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CandyAngel suggests something revolutionary (real)


Level 6
IGN: CandyAngel017
DATE: 02/14/2022
I would like to start this off by saying I can completely understand why this is a concern although I can’t seem to understand why a workaround can’t be created. There is such an easy way to do this in my opinion, which would be proof of purchase from original owner/log of payment from original purchase. now on to the suggestion.
Make the item return limit higher.
now, I can see why one would go “now why would we do that” but the answer is kinda simple, it would just be nice to be able to get more than like 10 of my bought customs back (not me I don’t own customs). I just kinda feel bad for people who either buy customs off of other players for in game money or buy them them straight up not being able to get them back because the limit is ten for security (which by the way, could somebody explain why it would be for ‘security’…)

People are able to collect their items back without a hassle or straight up losing them, creating less stress for the players and less stress for the next poor staff member getting dms from an angry person wanting their stuff back.


Level 31
I understand why they’d place this rule for safety reasons. However as a player who plays basketball often and loses my entire inventory occasionally, it would be nice to feel at ease knowing that my stuff will be safely returned. I’ve lost a whole inventory of customs before, requiring me to re-purchase them with my ic money. Yes, I could definitely go back home and place all my things in a chest. However that is not possible when It’s school hours, as the lockers don’t have enough space for my full inventory.

Side note:
Atleast return all of our own personally bought customs, as there’s no need to even try to scam or lie about our own customs as we could easily get a copy by asking ourselves. I was also told by an S.A that the original owners of these customs can be seen by staff. (Obviously need proof for customs that arnt personally owned by you)


Level 35

While this is ideally a good idea, unfortunately, there has been a multitude of players that have been caught photoshopping item requests. For safety reasons, since you all are so wonderful at graphic design it's best to keep the limit. Typically, most players do not have more than 10 valuable items on them.


Level 3

A log or backup of people's items would be amazing as someone who has been a victim of edit mode


Level 68

While this is ideally a good idea, unfortunately, there has been a multitude of players that have been caught photoshopping item requests. For safety reasons, since you all are so wonderful at graphic design it's best to keep the limit. Typically, most players do not have more than 10 valuable items on them.
I mean they are other-ways of countering this. I understand that not everybody is able to be caught, though ideally there should be a system to filter the people who are "good" at photoshop and/or editing, opposed to the ones who are not.

TD;LR: Filtering out the people who are lying and the people who are not. I am sure they are logs, and screenshots with chatlogs.


Level 271
While this is ideally a good idea, unfortunately, there has been a multitude of players that have been caught photoshopping item requests. For safety reasons, since you all are so wonderful at graphic design it's best to keep the limit. Typically, most players do not have more than 10 valuable items on them.
I don't think it's really fair to "punish" 250 players bc of that 5 people tried to bypass it and started to photoshop. . .although I understand why it's safer to keep it 10 items; BUT in case someone's inventory got glitched and u can see that (e.g the nether star is gone) there's no reason to not help the person.


Level 328
While I do understand your point, it is important to understand that, as demurity said, we need to be extremely careful when it comes to item requests. There have been dozens of players (most of whom ended up being caught later on) who have attempted this, and sometimes it is quite hard to identify when someone's lying or not. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to private customs (generally those that aren't weapons/masks since they can ICly be mugged), I personally don't count them in since there's not really any reason why you'd want to duplicate them if they're only meant to be used by you.

Another alternative I see would be to create a staff-side plugin that allows us to roll back people's inventories with an automatic backup system that, although may not be perfect, would be an improvement in comparison to the current system.


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
While I do understand your point, it is important to understand that, as demurity said, we need to be extremely careful when it comes to item requests. There have been dozens of players (most of whom ended up being caught later on) who have attempted this, and sometimes it is quite hard to identify when someone's lying or not. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to private customs (generally those that aren't weapons/masks since they can ICly be mugged), I personally don't count them in since there's not really any reason why you'd want to duplicate them if they're only meant to be used by you.

Another alternative I see would be to create a staff-side plugin that allows us to roll back people's inventories with an automatic backup system that, although may not be perfect, would be an improvement in comparison to the current system.
Do this back up thing, I’m bloody terrified to loose my inventory lol, I have like 25 custom items on me


Level 25

While this is ideally a good idea, unfortunately, there has been a multitude of players that have been caught photoshopping item requests. For safety reasons, since you all are so wonderful at graphic design it's best to keep the limit. Typically, most players do not have more than 10 valuable items on them.
shush bad mod also +1

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