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Denied Counselor Application | Umesaka


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Umesaka

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): .hedeon

How old are you? (Optional): 16

What is your time zone?: GMT

Describe your activity on the server: 8/10 in a direct scale, however I’ve taken into the fact my time spent on the server in a consistent manner. Usually, my weekday activity is less than weekends for obvious reasons, school. I manage to log on to SRP for around 2 hours a day at a minimum, and most weekends I play for a minimum of 6 hours. Being on an active team helps support my roleplay time as I’ve needed to remain active to keep my spot on the team, keeping active is something that keeps my mind occupied. In the future I cannot see my activity depleting unless I contemplate quitting the server.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): More than four years ago I was banned, at the ages 11 and 12, for ERP – However, my intentions the fault was not mine, the two that had coerced myself and others at a young age into such despicable acts have long since been banned, thanks to the staff team. I’ve moved myself forward from those events in the last few years and have made my boundaries clear since the moment my ban occurred. Four years have passed since those two bans, I’ve not received another, however I’ve received a warning about 2.5 years ago for avoiding a roleplay conflict, during my gangrp era. These have been put in the past, and many that know me can confirm that I’ve been on my best behaviour.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: The fact is quite clear, and I’ve no intention of my progress being halted and being removed from my position in the faction. Any inactivity would be logged to my faction lead, with reasons stated and a specific time frame, any further extensions I’d have to discuss with the faction lead one on one, given special circumstances.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Counselor.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: A school counselor is a dedicated role that plays into the function of a working school, acting as an onsite the******, a school counselor's job is to protect those who need protecting and comfort those who’ve been hurt. The valuable role of a school counselor plays an aspect not only within the school’s walls, but outside, to guide and nurture people who need it, and assist those in getting the care they need. Anxieties, stress, relationships, is all something you confide into your counselor, a trusted adult who does their best to help you in a safe and secure manner. They help you decide what courses you may benefit from, what classes you should take, people you can avoid. A school counselor may also run a certain set of clubs, meetings, and unrelated activities about serious topics such as bullying, cyber bullying, harassment and major issues that may run rampant in a school environment. School counselors also dedicate a certain period of time to consult parents and carers of students on information that could be threatening to them, or another’s lives, which would in turn be logged and reported to the respective authorities, otherwise confidentiality is kept to a much higher standard than expected.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: In my own opinion I have a vast multitude of experiences, from both here and there. My journey started back in late 2019 when I discovered SRP and started my long history of roleplay. I’ve played a multitude of characters in my time on this server, from the most feminine woman to a masculine man, a stoic person to the kindest extrovert you’d ever meet. My own preference for characters however lies in the more serious constructs with detailed backstories and no room for exceptions, they tend to be deeper and end up with richer roleplay.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: Personally I would love to re-explore the faction, it’s changed in many ways for the greater good. The fact that this faction has evolved and matured, the staff are much more friendly and seem genuinely enticed and love their occupations both IC and OOC gives me a craving to re-join and invent more opportunities for role play as an active part of the server. Several other factors play into my reasoning such as school employees not being around as often as we’d all like, and personally I’d enjoy coming back to the faction after so long. Giving my character an opportunity to partake in the educational healthcare in a school environment, she’s caring and an understanding woman, a perfect fit for the profession I’m applying for.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: -

