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IGN: memerchan
DATE: 9/1/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: For normal house owners to also have basements.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would make the percent of homeless SRP players go down, as then normal houses could house more people. Some houses on SRP are very tiny and not worth 250k, so letting them add a basement would make the cost seem more fair! Most houses on SRP have a fair amount of space, but from the sport teams, they usually take alot of the houses, they also take up the larger houses which also seems unfair as other players are stuck having to get a smaller house with less features that they should normally have. Lets put the sport teams aside, basements in houses are a pretty normal thing to see, so only having certain houses with basements seems not too realistic. Normal players (ones who dont live in a sports house or who arent even in a sport) should have more customization and freedom with their houses, seeing as a normal house rent is alot, the players money should be well spent and actually worth 250k. Personally I think that the whole team house thing is a bad idea, isint their already a place for all sport teams to go to and plan things out? (I'm talking about the under part of the bowling ally.) If sport houses are going to take up alot of the houses on SRP then the normal house owners should be able to add basements on into their own home.


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team

This was a suggestion before and was denied. The reason why not all houses have basements is due to the sewers below the map itself. The entire sewers would either need to move(which requires a builder to do so) or will cut off parts of the sewers that GangRP'ers use the most often. For example, where the fight club is. If we added basements there, it would block off the walkway entirely for when it is opened, and sewer access

What I do want from the houses is if we are able to edit outside of our homes. Like changing up the flowers in the flower beds or even adding some umbrellas to the tables on our own without staff / builder's help.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

sewers + they’re being updated soon, don’t want to steal the space

the only things I could ask for #1 is a remodel for homes and #2 some of the homes become available near the beach. those houses have been untouched for ages.

for the remodel, the only feasible way I can see to update homes is waiting for house to lose its owner and use worldedit to completely change it. the new owner probably wouldn’t mind since they’re probably going to destroy everything anyways

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