is not a clean record but I normally do not break rules at all I have gone three years without being warned and I will continue not to break rules.


Shop wanted:
Auffallen - Unowned

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I've been thinking about a lot of things, and I'd rather take a chance on something that I'd enjoy doing and being a part of. As I was thinking it over, I realised applying for shop owner would be a good idea as it is different as well as it would expand my knowledge of roleplay even more than what it is currently at as well as give me a very different view of the server from a standpoint I have yet to see. The entire idea of the shop I am thinking of creating would give a different feel to others on the server as it would be very different from what you normally see on the server itself. If I am correct, this style of the shop has been seen once before but no longer exists. It would even give a different idea to the employees of the store and most likely the staff even if the application is not accepted. I believe it will be able to inspire some people on the server once they see it.

I have been thinking over as well with this application do I want to go ahead and attempt this, being on the fence of doing this and not doing this eventually I realized this is something I would like to do though being a Teacher on the server is good and has been for months everything was good until I realized I had this in file for months and decided to go-ahead and post it, changing the idea multiple times but eventually after a while I decided to set on what it is currently about, been waiting for a chance for a while for an opportunity to post this application finally and I get to see it and something been waiting for since November and finally have the chance for this.

Something I have not seen before is more Italian non-restaurant shops around I actually have only ever seen only a few of them ever on the server which is also part of the reason why I want to open up a shop to bring a new sense of direction for shops, I am also aware there has only ever been one Jewelry shop that I've seen before but it was more German type that's why I am putting in the heritage from my character mixed with what the majority of the server would like and how the design of the server is.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:

This is not exact of the store it would be more colors of Italy a bit and different colors on the inside but this is what the main idea would look like, this is just one of the areas, one part will be will hold the more higher end items and the other half would hold the less expensive items.


This is just a reference. This is not the exact name, color scheme, or anything. It will be altered to match the server, how the server is, and the design. I am also not using any of these as my own. It would be much more cleaned up than this. Again, this is just the general idea of the exterior, just like the interior design. I plan on having a few custom items to the store to make it stand out more to the rest of the stores located in the area, the outside will be a bit more less than the actual photo so it would kind of blend in with the surrounding area to make it less of an eye sore to the area, I plan on making it where it used common materials of the area with the inside to be decorated with certain items, Italian flag colors in some places but also to maintain the high end feel to the shop while also making it a comfortable atmosphere to the shop itself and be unique than any other shop on the inside. I still want to try to keep the original idea of Auffallen but keep it a mix of the original with also more of my own original design but also for it to not be as flashy as before, more mellow and less expensive items like before, and also ran quite differently than before or actually any other store in Karakura.

The shop itself would be more of an inviting atmosphere, jewelry stores out-of-game are not as inviting and have a strange atmosphere to them but this I want it to be inviting and welcoming that also tends to both sides of the server but still maintaining an professional scene with keeping some important aspects of how the original Auffallen was but while also making it my own and be more different than the original shop itself. The inside is charming and would have light colors to them and very homie feeling but while also maintaining the professionalism to the shop with both the employees and the owner of the shop, shop without making it uncomfortable for the customers in the shop, the outside itself would be also rather simple to maintain the look of the surrounding area without creating an issue and clashing with other buildings in the area. The shop would also cater to everyone on the server cost wise, some cheap, some expensive and having almost anything someone would want but also could afford at the same time while also being in a comfortable atmosphere.

How will your shop be unique?:

Exclusive Items for the more expensive side;



Pocket Watch

This simple but classy watch is very unique, something new to the store and is completely made out of silver the cost of this Pocket Watch would be ¥85,000

Simple Diamond Ring
This is a very simple yet elegant ring that is diamond and silver, the cost of this is on the lower side of some products at ¥80,000.


Least Expensive Items;


This is a very unique piece of jewelry that is sterling silver plus a few diamonds, the price of this would be ¥40,000

This basic hair piece is very simple and would cost ¥20,000


The store itself would only sell Italian-brand jewelry, but even with that I want to keep the original name alive and the way it was but in a new way. The items would be exclusive, but slowly over time, we would add more and more to the shop, only a few custom items would be needed for now and the rest could be items that were already sold previously in other stores and maybe in the future add a few more custom items to sell.

