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Denied ayoblossom | History Teacher Application


Level 17
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do, my discord username is aoblossom,

Do you have a microphone?:
I do have a microphone, though it isn’t the best quality.

What is your time zone?:
GMT-10 / HST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am aware that being inactive will lead to a demotion.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am online almost every day, playing for at least 2 hours each time I get on. I’m normally either running around, attending high school classes, or hanging out with some of my friends while I am online. I will admit, my activity has gone slightly down due to final exams, but it will pick up once again during the summer.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade - 12 (Applying for highschool counselor on this character slot)
Grade -12 (Planning to make them a college student)
Grade - 7 (Applying for teacher on this character slot)

What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am currently applying to be a part of the History Department. I am planning to mainly focus on US History, since I am most familiar with it, however I may always decide to do some lessons and possibly a field trip related to Karakura History and Culture.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
The main reason why I want to become a teacher is the challenge that comes with it. In the Teacher Information forum, it states that “The Teacher role itself requires a lot of dedication; at times teaching can become stressful and planning lessons can take time.” This sentence really compelled me to try and apply, since how can something be interesting and enjoyable if there is no challenge with it? I mean, that’s how I see it. After doing some research on the actual role that teachers had in SRP, I realized how many of the responsibilities were something that was of interest to me. Being able to host classes where I can create an educational but also an interesting roleplay experience for other players is something that I absolutely love. In general, I want to apply since it will give me more experience as a roleplayer! Since teachers have to plan and host classes, it would really test and grow my skills.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
I understand that I am applying for the teacher role of UT.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand that if my application is accepted, that I will have to undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are basically a way for a teacher to note down how many classes they hosted as well as information regarding the specific class. This is in order to track how active a certain teacher is as well as keeping track of the player’s quota, which is a minimum of 10 classes per month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The class rules mainly follow the motto “Respect yourself, others, and your surroundings.”​
  1. Any instance of bullying or discrimination will be met with a harsh punishment. The classroom is an environment for people to learn and should be a safe place to do as such.​
  2. There should be no distractions such as phones or instruments during the entire class period. An expectation to this is when instructed to use your phone to do research on a certain topic. Students should also avoid talking loudly during the lesson and should whisper to their students if needed. If a student has a question or request for a teacher, they need to raise their hand before asking.​
  3. Students are expected to sit in the student seats and not on any shelves or at the teacher's desk without prior permission. Each student should be at one seat, so no sharing seats or sitting on another classmate’s table.​
  4. Any sort of tardiness will not be accepted. This includes turning in an assignment late or arriving at class late. If the deadline is unclear, there will be an extension as well as exceptions for certain assignments that require more time​
  5. Food and beverages are not allowed in the classroom and any waste of such should be thrown away outside of class. Such things can lead to pests being drawn into the classroom. Exceptions can be made for certain medical conditions, however, it is the student’s responsibility to make the teacher aware of such.​
  6. After the lesson is completed, students will be given non-instructional time to finish any given assignments. During this time, students will be able to talk and move freely. However, if things start to go out of hand, all students will be forced to sit quietly for the remaining time in class.​
  7. Students are allowed to sleep during class, however previous material missed due to them being asleep will not be reviewed. They will need to ask their fellow students or meet the teacher after class to get the needed information.​
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
The best way to showcase my experience is by taking a trip down memory lane. . .

Minecraft (Creative Plot Server)
The very first time I got into roleplay was around 2016. It was on this creative plot server, which is now sadly dead, where I joined this restaurant which I believe was called Sukiyabashi. After doing an interview with one of the workers, my roleplay experience started with me becoming a chef. As I stayed on the server, I started to get more into roleplay by joining various plots. These role plays were your typical late 2010s roleplays, such as CampRP, HighschoolRP, LabRP, and my personal favorite, DanganronpaRP. I was even able to become a staff on some of these roleplay plots, where I learned more about how to manage and host roleplay events. However, as the server started to die out, I started to transition away from roleplaying in Minecraft.

