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Accepted bheom || Event Team Application


Level 58
Event Team
[MAIN] bheom
[ALT] yeonjn

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:

Regarding my activity within SRP, it is relatively good; I'm online almost everyday for a few hours. My activity is rather flexible and can be on and off depending on OOC activities, but other than that it's frequently well, being online for 2-3 hours within weekdays, weekends ranging from 3-8 hours. Due to school; my playtime on weekdays have a shorter time span than a weekend, as weekends I tend to have more free time.

As for history within punishments, I as of now have no bans nor warns on any of my accounts.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

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Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone:

@yawnzzn | Yes, I currently have a working microphone, I am available to speak within voice chats as well.

What is your time zone and country of residence?:

I currently reside in Canada - Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?

Yes, I'm aware and I fully acknowledge that I will be demoted if I remain inactive for a long period of time within the team!

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:

As for in person activities; I find myself a fond listener when it comes to being a part of teams, teamwork is combined of working together with one another- listening to each other's opinions and thoughts, everyone's different creative minds. Teamwork builds with relationships with one another and I find myself rather open hearted and well minded with people, interacting quite quickly and understanding them. Communication within a team is fully important, I see myself rather outstanding with communication as I enjoy to speak with other's as much as I enjoy to listen. Communication is something well acknowledge when building a team as you'd get along with people; I personally find my ways to get along with anyone even within different situations- clicking with them. Teams comes with responsibility and sense of problem solving, I personally feel confident with my leadership skills and my responsibility as I fully acknowledge the consequences that can come. I'm a hardworking individual and tend to thrive till things are right as it should be. When it comes to solving things; resolving fights, arguments- I tend to use my listening skills, taking in both sides as well as find a solution for each side to resolve the situations.

As someone who's under a few corporations such as tailoring servers, being a part of a team is a big part of it. Not only am I meeting new people along the way but as well as help out others, communicating with those under the server but as well as customers who wish to order. I understand their orders and listen to them carefully; making sure to get their order right working well with them to make what they wish for become something.

Working under faculty was rather a responsibility as I had not only worked in a team but as well as taken my time into works for roleplay. Being under factions take full team effort to make things work and run smoothly, helping others out as well as communicate well with others. When I had been under faculty, working with others was a big thing as I went through many ups and downs, having others with me had helped make things go well. Teamwork revolves around communicating with one another; being under faculty helped me realize that.

As for in-character, roleplaying teams, I had been a part of many gangs as well as helped run one. Being under the role of higher up, working in a team full of people who wished to learn in GangRP; taking that role was a big responsibility. I personally find my hard work within the gangs I had been in, the teams I was under was very well shown as I had communicated well with many people. I had helped out with problems that were needed to be resolved, working well as a whole community.

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?

I am not in any other Community Team!

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:
(Going over the set limit of event ideas can potentially jeopardize your chances of being accepted.)


[COMMUNITY EVENT] - A Voice Within The Wind
Flash Event

LORE - Where spirits roamed; Karakura's myths, the voices of the shrine that stayed abode their sacred area. The night of Halloween; decorations up upon the city homes, people dressed for the treats and tricks they look forward for; the adrenaline and fun of costumes and games.. A sudden gush of wind on a eerie night, the breeze was rather chilly within Karakura- the weather was rather unexpected.. Autumn, the leaves brushed by- the wind made a loud roar; the service within Karakura had become faulty so suddenly. Where those lie alone, lurking were voices and a cold breath- brushing by. A day where the spirits roamed the streets of Karakura, one by one a treat for them- a trick citizens fell for.

DETAILS - Halloween is here; this event will part take within the last week of October, mainly within the period of Halloween. With decorations being up as Halloween flies near, spirits of Karakura become more prominent in their nature; roaming through the streets of Karakura- interacting with those alone without expecting it.


Within this event, at minimum 3 spirits will be needed to interact with players around Karakura- being cheeky enough to frighten them and toy around!


[COMMUNITY EVENT] - Cupid's Attack!
Holiday Event

LORE - A spring day, flowers blooming- the sun out. The cherry blossoms pink accents flowing gracefully, banners high within Karakura- red, pink, white. Valentine's day has come, flying around doves of white dropping letters to those admired. A spirit has come by; love is in the air.

The spirit who roamed; 'cupid' it followed as. A spirit who became dear within the lore, falling in love but happening so passing away on the special day we called Valentine's Day- it's love deep yet gone, roaming around on the days of it's passing. Celebrating and adoring the Karakurian's love; envying it completely.

[SCHOOL TIME] ; A small booth area out in the field of the school; booths of many where snacks were provided, the students host little games falling under the category of lovey dovey and hearts!

[HOME TIME - NIGHT] ; As the sunset hits, the sky falls a hue of colours, an announcement within the streets of Karakura following to the beach. Games and interacting booths become set up; drinks and bouquets become sold. Confessions become told under the beautiful lights. A spirit comes near, roaming around- 'Cupid' dearly adores the events happening but suddenly.. A clash within the event, the spirit had envied the love it lost. The lights suddenly go out; the music has paused- banners slowly fall apart. A sudden wind clashes upon the streets of Karakura, decorations become wrecked up until the time hits midnight.

DETAILS - Valentine's day is here! An event where seems to be everything is fine, the myth of cupid making people fall in love- but.. What about cupid? A spirit who seems to be cupid lurks around Karakura as February 14th was the passing day of the spirit, envying the love of what Karakurian's have. The spirit shows its anger and envy towards the holiday they made upon it's death.

Within this event, Karakura will have many decorations with fitting the Valentine's vibe, banners- hearts, etc. The school field where most events take place will be filled of booths run by students companied by staff and community teams. The beach will as well be decorated for the event taking place; similar to past decorations. One spirit will be needed; playing the role 'Cupid' letting anger out with gushes of wind within Karakura.


[GANG EVENT] - A Delinquent's Run
Major Event

LORE - Delinquents spread across of Karakura; the powerplant filled of deemed criminals, delinquents that raced through the streets- taking in and taking out people. Delinquents who are against the Governmental officials, those against the enforcements upon their freedoms. A group of many delinquents on an eerie night, where least seem to expect- crashes heard within the forest, fire spreading across tents and trees. Delinquents dashing through the woods, pacing through the midst of fires; under the surface into the sewers where chaos unfolds. Sprays being spread of names and colours, determination to their name. As police come by, more delinquents come show; sprays upon their cars and brawls within Karakura as a game of 'Hide and Seek' begins. The fires becoming more bold; the winds rushing, the adrenaline pumping as delinquents roam and get chased in the streets down to the sewers.. A delinquents dream, a delinquents win.

DETAILS - Likely, a verified gang goes upon governmental officials; police department, governors. Roaming and racing through the streets of Karakura; causing destruction in works of their fame. Working with other delinquents against police, spraying their pride colours and brawling. Drama occurring within the city, flames arising, names being known.

/ita Sudden crackling was heard within the woods, as you were closer; an irking smell of smoke came across.
/ita Clashes of noises were heard in the forest, loud screaming was heard as car alarms flailed. Fire arose.



Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application and congratulations! We're happy to welcome you as an event team member! You will receive your roles and all other information you need shortly.

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