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cakoospoon | Reporter Application


Level 10
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
List your timezone and country:
EST | Canada
Describe your activity:
I spend a lot of time hanging out with my friends, we got our own little circle where we roleplay and help each other's characters develop. It's pretty fun. That, however, doesn't mean I don't go out of my way to interact with players I'm not used to talking to.
Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
I do have some bans. I was first banned in 2016 for advertising, and a little later in 2020 for disrespecting a staff member.
Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages): [ACCEPTED]
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I'd like a chance at roleplaying as something other than a student. Being a news reporter has always seemed pretty appealing and I've had my fair share of experiences with people on the current roster. It seems like a fun position to play out.
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Yeah... If you count roleplaying on the server as experience, then I'd say I have a relatively adequate amount of experience with writing. I feel like sometimes, my wording can be a little off, seeing as english isn't really my first language, but apart from that I'd say my relationship with writing is about as healthy as a 2-month old couple in their honeymoon phase.
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Why should we accept you over others?:
I think my writing skills are pretty good and I like to interact with other players. Of course, I have my group of friends but I'm pretty open when it comes to roleplaying with new people. I think that's important for a news reporter role.
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Of course. This isn't FOX news after all! (ill be unbiased i promise)
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes. I'll be active.
Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
In my eyes, working as a news reporter can be both incredibly exciting and incredibly boring. It really depends on the days. Sometimes, you'll run into a 'gold mine'! Just a perfect story waiting to be told. You'll spend hours upon hours typing away at your computer as you create the best dang news article of your career and eventually see all that effort pay off.
But of course, there are also more mundane days. You'll walk around the city and it'll feel like a ghost town. As if everyone lives a drama-free, boring life. Good for them, of course, but for you? Someone who makes a living from informing the people about the latest events? Not so good!

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name: Ryusei Koji
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr) Mr.
Current Age (25+): 26
Past job/work experience: N/A
Degree/qualifications: Masters in education
Nationality and born location: Japanese - Okinawa
Phone Number: 030-822-7758

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"That's a tough one! But I'm sure I could give it a try. My name is Ryusei Koji. I'm a pretty straightforward guy and I know what I like. I can tell you this right now, I'm a guy that gets things done. No matter how difficult it gets for me, I swear to ya', I do it without any sort'a bullcrap. I'm also incredibly passionate! Like, damn. You should see the concerts I used to play in, I was a frickin' beast! All in all, I know myself. And I know that, despite my MANY strengths, I am not as flawless as I seem. I can also tend to get a little sensitive whenever I get upset. But apart from that? I'm absolutely astounding! When you hire Ryusei Koji, all your troubles go away. You want ME for the job. You know it, all your co-workers know it.
PS. Here's a little MP4 file of an old concert of mine. Hoping you'll enjoy it."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"I, like a lot of people in this town, am interested in the crime that goes down in this place. I've been a resident of Karakura for a long time, so I know how dangerous this cutesy little town can get... HOWEVER, I'm also interested in the musicians that live here. I got a good ear, I know that much. And the songs I hear people playing here? It's like a massage parlor for my ears! Why does nobody ever talk about these people?! Well, I'll be there to give 'em a voice."
What are your expectations for the job?:
"I expect a welcoming presence. I may not have that much experience in news reports, but I'm a quick learner. If you guys just have a little patience with ol' Ryusei, you'll have the best damn reporter this world's ever seen."
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
2 counts of assault
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):


You will have to write two ‘reports’ about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you’re found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

GOOD MORNIN' KARAKURA! Summer's finally comin' to a close as we near the end of the month! But don't get it twisted, these last few days of august are still gon'na be BLAZIN' HOT!
In other news, we've got an awesome talent show comin' up, many bands finally showin' their talents to the ENTIRE town! Who knows, maybe this'll be the big break of an up-and-coming artist-- We'll just have to see what happens on August twenty-seventh! Make sure to attend, show some dang love to yer' local artists! They're the real backbone of our music industry!

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

"Good evening, Karakura. We have here ███ ████████, a well-known bassist who got his big break after starting a band in this little, little town. I was lucky enough to get an interview from this legend! Let's begin, shall we?"

