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Baseball sports.


Level 15
What's your Minecraft Username?: WistiRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Baseball sports.

What's your suggestion?:
The baseball teams should be able to train as much as the other teams like give us a baseball to train catching or maybe get real training facility to be able to train with even when you are alone, at the moment we cant do anything to train at all.

If we had like a place to train our batting or maybe if we just had a possiblity for all of the teams to get a facility to train all of our sports so we dont have to do it only when we are in school and as spartans our classes are mandatory and we have to practice in school times to not glitch in.

We should be able to atleast get a place to train a bit all of the other sports can train out of school but not the baseball teams, like we really cant train at all our times are annoying aswell because it needs to be in school times.

Or like give us baseballs that are useable to be able to train.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will make baseball a more competitive sports for all of the server so every body can play it everywhere


Level 11

I agree sorta, its hard to practice baseball without an extra person. I feel as if baseball should have a small place outside of school for us to be able to practice are pitching or batting, but not an entire baseball field... Or maybe just a possible addition to the plugin to allow us to be able to practice on our own... like several other sports have without having to play a full game.


Level 25
Community Team

I agree that this should happen, but baseball has bigger problems atm haha.

I'm sure that will be added to a future baseball plugin update.


Level 62

Baseball is super underrated, they would just have to edit the plugin to add a 'bot' or something for people that wanna play solo, the same could be done for volleyball too!


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

- We'll look at adding an auto-pitcher outside of the School so that people can practice batting. As well as a pitcher and batter if there's more than 1 player in the region. However, we will be more focussed on fixing the issues with the plugin before adding additional features.​

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