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Bear sanctuary


Level 14
Community Team
Event Team
IGN: fredtastic, fredcentric, fredtasty
DATE: 10/08
I'd like the addition of a bear sanctuary. Let me explain!

At the moment, the amount of situations involving bears has gotten out of control. As much as I love rping with animals, I believe the bear whitelist (or how people roleplay it out) needs to have a change.The current bears state has gotten unbearable (you get the pun?!) for EMS and KPD. We get dozens of bear calls a day and more than half of the injured people coming in the hospital are from bear attacks. The amount of bears related situations has even forced some emergency workers to log on less and less on their emergency characters simply to avoid bear situations.

The cause for this current state is simple: the lack of FearRP towards bears, and the lack of FearRP of bears towards large groups of humans. As much as teaching people how to FearRP those bears, we can all agree that it is impossible. Players are players and teaching everyone how to fearrp properly is simply not doable. If we do nothing, the number of citizens attacking bears will stay the same, the amount of bears kidnapping people will not change and the forest entrances will still be 'camped' by bears. Yes, it may sound like a very brutal change, but i believe that we need to limit the bears x humans interactions.

This is why i suggest the addition of a bear sanctuary. It would be, in my opinion, a way to help people still enjoy roleplay as bears while helping the current server's state. Here is how it could go:

  • Location: A part of the forest (we could even expand the forest a little to allow this sanctuary to have a good size. The location would basically be an area of the forest which would not be accessible by foot. It could be closed off with fences, etc. A small 'lobby' building could be built for the administration of the sanctuary. The sanctuary would basically by a normal forest, though some additions could be made: More bear caves, some special climbing structures, and finally some viewing decks! Because the addition of this sanctuary would cut off the interactions from bears to citizens, some viewing decks could be added. We could have some pathways in heights to have a good look at the animals, or some glass tunnels could be built to still interact with bears while still being protected. Bears could be able to roam everywhere in this area.

  • Sanctuary workers: This could be a new role added to the server (it could be applied through applications, though i think it could be played by staff, due to the low amount of bears online). Those workers would be in charge of making sure of the good functioning of the sanctuary. Their job would be to interact with the bears, to clean the area, to feed them, and to inform the population. I could see some guided tours of the area / feeding times happen. Their position would also allow them to have some people enter the area (under their watch) for whatever reason (education, special tours, etc). And PERHAPS some of those special tours could end up badly! (We still love the bear dramas!) I know this new role is an ick to my suggestion. Roles are very rarely added, but i figured i'd suggest it aswell.

Yes, i do understand this is a HUGE change to the server, but it would help everyone so much

It would fix the current issue with players not FearRPing correctly by limiting interactions!

I wrote this at 1 am. I apologize for the mistakes... So bear with me (haha another pun!)


Level 19
I believe most of these ideas are good and could also set up more event ideas
As a KPD officer myself I know I find the struggle to respond to bear calls knowing that it's been while some bears don't an attempt to just major officers and kidnap people bears in the real world do not kidnap people for no reason and this has led to an increase in KPD calls making most of us just ignore some calls due to assuming it's a bear call that's just going to end in majors
On the 8th of October 2023 the day I'm writing this 4-5 officers were majored by bears in a single day and It's not fun to have to make constant backups because people fail to fearrp bears


Level 142
I disagree with this suggestion on a fundamental level, and do not think we should implement it if we want to promote healthy dynamics throughout the community.

However, I choose to withhold my essay regarding my reasoning and supporting information to back my claim, because I hate bear culture on SRP and would rather have them all be isolated from the rest of the community. I usually try to set my personal bias aside, but like their existence alone has caused so many problems, so they can just go into permanent time out! haha schtinky!!!


Level 105
ban bears



Level 76
+1 big time. most bear roleplayers don't know what they're doing. bears do not kidnap people.


Level 12
+1 We can’t just REMOVE bears without either bringing in a ultimatum or refund (Which people usually would like what they bought)

I think this is a wonderful Idea,, although I think the Job part can be NPC (Usually it is). The best part should be added! Ontop of EMS and KPD not having anything to do, The forest is barely used and when it is, it’s used to gangrp or people just passing through to enter shrine.
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Level 43
It's fascinating how the forest that's open to public, filled with tents and generally decently populated has bears roaming around. +1

btw when ghost/spirit sanctuary? I wanna see Mr. Babadonk without being stabbed.


Level 135
im still a firm believer in bear whitelists being removed because no matter how hard staff/players try, they refuse to fearrp and roleplay realistically


Level 12
I wonder if srp would be willing to do that many refunds if it got removed..

doesn’t sound logical since there is no refund policy (I think)


Level 43
Lore Team

As EMS, it's not the bears who are doing the harm (most of the time), it's people actually baiting attacks, and then when I log on to do a single thing, there are multiple bear calls and like 50 million people coming into the lobby because bears have attacked them. The whitelist is incredible and everything, but there are so many people not properly roleplaying anything out, majority of people DON'T FearRP even when they're told to do so by staff.

Even if the whitelist is removed or LIMITED to a small amount of people having one, I'll be more than happy to take that because it's less stressful on EMS and KLPD, as well as the staff who have to deal with multiple people FailRPing.


Level 15
50/50 - I enjoy the bears in the forest and the interactions, however, its super unrealistic for PLAYERS to be going into the forest and provoke a bear and die. People are going against the basic rule of fearrp when it comes to a cute fluffy creature. These are not cute fluffy creatures (they are), they are killing machines in the nicest way to place it. Their behavior is far form normal, kissing, hugging, people etc. It is not normal, bears are a wild animal and need to display the wild nature but, because we love the bears, adding this suggestion is a smart idea.

However, this may cause issues even more, People trying to break into the enclosure, people trying to find ways to get the bears to escape- or just in general, baiting a kill against their character. KPD and EMS have been under extreme pressure over the last few days because players are being reckless. I'm going to remain 50/50 on this, I'd like to see a way around the bears being able to stay, but if they can't then, thats not staffs fault, thats the players fault for disrespecting the rules.

Bears are not your friends, quit messing with them or face the consequences of your actions.


Level 58
Authorization Team
It’s also part of the players issue because people don’t take situations with bears realistically which makes the calls all worse for KPD and EMS. If a person would realistically witness someone getting mauled or attacked by a bear, you would NOT stand there and be like ‘oh hahah cool’ no. KPD warns people so many times to get away and people continue to say no and go back to the bears which is just not a correct way to fearrp. A lot of players and bears don’t tend to fearrp correctly, which results in hundreds of calls in a day so there should be maybe a few sets of limitations so the whole of karakura isn’t getting mauled by bears.


Level 76
It’s also part of the players issue because people don’t take situations with bears realistically which makes the calls all worse for KPD and EMS. If a person would realistically witness someone getting mauled or attacked by a bear, you would NOT stand there and be like ‘oh hahah cool’ no. KPD warns people so many times to get away and people continue to say no and go back to the bears which is just not a correct way to fearrp. A lot of players and bears don’t tend to fearrp correctly, which results in hundreds of calls in a day so there should be maybe a few sets of limitations so the whole of karakura isn’t getting mauled by bears.
facts, my brother! spit your shit, indeed!

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