R: So, first off, how did you n' your bandmates meet? I mean, I'm sure a lot of people have always wanted to form a band of their own but it can be a little daunting, y'know? Havin' to find the people for it?

█: I guess it all comes down to circumstance! For me, all it took was one guy who knew another, and we all just got together and started jamming behind the bowling alley. I guess there's that saying, you know? You're six handshakes from meeting just about anybody.

R: Got'ta be honest with you, I got no frickin' clue what that means, but let's, uh.. Let's move on! Your band name, ████████ ███, what's the inspiration for it? Hell, I can tell you for sure, I spent a good week n' a half rackin' my brain for a band name! (Fuhuhu. ..) Eden's Ashes, huh?

█: Yeah, that's certainly a name... But in my case, it was my drummer who thought of it. We all gathered around one day and put our ideas together. Took a while, but we eventually stuck with that. My advice is to just give yourselves a name you're all happy with. It doesn't have to be somethin' too creative, you know?

R: Absolutely right! I mean, as long as you don't name yourself somethin' stupid like, uh.. I dun'no, Funky Panic?


R: MOVING ON!!! You guys have been on tour for a while now, do you have any favorite places to play in?

█:It's funny you mention that! Our most recent tour in the UK was actually my favorite. You'd be surprised how many people like our music there! And the people, man... They were so friendly!

R: Well, I got'ta say, I had my fair share of tours, New York is by far the most chaotic city I've been to and I LOVE IT! This ain't about me however! For your local fans here in Karakura, you guys ever plan on hosting a show here? I mean, this IS where you all started, right?

█: Yeah... To be honest, this town is pretty friggin' dangerous, so there's the whole thing about worrying for my safety, but y'know... You get the good with the bad.

R: Come on, ███! You got'ta tell me? Will we be seein' you guys here anyti--


R: Alright, alright, I get'cha. Let's keep the interview going, you guys are known for making awesome punk-rock, but you've also covered songs by other artists in your shows. Got any favourites?

█: In my honest opinion? I'll have to say "Dead!" by MCR was definitely my favorite song to play. The energy that thing had with the crowd was just, absolutely amazing! You got any favorites, Ryusei?

R: King For a Day had me bangin' my head! You guys played that in a way Pierce The Veil could NEVER! Goin' on from that question... You guys have dropped quite the number of singles... Is there any in particular that you feel a particular connection to?

█: Our first song, actually. I was kind of the one dealing with the lyrics, and I tried going for something that felt personal to me, you know? Even though it didn't do as well as our most recent album, I still feel amazing when I play it.

R: Right... And speaking of performance, you think it's important for musicians to be well-known?

█:Well... Yes and no. Popularity can be great, 'cuz of the deals you get and all that stuff. You make money and can forget about a second job to pay for rent and all other expenses. But at the same time, it's gotten a little harder for me to do practically anything without being recognized. It's a double-sided blade and it.. It takes consideration. Besides, if you play for the sake of enjoyment and passion, you don't really need a crowd.

R: And what about people who do it for money? I'm sure there's a few people who get into music for the sake of getting big and making lots of money. What are your thoughts on that?

█: You won't make it! That's just how it is, people listen to their favorite artists because they relate to their lyrics or maybe because they can feel the emotion the artist put into the song. If you don't feel anything when you make your music, neither will the listener, and they'll drop it as quickly as they picked it up.

R: Couldn't have said it better myself. Onto your talent... Is there a secret to being good at music? A lot of people often try to learn the guitar or stuff like that but end up dropping 'em after a couple of weeks. What would you say to those people?

█: It takes dedication and persistence. Those two elements will get you far. But you also need to know when to stop! If you practice for, what? Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes a day, you'll be golden way faster than someone practices two hours once every week. Baby steps! That's what got me here!

R: Well, shit, won't you look at the time? We're almost done here, ███! Will we be seeing you at the music festival right here in Karakura? It's a pretty big music event takin' place in the birthplace of your famous band, what d'ya say about THAT?

█: [Sigh.] No. I don't think we'll ever be playing there, but you know, I'll keep an eye out. I know this town's got a good soul when it comes to music.

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Level 168
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM Aania#0117 if you have any queries about the application

You are free to re-apply at any point in time!

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