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Accepted Chemistry Teacher Application


Level 140
OOC Information:
: WeeabooTrashlord

How old are you?: I’m 16 years old

Do you have any previous bans?: I have two bans. One was a 1 hour temp ban a few years back, don’t remember why. The other was for fly hacking, but it was a misconception, and has been resolved.

What Country are you from?: I’m from the United States

Do you have Discord?: Yes, WeeabooTrashlord#1054

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes, and that has been referred to for a lot of this application.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, though I have no intentions of being inactive as a teacher.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?: Yes, I’ll make sure to log all the classes I teach.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums: I’m active on the server almost every day, as this is what I play in the majority of my free time. In total, I have roughly 70 days played (excluding what I’ve played before I came back to SRP), with both my main and alts combined. On the forums, I’m not nearly as active, the height of my activity is lurking around, and sometimes rating or commenting.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
All have been accepted, unless specified

Private Tutor (Denied)
French Teacher


Character Authorizations:
Naked Mole Rat (Denied)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?
: I’m re-applying for teacher, as it could be my last chance for a while, seeing as though the school, along with SRP in general, will be going through major changes soon. I did genuinely enjoy being a teacher, but real life issues, school, stress, exhaustion, yadda yadda. . . Now that I’m in a much more comfortable position, and I’ll have a lot more free time coming up soon, I’d like to apply once again.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: My experience with roleplay hasn’t changed much since my previous application; I’ve roleplayed on Discord and Amino, as well as in tabletop RPGs like D&D. And of course, I’ve been actively roleplaying on SRP since late September of last year.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?: Yes, I have recently re-read it, so I’ve refreshed myself on the information provided in the document.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: The classroom logs exist to record who has taught, and what they’ve taught. This is important, as it shows whether or not you are active as a teacher.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?: If I wanted to host a field trip, I would use the field trip application. This goes over when the field trip will happen, where it will take place, and the purpose of the trip.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
I have ten rules, which I believe cover everything:

1 - Respect everybody in the room, student or faculty

2 - No phones, or any other distractions

3 - Refrain from any sort of violence in the classroom

4 - Do not yell

5 - Refrain from any private discussions or side comments

6 - Raise your hand if you wish to speak

7 - Do not eat or drink anything

8 - Stay seated unless instructed to stand

9 - No swearing

10 - Be willing to learn and participate

Summarize your previous RP experience's: I roleplay in chat rooms often (Discord, Amino), and also with friends in real life, playing tabletop RPGs (D&D / Pathfinder). I have roleplayed in minecraft as well, but not much has compared to roleplaying on this server.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:
Head of Department: HDs are in charge of coming up with a course outline, and basically guiding the NQTs. They have much more authority with decisions the school makes.

Qualified Teacher in Learning Skills: QTLSs are essentially experienced teachers who know what they are doing

Newly Qualified Teacher: NQTs are new teachers; They’re usually supervised, but they can basically do whatever any other teacher can do.

Teacher Knowledge
Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game.

Teachers essentially exist to teach their students not only about academic subjects, but life as well. They are responsible for passing down the knowledge they’ve accumulated during their lifetime down to the next generation, as well as guiding their students along the right path, ensuring they have a sound future.

Each teacher has their own preferred method of teaching; For example, some teachers go in depth with mnemonics to help students understand, others go over simple / easy to understand methods, and some even just hit hard with the drill and kill. There is no one true “best” way to teach- Just as every teacher teaches differently, every student learns differently as well. Teachers need to do their best to adapt to this, so their student can properly understand the information they are being taught.

A teacher is paid usually based on what role they fulfill, and how long they’ve been working at their school. Starting salary is usually quite brutal, especially as many teachers are paying off loans for houses, schooling, and whatever else they may have purchased. However, as time moves on, it only gets better. On the SRP server, to my current knowledge, teachers are paid a minimum salary of 150k each OOC month, which increases based on the amount of work you complete in said month.