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Grade-12.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?: Umesaka would approach the situation with caution, her job is to aid and care, not to resort to meaningless anger and arguments. “Your frustrations are valid, and you need to know they’ve been heard, but our opinions cannot define how you treat others.” She’d wait for the student to calm down before re-approaching the conversation further. “Now, would you want to talk about the underlying issue that is causing you to lash out, my office is always open to those who need a guiding hand. However, if your negative behaviour continues, I’d be forced to push further consequences onto you.” And with such, she’d end the conversation at that, offering the student a sweet of their choice as they left her office. “You’re welcome to schedule an appointment in the future.”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: Umesaka’s first instinct is to rush toward the scene, despite the fact her heels hindered that movement, separating the students from each other with as much speed as she can. “I’m going to say this once, everyone must vacate this area unless you wish yourselves a smirch on that record.” Umesaka would then resume her business with the students at hand, listening to both sides of their stories, despite what would most likely be attempts to escape, or to smudge the story in their favour. She’d move to take out her notepad and messily scrawl out an appropriate amount of detention slips for each person, handing them to the students. “Unfortunately, you’ve gone a step to far and you used your fist, when you could’ve fought with words. You’d best I hope I see you in the detention room, if you do not turn up, I’ll have to report the incident to the according SLT member.” Following the incident she’d log the interaction in a personal note, to keep a track of who’s been a repeat offender, then reporting the incident to any needed members of staff via her radio.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: Concern would be her first reaction, the fact a fellow adult is causing a dangerous situation in an environment as safe as a school should be is reasonable cause for her concern. “Excuse me? Could you step away for a moment, we need to have a small chat.” Umesaka would pull the employee away into either her counsellor’s room, or the break room to address this away from the prying eyes of students, it was a private concern after all. “Could you please explain what compelled you to preform a dangerous act around children?” Umesaka would let the employee respond and argue their case, however no matter the reason they put themselves and students in danger by acting inappropriately inside the school building. “I’m going to have to report this to the respective head of your department.” With notes of the interaction she’d report it to the department lead, and if any further misconduct caused the SLT members.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? Umesaka, laid back and calm, all considerable personality traits of hers, she’d conduct herself in the same fashion. Her favourite pass time between the sessions she has with students was to get out her notebook and take seat in the break room, using her elegant penmanship skills to write out notes about each child she’s had with her that day of course, while snacking on a healthy set of vegetables or soups with bread. Umesaka rarely had time for a full meal, and so snacked on vending machine food and coffee, even for lunch. However if she’d seen the break room crowded she’d place her books down for a moment, and offer a chat to anyone willing to take her offer up, even offering counselling towards the other staff members that may be experiencing stress within their classes or positions.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Her soft white acrylic nails, filed into an oval shape come to grasp at a few books on the shelf next to her, removing them from the shelves. Umesaka turned on her heel towards the student sat opposite from where she stood “Productive and healthy ways to channel our anger? Would you be interested in a book like this?” Her soft tone rang out, asking the student if they felt the book had suited their needs, before returning to her seated position. “Now we’ve found you something to take home, would you like to talk about anything else before your session finishes?” She flashed a comforting smile towards the student.

/me Gracefully Umesaka leaned her legs to the side as she sat, resting a book on her knees, a calligraphy pen in hand. “It’s an excellent time to express our thoughts and feelings, a safe space is created in my office, nothing that comes in, will ever leave.” Umesaka comforted the student, with the fact the counselling was kept confidential. “You’ve been well? Wonderful.” Umesaka let of a soft smile, reaching out into a sweet jar to clasp a small caramel sweet within her short, oval acrylic nails. “I’m so proud of you, this is wonderful news.” Umesaka moves her hand to put the jar back down on the wooden table in the center of the two.

/me Her eyebrows furrowed as she removed a notepad from her handbag and her pen. Scrawling out a messy detention note, she handed it to the student in question. “Just because you’ve had a bad day does not mean you are allowed to disrupt the education and learning of others, it’s selfish.” Umesaka did not appear upset, but merely disappointed in the students she held high expectations for. “I hope to see you in detention, and if the behaviour continues, I recommend you some counselling.” She turned around on her heel, moving back to her office. She greeted a few students on the way to her office, getting much needed time to work with her students.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

“ Umesaka Yu. “

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“ Despite my marriage, I’d prefer the title Miss, as I’m on rocky terms with my spouse. “

Preferred Name:
“ Umesaka, or even Ume. “

Age (Minimum is 25):
“ 37. “

“ Female, paired with She/Her pronouns. “

Academic Degree:
“Educated in Karakura High, where I gained a scholarship for an international course in education and psychology. When the position opened here, I decided it was time to settle down and return to my roots, and here we are now.”

“ My major degree is in education. “

“My major is followed by a minor degree in psychology.”

“Japanese American.”

Known Languages:
“Japanese and English. However, to better communicate with my students, I’ll be taking out of school educational courses on foreign languages!”


Umesaka Dawson, in the Kanto prefecture, specifically in the capital was born to her parents on 31/12/1987 – a monumental occasion for the couple, her mother Nara Saito and her father, Benjamin Dawson. The pair were unable to conceive for years, and eventually gave up, before saving for IVF and having their only daughter, Umesaka. Nara took her husband’s last name, which they gave their daughter despite their marriage being on the rocks. Umesaka’s mother and father insisted on spoiling their golden daughter throughout her childhood, sending her to the best educational facilities money could pay for. Tutors, teachers and revision were the things she saw more than her own family.

