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Biography | Klaus Wagner


Level 25
Basic Information
First Name: Klaus
Surname: Wagner

Preferred Name: Klaus



Age: 17

Height: 5'7

Weight: no idea :)

Build: idk

Skin Color: pale white

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Style: short hair flipped to the side, the opposite side would be shaved

Hair Color: Brown

Fashion: normally wearing masculine clothing, he isn't afraid to wear more feminine style clothes but he usually won't do that very often

Abnormalities: Has a scar over half of his face going down to his shoulder and chest, blinding his right eye, this has also caused some parts of his hair to lose it's color from brown to black.
Now has a missing right arm and his blind eye was removed from it's socket.

Date of Birth: 5th November

Place of Birth: Germany

Nationality: German

Race: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Religious Beliefs: Atheist

Political Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance




Character Voice:
He'd have a very obvious German accent which came with his fairly deep voice, it wasn't VERY deep though of course, just deep enough to know he's a guy.




Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Hallucinations which comes with his undiagnosed mental disorder.

Skills: Swimming of course, general physical activities.



Petra Wagner = Mother
Walter Wagner = Father
Stefan Wagner = Brother
Elke Hansel = Cousin

Backstory: [W.I.P]
Klaus was born in a German village which no longer exists, he grew up there until a nearby city grew around it and shrunk it was until it no longer official, when Klaus was 6 years old some teenagers were setting off fireworks near the house while he was sleeping, this of course got way too close and a firework flew into an open window. When Klaus' parents figured out what was happening the house was already in an out of control fire, they had made a quick plan in which Klaus' mother grabbed his brother and left, and his father would grab Klaus and leave, when his father got to him he was already badly burnt almost all over his body and of course being 6 years old he was crying which of course guided his father to where he was hiding from the flames, Klaus' father grabbed him and left as fast as he could to catch up with everyone else but when he got out they weren't there, by this time there were a firefighter team so they of course stopped his father from rushing back in to save them, he was forced to stay with Klaus as he helplessly watched and hoped they were alive, they didn't make it.
Klaus was sent to the hospital right away of course with his father staying with him as his last family member alive, Klaus had no idea at this point that it was just him and his dad since he was in too much pain (obviously), the doctors did all they could for his injuries but half of his face and chest were badly burnt to the point that scarring cream couldn't help much at all as well as his left eye becoming permanently blinded, by the time he was allowed to go home his father had rented out a 2 bedroom apartment in the city, he had of course fallen into a depression stage and wasn't coping much at all, despite the fact that he had a job and was making a good amount of money for the 2, it was too much for his mental heath to keep going, and so he took his son to a foster care system temporarily.
Klaus had stayed in the foster care system for 1 year, he was of course also grieving his mother and brother and now he felt alone after his father took him to the foster care place, now 7 years old he was returned to his father since he was now doing much better, not only was his father able to provide for his boy but also he was able to properly support him, his needs and well-being. Klaus was doing really well in school now that he had a proper home life again, despite the bullying he got from his scarring he excelled with his studies and took an interest in swimming, he would never swim in a public space though since it showed off his scars, so his father did the most fatherly thing and rented out the public indoor pool for his son 2 times a week for an hour to practice his skills, he of course joined in and took this time as an excuse to spend time with him.
After about a year or 2 when Klaus turned 9 they decided to move to Japan via advice from his school, after looking around on websites Klaus' father found Karakura and shortly after moved there, he had never even been on an island before so the idea of living on one excited him, they moved there and started school to go and live a normal life, during this time Klaus had time to work on his confidence and slowly got used to swimming in public, over time realizing that not everyone will say something bad about his scarring, though he'd still have confidence issues occasionally that never stopped him from swimming in public pools.
After a few years of being in Japan he started getting hallucinations of what some would call "A voice in their head", this voice in his head was his dead mother, she would just talk to him at first but over and extended amount of him she started asking him to do things 'for her', it was small things at first like getting a snack or making his bed, but it got to the point where she asked him to do more dangerous things, like leaving the stove on and putting a toaster in the tub, Klaus' father thought it was how he was coping with all of the changes so he didn't think much of it. Klaus would keep doing what this voice asked of him, the only time this voice didn't effect him was when he was in school since that's what his brain did to make it make sense. Klaus was having a normal Saturday morning with his father one time watching TV together, then he started hearing the voice again, she asked him to go to the kitchen and so he did, she asked him to grab a knife and again he did, then she asked him to stab his dad and keep stabbing him again and again, he hesitated for a moment but again... he did what she asked, he stabbed his dad as he tried to fight back for his life, Klaus stabbed his father again and again until he couldn't move his arms anymore and until it was noon, as he was 12 at the time he had no idea how he would get away with this, and so he called the police and lied, luckily the area he was in had no CCTV and so they just put him in foster care and therapy for a year, then he moved out to live on his own, forever having the voice in his head.

Klaus would rarely go outside and so didn't get much of a tan & this caused him to become pale, he did this both because of his lack of confidence and because his doctors advised him to be careful to avoid the sun because of his scars, these day Klaus now spends much more time outside so he can keep on practicing his swimming, he now does normal school stuff as a crazy teen :D.
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Level 190
Dang that's a really long backstory.
Overall really great on the biography, congrats :)

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