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'Blackbird' | MiaLobo


Level 42
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[Named after the famous, "Blackbird" Jet]


TITLES: Military Working Dog
CURRENT OWNER: Komoshi Hanata

Basic Information

3 year old
Black German Shepard Malinois Cross

Bird is a larger build for his breed with a weight of 86 LBS and a height of 26 inches, often mistake for a wolf during the night. He has a pair sharp pointed ears and an alert mannerism. As well as a pair of dark brown eyes and sharp front canines. He has many scars littering his body, including a distinct scar across his muzzle, where the fur is unable to grow back. Overall he is very well trained, with quick movements, that make sense upon understanding his past. Across his neck is a worn out chain, with a dog tag which reads the name "BIRD." There is also a newly present Omamori, which has been carved to fit a phone number.


Normal, off duty, references of what Bird looks likes.


References of what Bird would have looked like in the military force he was stationed with. In some gear as well as with a solider he was assigned to.



Brief Backstory

Bird was originally breed to be in the working force, this may have included K9 work in the police force, the military, etc. He became a military dog, for the US army, and traveled overseas with his original handler, Noah Carter. His specific tasks were to locate land minds, injured comrades, and various enemies. However Bird also developed several other skills, which led him to him being able to take down and disarm people at close range. This came with many scars and harsh conditions. The long scar across his muzzle is a wound sustained from a dangerous criminal who attempted to knife fight the dog. However, the criminal was eventually taken down. With all these experiences playing out, Bird was shaping into a formattable Military dog. He also was trained in combat dealing with dropping in from a helicopter, hence why his name became so fitting later down the line, when he was able to be dropped from a blackbird helicopter on duty.

However, this dog did not stay in service long, he and his handler were stationed at the Torii Station base, in Okinawa. A USA army base located in Japan. Bird was at this time handled also by several Japanese soldiers who he had learned to take commands from. One such Japanese soldier, was attacked while just outside the base smoking. By an older gentlemen who seemed to be in a sort of mental and physical delirium. He began violently yelling at the solider which sent Bird on high alert. Upon the soilder being assaulted by this man, without command from the him, Bird went on the offensive. The man just escaped the dog's grasp due to the man shoving a sharp unidentifiable object beside Bird's left eye. He attempted to flee and Bird went after the attacker chasing him through the various woods located around the base. However, the solider who had been injured, could not recall Bird. He also could not locate him, even after several searches of the permitter and surrounding areas were conducted. Noah was distraught at this, looking day and night for his dog. However in the end, Noah had to return home from deployment for the time being. And Bird was not relocated by the base.

This ended what would have been a highly successful career as a military dog. Eventually he was picked up miles away on the coast of Japan, by a transport ship, which brought various goods to Japanese islands. Bird's final and current destination was Karakura, Japan. As he once again got loose while they were unloading cargo. He has since then roamed Karakura's streets, with the warn out dog tag Noah originally gave him. However as of late he has been picked up by a college student named Komoshi Hanata, who seems to have pieced together some of the missing puzzle pieces of Bird's past. Although Bird is still technically enrolled as a military K9, he has yet to be found, more than likely, he never will

[WIP - this may be turned into a canva bio like the rest of my bios, this is a placeholder for that]

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