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Physical education professor application


Level 11
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Do you have any previous bans?: I have had two previous ERP bans, these happened when I first joined SRP a few years ago back in the year 2018. I was an immature and rather stupid person back then, not really caring about how this could effect my gameplay and how people would look at me in the future. I have been checking rules frequently and re-reading them to keep track of the updates and changes that may happen, for this reason my behavior has changed and my look on following rules too, the rules are there for a reason. Ever since 2018 I have never got banned again, I do not intend to make any mistakes to get banned again.

What is your timezone?: BST

What is your discord username and discriminator (e.g. Tippie#6666): HedeonRP#4911

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I understand this and the reasoning behind the decision to make this a rule, I completely agree with this, I am very aware I may be demoted if I ever happen to become inactive which is extremely unlikely from me as its very accurate to say I'm completely addicted to this server, its an escape for me and I enjoy it.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I'm active on the forums everyday, I'm always reading almost everything I could get my hands on! The reading material in forums is great and I enjoy reading here a lot its a great way to pass time while waiting for people to come online so I can talk to them about what I read, overall this is a really good place to check things out and see peoples suggestions and general all of the people that talk on here are extremely interesting! My time on discord is one of the highest out of all the things I use its most and I always keep it open to check on things on all the servers, they always have something to offer, whether it be skins, general chatting or art Its always magnificent! I love playing SRP its one of my top servers to play, logging on when I get home and playing for a minimum of 2-4 hours! On weekends my activity is at its highest sometimes reaching 6-10 hours its honestly amazing how far the server has advanced since I first joined, its only made it more addictive! This server is a major highlight in my dull life and I enjoy anything related to it, so any time spent here is great fun for me!

How long have you played SchoolRP for?: I have been on SRP for a few years and they've been some of the most memorable I've had here! Though I had a year long break in 2019. My passion for the server since then has only increased, the spark returned in 2020 during lockdown giving me a reason to get back to SRP and I'm thankful I did join back since its been some of the best times I've had in awhile giving me a reason to look forward to coming home, seeing my friends and roleplaying with people is one of the greatest things I've done in awhile! I love SRP and I doubt my time on it will decrease as I love the game and the people it brings together, my time is not over yet! This server will continue to grow and I can't wait to see it!! The server is a great place for me to bond in my life where I couldn't in the real world, it gives me a sense of security to know I can always dive away into a world like this where I can do anything I want!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?: Grade-12


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
My motivation for becoming a professor is that I knew being a highschool teacher would have been an extremely large task, one which I couldn't do the main reasoning for this is because of new players not listening, failrp and failure to fearrp it's a huge problem with the highschool system and is one of the many reasons I'd like to be a professor instead. Another reason I'd like to be a professor is the roleplay that goes on in the classrooms, you actually get things done in a college class instead of shouting for the majority of the lesson. The job of professor presents new roleplaying territory to me, allowing me to practice seriousrp giving the large chance of advancing my skills while learning how to deal with new situations. My motivation also lays in the fact that I absolutely adore P.E I'm always exercising and trying to keep in shape since its good for my mind and body, I happen to play a few sports which gives me some inside knowledge of the games and how to make them more realistic and fun for everyone! More reasons to join this faction are the lovely people in it, including the other professors I've had interactions icly and they know how to handle situations and I'd like to think of myself as one of them in the near future! The college staff faction seems like a rather pleasing job to obtain and it seems rather relaxed when compared to the highschool staff faction and thats another reason I'd prefer to be a professor.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: I Classroom logs are for proof of actually holding a class, its to make sure people don't just say they held a class to reach the quota while not doing anything. Classroom logs are important to track peoples progress and see how many classes they held that month, to determine how they are and how committed they are to the job. A log should have a screenshot of the intercom and the actual class itself, using these it provides proof that you held the class so the person reviewing the logs can determine proper payment between the employee and the work they've done! The classroom logs could also be used to show who is inactive and needs removing, providing proper evidence they are not doing classes and are completely wasting time, since some professors don't put much effort into classes I'd like to change that by logging as many classes as possible!

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: In my class there will be 10 strict rules all students and faculty will respect and follow, these also include the 21 school rules presented at the front of the school. 1, If you want to answer a question, raise your hand and do not shout out the answers. 2, Respect everyone and all the schools property, vandalizing and disrespect will not be tolerated. 3, All food and drink are prohibited in my classroom, leave food in your bags. 4, If you plan on disrupting my lessons you will be asked to leave, do not try and ruin anyone else's education. 5, Follow my instructions. 6, Wear appropriate clothing in my lessons, we are here to learn. 7, Show up prepared and with a respectful attitude. 8, Keep a positive outlook on the lesson. 9, Follow all the rules in front of the school. 10, if you are heard saying any slur, be it racist, homophobic or against any community you will be immediately warned by me and removed from the lesson after 2 more strikes. These rules are here to keep everyone safe from harm and to keep the classroom a respectful and free to learn space!

