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[Character Biography] Hisoki Akahana

Roleplaying note: Roleplaying with Hisoki would mean preplanning because her line of work would be a Hacker as she would usually go through people's phones in order to interact. Think of it as "Duskwood", IF wanting to interact with Hisoki we can plan via Discord - ChaoticEris#3852

"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it." -A.G.
Unknown by many due to her low-profile, Hisoki Akabana is known to be enigmatic. Beautiful, elegant and hyper intelligent in different fields of study and culture. It is impossible to know what is going on this woman's mind, however she is the epitome of the saying "Every roses has it's thorns".




Hisoki is known to have a rather calming yet warm tone in her voice. Her speech patterns are on point and speak with high intellect. (Y'all be damned well she would say "Ara Ara" So beware)


Akahana is a family of intelligent people and was accepted in an aristocratic society. Their thoughts on wealth is not on money and titles, however they seek knowledge and improve human living with advance technology and sciences. Alas, this has given opportunities for corrupted companies and gangs to use their intelligence for their own benefits. So many of the members of the Akahana has been forced into hiding and only appears during important meetings and parties invited by people from high society for a discussion or business marketing plan.

A promising child was born during the incident was named Hisoki, was forced of living in this lifestyle being out of touch with the world. She grew up learning the ways of high class society, studying different fields and different cultures. Throughout her life, she stays secluded in her home and didn't have the chance to live a normal life. Until she was introduced to life in the cybernetic world of computers. She has taken interest of computers and starts learning computer sciences at age of 10. Thus she starts to learn coding and eventually she starts to learn how to hack.

Although she pursues in different studies, her parents have taken the noticed of her interest in technology. Thus her studies advance to sciences specifically in engineering, inventions and physics. By day, she learns from her parents' chosen curriculum for her but at night she still pursues computer sciences until she becomes a professional hacker. She had developed skills and gained vast amount of knowledge throughout the 18 years of her life. But the other few years she has been challenging herself and use her hacking skills that it has become addicting.

One day, Hisoki's parents needs to travel overseas for a new Project as they have to keep their only daughter in Karakura for the sake of their project. Of course, she was promised of her safety whilst the parents would assist in this mysterious experiment. Thus why this enigmatic woman came in Karakura.

There will be nights that strange occurrences happening to people's technologies and phones. Weird text messages followed by puzzles as if its some trick from the paranormal activities around the city. Only to be lead by the name "R".


Hisoki is a 5ft6 tall woman and described to be ethereal possibly due to her elegant yet weak-looking body with a beautiful look fit for a maiden in your usual fantasy storybooks and often depicted as one of the characters named "Belle" from "Beauty and the Beast" possibly why she would go for a motif of roses as an inspiration for such character. However, she would use her doll-like appearance and impassive demeanor as sort of opportunity to make her seem less likely to be the a hacker. She has long black hair that reaches up to her middle back, sky blue eyes with long lashes, fair skin and would always have that warm smile. She would always have the scent of roses follow her around.

Most of her clothing are consists of dresses and skirts of red or pink hues. She pays attention to fashion and styling as it is important to dress smart for her.

Side Note:
  • Hisoki's body type was inspired from Violet Evergarden and The professor from Three House
  • Her clothing style and overall appearance is inspired from the MC of Tears of Themis and MC from Amnesia
  • Because of her lifestyle, she has little to no physical activity other than ballroom dancing. Thus giving her a slender type




Because of her lifestyle growing up living indoors, she keeps a low-profile that she is not a fan of public meetings unless necessary amking her quite secretive and mysterious. Due to this, she has the trait of having no presence and mostly unnoticeable unless she is speaks thus gaining attention. However, she is always displayed as elegant and ladylike, often wears a warm and delicate smile on her face, always speak in refine yet intelligent manner, and displays a calm and collected attitude. Giving those around her a sense of peace, eventually involuntarily open themselves up, showing their true nature. Though, her most memorable trait would be her highly detailed knowledge, keen observation and reasoning skills and photographic memory. She is generally polite and well-mannered with people though she is often mistaken as a shy person due to her seclusion. Though, she does have a rather cunning side as she would often tease and toy those she has in interest.

Despite living in seclusion, she does not appear to be introverted or shy as she is capable of socialization and having proper social etiquette. She also the type to not meet people's expectations and looks past generalizations and stereotyping. Like how people would expect an intelligent woman like her would be hanging around in the library when she really takes comfort in the Plant Nursery because of the high internet connection. She is a somewhat puzzling woman who loves to trick and mislead people in order to get reactions and to see their intellectual and mental capabilities. She is somewhat known to be tricky and mischievous that people rarely would understand her.

