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Denied Chef Application | CouldBeDumpster


Level 24
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:

PST or UTC−07:00

Describe your activity on the server:

7 / 10. I get on at least once a day and stay on for a reasonable amount of time unless there is nothing happening RP-related or event related. The only time I ever find myself inactive is when I am out of town for family trips or educational purposes IRL. Other than that I'm highly active on the server overall.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Yes. I have been banned one time for a false accusation of AvoidRP back in October 2021. I didn't make an appeal as it was only a week long and decided to take it as a break to focus on school.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes I acknowledge this, though I will be trying my best not to go inactive unless I get permission from a staff member.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

I am applying to be a Chef

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The employee role I am applying for is the schools Chef. Which are meant to provide the students with a healthy and nutritious lunch that is obtainable to every student for free. Making sure that the overall health of the Karakura minors are in good shape and well fed.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have been roleplaying since I was around the age of 8. A lot of my classmates and I were very into LARP for the duration of elementary school and it slowly turned into the entire school joining us, including faculty. After school I would also be involved in online roleplays over video games. Which were less involving but still fun.Over the past couple of years though I grew to be much better at making the roleplay situations more detailed and seem like a believable situation. I also have learned during my time in SRP to be more experienced in gangrp, familyrp, and detailrp.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Grade 12, Highschooler. No additional roles


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Daiyu would first ask the student to stop cursing and being disrespectful. If that does not work then she would warn the student that if they continue their inappropriate language she will give them detention. Daiyu would only give them those two warnings before giving the student after school detention that day as she believes students shouldn't disrespect their elders.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Immediately break up the fight by getting between the two students, telling them to stop at once. Giving the two one verbal warning to "Stop" before passing out detention to all involved. If the fight continues to escalate then Daiyu will radio to the other faculty members to come over and help her break up the fight and get both students to either the nurses office or detention depending on any injuries they have received from each other.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Depending how dangerous the act that the employee is doing, Daiyu would immediately call the police to come to the school. If it is something that she or another faculty is able to handle withoutlegal authorities involved, she will step up and tell them employee to stop what they are doing and provide assistance to make them stop. She will also inform one of the school heads (Principal, Dean, etc.) with a detailed explanation as to what happened.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

If Daiyu is on a break and has nothing work related to do, she will most likely grab something to eat and drink before sitting down at a table with a book to read. If there are other employee's in the room she will try to approach them and make small talk. Daiyu can be shy, but still would like to make friends with her coworkers.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Daiyu mixed together cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, white pepper, and cloves into a small bowl. Sprinkling a single teaspoon spice mixture into the cavity of the duck, stirring a singular tablespoon of soy sauce into the remaining spice mixture and began rubbing evenly over the entire outside of the duck. She then began to cut a green onion in half and tuck it inside the cavity. Placing the duck breast-side up onto a rack set in a wok, she’d begin to steam it. Slowly adding more water as it evaporates. She then lifted the duck up to drain juices and green onion. Setting it back into a roasting pan breast-side up. Pricking skin all over the duck with a fork

Grabbing the bottle of dawn dish soap from the side of the sink, Daiyu would pour some onto a clean sponge, beginning to run the kitchen knife slowly through it as the hot water poured down onto her hand and the knife. Rubbing any and all products from the food onto the sponge, sanitizing it completely. Continuing to rinse it under the water, she’d move onto the next dirty dish or utensil, repeating the same process. Leaving them all out on a clean towel to dry.

Preheating the grill to 350 degrees, she would pull out a large mixing bowl, Daiyu would add the ground beef, crushed crackers, egg, Worcestershire sauce, milk, and spices into the bowl. She would begin to thoroughly mix the ingredients together and shaping the patty mixture into thin patties. Daiyu would then place them onto the large grill once heated to 350 degrees. Letting them cook for 2 minutes before flipping them over to cook for another 2 minutes. Once all of the patties are fully cooked, she'd begin to place eat one on individual bottom half of burger buns. Placing the top half the buns onto the patties.

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Daiyu Yìhán
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss Yìhán
Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):
25 Years Old
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:

Academic Degree:
Associates Degrees in Culinary Arts
Year of Graduation:
Culinary Arts
Minors: N/A

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese Sign Language


Daiyu Yìhán was born in Shanghai, China. Her mother, Li, was a 16 year old girl who had attended a small private school. After Li had learn she was pregnant, it was too late for her to abort the baby and decided she would put the baby up for a closed adoption once she had been born. The small baby girl was born December 5th, 1997, with the weight of 7.4 lbs and height of 13.2 inches. Three days after she had been born, she was sent into the foster system with the name, Daiyu Yihán. Her foster parent, Haoyu Xiu, had Daiyu in his care for 5 years before deciding he wanted to legally adopt her as his own. The two shared a close bond while the other foster children were being adopted out with ease. It seemed no one had wanted her until Haoyu decided he did. Though the both agreed that Daiyu would keep her mothers last name in honor of her. They discussed that when Daiyu turned 18, she could change her name if she felt it more fitting. Which never seemed to end up happening. Once Daiyu had turned 13 she was sent into an all girls private school. She had succeeded in all her curricular courses but took a strong liking to her cooking classes. By the time she had turned 18 her father had gone bankrupt, forcing Daiyu to leave her current private school and moving to Karakura, Japan for a fresh start and hopefully a good education. She had stayed in Karakura for a year until she finished her high school education, moving back to Shanghai to attend Fudan University. She stayed in the university until she graduated, obtaining her Associates Degrees in Culinary Arts. By this time of her graduation, Daiyu is now 25 years old and had moved back to Japan to live in Karakura. During her year in the high school she grew fond of her peers and loved the faculty that she was surrounded with.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
During my time at Karakura High School I had attended some of the cooking classes whenever I got the chance to join them. I always admired how the classes were run but I have no experience in running a classroom, so becoming a chef would be the next best thing. Often I would notice that there wasn't always a chef providing lunches which would make it hard for me to eat as I couldn't bring lunches from home. When I graduated from Fudan I moved back to Japan with the intentions to just rejoin former friends and saw that there were openings for a chef, which here I am deciding to take my chances! I love cooking and growing up I would often get along with lunch workers when I attended private schools. I think this job is a perfect fit for me and I would love the opportunity to be apart of this schools environment.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

Well as much as I'd like for this not to be seen as a competition, I believe I should be accepted as I have the proper education the role, as well as experience in cooking. As I explained before, I attended many cooking classes during my time at this school and in my other former schools I was always enrolled extra curricular classes that had to do with cooking and sometimes even baking. I believe I'm well fit for this position in your school and will provide your students with balance and health. I will also make sure these meals are tasteful to the more picky taste buds of youth. Making sure that they enjoy their breakfast and lunches!


Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position! Unfortunately, I'll be denying the application for the following reasons:
-We currently don't have any slots open for the Chef position
- Feel free to apply again at any time! If you have any questions, DM mariav#6666​

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