Roblox (SCPRP)
Near the start of this year, I started to do more RobloxRP. More specifically, I started to play more SCPRP. If you don’t know what SCP is, it’s a fictional organization that basically contains and studies different anomalies. More recently, I joined a research organization group on one of the roleplay sites. As a scientist for this faction, I am in charge of doing things such as interviews and experiments on different SCPs, after which I make a test log. As well, I participate in faction deployments each week.

IRL (Mock Trial Club)
As my coach says, the Mock Trial Club is literally a drama club but for nerds. If you do not know what Mock Trial is, it is essentially a competition where a group of students stimulate a real trial. The roles are attorneys, witnesses, and bailiff/clerk. In the past two years, I have been able to play as a witness which I believe really focuses on a lot of drama. Playing as a witness, I need to know what and what not to say, and how to specifically say it. Using a certain tone or emphasizing words while speaking, or even body language while being questioned is a skill that I have learned and will continue to learn while I am a part of the club.

Minecraft (SRP)
The first time I enjoyed SRP was actually around the first time I joined that creative plot server, though I never really stayed around to actually roleplay. However, with me recently getting back into the server at the start of the year, I have been able to get some experience in this server. Mainly playing as a highschool student, I have attended any available classes while online as well as just having interactions with other individuals. I will admit though, playing as just a highschool student isn’t the most appealing thing for me, which is mainly why I am looking to apply for other roles such as a highschool councilor and highschool teacher.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
Meaning: Head of Department
Description: The HD is the person in charge of a specific department, applying for both school and college. Some responsibilities would most likely be evaluating and training more lower ranking teachers. They are also the person in charge of reporting to the faction head.

- QT
Meaning: Qualified Teacher
Description: Once being properly evaluated for the performance, an NQT can become a QT (Qualified Teacher). This is a sign of not just a person’s maturity, but also the capability of creating an engaging and educational classroom environment. Being more experienced, they are role models for NQTs and UTs.

Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
Description: After proving their capabilities of becoming a teacher and going through proper training, a UT will become a NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher). They are slightly more trusted due to their experience and are role models for UTs.

- UT
Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
Description: Upon getting accepted, players will be given the UT (Unqualified Teacher) role. Once getting a proper introduction, they will be able to host a class which addresses questions and concerns regarding the role. UTs can also request for in-character training in order to gain a better understanding on the role.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

The main purpose of teachers is to give players some entertainment while on campus during school hours, mainly by hosting classes and doing a variety of lessons. More specifically, hosting classes allows players to have different roleplay experiences, develop their roleplay skills, meet new people, and to also develop their character. In some instances, teachers host classes in order to cover material needed for the college entrance exams. Teachers also ensure that the school runs smoothly by ensuring that students are following the rules while on campus.

The starting salary of teachers, which would be for a NQT, would start at a base-pay of ¥350,000 for completing 10 classes. Qualified Teachers however, would start at a base-pay of ¥400,000. If teachers decide to host more classes, they can receive +¥50,000 yen for every 5 classes hosted. This would add onto the base pay until the maximum of ¥500,000 per month is reached. It is important to note that teachers can only host 4 classes per OOC day.

The way that teachers teach can vary depending on the department that they are in. Speaking from my personal experience of participating in different classes, a drama teacher can give a group of students a certain prompt and role.With the given instructions and details, the students will go through the given scenes. Afterwards, the teacher can give feedback on what needs to be improved. Following the next class, the student can now consider the given feedback and improve on their acting skills. A math teacher, however, might decide to explain a certain formula and give specific directions on how to properly use it. Afterwards, they could let the students do different practice problems, as well as creating their own practice problems. Overall, the way that teachers teach can vary depending on their department.

The main duties of teachers are preparing for classes, hosting classes and grading. As stated before, the way that teachers prepare and host classes will vary depending on their department. I can give my own explanation of such however. In terms of planning for classes, I would most likely draw inspiration from current history classes that I am enrolled in. After reviewing the material, I would make sure to simplify it so that every player can understand what I will cover. During class, I would give a short lecture explaining the surrounding historical topic or event. Afterwards, I would either give them a question sheet regarding what I covered or a reflection on their own feelings on what was covered and why.

