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Denied Counselor Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am able to be online for roleplay for about 7 - 12 hours everyday when I’m not busy with real life stuff, generally I am very available whenever I would need to complete my quota if accepted.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand this and respect the decision if it becomes necessary.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A counselor’s job is to effectively guide young people in navigating the challenges of school, mostly they help students who are struggling with bullying or having difficulties at home that affect not just their emotional well-being but their performance in school.
A counselor is often the greatest source of inspiration to a student, counselors work mainly within the school setting but can also work in a private practice, though in this case it’s on school grounds.

Working as a counselor proves to be a highly rewarding career with years of satisfaction, essentially they act as emotional support for students so that they can improve on themselves. A counselor is the closest to a professional a school can provide for a student to trust and turn to when they are in need of help and support, they are good listeners and teach students skills that support all areas in life.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have more than 8 years of roleplay experience, as well as roleplay via FiveM, I have also roleplayed via text like SRP of course and discord. Inside of srp, I’ve done a lot of gangrp and familyrp, having been a 3rd in command of a gang that as been disbanded and now one of the leads of Drakos. I do know that gangrp is not something that I will use as a counselor, but I believe it has improved my skills with detailrp a lot and should be recognised. I like to see myself as a fairly experienced roleplayer and even though everyone can improve, I will do my best to improve.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Joining the faction would give me great opportunities for more roleplay scenarios, I will as a school employee have the freedom to roleplay as an adult character helping students in need, I can see myself playing as a caring character who cares a lot for the futures of the students.
I have witnessed faculty not giving it their all when it comes to working in the faculty and I would like to change that by becoming a dedicated member.

As well as gaining an adult role, therefore boosting my capabilities in roleplay as a whole, I will also have an opportunity to include others in a kind of roleplay that isn’t normally seen from those who don't care as much when it comes to roleplaying as professional characters.
I believe that I have enough knowledge to effectively roleplay as a counselor character, not only because the character I plan to play as is great emotionally with kids but also the fact that In real life I have experience with emotional support, though it’s not as a professional.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [Denied] [Accepted] [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


/Do not mention use of FearRP/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
He would first warn them that this kind of language is prohibited on school grounds, after making that clear he’d explain why that particular behavior is unacceptable and how to improve themselves on it, improving the situation.
If that strategy doesn’t work, he’d then make it clear what the consequences would be for continuing to behave the way they are behaving by explaining that detentions would happen if they do not decide to stop any time soon, counting that as their warning.
If he had any trouble with anything or had any issues or questions, he would contact other faculty on the radio explaining the situation and getting more experienced advice.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

He would first try to separate the students from each other and make sure they were calmed down enough to not fight anymore before radioing for support and explaining the situation to the other faculty members. While waiting for the faculty member to arrive, he would attempt to keep the students calm by reminding them of the rules and explaining that physical fighting is strictly prohibited on school grounds.
Upon the other faculty member(s) arriving, He would explain that each student should be questioned separately to get answers about what exactly happened. Once they students have been questioned, the two faculty members would figure out what the punishments would be and hand out any detentions necessary depending on the situation.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
He would remind the faculty quietly that they are currently at work and that their behavior is inappropriate, since he doesn’t want any students to see the faculty member seeing this behavior and believing it’s alright to copy. If the faculty chooses to ignore him then he would be a little louder about it, hoping it was just a case of bad hearing, possibly due to their age.
Depending on how the faculty member reacts after that second warning, the situation would either be left alone if they stopped, or if continued my character would contact SLT to report the behavior, he would radio them that they are headed over to their office for a chat and then explain what had just happened.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
My character would make attempts to be social to gain friendships, he would of course stay formal in his place of work but try to also act in a friendly manner. Most likely he would spend time with more familiar faces that he was more comfortable with such as friends or acquaintances.
When he isn’t spending time with his co-workers, he would be working on solutions for some of the students he is dedicated to helping out, on rare occasions he might also catch up on some sleep if he had time or eat his lunch with some of the other faculty there.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

would focus on the words of the student in distress, he would take a few sips of coffee as he paid close attention to their needs. Upon noticing tears from the young person, he would grab a nearby tissue box from the desk and hold it over to them for use, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder “It’s ok, let it out. You can always talk to me about anything at all, especially if it’s making you upset.”