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP): My roleplay experience is vast, I've been roleplaying for years now, both ICLY and OOCLY. When I was younger I used to play dungeons and dragons it has some of my fondest memories wrapped up, me and my siblings would gather around our dining table and play for hours on end. I roleplay in day to day life, drama classes, SRP and all other aspects, its one huge thing I love to do. I roleplayed on SRP for years, having so much fun I've been able to develop all my skills, I can seriousrp, jockrp and fearrp and its all fun and I love to have these interactions, roleplay is basically my life! The skills I've gained via playing this server have dramatically increased and I still love to use a lot of them in my day to day life, even when writing things for myself

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
A college professor can earn 450,000 Yen by completing the minimum requirement of 15 classes per OOC month, If they do an extra 10 classes per OOC month they can earn an extra 50,0000 Yen as a bonus! A college professor has several duties to preform, they can plan lessons and have classes to teach. Most professors have different qualifications and specialties, some may have a masters degree in history while the other has a masters degree in preforming arts! These professors go through a lot and I can't wait to see how they advance through the next few years! These tasks may also include detention duty and several other small jobs they may be tasked with in day to day life all the small jobs they do add up in helping the school too!

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Etsu was a female standing at a rough height of 5'7" she somehow had freckles that coated her entire face! Her figure was quite athletic and it appeared that she worked out quite often. Etsu seemed to have brownish hair paired with her eyes it gave off quite an appealing look!

Etsu seemed to have a burning passion for teaching, she loved it! Her students are some of the most important people in her life, making her re-think things daily! Her personality is kind and forgiving always willing to overlook mistakes and provide assistance to people who need it the most, she'd be strict on her students for their benefit, letting them walk over her wouldn't do much to shape them into good citizens anyway, would it? Etsu spends most of her time researching Shintoism, she'd love to work as a shrine maiden in her elder years, waiting for a chance to consult and speak about the religion! Etsu's passion for exercise would push all of these out of bounds as her current ideal job is to be a professor at Karakura college! Etsu constantly works out to stay in shape!


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
Etsu would be walking down the hallway as she heard the screaming and shouting, soon she'd find the location of these sports-team members, she'd walk over keeping as soon as she got there she'd cough into her hand, announcing her presence. Etsu would attempt to debunk the situation and de-escalate the situation as she'd speak to them. If Etsu could not find out who begun the argument she'd ignore the plea's to be let go as she invited them to the detention room after school for a lecture on fighting and why its dangerous, once the bell had rung to signify home time had rolled around she'd call the names on the intercom telling them to go to the detention room or face further punishment via SLT. involvement

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

Provide at least 3 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Etsu reached into her large bag, pulling out her heavy binder and placed it on the table. Etsu then turned to the students in her classroom as she announced loud and clearly "Today we're going outside to play baseball, now I don't want to hear any whining this is a lesson and one that is interactive, grab your things and lets go!" as they lined up at the door she did a head count, "1.. 2.." until she counted all students present. "This way!" as she gestured for them to follow her lead.

/me Etsu turned to the students she had in her class "We're doing some stretches today, follow me so we can do them outside!" she then led all the students outside so she could demonstrate the stretches with perfect posture, waiting for the students to copy her action "Come on! lets get into it!!" as soon as the students broke off to do there own stretches she walked in-between them, judging the posture they were using and occasionally making correctional comments to help them get back into the correct posture.

/me Etsu faced the class as she wrote on the chalk board ' Football ' as she spoke proudly "Lets see what you know about this sport!" she said enthusiastically as her class raised their hands answering questions she provided, as she ticked them all off her sheet, proving they could speak their answers clearly! "Thats correct, good job!" she said as she ticked off the question on the board.


Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 100 words. Remove this comment after posting.*/
Etsu was born in Korea, 1983. She was very well educated from a young age, but she didn’t care about academics at that age, she just wanted to play like everyone else! Her passion for sports didn’t die out as she grew older instead it just blew up she decided she wanted to do this professionally, she loved the activities she participated in! As Etsu grew older she learned more and as studying took her time she fell out of the habit of exercising, soon she graduated high school with high marks, she could get into a good college which she did, as she could not go down the path of professional sports at the age she was her next idea was to become a P.E professor, she studied every day in health education paired with her other major physical education! Etsu passed with a master degree, as she went on to gain a TESOL certificate! With her newly found freedom from college and university she traveled for a while somehow landing in Karakura finding the role of a professor in need.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Etsuko K. Haruno

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Etsu

Preferred Name: Miss Haruno

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: None

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Korean

Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Working Experience (# of years): 7

Academic Degree: Masters degree

Year of Graduation: 2001

Major(s): Physical education, Health education

Minors: English, Biology

Native Languages: Korean

Other Languages: None

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes, I have a TESOL certificate!

Preferred Teaching Subject: Physical education


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Do you have any questions?: None
Last edited:


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Welcome to the professor faction, the roles in-game & in discord will be given out shortly, more information about what's next will be provided in the #college-staff-chat channel. If you're not in the KA discord yet, join it via this link:

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