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College Professor Guide


Level 97
Hi there!
You must be our newest Professor for our school!
Well, It's nice to meet you! My name is Tee, Icly I go by Aoi, or Mr Quinn. I decided today I wanted to do a little guide for all of our new Professors!

Remember to host at least 10-15 classes to earn your pay check!


  • Ask your students if they understand their tasks
  • Reward tokens for good behaviour and well done work
  • Try to make the lessons fun
  • Play games that involve your subject
  • Go over safety tips if using dangerous supplies such as knives or ovens
  • Break up fights
  • Be cool like Aoi [Kidding]

  • Swear on school grounds
  • Talk with people beyond the gates
  • Assault students [I know it's tempting as some of them are a straight up pain in my ass, but just don't me...]
  • Accidently call a fellow faculty your mum or dad [I did this once and I wanted to bury my self alive from the embarrassment...]
  • Go to work in your jammies [This isn't sleepy time, this is worky time!]
  • Give out detentions without giving 3 verbal warnings
  • Allow students to roam free in masks or costumes that hide their identity
  • Flirt with students [Are you okay, do I need to call you a ther-pist?!]
  • Drink or smoke on school grounds
  • Target students [Even if you despise them]
  • Give detentions to people you hate
  • Threaten students
  • Disrespect gender or pronouns [I will personally kick you in to the sun if I find out...]


/class start [room number] [amount of students you want]

This starts your class

/class kick [IGN]
This will kick a student from your class, only do this with a valid reason though!

/class end
This will end your class and you will receive your amount of star ratings after a few minutes.

/detention [IGN] [reason]

This will issue a detention, only do this after giving 3 verbal warnings!

/record [IGN]
This will show you information about a student, how many detentions they have had and how many they've had in the current month, along with suspensions as well. You can also check the number of lessons they have attended.

This is to announce lessons, write something like /cic Good morning students, I hope you're all doing well today! Today I'll be hosting an English class during period 2 and 3; in classroom number 414. Hope to see you there! Make sure to bring a pen or pencil!
Obviously different though and in your OWN words!

/r /rw or /ry
This is to talk over the school radio, do not do this unless it's for school related topics.

Feel free to DM me via Discord for any questions! Derpy#5979
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Level 271
In addition to what _BritishAutism_ said
-Don't wear weird clothes, including cat ears. ur char is an ADULT.
-Don't carry random students/other faculty for no reason
-Don't act like it's ur house, especially with ur own family members
-Don't use the radio for no reason, it's annoying and spamming.
-Don't bring your family members into the detention room for no reason
-Don't use the intercom for no reason
-Don't go to the detention room and be toxic toward other faculty members
-Don't f2b anyone inside the school grounds. It's gorss to find stuff in the faculty lounge
-Don't abuse your adult tag and flirt with damn minors. like what the fuck bro
-Leave your ego at home, if another faculty member is trying to help just listen to it
-Don't host a class without planning something before
-Don't get rage on jocks/cheerleaders/trollers. I know it's annoying, just threat about detention.


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Never replied to this yet so here I am;
Cool guide, can be pretty useful especially for players still new to the faction! I hope to see this guide be expanded on more in the future :D happy to help if needed


Level 97
Thread starter
Never replied to this yet so here I am;
Cool guide, can be pretty useful especially for players still new to the faction! I hope to see this guide be expanded on more in the future :D happy to help if needed
I would love to expand it! That would mean a lot !


Level 50
Some more stuff:
You are a professor, if you feel like something is a relevant reason to skip the 3 warnings.. do so, it’s our job to be strict (just don’t be dummy strict) and give detention (like fighting, cursing even after the first warning) just super obvious realistic stuff dawg. NOT FOR PETTY REASONS

Don’t stick around in the faculty lounge.. go do something ..

Don’t be afraid to pair up with other teachers/professors for periods, it’s fun.

ya ya a student was being so mean during the school day and you gave them detention. Cool! Don’t be toxic oocly during detention. It’s annoying, nobody gets paid extra for some schoolrp beef.

Though HATOLA says not to wear cat stuff or whateva.. I say be yourself. Don’t try too hard being mature on a pixel game.. I mean not even Tippie really cares he just wants people to have fun. So, you should have fun! Just be professional about it.

Actually speak to other faculty members, we all don’t bite .. (well.. some do) and honestly to enjoy faculty rp this is where your gonna have to start.

Just like HATOLA said, don’t spam radio. No one cares what you had for breakfast.. we have a faculty lounge for conversations like that.

let others do classes aswell, if you already made quota (which is 10) and others haven’t.. take a break to let others meet theirs especially if y’all teach the same subject..
like dawg, you can reach 20 quotes like in a few days chill out.

straight up, be kind to other faculty members and like you can but please don’t make a dramatic faculty character.. the amount of rumors we deal with is so.. oocly annoying it’s not funny. And .. it’s pretty noticeable if we all celebrate you leaving the school or fraction oocly.. which is usually a huge hint. (Either way personally I say no but sometimes it is fun to have these types so do whatever

Do whatever you want, hangout in the tutoring room if you are offering help or to be in there, cafeteria or whatever just be professional about it and don’t forget your a whole faculty worker, so don’t go acting like your grade-12 … you can be somewhat childish just don’t forget your an adult char.

Make classes fun, this might go against Aoi’s but Atleast make 95% of your classes about your subject, the other 5 can be break periods where you can just take the kids to go do volley ball.. swim.. fun kahoot. I say, take a break from subjects sometimes and make it fun on both ends but once again make this a rarely occasion or just sometimes.

Uhh.. I’ll add more when I figure out more but overall just have fun, don’t take this like a whole real job. Play as your character as you made them, just don’t be nervy about some stuff cause 9/10 nobody else really is that worried either.

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