Of course, teachers are not just restricted to the school hours. I mean, they are human just like the rest of the population. Maybe they are religious and want to visit the shrine for a blessing, or maybe they want to visit family and eat at a lovely restaurant. Teachers are able to have roleplay opportunities both on and off campus and are not completely limited by one or the other.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
In terms of the SchoolRP server, teachers are one of the most important characters since the roleplay experience that most players, highschool students specifically, face are in a classroom setting. Since players need to stay on campus during school hours, options can be quite limited. Though players can decide to play sports with friends, such as volleyball or basketball, it does not really give an interesting roleplaying experience. By simply hosting classes, players are able to do something to pass the time during school hours, as well as interacting with other characters. Classes can also help individuals practice and grow their roleplay skills. An example being drama classes or culinary class, where the player will be able to practice DetailRP. Other classes can also help prepare students for college entrance exams, which can be done by things such as reviewing the lore documents on the forums for the history of Karakura. Overall, teachers are the catalyst for the school roleplay experience.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school follows the lesson planning system called MoSCoW, which represents four phrases: “Must have, Should have, Could have, Will not Have.”

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

/setdesc “In front of you would be a 6’0 ft male with black hair and eyes, who seemed to be of Romanian descent. He would smell like coffee and had a tired expression on his face. You wouldn't be able to tell if he wanted to be here or not . . .

His personality can be described as a mix between disciplined and aloofness. He heavily dislikes taking up time, and would be the type of person to give you a blunt and straightforward response, no matter how bad it may be. Some individuals at first might take him as being overly serious, but Andrei can be quite sociable once you get to know him more. He is also quite caring for other individuals, even if he might not know them.. If someone seemed to be struggling, he would always attempt to help them.

Overall, the best way to summarize Andrei Moldovan is someone that just wants to get through the day. Taking the quickest option, Andrei wants to be able to get through the day with minimal problems. Even with this, Andrei sometimes does not mind slowing down to take a more scenic route in life. I mean, we all only have one shot at this, should probably make it worth it.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Not to say that he hates other people, but Andrei does not have any strong feelings for or against anyone. They are just simply people existing during the same time as him with their own different story. He wouldn’t mind making small talk with a co-worker or explaining a lesson to a student, heck that would be his job, but he wouldn’t mind just being alone. This would most likely change once he gets closer to someone, but simply he just does not have any strong feelings or emotions towards others.

What are their plans for the future?
Andrei is simply just a simple man looking for a simple life. Not to say that he does not have any personal goals, but he is someone who just hopes to settle down in a nice apartment. The appeal of glory and gold is not one he follows, but he hopes to simply just experience life without any trouble. With him becoming a teacher, he hopes he can spend his days educating the youth while also witnessing what life has to offer.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
“Straight and simple, they should know not to act like this on school campus.”
Approaching the group, he would let out a very audible sigh before verbally warning the students that such behavior is inappropriate while on school grounds. If they were to continue, he would warn them again, eventually leading to a possible detention if they decide not to.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
“It isn’t like I’m holding them hostage with history lessons.”
Andrei likes to make his lessons short and simple, giving the students enough information to understand the topic and to be able to answer questions regarding such. If some students were not paying attention, he would remind them that they decided to come to class and should pay attention. If they continue to disregard him, he would simply kick him out of the class. He should not need to focus on a few students when he has several others to teach.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
“It truly is peaceful.”
Andrei would be sitting next to the window, watching the outdoors as he nurses a cup of coffee. He seemed peaceful. simply just admiring the beauty of nature. If someone were to approach him, he would give a short greeting, asking if they needed anything. Perhaps if they were close, he would invite them to sit with him.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me he would be leaning against his desk, with a cup of coffee in hand, as he waited for all the students to take their seats. Once everyone was properly sitting down, he would let out a deep, long, sigh before taking a final sip of his coffee and putting it down on his table. Standing upright, he would begin to speak “Good morning everyone. If you do not know who I am, my name is Mr. Moldovan. . . welcome to US history.”