Despite Umesaka’s spoiled upbringing she never failed to present her strong sense of morals, in school, at home, she comforted the weak and spoke to the strong. Umesaka found out her emotional intelligence was higher than that of her peers, able to bring peace to enemies and confront the disturbances in their hearts, channeling their frustrations into a source of fun and bringing them closer in the process.

Umesaka’s education pursued when her parents sent her to Karakura, a small island far away from their family home to study for a much better opportunity than schools on the mainland. The limitless drama and lack of emotional thinking put Umesaka in a difficult position as chaos ran rampant in the school, not to mention the crime rate of students skyrocketing. Umesaka was left speechless, but continued to study hard, gaining the best grades she was able to earn, the fact she persevered in tough times without her family gave her a sense of what the students here went through daily and would continue to go through generation after generation until a difference in the town was made. Graduating as valedictorian of her year, Umesaka’s education in the town halted and she had to decide what path she’d take in the future, picking colleges and applying for foreign ones. Umesaka had thought over her options, and what she thought would make her life and other peoples lives better, considering the state of the small coastal city she’d picked out her perfect course. Umesaka would pursue education and psychology in a foreign country known for their college programs. Moving to America to pursue her degrees in education, Umesaka’s parents set down a heavy fee for her abroad accommodations, thankfully due to the scholarship she’d been granted most of the fee’s had been taken care of. Umesaka, like any woman moving abroad would, reinvented her persona, taking on a calmer personality and reevaluating her earlier boldness.

Soon after her courses started, she’d meet Masahito Yu, an education major on the same course as her, soon the two began dating and dating turned into marriage, the two more in love than you’d imagine young students, soon after their marriage, she’d gained a position as a college counselor for the college she’d studied in. Months after Umesaka and Benjamin’s wedding she fell pregnant with her daughter, Mori Yu. Once her daughter had been born, she was wrongfully fired from her previous position in claim she wouldn’t be able to return on time, which ended in a lawsuit and a lump sum of money for Umesaka and Benjamin to invest in the markets, starting up his own side business Benjamin rarely aided in the raising of their daughter. Umesaka spent the next 18 years raising their daughter with rare assistance from husband, unable to gain a job for the foreseeable future, she focused on being a mother.

Eventually the family returned to Umesaka’s home to let their daughter grow up in a safe and familiar environment, as soon as they returned to Karakura, Umesaka took interest in the position of counselor at her old high school, where her daughter was currently attending, hoping to make a difference in the students now to where she applied for the position of School Counselor.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

“In my personal experience, I know the students here need help – and from what my daughter has told me, the behavior has only worsened with the lack of emotional intelligence and therapy provided to the misunderstood students at your school. I Previously attended Karakura High in from my first year to my final year and not much has changed, some for the better and some for the worse, I can only hope the school lunches are better! Part of my motivation to occupy a job here is to help and assist the students that can’t help themselves, without influence, guidance and rules they will run wild, hurt themselves and others. I want to make a difference in the lives of these misunderstood and unruly children who so desperately are screaming out for help, they need someone that can understand and help, to comfort and protect, to guide and assist. My professional opinion is that this community needs more than it’s getting.

I hope you make the right decision for the students, and the staff.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

“I am committed to this job, to these students that so desperately cry out for help with acts of seeking attention and validation from everyone and anyone. I refuse to back down from this and will keep trying day and night to get this in order, these kids need a helping hand, something I can bring. Others may be comforting and kind. I am a mother, I know what children need, I’ve 18 years of experience, teenage rebellions and angst, whatever they throw at me I know I am prepared to take it. They need someone they can freely vent to, a safe space, something a town with such a high teen crime rate need. In situations like these, you need experienced staff members that not only desire the job but have the experience to back up the claim. Previously I’ve worked in a college as a counselor, though the students never appeared as rowdy as these.

My goal is to make this school a safe environment for all, a place of peace where people can express their emotions in a comforting and warm environment, if I ever failed to do this, I’d have done these children injustice, and would never be able to forgive myself.

I promise to make KHS a wonderful place, anything less would be unfortunate for these poor students, thank you for your time.

Yours faithfully

Umasaka Yu. “

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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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