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Bring back FeatherVC


Level 8
IGN: Xhast420

DATE: 01-02-23


I want to talk about the disabling of FeatherVC and why I think it should be reenabled.


I know a lot of people use Feather for its voice chat. The voice chat feature was recently disabled on the server which at least to me is sad news. I used Feathers voice-chat alot for communicating with other players. I know there are people who always thought the VC feature was annoying due to people being loud but my question to those people is. Why didn't you just disable the Voicemod? You literally have to press 3 buttons, I don't understand why you would see it as tedious or bothersome. It is literally 3 button presses. Or if you don't want to use the voicemod at all, why use feather? Lunar client is the better option if you're looking for performance.

I can't really find a good reason as to why it was disabled and I think that it was a bad decision. That is all, thank you for reading.

(Customable you better have read 2 words.)


Level 328
The VoiceMod was disabled not because of the "loud people", but to prevent new players who come to SchoolRP just to troll around and say inappropriate stuff (Racist / Sexist / Xenophobe remarks). Unlike chat, which is properly logged and staff can easily moderate, FeatherVC is completely unmoderated and there is no way to keep track of it unless the staff member that's there has FeatherVC enabled and happens to have their recording program open.

All of this, not to mention the meta-game instances (which have indeed happened) of people using this VC to order their partners to do a certain action in order to gain an advantage in the situation.

You could say "Oh, then turn off the mod", but it's not as easy. That has the same logic as telling people to disable OOC if they don't wanna see people making insensitive remarks in OOC. As you may understand, this is not possible, as it is our duty to moderate all channels that have to do with SchoolRP. Therefore, adding FeatherVC as a way for players to communicate OOCly is going to bring more problems than anything


Level 130

The first time I joined with feather back on August, I got blasted by like 5 people screaming at spawn. I spent like 5 minutes trying to find how to toggle it off while my ears were being cooked alive.

(After that I basically just set up a multimc mod pack and avoided feather, I get more fps and benefits out of the modpack anyways)

Appart from that, most mods or admins don't use feather vc / don't even have any administrative permissions on it, making it impossible to moderate. People can essentially say anything without us knowing. If you want to use a voice chat, I'd recommend using discord.


Level 86

Feather VC is quite literally uncontrollable, simple as that. Maybe if mods had the ability to moderate it, but with the client it just isn't an option. I don't think it was a bad decision at all to disable it, I think taking away the ability for people to scream, harass, say possible slurs, etc is more important then some personal fun experiences. And yes, people with feather could've just personally turned it off, but that doesn't change the fact of what others could do or hear. Just use a discord VC, I promise it won't ruin your experience.


Level 196
Senior Admin
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This feature was impossible to moderate, Yonio laid out the reasons perfectly.


Level 164
Community Team
Lore Team

yeah it was nice to have feather vc and get to know people, but at the same time it caused a lot of people to be. . .nasty. Yonio explained it well


Level 89
-1 Although it did bring some funny moments, it did also bring alot of people abusing it to say some not so nice things.

If you want to VC there is always the roleplay hub vcs available.


Level 8
Thread starter
My argument has been completely invalidated and I will accept my loss. Rest in peace FeatherVC my beloved.


Level 130

As fun as this feature was at first, it was quickly used to spread unmoderated hate and also for stuff like metagame. It's a text roleplay server, there's no reason to have voice chat unless this was a voice roleplay server.


Level 53

I never actually used feather VC but this is one of the reasons I do not want to, I've seen what others say from others, I've seen people say people trolled a lot and were saying rude things, racist things, etc to another person which I know the server does not want that at all and like Yonio said it cannot be easily moderated like chats can be. It is just not a good thing at all for this server to have due to the fact sometimes this happens already but they can easily be dealt with cause its chat but VC it cannot be moderated very easy.

I am not attempting to downgrade the server, just going off based what I see sometimes but not all the time


Level 110

I personally have never used feather, but from what I can tell, it seems as chaotic as OOC is, if not more. Honestly, I wouldn't want to deal with those things. It's like if I have OOC on and suddenly, someone's insulting me in OOC. I don't know they're gonna do it so I don't plan ahead to turn it off.

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