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College Professor Application | LuciusH


Level 231
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


How old are you?:
I am 16 years old oocly.
Do you have any previous bans?:
I've had plenty overall (unable to check; already asked staff.) however none in the last 3 years nor any that affect my behaviour today.

What Country are you from?:
I live in Australia.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, I do. My Discord is Toto#0612.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I play SRP to full a void of creativity, there isn't much I do when I want to be creative and SRP is an outlet for that, I come and go but stay whenever I feel a good idea for a character, I play solely to be able to explore past, present and future characters I will of made or will eventually come to make in the future, however I do have periods where my creativity dies down (examples are, when my characters reach their conclusive end point and I haven't been able to think of a replacement)

however given the fact that it is the beginning of a new year and that I have no school for a while it seems like the perfect time to apply; given the circumstances.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Too many to include; none of which are really all that relevant except for my previous teacher applications (I have taught 850+ classes during my previous reigns as a highschool teacher.)


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

I haven't played a teacher like role since 2018 which was 3 years ago; I have been made aware that it is significantly easier to be a Professor in which has motivated this application. SRP has changed a ton in the last 3 years and I want to see what college classes can be like to teach.

To be frank there is also a more personal and personal reason being that I never reached 1000, Although I am 100% certain that I hold the highest amount of classes taught it still doesn't satisfy me to leave the tradition alone before I reach such a big milestone.

I hope that with /class commands and with a better player base then there was in 2018 that I can teach productive and serious lessons whilst being able to use a character I haven't been able to utilise properly since 2019 (in which is the secondary reason I am applying.)

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
As mentioned before; I have taught over 850+ classes over the last 5 years starting out as a P.E Teacher in 2016 before eventually having multiple reigns over the years amounting 3x P.E Teacher roles and 1x History Teacher Roles.

This is accompanied by the fact that I have participated in every faction of SRP except for Journalism, having been apart of Highschool Staff & Employees, KPD, KBM, Delivery, KSD, Hospital and GangRP, there really isn't much I haven't done on the Server except for this.

I've been playing since 2015 and before that I used to play on a fantasy-rp like server before moving to SchoolRP a few months after its launch. I think it is safe to say I am a veteran of 7 years when it comes to roleplay so I believe there comes great experience in such a high amount of time.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Essentially quotas that keep track of who is teaching and when in which is used to log activity and to pay Professors accordingly. Without this system nobody would get paid and Senior Leadership Team would have as little of a doubt who was an active member of staff and who wasn't. It is necessary to keep balance and to ensure payday come the end of the in-character fiscal month.
As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1. You are here to listen and to learn.

  • You will stay quiet unless told to talk.
  • You will listen and understand all lectures.
  • You will accomplish class goals and assignments.
  • You will NOT consume any type of liquid or solid. There is to be no eating or drinking of any kind.
  • You will NOT use your phone for any reason..
  • You will NOT express viewpoints, opinions or status' unless told too .
2. You will be active in class.
  • You will answer every question to the best of your ability.
  • You will commit to class work and assignments.
  • You will spend the associated amount of time studying outside of class..
  • You will NOT mess around during class.
  • You will NOT plagiarise during or out of class.
  • You will NOT waste the time of any of your classmates during my teachings.
3. You will be considerate and formal to all peers and members of school & student faculty.
  • You will abide and follow commands and instructions given to you within school-grounds or in my classroom.
  • You will be considerate of the school & city state laws and will uphold these with the utmost respect.
  • You will speak formally to your professor and to fellow students, you are academics. Not. Children.
  • You will NOT conventional social courtesy and guidelines.
  • You will NOT invade others student & school faculty's boundaries nor will you do so with your fellow classmates.
  • You will NOT fail to uphold these rules to the best of your abilities. You will overcome your personal shortcomings for the greater good of the class.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

As mentioned earlier, I have taught over 850+ classes over the last 5 years starting out as a P.E Teacher in 2016 before eventually having multiple reigns over the years amounting 3x P.E Teacher roles and 1x History Teacher Roles. During this time I also managed to participate within every SINGLE Roleplay Faction discluding Journalism. I have been playing SchoolRP since 2015 and before that I used to play on a server called ElysiumRP for two years before joining SRP as well as the creative lobby on MC Central.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

The main duty of a College-Professor is that of teaching at minimum 15 classes per month. This means that they must have at-least 15 pre-planned classes per month alongside book sheets for those classes as well as potential final term tests for potential graduating students for their subject of choice. A College-Professor is responsible for managing students as well as ensuring and hosting school detentions, making the College-Professors one of the "resident hall-monitors."

This duty is performed in order to keep IC balanced between misfits and naughty kids as well as to make the server closer resemble realism. College-Professors are mediators of the environment; keeping a constant flow of safety just like any other school faculty rank.

College-Professors are required to at minimum teach 15 classes per month in which they are able to receive a pay check of ¥300,000 yen at the end of the said fiscal month with any extra classes conducted by the said College-Professor adding on an extra ¥50,000 yen to their then current pay check per 5 classes.