Hisoki has a very gentle temperament however she is able to maintain a perfect disposition that any weakness she bears is currently unknown. Although, she is sometimes shown derisive of common human flaws, such as the tendency to prioritize selfish short-sighted personal gain while still rationalizing those same choices as logical and intelligent.

Her cunning side often shows to be rather manipulative though out of playfulness and to see how people are able to tolerate her. The more tests she gives, the more difficult it gets. This would give off that she acts more like an android than a human being as she uses her intelligence and tricks people into playing her mind games.

Unknown to most people, behind all that mischief, cold calculating, and rather manipulative facade, she is rather nurturing when trust is earned. She deeply cares for that person by using her own skills and techniques in order to help them even if that said person is in danger. Once trust is earned, that person is able to be able to enter her lair where she secludes herself just to watch her do her projects and watch her hack. The closest affectionate thing she would have done was to reprogram a friend's phone into optimal and futuristic state that even she would have difficulty into hacking.

F U N F A C T S:
  • Hisoki is an INTP MBTI personality type
  • Her enneagram would be type 3
  • Hisoki is heavily inspired by Jake from Duskwood. From the way he talks, to being a hacker as well as how romance works for her.
  • Another inspiration of Hisoki's personality would be the mixture of Zhongli, Ayato and Yae Miko from Genshin Impact.
  • Planning on making Hisoki a character who would trick people into doing puzzles via phone.
  • Maybe even be the one who helps the character into giving info like some sort of Intelligence. Be their personal Hacker.
  • LIKES: New Age music, computer sciences, inventing, technology, sweets, roses, gardening, coding, hacking, tiramisu, tricking people, foxes, books, gaining more knowledge
  • DISLIKES: Being non-discreet, uncivilized actions, unorganized, light places, people touching her equipment, being outsmarted, other people testing her test subjects, politics, corruption, anyone or anything disrupting her work
  • In her free time, she creates her own applications and software, or physical innovations. Which is why her room is usually locked shut and soundproofed.
  • Her guilty pleasure is to do self-care routines.
  • Hisoki is NOT a fan of coffee, so she has oolong tea laying around.
  • There are some instances that she has OCPD: Her room is rather spotless and organized, rather germaphobic, gets rather irritable when something doesnt feel right, extreme attention to detail, and a rather perfectionist.
  • She is a fast-typer that people would become concern on how she handles the keyboard.
  • Her parents urges her to study politics, law or medicine however she only has interests in computer sciences and technology, despite this she was still forced to study law and medicine.

  • Hyperthymesia - Aside from her photographic memory, Hisoki can remember every single detail in her life and explains it in intricate detail. This is possibly why that she can still retain a huge amount of knowledge. Somehow, this is hereditary as her family have Hyperthymesia.
  • OCPD - Hisoki has always been a perfectionist and orderliness especially in her workplace. Even during her work, she does her coding perfectly even double checking her innovations if they working right. She gets rather irritate at the slightest disorder and is in need to fix it.