And at the end of the day, a teacher is still human; They have their own lives, hobbies, families, goals, passions. . . Though, even after the school bells stop ringing, a teacher is still a teacher. They are to keep up images as to not tarnish not only their own, but the school’s reputation. That being said, there is nothing wrong with being a normal, casual human, because that’s exactly what teachers are.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: Teachers are important, as they are a requirement for a school to actually be a school. Without teachers, there would be no lessons, and it’d just be a bunch of children running around an empty building without supervision.

From my current understanding of the future of SRP, teachers will be even more important, as people will need to graduate in order to go to college, then graduate that in order to get a job, instead of simply applying for jobs. Without teachers, this process would most definitely be confusing and difficult (if not impossible).

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: Karakura High uses MOSCO, which stands for “Must have should have could have.”

Character Knowledge
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs.

Tsubaki Sakiyama is a Japanese female, born July 18th, 1977 (42). She stands at 5’9”, weighing in at 142lbs. She has porcelain skin, with dark black hair to contrast; It’s tied up to the right side of her head around a Camellia flower.

For the vast majority of her life, Tsubaki was able to do as she pleased; That being said, she didn’t demand for the best in life, she simply devoted her time to her study and her work. She’s a very calm person, though her kind demeanor should not be mistaken for weakness; Tsubaki would not hesitate to put her foot down when need be. She has no time for people who aren’t serious about their education, or for those who only show up to disrupt the educations of others.

To Tsubaki, students are all students, even if they are disruptive or misbehave. If a student is truly willing to learn, then she’d accept them without a single second of hesitation, even if they were formerly nothing but a distraction. As for those who never change, she simply does not care, but would still assist them if a situation called for it.

Tsubaki’s main reason for applying to teach Chemistry and Physics at Karakura High is so that she can familiarize herself with the youth of the town, before moving onto bigger goals. Her long-term goal in Karakura is to create a store from the ground up. Teaching at Karakura High is but a stepping stone for this goal, though she intends with full sincerity to teach with 100% of her capabilities.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?
I’d inform them they’re causing a scene, and tell them to skidaddle; If they refuse after several warnings, I’d give them a detention, and tell them to leave once again. If they refuse further, I’d call for backup; Teachers and other school staff, if nothing illegal was involved, otherwise I’d call the police.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
I get their attention by creating a loud noise (guitar, airhorn, etc). I’d then proceed to walk to the door, open it, and tell the class that they are free to leave if they don’t wish to learn. Being generous, I’d warn them about the detention they would receive if they walked out, and also of the detention they’d receive if they continued to disrupt my class.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
For the most part, Tsubaki acts as she would normally; Kind, but unwilling to deal with nonsense. She’d either socialize with other faculty, prepare for upcoming classes, or grade work that has been turned in to her.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me She would take “Name’s” phone away from them

/me She’d attempt to shake “Name” awake

/me She’d pass out papers for the students to take notes on

/me She’d sit down and begin to look through the assignment

/me She’d shred on her guitar in an attempt to get the students’ attention

Tsubaki’s backstory is incomplete, and this is temporary (and a bit very rushed). I’m applying now with a shorter version, as I’m unsure how much time I have left to do this. If I finish the full backstory before apps are checked, I’ll update this, but for now this is her backstory. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tsubaki was born to two parents who both worked busy jobs; They simply didn’t have time to take care of a child. For most of her infancy, she was either left alone in a safe place, giving her parents time to relax from their jobs, or with some barely qualified sitter.

This type of treatment at this stage of her life greatly slowed down her development, and so many things most babies learn in their earlier months had to be learned later on, leading to some essential processes (such as talking) not being learned until later ages.

When Tsubaki became four, the Sakiyamas moved across country, as the parents had opportunities for work on this side of Japan. In this new apartment she was forced to call home, Tsubaki didn’t have much to do; She either spent her time playing with toys alone, or watching the TV she didn’t know how to use.

One day, Tsubaki’s parents drove her to her grandparents’ home a few miles down, dropped her off, and drove away, not to be seen for multiple days. Tsubaki had never seen either of these people before, and so she just assumed that they would be the same as her parents; However, before she could even find a place to sit, her grandmother invited her to come out to the garden out back. Tsubaki, being a child who had never seen a garden, blindly followed.