/me writing on the chalkboard, his hand would stop upon hearing the sound of a phone notification. He would sigh, and began to speak without turning around “Need I remind you that cell phones are not allowed during class? Once I am finished writing this sentence, that phone better be turned off and put away.” He would continue to write on the chalkboard.

/me grabbing the stack of paper on top of his desk, he would walk around the classroom, handing each student a copy of the assignment “The paper I am currently passing out will be asking questions relating to the topic we just covered during class. You are free to work with each other as well. I am expecting that you all turn it in before you leave the class. Late work will not be accepted.”

/me as the bell rung, he would wait patiently at the front of the class to collect everyone's assignments "Make sure you turn in your assignment in before you leave class. Have a good rest of your day." he would stack the paper on top of each other, making sure that they were all perfectly aligned and then placing it on his desk. He would let out a sigh, realizing how many assignments he would have to grade.

[IMPORTANT] His backstory is not completely fleshed out, so what I have written below is the general idea that I am following. As I began to roleplay with this character more, I will start to define his backstory along the way

“I didn’t really have an interesting childhood.”
Growing in the hustle and bustle of the city, Andrei Moldovan lived a chaotic lifestyle. Helping at the family store, Andrei needed to act more than his age. Deal with angry customers, help with inventory, deal with another angry customer. His household is similar, in the sense that he had several younger siblings. Being the oldest, he had the responsibility to not only care for them, but to also be a role model. Though it can be annoying, Andrei had and will always cherish his family. Even with the added stress and responsibility, Andrei did decently during his school years. Maybe not genius level, but it was enough to make his parents happy.

“It was okay, not sure if I would do it again though”
Andrei’s college life was just like his childhood, nothing really special. He decided to major in History, not because of a passion for the subject but mainly because he was the most proficient at the subject. I mean, he had a pretty good memory when discussing historical events that happened hundreds of years ago. With his new added freedom of attending college, Andrei started to become more involved in his community, both on-campus and off-campus. Eventually, he was able to study abroad in Japan for 2 semesters. Let’s just say that’s the reason why Andrei decided to move to Japan.

“I needed a change, not sure if this was the right change though.”
Deciding to stay in the city, Andrei would become a middle school history teacher. His experience at middle school was alright, but by now he has lived in the same area for his entire life. He needed to move. So he began to look for online job listings in different areas. Stumbling upon an online post in Japan, his interest was piqued. Having studied and enjoyed his time in Japan, Andrei decided that it was worth a shot. I mean, he never heard of a town called Karakura, but Japan was known to be a very pleasant place to live in. This is why he now urges students to properly research and study before exams.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

“My name is Andrei Moldovan.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Mr. will do just fine.”

Given Name(s):
“My given name is Andrei.”

Preferred Name:
“Close friends may use my given name, however, most people should refer to me as Mr. Moldovan.”

Age (Minimum is 25):
“I am 27 years old.”

“I am a male”

Religious Denomination:
“I am non-denominational, meaning I do not follow a specific religious denomination.”

Marital Status:
“I am single, unmarried.”

“Though I am from the United States, I am a legal citizen of Japan”

Current Location:
“I am currently residing in Karakura, Japan”

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

“More recently, I have two years of working experience. I used to work at a middle school as a History teacher.”

Academic Degree:
“I have a Bachelor’s”

Year of Graduation:
“I graduated around 4 years ago, so in 2020”

“I have a major in History.”

“I have a minor in Law.”

Native Languages:
“My native language is English”

Other Languages:
“I also know Japanese and Romanian.”

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
“I do not have any of the following certificates.”


Additional notes about your application:

- Edits were made to change the formatting of the application, correct spelling/grammar errors, rephrase/reword answers, and to update with more relevant information.
-Some OOC answers are the same as my HS-Council application answers since they ask for the same or similar answers.
- I apologize if the age and date of graduation are mixed up, I'm unsure on how time/years work on the server and I am overthinking the math.

Do you have any questions?:
I do not have any questions at this time​
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application
  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.​
  • The subject you applied for has no open spaces​

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.​

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