  • Genius-level intellect: Due to her familial heritage of intellectual people and her childhood, she has an extremely high intellect and photographic memory. Due to her hyperthymesia, she was able to store various of information she have gathered and learned. And as family tradition, it is key to study in different fields of science and mathematics.
Here is an evaluation of Hisoki's knowledge according to her father:
  1. Knowledge of Psychology - Profound - "possesses innate knowledge of forensic psychology, general psychology etc. Is able to decipher simple body language and speech patterns and breaks down a person's story accurately yet still missing few components. However, she was able to master deception."
  2. Knowledge of Anatomy - Profound - "Her knowledge in Anatomy is accurate however it is unsystematic. When doing necropsy, her final autopsy reports were remarkable.
  3. Knowledge of Mathematics - Immense, "She was able to memorize mathematical formulas perfectly and was able to calculate mathematical questions using her mind."
  4. Knowledge of Physics - Profound; "She was able to calculate physics problems and memorize formulas."
  5. Knowledge of Chemistry - Profound - Aside from memorized the entire table of elements, she was able to identify chemicals.
  6. Knowledge of Law - Practical - "She was reluctant in learning law and politics as it is one of our backbone in this family however she was still able to have knowledge."
  7. Knowledge of Computer Sciences - Immense Her knowledge with computers is incredible as she is able to build her own system with given materials.
  8. Knowledge of Bioengineering - Profound - "She was able to draw up electrical, chemical, mechanical and engineering disciplines within 2 years of studies achieving biosynthetic products such as a hyper-alloyed limbs as replacements,
  9. Knowledge of Engineering - Immense - "She is able to built up components of simple to profound devices and reverse engineer it, even creating and innovating technology.
  10. Knowledge of Information Technology - Immense - "Her knowledge coding is unfatomable, generating and deconstructing codes, create new numbers, and creating new interfaces. However this is as far as I know about her knowledge as she seems to hide the fact that she knows more than what she has demonstrated.
  11. Knowledge of Medicine - Above average - "She is able to identify drugs and their pharmacological uses, knowledge of physical and mental illnesses are great, however it is still messy.
  12. Knowledge of Botany - Variable - "After her interest of gardening, she was studying plants, mostly about flowers. She was able to identify flowers from their family and ancestry."
  13. Knowledge of Literature - Above average - "She was able to recite and note verbatim paragraphs of literature books from renaissance, cultural studies and literary.
  14. Knowledge of Music - Variable - "After learning classical music, she was able to recognize pieces of music played and correctly answered the musician, when it was published and the reasoning for the piece."
  15. Knowledge of Sensationalism - Immense - "Incredible that she was have known gossips and and stories from local and other media."
  16. Knowledge of Forensics Sciences - Profound "Despite reluctant in studying law, she has a profound knowledge in forensics sciences after reading mystery novels.

  • Computer Skills - Due to her innate knowledge of IT and computer sciences, she was able to use it to her advantage.
  1. Hacking - In her preteens she started to learn how to hack with various softwares and now mastered it. She is able to connect through different smart devices and able to hijack technology and gain personal information, hacking devices that can be manipulated using electrical sources and signals. This includes traffic lights, security cameras, network databases etc. She can also easily hack into cellphones and change its own database.
  2. Programming - Within few years, she memorized scripts and codes with ease thanks to her hyperthymesia. She is able to construct and deconstruct codes and data, reads algorithms and is able to create her own softwares and cyberbots.
  3. Security - Along side, she was able to build a strong encryption in order to hide her identity, threat ****ysis using her phone solely.

  • Engineering skills - Another feat she had master was to build technology and devices with materials needed and recognized its functions. She can reverse engineer if not most machinery in order to learn its mechanics before piecing it back together. She also would invent numerous gadgets and substances in spare time if not doing her computer work. She is specialized in electronic based devices such as creating a smart mirror for her own room as a mini project and a smartbag as an example.

  • Master Violinist - After knowing that she has been in her computer for long, her parents have made her play the violin in order to take mind off things. One of the flaw of having hyperthymesia is that she could recall every single events that it would become overbearing for her. So to relax her mind she learns how to play the violin during her free time. It took her years of practice by listening to music and reading compositions in order for her to play the violin properly.

  • Photographic memory and highly superior autobiographical memory - Behind her superior intellect, she was able to recollect memories, information and data from her brain in an instant and great accuracy.

  • Information gathering - Due to her hacking skills, she was able to go through different databases, using different software to confirmed said information to verify.
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
10/10 - this is like- the most amazing- i- I cant wrap my head around how detailed this is


Level 271
AMAZING BIOGRAPHY! BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEAR 2022 BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! 100000000000000000000000/10


Level 6
Oooh I wanna communicate with her so bad!! She seems so cool, and the idea of her just being like a anonymous stranger behind your phone screen is such a super awesome concept.


Level 8

Roleplaying note: Roleplaying with Hisoki would mean preplanning because her line of work would be a Hacker as she would usually go through people's phones in order to interact. Think of it as "Duskwood", IF wanting to interact with Hisoki we can plan via Discord - ChaoticEris#3852

View attachment 28137
Unknown by many due to her low-profile, Hisoki Akabana is known to be enigmatic. Beautiful, elegant and hyper intelligent in different fields of study and culture. It is impossible to know what is going on this woman's mind, however she is the epitome of the saying "Every roses has it's thorns".



Hisoki is known to have a rather calming yet warm tone in her voice. Her speech patterns are on point and speak with high intellect. (Y'all be damned well she would say "Ara Ara" So beware)


Akahana is a family of intelligent people and was accepted in an aristocratic society. Their thoughts on wealth is not on money and titles, however they seek knowledge and improve human living with advance technology and sciences. Alas, this has given opportunities for corrupted companies and gangs to use their intelligence for their own benefits. So many of the members of the Akahana has been forced into hiding and only appears during important meetings and parties invited by people from high society for a discussion or business marketing plan.