This system is a double-edged sword as it means that College-Professors that are inactive for whatever reason will not be able to receive a pay check and will potentially get warned for their inactivity, this system is used to monitor activity in the school faculty.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Lucius Herrington is a man of many talents, perhaps as wise as he is self-absorbed and egotistical. Lucius is used to being the smartest in every room; that matched wtih a name of notable wealth and notability has geared Lucius into becoming inconsiderate and vain, focusing only ever on himself and his work. This has caused several awful things in his life; such as his two divorces and drinking problems over the years, in one instance becoming so distracted from morality that he was able to convince himself of the moral highlights that he could bring to Karakura via a organisation he founded KAGE.
Lucius isn't only just talk. During his brief 45 years on the planet Lucius has accomplished things many could not, having the following degrees
  1. Doctor of Medicine (Medical)
  2. Doctor of Physics (Science)
  3. Doctor of Biology (Science)
  4. Bachelor of Surgery (Medical)
  5. Bachelor of Education (Teaching)
  6. Bachelor of Criminology (Criminal Justice)
  7. Diploma in Business (Business)
  8. Associate of Mortuary science (Science)
  9. Certificate I in Ponerology (Philosophy)
  10. Certificate II in Theology (Philosophy, Religion.)
(All gained through ranks I have achieved on the server.)
With Lucius having devoted most of his adult life in pursuit of knowledge and power, over the years working as a Delivery-Man, Organisation Leader [KAGE], Mortician, Mad-Scientist, Cryogenic Scientist, Stock Trader, Fortune-500 CEO, Doctor (Medical), Psychiatrist, Priest, Philosopher, Author and finally as a College-Professor.
It is this genuine belief and honestly what could be considered a fact in the grand scheme of things that he is the smartest citizen in Karakura with the second smartest being his biological son who he has schemed and plotted and molded him into a library of knowledge.
It is this obsession with being the very best which has led Lucius to be where he is today however this does not mean he doesn't wish to spread knowledge - why infact after having written plenty of textbooks for colleges, universities and academics over the years Lucius has decided to take the dive into becoming a Professor himself; achieving his newest degree in Education. Lucius wishes to spread his knowledge to the students in hopes of making humanity smarter overall, it is this god-like want to help others which sets Lucius apart from your casual Pre-Iron Man Tony Stark like mastermind.

So there he has went, to a place where he can give out lectures and have people learn everything they can from him for the betterment of society.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?:
Lucius would take them to the side of the hall, talking to them in a calm manner; he would threaten them with a detention in a way that invoked more fear in the boys then the words he used.
A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?:
If a student is being unresponsive or chooses to troll or heavily misbehave they will be kicked from the classroom. The classes are a place to roleplay, not a place to break rules.
Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me &2would write onto the chalkboard with excessive speed with what seems to be his normal handwriting - as if he was some type of doctor his writing would be nearly illegible &f"Now whoever can understand this can buy me a cup of coffee and ask for any advice after class."&2 before he would begin to talk &f"Now as none of you could read that - as few rarely can I will tell you my name once; I am your professor Sir. Herrington, you will address me as Sir or as Mr. Welcome to Philosophy 101 and alas we shall begin this introductory class."

/me &fsays "If nobody can agree on what someone has said have they really said anything at all? In the realms of philosophical texts and queries the answer to that is a little more complicated but essentially it is more or so yes, no matter what boundless and integral version of the bible should not undermine the depth of such works but what about those who don't exist within scripture? What about the common folk such as yourselves?" &2Lucius would open the audience to the floor, allowing someone to answer his challenge.

/me &fsays "Now I would like to read you a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche from whom we'll be talking about today. As quoted '&lGod&f is dead. &lGod&f remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, &othe murders of all murders. . .?&f"

/me &2would chuckle slightly at the students query, answering it wilfully and with a tug of joy kept under his tongue &f"Ah yes but that you do that dream of nightmares may arise. So do these nightmares exist or is it a mirror of fiction? Yeah well that's what I thought originally too. ."

/me &2would clean the chalkboard of his writing in which there was what seemed to be a maniac crime-scene of left there from previous lessons, from what looked to be ancient incantations to the KFC logo to a photo of the 28th United States President as well as the philosopher Diogenes doing something indecent to Demosthenes.

