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Best year of playing schoolrp


Level 174
early 2022, cuz thats when i could actually rp on srp so thats like the coolest time

( i was also not around until earlier this year so i sadly didnt experience any of the other years)


Level 143
Best time for me was late 2018 early 2019, the rest of the year was pretty okay but a lot of things changed (within my own social groups) and things just didn't hit quite the same from then on. Pretty sure only one of my friends from those days still plays, but he unironically gang roleplays and logs on once every month or so which is pretty lame. The part that sucked the most was gradually watching as all of those people left. Yeah, I can make new friends, but damn is it a special kind of hurt when you've only got yourself to reminisce with.

Anyway I'm still here, still making alt accounts and flirting with new players hmu if you're under grade 10 c;


Level 45
Thread starter
Hmmm, 2022 was fun, but it also was stale at some points. However, KPD did make the server 10x more enjoyable for me at that time. What made 2022 enjoyable for you?

Best time for me was late 2018 early 2019, the rest of the year was pretty okay but a lot of things changed (within my own social groups) and things just didn't hit quite the same from then on. Pretty sure only one of my friends from those days still plays, but he unironically gang roleplays and logs on once every month or so which is pretty lame. The part that sucked the most was gradually watching as all of those people left. Yeah, I can make new friends, but damn is it a special kind of hurt when you've only got yourself to reminisce with.

Anyway I'm still here, still making alt accounts and flirting with new players hmu if you're under grade 10 c;
what if my alt is a grade 10... Also, a fun fact: I started SRP at the end of 2019! I…. Think? Or it was December of 2020; I remember the old sitting area and the little decorations on the floor by the library. Such good times, in my opinion.

I’m curious, what was schoolrp in 2017 like?


Level 166
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When you first start out playing SchoolRP, I think those are the best memories. Playing as a greenie is quite the fun start.
I would have to agree, one of my friends I met when I was a greenie I am still friends with to this day!

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