A promising child was born during the incident was named Hisoki, was forced of living in this lifestyle being out of touch with the world. She grew up learning the ways of high class society, studying different fields and different cultures. Throughout her life, she stays secluded in her home and didn't have the chance to live a normal life. Until she was introduced to life in the cybernetic world of computers. She has taken interest of computers and starts learning computer sciences at age of 10. Thus she starts to learn coding and eventually she starts to learn how to hack.

Although she pursues in different studies, her parents have taken the noticed of her interest in technology. Thus her studies advance to sciences specifically in engineering, inventions and physics. By day, she learns from her parents' chosen curriculum for her but at night she still pursues computer sciences until she becomes a professional hacker. She had developed skills and gained vast amount of knowledge throughout the 18 years of her life. But the other few years she has been challenging herself and use her hacking skills that it has become addicting.

One day, Hisoki's parents needs to travel overseas for a new Project as they have to keep their only daughter in Karakura for the sake of their project. Of course, she was promised of her safety whilst the parents would assist in this mysterious experiment. Thus why this enigmatic woman came in Karakura.

There will be nights that strange occurrences happening to people's technologies and phones. Weird text messages followed by puzzles as if its some trick from the paranormal activities around the city. Only to be lead by the name "R".


Hisoki is a 5ft6 tall woman and described to be ethereal possibly due to her elegant yet weak-looking body with a beautiful look fit for a maiden in your usual fantasy storybooks and often depicted as one of the characters named "Belle" from "Beauty and the Beast" possibly why she would go for a motif of roses as an inspiration for such character. However, she would use her doll-like appearance and impassive demeanor as sort of opportunity to make her seem less likely to be the a hacker. She has long black hair that reaches up to her middle back, sky blue eyes with long lashes, fair skin and would always have that warm smile. She would always have the scent of roses follow her around.

Side Note:
  • Hisoki's body type was inspired from Violet Evergarden and The professor from Three House
  • Her clothing style and overall appearance is inspired from the MC of Tears of Themis and MC from Amnesia
  • Because of her lifestyle, she has little to no physical activity other than ballroom dancing. Thus giving her a slender type



Because of her lifestyle growing up living indoors, she keeps a low-profile that she is not a fan of public meetings unless necessary. Due to this, she has the trait of having no presence and mostly unnoticeable unless she is speaks thus gaining attention. However, she is always displayed as elegant and ladylike, often wears a warm and delicate smile on her face, always speak in refine yet intelligent manner, and displays a calm and collected attitude. Giving those around her a sense of peace, eventually involuntarily open themselves up, showing their true nature. Though, her most memorable trait would be her highly detailed knowledge, keen observation and reasoning skills and photographic memory. She is generally polite and well-mannered with people though she is often mistaken as a shy person due to her seclusion. Though, she does have a rather cunning side as she would often tease and toy those she has in interest.

Despite living in seclusion, she does not appear to be introverted or shy as she is capable of socialization and having proper social etiquette. She also the type to not meet people's expectations and looks past generalizations and stereotyping. Like how people would expect an intelligent woman like her would be hanging around in the library when she really takes comfort in the Plant Nursery because of the high internet connection. She is a somewhat puzzling woman who loves to trick and mislead people in order to get reactions and to see their intellectual and mental capabilities.

Hisoki has a very gentle temperament however she is able to maintain a perfect disposition that any weakness she bears is currently unknown. Although, she is sometimes shown derisive of common human flaws, such as the tendency to prioritize selfish short-sighted personal gain while still rationalizing those same choices as logical and intelligent.

F U N F A C T S:
  • Hisoki is an INTP MBTI personality type
  • Her enneagram would be type 3
  • Hisoki is heavily inspired by Jake from Duskwood. From the way he talks, to being a hacker as well as how romance works for her.
  • Another inspiration of Hisoki's personality would be the mixture of Zhongli, Ayato and Yae Miko from Genshin Impact.
  • Planning on making Hisoki a character who would trick people into doing puzzles via phone.
  • Maybe even be the one who helps the character into giving info like some sort of Intelligence. Be their personal Hacker.
  • LIKES: New Age music, computer sciences, inventing, technology, sweets, roses, gardening, coding, hacking, tiramisu, tricking people, foxes, books.
I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into planning your character out, this whole thing is amazing, love the layout, colors, everything! <3

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