September 22nd 1975
Lucius was born in 1975 in which he lived a unpleasant but ultimately sheltered life, after his honorary 5 years of soroistic training in the Grand Soroism Church he stayed an additional 4 years until the age of 9 in which he returned back to the Herrington Manor as he had begun to become acquainted with his multitude of siblings for the first time in 4 years.
September 24th 1984
Due to this disconnect Lucius often spent time alone, being very intelligent from a young age Lucius spent most of his time reading, studying and learning. He was truly a prodigy amongst a family where being a Prodigy was considered somewhat average.
11th October 1988
Due to some external stress in October of 1988 Lucius decides to run away from home in which he buys an expensive ticket to London to explore.
12th October 1988
Whilst on a stroll across Chelsea, London he would pause outside of a wide street as a group of girls similar to his age were across of him walking towards a park that was nearby; Lucius who before then didn't care all that much for girls was capitulated by one of them in particular, he wouldn't know it yet nor did he even consider it at the time but that woman would eventually become his wife. . . twice - and then y'know get divorced twice.
18th July 1991
Lucius begins to make stronger connections with his triplet brother Lucifer, deciding to leave Birmingham together at age 17 in which they would peruse theatre in La Ville Lumièr, Paris, France. In which Lucius would begin to become attached to the country of France.
29th August 1992
Lucius realises that perusing theatre probably wasn't the best thing to waste his genius and talent on, Lucius urges for more in life in which he abandons his triplet brother Lucifer, heading to The City of Angels. Los Angeles, California, America.

5th September 1992
All is good, Lucius' gap year is becoming longer and longer as he is beginning to ease up a little. Lucius' considers perhaps buying an apple farm out in Kansas and settling down. He loses all ambition in life and accepts life; albeit not for long.

27th September 1992
Lucius' receives a birthday card in which his triplet sister sends which reignites his fuel to succeed at all costs.

1st October 1992
Lucius receives a phone call from his father; Darius Herrington, opening it up he begins to discuss his future, Lucius returning somewhat reluctantly to Birmingham with agreement-to-commit to finally going to university.

19th November 1993
Lucius has been enrolled into Stanford where he would work on achieving his Doctor's in Medicine, Surgery and finally a Associates Degree in Mortuary science

29th January 1998
Lucius now with two shiny degrees chooses to enrol into the University of Cambridge, taking a Certificate I course in Ponerology as well as a Diploma in Business
3rd February 1998
Whilst on a business trip to South-Korea to establish trade routes for steel Cain orders Lucius a hooker out of the blue in which a very drunk Lucius would happily accept in what would end up being the events that led to his eldest son Dylan Herrington.
20th March 1999
Lucius moves to London, getting a semi-large Penthouse in Chelsea, London in which just happened to be a few streets away from his fateful encounter.

25th December 1999
He meets the love of his life and the mother of two of his future children.

6th March 2001
Lucius and his girlfriend Gigi London move to Paris.
27th August 2004
His third son Lernaean Damocles Herrington is born within the prestige walls of Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, France.
2nd February 2005
After 6 years of dating his Girlfriend Gigi London he decides to finally pop out the big question in which she accepts happily, a start of what they thought would be the beginning of forever.
5th February 2005
Lucius' goes back to university once more in order to receive two Doctorates he has been wanting to receive for quite some time in which he enrols into The University of Paris, receiving his Doctorates in Physics and in Biology months before his divorce.
22nd February 2012

25th February 2012
Feeling the void once more he goes back to university ONCE MORE in which he works towards a Bachelors in Criminology in which he would later use in his founding days of KAGE.
13th May 2017
The Herrington family slowly begins to migrate over to Karakura, Japan
28th September 2018
Lucius' triplet brother Lucifer makes the jump to Karakura, Japan
26th November 2018
Lucius is stunned . .He has received a call from his two elder brothers Luke and Harold that his triplet brother has been supposedly murdered, distraught Lucius' takes his four children on the first plane ride to Karakura, Japan in order to make the funeral.
30th November 2018
His son Lernaean who is at the moment 14 heads back to France with two of his other siblings, his final sibling Dylan deciding to run to Tokyo.
December 1st 2018
Lucius would begin to become interested in teaching in which he would attend a private university in the outskirts of Yokosuka in which he would get his final degree in Education and his second Philosophy degree being Theology.
22nd January 2019
Gigi - his ex-wife begins to date Lucius once more.
30th May 2019
Lucius and Gigi quickly get remarried once more.
7th June 2019
Lucius is being constantly reminded of the reasons why he had a divorce in the first place in which he swiftly divorces her.
3rd January 2021
Lucius makes a reservation with the Senior Leadership Team as a type of private interview in an attempt to land a job.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Lucius Cornelia Herrington
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:

Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:

Current Location:
Herrington Estates, Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):
Working Experience (# of years):
0 (none in teaching positions)
14 (philosophy lectures)
7 (general/other.)

Academic Degree:

  • Doctor of Medicine (Medical)
  • Doctor of Physics (Science)
  • Doctor of Biology (Science)
  • Bachelor of Surgery (Medical)
  • Bachelor of Education (Teaching)
  • Bachelor of Criminology (Criminal Justice)
  • Diploma in Business (Business)
  • Associate of Mortuary science (Science)
  • Certificate I in Ponerology (Philosophy)
  • Certificate II in Theology (Philosophy, Religion.)
Year of Graduation:

Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, French

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
I have a CELTA Certificate
Preferred Teaching Subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Do you have any questions?:

Last edited:


Level 132

Unfortunately your application as been denied, You have a great application. Although after speaking with a few close SLT members I don't think you are appropriate for this position currently.


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