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Cop Application: HeyImMorgan

IGN (In-Game Name): HeyImMorgan
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: Im on everyday
Which timezone are you in? Mountain Time (Utah)
Do you have Discord?Yes; HeyImMorgan#0132
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Yes
List your current and past applications:
  1. Money Issue;
  2. Shop Application;
What is your motivation for applying?: Id like to be something on the server not just a nobody. I want to help people and bring the city to justice
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes and no. Somethings I dont understand
What are the Police ranks? Commissioner, Captain, Head Lieutenant, Head investigator, Lieutenant, Investigator, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol, and lastly a Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? Yes, Ive been watching people rp cops on GTA and I know some cops irl.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? To keep people feeling safe, and to keep the server looking like a real city. You need to make sure the city is as clean as it can be from Illegal activity
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, being demoted or promoted all has to do with how my work is going. Its like a real job, if you work hard than you get promoted. If you arent doing your work correctly or poorly, you'd get demoted.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? Like I said in the previous question, this is like a real job, if I wasnt committed I wouldnt even be applying. This is like a realistic city, just like real life you have to apply. You have to work for what you want. If you want it hard enough, youll work that much harder to get it. Thats what Im trying to do with this. So Id be super dedicated.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Yes, being someone with this much authority. You need to be trained. If I dont attend I would be a terrible cop.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Yes, you have to deal woth it. Keep pushing forward. You cant let everything get to you. In these situations I try to stay positive and if it gets that bad where you cant. Be the bigger person and walk away.


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes them unique? Mila is kinda short, standing at 5'2, weighing 120 lbs. Mila has blue and sliver eyes with blonde hair. She is Canadian and has a small accent. Mila loves hockey and music. Has a scar on her left arm from wires.
What are they like on and off the job? Mila is super hard working and committed to what shes working on. She trys to loosen the tension with jokes and being weird. She can seem super goofy but under all that she can be super serious. Off duty Mila is joking around and artisty. She listens to music all the time. Carries a drawing book around and sits to draw the things around her. Mila is the type of person to stick to herself. Kinda shy.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Mila shows her co-workers the same respect as they show her. She is super nice to everyone and puts their needs and feelings before her own. I want her just to go with the flow of things. Shes there to help people out.
BACKSTORY Mila was kicked out of her house at a young age. Shes learned to be dependent on herself. She doesnt like to share her last name, when she got older. She got rid of her last name. Just goes by Mila. She doesnt go see her family because they were abusive. Mila has been around bad people. She was in a bad spot and wanted to turn it around so applied to be a cop. Shes been in many fights because she was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. She saw a lot of things she shouldnt have. Thats when she wanted to clean up the streets of illegal activity.
SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Mila Chase Marner
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss. Marner
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Age: Shes 17, but I want to be 26
Gender: Female
IC Phone number: 227-449-605
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: French- Canadian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

Years of training: N/A
Working Experience: N/A
Academic Degree: N/A
Year of Graduation: 2021
Major(s): N/A
Minor(s): N/A
Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Spanish and A little french
Last edited:


Level 135

After holding a vote between the officers of the KPD, we’ve come to a decision that you’ll be brought on as a cadet. Make sure to check the police discord upon seeing this.

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