/me walked into the faculty lounge and made his way over to the kitchen area, he’d then lean on the counter as he prepared a coffee. While waiting for his beverage to heat up, he strolled over to his co-workers for casual conversation. “How’s your morning?” he said before casually sitting down on a nearby chair.

/me would gather a large amount of paper and neaten them out before using a few paperclips to keep them together in that neat pile he so proudly created. He’d then stand to put them into a cabinet for safe keeping for the next day, he forgot that his shoelaces had not been tied and whilst walking over to said cabinet, he accidentally stood on his lace and fell flat on his face. He’d quickly get back up, tying his laces as he did so and dusting himself off clumsily. “Sorry about that, pretend you didn’t see anything.”


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

“Rayy D. Ketsueki.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Just Mr.”

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):
“I’m 27 this year.”


Academic Degree:
“I have a PHD.”

“I majored in Psychiatry, however I also majored in Surgery.”



Known Languages:
“Japanese, Dutch & Russian.”


Rayy's family had a unique blend of Russian and Dutch Heritage that had influenced most of his upbringing. Since his mother played a much bigger role in his life than his father did, his mother decided to move over to the Netherlands, Gouda. There, Rayy grew up nice and peaceful while his mother got a pretty good job at a nearby hospital as a surgeon, she obviously smashed at it.
Rayy grew up in a very much financially healthy household as happy as can be with his mother acting as both of his parents. As he grew older he went to school and decided to mostly focus on Psychiatry since it was his dream job to become a psychiatrist. He decided to learn Japanese so that he could eventually travel to Karakura, seeking a higher education for himself.

Now that he was in Japan, he found himself accidentally getting caught up in the wrong crowd, getting involved in gangs and fighting. After a while of that lifestyle however he decided that he didn’t want to hurt anybody, and it sent him into a deep depression. Just as he thought it couldn’t get any worse, he met someone very special to him who supported his dreams and encouraged him to do his best, no matter what his past was like. It was like a switch had flipped inside of him, inspiring him to give up his life of crime and instead spend his life protecting the people he loved. As the few years went by and a very happy relationship blossomed into what it had become now, Rayy had decided it was time to show this woman that he was ready to get past his history and instead spend a future with her where he helps people and makes sure they know that fighting isn’t a good direction to go in and that they too can turn their life around and be happy.

As the time approached for him to go to college, the two separated as he chose to stay in Japan and she went to America for her studies. He spent the time away from her focusing on getting the best possible education he could. He knew that if he tried hard to get the future career he wanted he would not only have a job he loved and had always wanted to pursue, but also spend more time with his fiancé and support her when it got hard. He got through college easily, passing all his classes with flying colors, and decided to go back to the Netherlands to spend the remaining time away from his partner to spend some quality mother-son time with his mom since they hadn’t seen each other in a good while. During his time with his mother he was looking for available jobs online from where he was, he saw an opening available back at Karakura High. He wasted no time and applied straight away, saying his goodbyes to his mother as he moved back, hoping more than anything to get accepted and finally achieve his life-long goal.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
“I went to school here as a child and I feel a deep need to improve it anyway I can. I feel like by helping to educate students I will also help them live a much better life than what would have been in store for them if I wasn’t available to help them. I personally know what it feels like to think there’s no way out of feeling bad, and I want all the students at KHS to know that there will always be someone there to listen to them, believe in them and help them make that turn around. Not only that, but I also have a close relationship with 2 people working at KHS and want to be able to support them when the job gets stressful and spend more time with them.”

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I would like to direct students to a more positive direction in life. I hope that by possibly being accepted into this school, I will in fact have the opportunity to help as many children as I can and point them in the
right direction in life. Not only that, but I’m someone that can relate to the students who need help and feel like they have no future. Unlike most, I can help those kids on a more deep and understanding level, one not able to be given by someone who hasn’t been where they were and hasn’t had any struggle. When students see me, they’ll see someone who’s been through a lot, but still made it out just fine and is thriving in a new, better life, and it’ll give them hope and inspire them to do the same.”


/You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:

No :)​
Last edited:


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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