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Carpetbagger | Alan Jackson [v0.02]


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Minecraft Screenshot 2023.11.10 - York City, October 7th
Months after the disbandment of the Japanese branch of the Forelli Crime Family, the family starts to see their key figures and key leaders disappearing, most shrugged it off as them wanting out and going off the grid while some speculates for the worst.
In the midst of it all.. former Don of the Japanese branch went back in country of origin, looking to pay a visit to someone he have leftover businesses with.
As the elevator reached the 12th floor, Jackson prepared himself to face an old friend.
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The door to the elevator opened, and Jackson slowly stepped outside and walked forward, entering the office floor, his expression nothing more than just a straight face, slowly making his away across the office Floor.
The room is spacious yet cold, the only thing pushing the feeling of dread in the room is the sun shining through the giant open window, and just before that, a desk is set, with an individual behind it sitting and writing something on a piece of paper.
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[???] : 'I already told everyone numerous times, If they want to come up to my Office, fucking tell me fi-' as the individual raised his head to face whoever entered his office, He froze for a bit. The room went back to silence, as the Individual behind the desk looked straight at Jackson before opening his mouth and said slowly. 'So you finally decided to give me a visit, hmn?' The individual asked.
[Jackson] : 'Hmn..' Jackson nodded, walking forward again closer to the desk, as he do he opened his mouth again and said, 'How've you been, Frank?' Jackson asked, his eyes still locked towards Frank.
[Frank] : '...Good.' Frank replied, putting both his hands on the arm rest of his chair in a rather... hesitant way, He seems to be hesitant and in a way, Scared.
Minecraft Screenshot 2023.11.10 - Room went back to Silence, both of them stared at each other, until Frank took the initiative and asked.
[Frank] : 'So... How'd you find me, and How'd you get in here...?' Frank said, slowly pulling his arms back towards the middle part of his arm rest.. trying to stall enough time to stand up from his seats.
[Jackson] 'Connections.' Jackson said noticing the micro-movements that frank is doing. Keeping a straight face as he answered with almost a lifeless tone.
[Frank] 'I see... Volante, huh...' Frank replied to him, followed yet again by a moment of silence.
Both stood and sat in silence, before Frank quickly tried to get up from his chair only to freeze just before he got up from his seat, as Jackson reached into his jacket and pulled out a Glock-19 at an impressive speed, pointing it at frank.
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[Jackson] : 'Stop. You sitting there is good enough.' Jackson said pointing his gun at Frank now, before slowly lowering his arms to his side.
[Frank] : 'Okay- I see you're still very quick on the draw-' Frank said, swallowing a bit from the fear he's getting at the sight of Jackson holding him at Gunpoint.
[Jackson] : 'Thank the Old man for that.' Jackson said before slowly walks towards the front left corner of the desk.
[Frank] : '..It's about your old man, isn't it?' Frank asked Jackson, keeping track of his position, now looking over to the front left corner of his desk, at which he noticed his own gun right on the table.
Frank's question is only met with silence from Jackson, the room suddenly becomes a lot colder than he remember it was, as He kept on staring at the man that might be the one taking his life, He opened his mouth to try and reason with him.
[Frank] : 'Look, It wasn't my Idea to take your old man out- I-It was the Commission, THEY wanted him gone, not me.' Frank said in an attempt to get Jackson to spare his life.
[Jackson] : 'Why'd they want him dead?' Jackson noticed Frank's attempt and uses it as a chance to interrogate him.
[Frank] : 'They said that he's a Carpetbagger... He never should'a been in Chicago in the first place-' Frank said before Jackson raised his gun up again slightly at him. 'After your father declined their deal with him, they were scared that the Don would put him up as his Right-hand man... a-and made the Chicago Branch too powerful..' Frank said, gulping slightly.
[Jackson] : 'The Commission... they still around?' Jackson raised an eyebrow, interrogating Frank even further, squeezing every ounce of Information out of him.
[Frank] : 'They operate out of Louisiana now...' Frank replied, nodding very quickly, telling the truth to Jackson just to save his own skin.
[Jackson] : '...You know they'll find out that you cracked, and then they'll make a great concrete shoes out of your legs, you know that right?' Jackson said satisfied with the information Frank has given him.
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[Frank] : 'And then they'll catch wind of you, and they'll do the same to you, Thugs out on the street will smell the blood and try to get you, even the other Forelli Branches and their lieutenants will try to get you, you know that right?' Frank said, glancing slightly at the Gun on his table a bit, coming up with a plan.
[Jackson] : 'I know, sooner or later I will meet them, That's the Plan after all.' Jackson said with a smirk forming on his face, reading the eye movement and frank's expression, Gripping his glock a little tighter now.
[Frank] : 'You will not be able to live normally after you do this, kid...' Frank Said bracing his arms to just grab the gun and shoot Jackson any time now.
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[Jackson] : 'Nobody will, but at least I settled all my bets and businesses, and whenever the time comes, I'll be ready.' Jackson said calming his arms down, preparing for what Frank's going to do.

