players online

Casinos and gambling.


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: GlazeUsually
What's the title of your suggestion?: Casinos and gambling.

What's your suggestion?:
Now I know you may be thinking "Casinos"???
I know this will instantly be denied by staff because of rule 3.7a

Now here are a few things we need to talk about in this suggestion.

3.7a rule
If apartment casinos are Against the Rules, does that mean that even trading in an apartment would be considered "Against the Rules" I think this rule should be loosened up a bit to be more specific and to have more things being able to be sold in apartments. (now for sure they aint even taking a look at the rest of this suggestion.) Now I know that that isn't very specific, but if you want the specifics, here they are.

If we can be able to have casinos in apartments, That would mean more fun, and more money for roleplayers.
I very much know that selling things in apartments are Against the Rules. But again the rule doesn't specify if casinos are selling things. And that's because they aren't. See if you would be on a technicality Casinos aren't Against the Rules. But staff are still treating them as they are. As in the rule 3.7a it clearly states

"You cannot have a shop or CCTV/security equipment in your property."

But it would be actually in the definition of Casino as a direct quote from the Oxford dictionary, quote "a public room or building where gambling games are played." , As this is NOT a shop. Meaning its not against the rules.

3.7 rule
This rule states quote "Any property (house, apartment, tower, etc.) owned in-game must remain realistic to the server and roleplay. In addition to this, the builds should be appropriate and not include any content which violates the Player Conduct rules."
Firstly, before we dive in on this one, Lets take a look at the player conduct rules... okay? have you read them?
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about gambling or casinos. so let's make a new quote that's easier to understand, and based on casinos and apartments. This new quoted rule would be "Any property (house, apartment, tower, etc.) owned in-game must remain realistic to the server and roleplay."
I personally dont see a problem with this being a reason to forbid someone from, (not limited to) casino making, and in game gambling. but lets take another look at it closer, as it states "Must remain REALISTIC to the SERVER and Roleplay." Now again I personally dont see any problems here. As it is "realistic to the server" And also to its role-play.

That's it and thanks for reading. If you have anything to add on or tell me about hit it in the comments of this suggestion.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
A lot of people could benefit from being able to gamble, have fun, or to make their own casino.


Level 106
im sorry chat but its against the minecraft server eula :( its why they removed glocks tooScreenshot 2024-05-01 at 9.49.19 PM.png


Level 135
A casino is considered a shop. It provides goods and services. A shop that is also against Minecraft’s EULA, so it’s actually just not able to be a thing on SRP unfortunately

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