I am aware that there was only one jewelry store before this, but it recently closed down, and the shop itself was not as active as before, but the general idea of this shop is to be more exclusive than any other shop around due to the fact that it has a different design, products, etc. The products would also be named after Italian brands but that do not yet exist on the server or out of the game to avoid any issues with this, and each item is on the higher end as well, what we would sell would be thoroughly thought through of what the player base would enjoy most, which is needed for any shop out of the game and in-game to know their customers and what they would like. The items would also be different, but only a few custom items.

The custom/exclusive items in this store would be a bit different. I am aware the people of the server do enjoy this type of thing, but due to the fact the original closed down. As there was only one shop of its kind on the server, it is different but also trying to keep it alive. The customs that are not listed on the application are sunglasses, necklaces, etc as I did not want to overpopulate with photos and spoilers and each one would be from Italy and Italian-based brands but are entirely renamed for server purposes and to avoid any issues. I am going off the heritage of my character, as well as what might better fit his personality for a shop, but also go off more of the servers' taste as well. The store is supposed to be a mixture of the heritage of the character that will own the shop, which is Italian, and the design of the shop that matches the theme of the server, which is Japanese and also want to keep a bit of the original concept of Auffallen, I am aware the store was most likely liked by most people on the server but wasn't open often that I know of which is why if accepted I plan on opening more often. The store itself would also be ran a bit differently than how it was originally, it would be welcoming and inviting but also be professional in a way people will see it fit, the goal is also to be a place where when you are shopping for jewelry it wouldn't seem like your typical jewelry store but also welcoming to both the employees and customers each time they are open. Another thing unique to this is I have seen a lot of the shops go off is they are based off out-of-game stores and such but this will not be like that, I am purely going off what I feel is right and nothing more but also using some references for these but not entirely what it is about. We would be attempting to cater to different parts of the server, a side of the store with more expensive items with also a side of the store with less expensive items. Half of the store would be expensive items and the other half not expensive but also keep it homie but professional.

The original Auffallen sold more expensive goods but this store would be different, we would sell both items over ¥100,000+ and some would be below that, but my goal is not to have items go over the ¥250,000 and that way someone could always possibly afford at least one item from the shop they may want but also not go below ¥20,000 but either way someone could afford some items at the store without worrying about not being able to afford something.


This is just a note part without adding an actual note part to the format, with the custom references in this application I purposely tried to find the easiest looking items to make that wouldn't cause much issues for the moddlers making the customs if accepted, I also purposely renamed the reference images as I know for most items that is required if it is based off something out-of-game that is something that is already done, just trying to be considerate for the people that make customs as I know that can be a difficult task. I also added the prices to the items already to make it even easier and give the general idea for the shop. Any of the names on the actual photos are not what they will be called, the spoiler name is the actual name.

How many employees are you planning to have?:

Owner (1/1)

Co-Owner (1/1)

Managers (0/2)

Cashiers (0/5)

Security (0/4)

11 Total Employees


The clothing requirements would be simple yet formal in a way to seem professional, the clothing requirements for Cashier and manager would be nothing revealing, they may wear what they wish to work as long as they do not wear little clothing to work that is fine and also have a bit of formal wear to the outfits, security would have a proper dress code and uniform to guard the store, security would have a dress code of a black shirt, pants and shoes.

I have already handpicked only two people that have been chosen by three major factors: how well they are on a team, how friendly they are, and overall how they perform. The people listed before applications have already proven themselves to be worthy of handling this, as well as the co-owner is very well capable of helping me and the employees to the best of their ability. For the rest of the employees, we will do applications for the shop if accepted and will discuss the applications, only for security would require a uniform the rest can be as is for cashiers. Then security and cashiers for their payment about 40% of what they make will go to the owner meaning half of the payment they get from the customers goes to the owners and the remaining of the shift they keep themselves, this is not the set yet either I am still looking at options, but basically of one person gets ¥20,000 in one shift 40% goes to the owners which is ¥8000 and the remaining the employee keeps - this was just an example of what the payment process would look like.

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:
He has a bachelor's degree in Marketing and a minor in Finance.

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Level 110

Thank you for taking the time to write out this application and applying for a shop! However, we have chosen to deny your application.

- Other applicants have shown greater detail and ideas in owning this specific shop. There was a lack of detail and originality, being that this application included items that are already for sale in Auffallen and include no sort of elaboration on these specific ideas (e.g. events that take place under Auffallen's name). In addition to that, your punishment history was accounted for in reviewing this application and we do not believe that you are suitable to befit this role on the server.​

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