[Frank] : 'That is... If you make it out of this.' Frank said, now made up his mind on his plan.

[Jackson] : 'Hmmn...' Jackson nodded, before opening his mouth again and said 'I will.'

The room went silent again, as the silence filled the room for a while, and tension rises, Frank would flick his arms towards his gun and got ahold of it before 'BANG!' the sound of a gun going off filled the room before.. silence... a deafening silence.
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Despite Frank's effort, He couldn't outdraw jackson, as soon as jackson see a single movement, He didn't waste time to raise his gun up and shoot frank square on the side of the head, Killing him.

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As the dust settles and the deafening silence goes away, jackson sighed and walked over to frank's body who is now slumped back on his office chair.
jackson walked to his side, reaching into frank's suit, pulling out an access card for the building.
jackson then proceeded to pick up frank's gun, putting it right on the floor next to frank's body, tugging frank's arm down next to the handgun as well, setting up the scene as a 'suicide' to cover up his presence and involvement.

'You're a carpetbagger Frank, Should've stayed true to the Family, You don't belong here.'

Jackson proceeds to turn around but something caught his eyes on frank's desk, a piece of document frank was signing, Jackson picked it up, wiping the blood stain away a bit and starts to read it. 'Heh... I'll take this with me, Thank you Frank.' Jackson said before folding the paper and putting it in his pocket, before turning around and walked back to the Elevator, using Frank's access card to go to the Basement Parking Lot.

Police never figured out who killed Frank Gennaro, and the news of Frank's death was heard throughout New York and made it's way to the Commission and the last of the Forelli Crime Family Branches, Prompting a nationwide bounty hunt.

Of course, It didn't succeed, and now with all his business settled, Jackson went back home.


'The Commission didn't expect it, Hell, they were NOT prepared.' - Volante

'Again, we thank Mr. Czar for the Testimony and for leading us to a Reliable Source about the Matter.'
- Ms. Radleyton

This Document is compiled under the Permission of [REDACTED], and should not be distributed into the Public.

A Voice-recording of a Conversation, presumably from a bugged home.

[C. Volkh]: 'She put in a good word to Langley, said you won't be in Interpol's list.' The person said, followed by a creaking sound of wood.. Presumably from him sitting on a table.

[W. Czar]: 'Good Riddance.. Getting tired of moving places.'

[C. Volkh]: 'Yeah...' visibly exhaling, followed by a pause. 'I didn't expect you to grow up to be a-'

[W. Czar]: 'Carter, don't. I got too much comment about it recently.' He said audibly slightly annoyed of the topic.

[C. Volkh]: 'Alright, I apologize...' He said before chuckling slightly.

A slight silence before a Phone ringtone plays, and then back to silence as the phone is presumably answered by It's owner.

[C. Volkh]: 'Chief inspector Volkh of the New Orleans PD, How may I help you?' The person asked through the phone call, doing a slight exhale before a small creaking noise of wood, presumably the man who was sitting against or on the table moved.

[C. Volkh]: 'I- Wh- You come to me about this you better be fuckin' goddamn sure-' The person said changing his tone, now audibly shocked and slightly hesistant. 'Right... you look into this more, and make sure It's fuckin' him, ya understand?' The person said again commanding whoever he's talking to on the phone. 'Alright, Good.' He said before a sound of a Phone call ended can be heard faintly.

[W. Czar]: 'What was that all about?' The other person curiously asked.

[C. Volkh]: Didn't reply for a bit, before saying '...Kyle is still alive..?'

[W. Czar]: 'W-Wait which Kyle? I know two, both well- I mean- both have a low chance of being alive but you know- which?' He said genuinely confused and shocked.

[C. Volkh]: 'Aghhh fuck it, Come on, we'll talk on the ride.' The man replied before the sound of footsteps on a wooden floor can be heard walking away, presumably both of them have went and left the house as the sound of a door opening and then closing can be heard from the distance.

End Audio Recording.

'This new guy we've been siphoning Informations from has given us some exceptionably great leads.
' - Mr. Radleyton
Last edited:


Level 69
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Lore Updated: v0.02

Fixed some uppercased letters that shouldn't be uppercased. (Now get off my back Diving)
- Added [REDACTED]


Level 174
o7 foretti spahgetti family

one of the best crime families ive seen n been apart of for a while


Level 6
o7 forelti crime family
Was looking to rejoin the family after my 5 month break from srp. Was sad to see it gone. Was a good crime family.

also this was really well written


Level 69
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Thank you y'all for making forelli happen, would love to start a new mob family with you all back in it but we'll see! (foreshadowiiiiiiiing)

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