The garden was most definitely a sight for sore eyes; Tsubaki had been bombarded with so many vibrant colors, and the shapes were so beautiful, that this child who had never seen anything like this could only look in awe at the scene before her.

Tsubaki spent the day in the garden with her grandmother, who taught her about the flowers, how they needed water and sunlight, how they start as seeds and bloom after enough time, how some flowers look good with other flowers. . . They spent not only the afternoon, but much of the duration of Tsubaki’s stay in the garden.

When Tsubaki’s parents came to pick her up, she adamantly refused to go; After a bit of futile resistance, she was simply picked up, off the ground, and taken home. After being exposed to something she truly enjoyed, and having it ripped away from her, it hurt- However, there was nothing she could do about it, except wait for the next opportunity to visit her grandparents.

As she got older, Tsubaki would stop by their place as often as she could; On the way home from school, she would walk to their place, do her homework, chill with her grandparents, eat dinner, then take the train home. On weekends and days off, she would stay overnight. Her grandparents’ house essentially became her home, as there were people there who loved her, and she could do more than sit around.

In high school, she wasn’t very socially adept, but did well academically. While she did have friends, she preferred to be left alone; However, if she was to be invited to something, she’d accept. Tsubaki never went out of her way to achieve strong lasting relationships, but when they came to her she would accept them wholeheartedly.

Always ranking high in exams, Tsubaki had few issues getting into her university of choice. Seeing as though she had loved flowers from a very young age, she decided to research botany; To do this, she needed to study a plethora of things, chemistry being one of them. As she progressed through university, she was presented with work opportunities, which she took advantage of; After proving she knew what she was doing, a company, one which sponsored plant related businesses, promised her a job straight after graduation, which she accepted.

The company which hired Tsubaki assigned her a partner, Shun Hachiro, with which she would research and experiment with gene splicing, in order to create more superior flowers than what nature could provide. Their entire goal wasn’t to create more beautiful and exotic plants, they were to change the properties and longevity, without changing what the plant looked like.

Over time, the partners drew closer, as they’d spend countless hours together, without much interference. Once they began formally dating, marriage was inevitable. They got married, bought a home together, and lived comfortably in each other's presence. While the couple did love each other, there wasn’t much for them to talk about; After all, they spent their day working alone, just the two of them. After about a year of this, they decided it would be best for them to have a child, as it would bring something to their relationship. And so, they gave life to a child; Nobu Hachiro.

Of the two of them, Tsubaki cared for Nobu much more often. While growing up, she would be the one who taught him about life, go to his events, and support him. Shun on the other hand was distant, not only to the child, but his wife as well. Over time, Shun became more distant, and separated himself from his family. While Tsubaki wasn’t okay with this, she stayed in a marriage with him, as the benefits outweighed the fact that she had to live and work with some guy she felt as though she didn’t know. However, after years of this, they sat down, talked about it, and agreed that their marriage wasn’t going anywhere. They divorced, and Tsubaki took Nobu to a new home in Osaka.

Tsubaki, who had grown tired of researching flowers, decided to co-teach science at a university. She would essentially teach when the professor wasn’t present (which happened to be often), and assist him when he was. The pay was less than what she was earning at her old job, but it was enough to support her and her son. After co-teaching for eight years, she had found an opening in a school which needed teachers; Karakura High. The pay wasn’t half bad, and the school seemed nice, so she applied to teach at this school, in hopes of maintaining her current financial status in a better environment.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name
: Tsubaki Sakiyama

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Tsubaki Sakiyama

Preferred Name: Miss Sakiyama

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: N/A

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japan

Current Location: Karkaura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years)
: 8

Working Experience (# of years): 20

Academic Degree: Masters

Year of Graduation: 1998

Major(s): Chemistry, Plant Science, Physics

Minors: Psychology, History

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: French, Spanish

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No

Preferred Teaching Subject: Science (Chemistry)

Additional notes about your application
: No.

Do you have any questions?: No.
Last edited:


Level 193
Denied / Accepted
It's a good application but the current section for NQT is occupied, if you wish to do another subject please DM me on discord MikeShotZ#0960

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