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Build Team Suggestion | Sylcian


Level 9
IGN: Sylcian
DATE: 10/8/21
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I wanted to mention a few problems we have within our community build team. There's been concerns for our older members, along with our newer members that I'd like to mention. I'll be going over some solutions that the build team has discussed already.

Unfortunately there's a problem with many things within build team. The number one thing is the lack of ability to do our job due to the fact that GMC is so scarce. There's only 4 people on this server that can give out GMC and due to the fact that they're higher in the ranks, they're more then likely busy. There's also been many problems of builders getting aired by staff when trying to get GMC, which ALSO delays our build progress. As builders, we're expected to get done at least 2 large builds every 2 weeks. For those of you reading this, you might not understand why that could be an issue, especially with the delayed action of getting GMC. Some of our builders are only available during a certain time, some have other roles to deal with, some may want to apply for another community team to help out, and all of these things would be close to impossible without getting stressed out and having to take a break for an extensive amount of time. This is entirely inefficient for our community, our team, and it seems that its just a bother for our staff. Below will be ranks listed and given descriptions on what they should do.

Community Overseer -
This role would be a staff member that over sees either just build team or all community teams. I understand that all community team members need to be overseen and be apart of the community teams, so this role will be sitting back and watching how things go, and intervening when needed to.

Build Coordinator -
This role will be the manager of the build team, having access to many things that the other roles do not. This role will mainly stay the same as it is now, but in the future if we were to get a channel where people can request builds, we will have meetings every few weeks claiming and going through builds that everyone can do. Along with teaching others how to build in the build style that is popular in SRP as of right now, that way all the builds are consistent. Though there is no pressure to have the same style as others, we'd just like everyone to produce the same quality as everyone else.

Possible Commands -
World Edit
Editing the World Guard for Builders

Architect -
This role will be trusted builders that are capable of leading bigger builds or trusted to do their builds on their own. This role is for those capable and trusted to do builds, lead them, and be proud of said builds. This role can watch the builders if needed or if trusted. We'd like this role to be consistent in building as possible, along with being able to come up with great build ideas that involve eastern architecture.

Possible Commands -

Builder -
This role will stay the same. This role will have to abide by a world guard if it stays, if not they will have to be watched by a mod or someone higher in the build team in order to do their builds. This obviously can become inconvenient, as per why there is now a chance to gain the trust unlike before. This role will be trusted to help with other builds, along with doing smaller builds on their own. (While being watched by staff or a higher builder rank)

Possible Commands -

[Trial] Builder -
This is the same role as above, but those with this role will be newer. They will be heavily monitored by their team to see their skills that they can provide for the team. New builders will have to stay in this role for about a month before anyone considers keeping them on the team.

Possible Commands -

If this does get put in, I'd like there to be 3 branches within the build community that way builders aren't out of their comfort zones. I did this for Council a long time ago, but it eventually got removed due to the fact that Council were never allowed to plan big events. These 3 branches will be determined within the team, and do not need a special role, just
a simple nickname change within the discord. (These names are not final and can be changed in the future)

Exterior [ E ] -
This role specializes in buildings. Large scale or small, these builders should be capable of building any type of building that could possibly needed within the eastern architecture that is present within the server. This role should be able to execute builds via a reference.

Interior [ I ] -
This role specializes in interior design and floorplans. This role will have to learn multiple types of floor plans, along with many different types of furniture styles. (Boho, Minimalist, Clutter, ect.) This role should be able to execute builds via a reference.

Terrain [ T ] -
This role specializes in landscaping and outside architecture. This role will have to learn many outside public vicinities, along with many different types of botany that lives in the eastern hemisphere. (Different types of parks, gardens, statues, trees, ect.) This role should be able to execute builds via a reference.

I'd also like to suggest a channel in the SchoolRP discord that way the community can requests builds, letting the build team get together and sift through said requests. Disclaimer, that if something like this gets put in, that there is no guarantee that your build will get done. Build team only does specific builds that the community would need or that the build team finds necessary.


A more efficient build team will bring the server more character and eastern heritage to our map. I feel like with a more organized build team, we'll be able to get things done efficiently, work with other community members, and bring out the best builds that this server can get. With this setup, build team is optimized with solid efficiency and it gives opportunities that builders can look forward to.


Level 342
HS Sports Lead

- After discussing this with the staff team, we've decided to allow Builders & Event Team to bypass the protective regions, however GMC permissions will stay with Senior Administrator so if you wish to build you must request GMC with them. More information is available in the #builder-chat.​

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