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Accepted bordieshordy's Caretaker Application


Level 5
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?
: bordieee

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): bordieeee

How old are you? (Optional): 16

What is your time zone?: GMT

Describe your activity on the server: Very active daily from ~4pm - 10pm

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): No

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Caretaker

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: Caretakers are important because they manage the school, ensuring its cleanliness and safety. They do this via many tasks, such as: Monitoring the hallways, cleaning up around the school, and making sure students are conducting themselves appropriately. They aid the school ecosystem by cleaning up teacher's offices after a long day, or taking care of the various flora around the school, like trimming bushes.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: Member of the server for ~3 years. Mostly RP'd as a grade-12. DND with friends once or twice

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: As a player of the server for multiple years, I have always been intrigued by the prospect of being a member of faculty, part of the main focus of the server. The idea that I could be helping students- or just aiding the school in general, seems very rewarding.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: - Denied - Denied Accepted - Denied - Denied - Accepted

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade-7 and Grade-12


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Sélene would first make it very clear that cursing is forbidden on school grounds, warning them to stop or there may be consequences. If they continued, Sélene would warn them once more, threatening them with the prospect of detention if their outrageous behaviour continued. Upon the behaviour continuing, she would request the student come with her for a private conversation, where she hands them a detention slip, explaining why their behaviour was wrong, and explaining that this cannot continue or punishments will be escalated.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Sélene orders the two to stop fighting with a serious tone, approaching the two. If they disregard her order, and continue to fight, she would step in between them, stopping the punches from being thrown. She then talks both sides down, explaining that this situation can be solved diplomatically, without the need for using their fists. She hands the two students detention slips, warning them that if their preposterous behaviour continued, she would have no choice but to escalate it to SLT.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Sélene would first make sure that there are no students around, forcing them away from the teacher, sending them off to class. She would then try to talk down the employee from their actions, reminding them that they are, in fact, a role model for many of the students, and need to act in a mature, professional manner to ensure the safety of everyone. If the situation escalates, she contacts a higher-up, and if there's a lack of higher-ups available, she calls upon another employee to aid her in defusing the situation.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Sélene tries to be an outgoing, fun, 'cool' person. She would offer to make beverages or meals for the other employees, maintaining a smile on her face as she did so. She would keep a lively attitude in an attempt to brighten at least one person's day, keeping her manners polite and her demeanour kind. However, this is mostly a facade. When introduced to conversation, she tends to be quiet, reserved, and keeps to herself unless someone talks to her.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me &6She set down her belongings, stretching with a relieved sigh. She opened up her bag, procuring some secateurs, placing it on top of the bag. Then she put on her gardening gloves, picking the secateurs back up. With the tool in hand, she made short work of the overgrown bush in front of her, cutting the stems of various parts of the bush, returning it to the desired size. Placing the secateurs back into the bag, she picked up her watering can, slowly, meticulously making sure the bush was fully watered before placing it back down, taking off her gloves, proceeding to secure her bag closed as she picked it up and wandered off with a satisfied smile.

/me &6After receiving a call from a fellow employee about a mess in the lunch area, Sélene grabbed a mop and the rest of her equipment, making her way there. Upon her arrival to the area, she groaned, seeing the putrid mess the students had left on the tables in the area. Setting her equipment bag onto the floor next to her, she extracted latex gloves from her bag, slipping them over her hands. She then dipped the mop in the water-soap mix she had brought along, using it to clear the floor of any liquid or other waste. Placing the mop into the bucket, leaning the stick against the wall. She took out a spray bottle with water and soap, wiping down the tables with a rag. Sélene cleaned the rag, placing it back into her bag. Popping off the gloves, she tossed them into the nearest trash can, picking her equipment up and walking away.

/me &6Sélene sat in the break room, twiddling her thumbs as her piping hot coffee was still cooling, watched as a fellow employee entered the break room, a warm smile spreading across her face as she hopped up, eager to offer them any assistance they may need. &f"Hello sir! Just wondering if you would like a coffee, tea, hot chocolate, anything?" &6She said enthusiastically, startling the other. She let out a cough, realising how overbearing her presence was currently being, settling down a little. &f"Sorry, I just wanted to offer a helping hand, as I know how rough being a teacher can be sometimes." &6She smiled once more, offering a hand to the fellow employee. &f"I'm Sélene, nice to meet you!"


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Sélene Osiris
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Preferred Name: Sélene

Age (Minimum is 25): 37
Gender: Female

Academic Degree: Bachelor's
Major(s): French, English Literature
Minors: Science

Nationality: French
Known Languages: French, Japanese


Sélene was born in France, as a bastard child to a family known as the Rocheforts, Sélene was mostly an outcast to her family. In her younger years, she was ignored by all of the older figures in her life, forced to act as a personal maid for the "higher-ups" in her family. her only lifeline for survival being her maid, a lady who fed her, clothed her and taught her everything she needed to know before she was sent to boarding school, where she received no communication from her family, her maid having been forbidden from corresponding with her under threat of being fired. During her time at this boarding school, she was appointed Head Girl, due to her ability to efficiently break up disagreements and fights, her willingness to clean up after others, and her fondness for taking care of the wildlife around the school, prompting many teachers to allow more plants and class pets around their classrooms. From ages 18 - 25, she received minimal support from her family, only in the form of cheques every month, providing her just enough money to stay in education, housing, and food. She studied French and English Literature at a major level, with a minor in science, graduating near the top of her class in most subjects, but teachers noted that she was rather quiet. During this time, she took up an extracurricular class to learn Japanese, slowly strengthening her speaking, reading and writing until she believed she considered herself fluent. Upon graduating, she made the spontaneous decision to save up the cheques she was receiving from her family, picking up a job to support this decision, that being a cashier at a garden centre, eventually getting promoted to manager for her proficiency with plants. Upon the cheques from her family ceasing at age 25, Sélene picked up a janitorial job at a hospital, keeping the visiting areas and wards clean. After saving enough money, Sélene chose to move to Japan at the age of 28, due to her knowing the language. Thus escaping the memories of her family that stained her perception of her home country. Upon landing in Japan, she decided to reside in Karakura, choosing to put her practical skills to use, and chose to become a caretaker in the school, helping manage the integrity of the flora and the professional, clean reputation of the school.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
My main motivation for working at the school is integrating myself into the local society. Working at the school not only grants a lot of opportunities to meet new people, but it also helps me experience the various customs and cultures of the local people. Also, I believe I have the skills and integrity necessary to efficiently work at the school, and I enjoy helping people, and cleaning up after them and taking care of the school is a perfect way of doing that.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that my past experiences at school aid my potential for this role, being known in my first boarding school for my ability to diplomatically break up fights, cleaning up after others, and my love for plants and wildlife. I am able to put aside differences, and no matter what mess there is, I am willing to clean it up, as it is my duty to do so, and the reason I was hired in the first place.


Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?: No
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for your paitence and for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. After review we've decided we'd love to have you as a member of the faction, please DM me on discord for the next steps! - ozinth

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